Community Health Nursing 1 Session # 6: Lesson Preview/Review

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BSN 2-A2



Instruction: Discuss the principle of Justice in relation to community health.

- The Principle of Justice. Justice speaks to equity and fairness in treatment. Hippocrates related
ethical principles to the individual relationship between the physician and the patient. Ethical
practice today must extend beyond individuals to the institutional and societal realms.


1. D

RATIO: Woman who looks after or brings up a child or children as a mother, in place of the
natural or adoptive mother, she is authorized to give a written consent for the process. 

2. D

RATIO: In a 6-year-old child, a precarious sense of self causes overreaction to criticism and a sense of
inferiority. By age 6, most children no longer depend on the parents for daily tasks and love the routine
of a schedule. Tattling is more common at age 4 to 5, by age 6, the child wants to make friends and be a

3. C

RATIO: Option c: This option is correct because it is the only way to let the parent understand how they
should prepare themselves to improve the immunity of their child.

4. C

RATIO: The victim is obviously thinking that it was her fault which is common to victims of domestic
violence. Blaming themselves may also help them feel safer in some ways.

5. A

RATIO: An elderly should get a senior citizen identification card and present it whenever needed to avail
of the benefits and discounts.
6. C

RATIO: Another privilege of senior citizens is the provision of express lanes for them in all commercial
and government establishments. A good example would be the Covax, the senior citizens belong in the
A2, which is after the frontliners.

7. D

RATIO: An 8-year-old child is in the latency phase of development; in this stage, the child's interest in
peers, activities, and school is priority. Interest in sex and things of a sexual nature would occur
appropriately during the age of puberty, not at this time. A child who is the victim of sexual abuse,
however, may show unusual interest in sex. The assessments in the other answer choices may indicate
abuse, but not necessarily sexual abuse.

8. A, D

RATIO: The client is not responsible for seeking help for the abuser, and encouraging her to do so may
reinforce the client's feeling responsible for the abuse. Advising the client must decide for herself
whether to leave, and the nurse must respect any decision the client makes. Making the decision for the
client will erode her self-esteem and reinforce her sense of powerlessness.

9. B

RATIO: Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010, defines senior citizen or elderly as any resident citizen of
the Philippines at least 60 years old.

10. D

RATIO: Senior citizens are entitled to 20% discount and exemption from the value-added tax (VAT) on
certain goods and services for their exclusive use.

AL Activity: Minute Paper:

1. What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you have learned this session?
- About the lesson of violence against women.
2. What question(s) do you have as we end this session?
- None so far in this session.

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