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DEMARCATION OF AN AIRPORT commercial service aircraft except in instances

where the travelling public walks outside to the

ICAO Annex 17 as Standard 4.2.1
-Each Contract state shall ensure that the access
to airside areas at airports serving civil aviation
is controlled in order to prevent unauthorized Secured Area -Has the highest level of security
entry. protection. Always SIDA but goes beyond SIDA
by requiring access control. Covers passenger
-types of access control measures to be used to enplane and deplane areas, baggage loads and
prevent unauthorized entry to a controlled sort areas.
Security Identification Display Area - Medium
AREAS TO BE CONTROLLED level of security. Includes access to air carrier
administrative areas, fuel farms, and cargo
Requirement of ICAO Annex 17 as Standard areas. Lacks and Does not require access
4.2.2 control.
Each Contracting state shall ensure that security Air Operations Area - Aircraft movement and
restricted areas are established at each airport parking areas, loading ramps, and safety areas,
serving civil aviation designated by the state which may also include general aviation areas
based upon security risk assessment carried out and those areas near runways and taxiways.
by the relevant national authorities. Low safety standards
Landside – Commercial (Public Transpo) and Security Restricted area - defined in Annex 17
Private vehicle area. Has no formal security as "those areas of the airside of an airport
classification, Facilities associated with which is identified as priority risk areas where in
movement. addition to access control, other security
controls are applied.
Terminal – has public and non-public area, all
building used by the public to park or wait, Screening - Annex 17 as "The application of
check-in counters, pass through screening technical or other means which are intended to
checkpoints and security. Has security screening identify and detect weapons, explosives or
checkpoints and is divided into public and other dangerous devices, articles or substances
Sterile area. Public interface between landside which may be used to commit an act of
and airside. unlawful interference." this means the use of x-
ray and metal detection equipment, possibly
Airside – Has security areas, movement area of
augmented by other technical aids and used
aircrafts. Air operations area. All areas
together with hand-searches–to determine
accessible to aircrafts like taxiways, runways,
whether or not prohibited items are present–
ramps and parking.
whether hidden in cargo consignments,
ICAO defines airside as "the movement area of baggage, or indeed on persons themselves.
an airport, adjacent terrain or buildings, or
Tenant Restricted Areas – Facilities such as
portions thereof, access to which is controlled."
catering, Cargo handling and Engineering
The secured area represents the highest level of
companies themselves are required to exercise
security protection, and the AOA the lowest
control over access into the SRA.
level. Usually, the travelling public is not
allowed access to the airside near the
Sterile Areas - Sterile Area portion of an airport, Technologies such as Biometric systems,
specified in the Airport Security Program that Lighting systems, CCTV cameras and alarms are
provides passengers access to boarding aircraft examples of these technologies. It is also
and to which access generally is controlled by important to remember that access control
TSA, or by an aircraft operator under 49 CFR technologies are not substitute to security
1544 or a foreign air carrier under 49 CFR 1546, personnel but a complementary aid to their
through the screening of persons and property. task.

Zoning- This means that staff and vehicles

are only given clearance to enter certain
parts of restricted areas based on their need
to enter and the activities that they must
undertake. Routine - Vendors, contractors,
airport operations and maintenance
personnel, aircraft operator personnel, cargo
Zoning Systems delivery vehicles, and just about any vehicle
that needs authorized access to the airfield to
Clearance to staff and vehicles are only conduct business all use routine operation
provided based on their purpose and needs on gates. These gates are typically electrically
a certain part of the restricted area. Application operated, connected to Access Control and
of permits are also required for access to Alarm Monitoring Systems, staffed with
restricted areas and must be escorted and security personnel, and may include
surveyed by an authorized personnel. Keeping secondary barriers (in addition to the
the restricted areas manageable and numbered primary sliding or swing-style security gate)
are also part of the zoning system to allow an such as retractable bollards, drum barriers,
ease on management. or cable barriers. Maintenance gates are
typically little used, often padlocked, and
Airport ID system issuing used by airport and FAA personnel to
conduct maintenance activities on airfield
A background check is required for the issuance equipment, utilities, or grounds
of airport ID. The background check can either maintenance. Emergency gates are for use
be approved or rejected based on the record of by on- and offairport emergency response
the requestor. Training on the purpose, limits, personnel. Remote control units within
conditions and consequences for misusing the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF)
ID must be conducted before the issuance. trucks enable some gates to be operated
Proper use and affixations with the ID should electrically. These gates should be on
always be observed to show a display or frangible mounts to allow emergency
emphasis to the designation, purpose and vehicles to crash through in the event of
identity of the personnel issued with the ID. rapid response to an aircraft accident or
incident. Emergency use gates are
Access Control Technology sometimes padlocked or equipped with a
Access control technologies are the Knoxbox, which provides emergency rapid,
technologies associated with physical security. nondestructive entry for emergency
These technologies help security personnel to
personnel. TYPES OF IDs Three different
documents can permit access to a restricted
perform screening and monitoring easily and
area in an airport. These are: • A boarding
helps control areas from unauthorized entry.
card issued by an airline to regulate
passenger access • A crew member emphasized that all personnel working in
certificate or company identification card to restricted areas at airports must display a
regulate crew access for crew members on valid ID at all times. The ID must be clearly
duty only. • An airport identification permit visible to all staff to enable them to easily
(ID), allowing staff access. The IDs come in challenge any person who may not have the
different forms. They can be a manual proper ID as well as to differentiate full-time
system, a fully automated access control permits from temporary permits and to
system, or a combination of the two (semi- readily identify the zones to which the
automated system). Access Control Security bearer has unrestricted access. Vehicle
Systems Biometric systems can recognize Permits Like, staff, vehicles need a permit to
various physical features which are unique enter restricted areas in the airport.
to an individual Lighting is an essential Temporary Permits visitors who require
feature in airport security systems. A access for a short duration, employees
guidance that can be found in Doc 8973, that awaiting their permanent permit who need
emphasized to provides the base for many access for a longer-term, and contractors.
other security measures to reveal, deterring All of these people will need to apply for
and blinding the intruders. Alarms or temporary permits and must be escorted by
Intruder Detection Systems (IDS) to help full-time permit holders. Their validity
detect intruders and alert security personnel should be limited to a maximum of 30 days.
Surveillance systems or CCTV systems to
provides a low-cost surveillance option that
is also a visual record of events
Communications to summon assistance and
coordinate the response to incidents or
Background Checks -Background checks are
usually conducted for criminal records.
Training Prior to Issue of an Airport ID
Airport Authorities should conduct a short
training session before issuing new IDs •
The legislation that governs the issuance of
Airport ID and offenses under the Protected
Areas and Protected Places Act of the
country • Conditions under which
permission to enter restricted areas is
granted and zoning allocation policies •
Offenses for unauthorized possession, use,
retention, alteration, destruction, or transfer
of the ID to another person • The need to
display the ID at all times and the proper
location for display • The need for all
personnel (not just security staff) to be
vigilant and aware of suspicious incidents
and suspicious persons and action to take as
a result of such observations • Examples of
suspicious incidents. Display It must be

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