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Dear Charlotte,

I’ve just arrived home from an amazing school trip where we explored the picturesque Tuscany. I intend to
share my views and experiences.

I was particularly happy that we had a chance to experience the famous “la dolce vita” lifestyle while we were in
Italy. Our destination was Tuscany with its major cities. One of them impressed me deeply with its historical past
and ancient sights. Siena, the capital of the province of Siena surrounded by vineyards, has rich history and old

Siena, like other Tuscan hill towns, was first settled in the time of Etruscans. Later the city became historically
linked to commercial and banking activities, having been a major banking centre until the 13th and 14th
centuries. Several significant renaissance painters worked and were born here, among them Duccio and Sasetta,
and influenced the course of Italian and European art. No doubt, Siena Cathedral is a masterpiece of Italian
Romanesque-Gothic architecture. There are numerous marvellous traditions in the town. The Palio di Siena is a
traditional medieval horse race run around the Piazza del Campo twice each year, on 2 July and 16 August.

I fully encourage you to admire historical, architectural and geographical wonder of Italy, especially Siena. Thank
for being a member of European Unio travelling is much easier. We should take advantage of it and start seeing
the world.


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