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Theory Of Time Shrink

Kasun Thilina Fernando


Today is low time compare with yesterday time
Kasun Thilina Fernando * Experimental Article

Started On 20th June 2004


We are trying to explain on acceleration motion how to behave time and this research propose galaxies are moving on
acceleration. Thus, we try to understand what is the effect on our universe on acceleration motion, so future upcoming
issue through this research trying to recognize, the Earth human’s day by day going to improve brilliantly, in future
humans age will be going to down, in future your one-day work in twenty-four hours unable to complete it... etc This
research author spent 8 years for study in 2004 to 2011, after decade author has been decided to public this research
because its useful to all.

An object moving in acceleration on the empty space future and past not equal. accepting future more speed than
leaving past, so here hidden secret is if speed increase then time slower.

A. How to say we are moving on acceleration in the universe?

1. Circular Path

When an object travels on a circular path, its direction constantly changes, thus its velocity also changes and the
motion is accelerated. we move under main two circular paths first one is elliptical path in our solar system, second
is elliptical path in the Milky way galaxy.

How to consider an object travel on a circular path speed as an acceleration.

An object moving at constant speed V from point A to point B and along a circular path of radius r.

Over a short time period ∆t its cover arc length, ∆S and sweeps out angle ∆0

As V = ∆S / ∆t then ∆S =V ∆t B C
The velocity of the object changes in direction VB
by angle ∆0 as it moves on A to B.
r ∆0 r
If ∆0 is very small, then ∆S can be consider to be a straight
line and shape ABC to be a triangle. A

The change the velocity ∆V= VB -VA

Which is equivalent to ∆V = VB + (-VA)

Triangle ABC will have the same shape as the vector diagram above. Figure A, 1 Circular Path

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Theory Of Time Shrink
Kasun Thilina Fernando

Therefore ∆V / VA (or B) = ∆S /r
But ∆S = V ∆t
And so ∆V/V = V ∆t /r ∆0

∆𝐕 𝐕𝟐 -VA
∆𝐭 𝐫

As ∆t approaches zero, ∆V /∆t will become equal

to the instantaneous acceleration, a Figure A, 2, Circular Path

Hence 𝐚 = 𝒓

2. Sir Hubble Constant

What exactly is the Hubble constant? You would say that Hubble's constant is the velocity of the galaxies divided by
the distance to the galaxies. But our explanation is different because it actually shows our galaxy time constant. Other
galaxies velocities have been calculated relative to our galaxy time. Other way, other galaxies velocities have been
calculated using our galaxy time. (Galaxies velocity = distance to the galaxies/ our galaxy time) our galaxy time is
constant for all galaxies velocities.

Hubble Constant = Velocity/ Distance (Ho = V/D)

Velocity = Distance/Time (V =D/t)

𝑯𝒐 = 𝑫

𝑯𝒐 = 𝑫 𝒙 𝒕

Ho = t (Our galaxy time)

 If you move to another galaxy and calculate the Hubble constant, our Hubble constant value changes and
that changed value is constant for all other galaxies.
 The value of the Hubble constant is shrinking because the Hubble constant represents our galaxy time.
 If you moved to a fast-moving red shift galaxies and calculate the Hubble constant its Hubble constant
would be very small.

Why was Hubble's Constant confused?

Because our galaxy time is contracting, values predicted from observations of the early universe do not match
measurements of the modern universe.

Big Bang Universe

Low Speed High Speed Expanding

Blue Shift We are Here Red Shift

Figure A, 3 Blue & Red Shifts

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

3. Appearing Problem

"If three objects on the empty space are

moving under different accelerations, the
speeds of those objects can be seen as a
velocity to each other."

Reason: "To the three objects acceleration

has common", that is the reason these three
objects couldn’t see the acceleration.
(Common things couldn’t see) This three
objects accelerations difference only is
indicated as a velocity.
Figure A, 4 Three objects moving under different speed of acceleration

But by how much these three objects increase the acceleration, the objects cannot see an increasing acceleration,
they can only see a constant velocity.
Additional Author Note: On the Earth different mass objects are falling different acceleration because of air
resistance, if doesn't have air resistance all objects are falling same acceleration.

Example: An alone road two buses are moving under acceleration. bus A speed 2𝑚𝑠 −2 and bus B speed 5𝑚𝑠 −2 .

Common range: Acceleration and 2𝑚𝑠 −2 , both buses cannot see that, because that is common so velocity changes
cannot see.

Bus A Vision: Bus B is moving under 3𝑚𝑠 −1 velocity. *

Bus B Vision: Bus A is moving under 0𝑚𝑠 −1 velocity.

*V = D / t (Relative to bus B time) Bus A speed 2𝑚𝑠 −2

𝑉 = 3𝑚𝑠 −1
Bus B speed 5𝑚𝑠 −2

Figure A, 5 Two buses are moving under acceleration

That two buses how much done an increase they acceleration, buses cannot see increasing acceleration they can see
constant velocity only. Bus B is moving under 3𝑚𝑠 −1 constant velocity and bus A zero speed.

Note: If both buses actual travel under constant velocity, the distance does not increase. But here distance is
increasing, and speed & distance are proportional. The reason is that the observer’s time decreases and the distance

(Our galaxies how much an increase they speed we never notice that we can only see all galaxies are moving an under
constant velocity. reason is acceleration is common to all galaxies)

Sir Edwin Hubble Law

Hubble also explained that there is a relationship between the distance to a galaxy and its speed. Hubble's law
provides us below evidence

 That the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us.
 That the close a galaxy is, the slowly it is moving away from us.

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Theory Of Time Shrink
Kasun Thilina Fernando

The "Appearing problem" explains that we cannot detect acceleration, so we can only see velocity. When we
observe the motion patterns of galaxies, we can clearly detect a speed divide, where we have slow motions in
nearby galaxies and fast motions in distant galaxies. (Reference Page 02 Figure: A, 3 Blue & Red Shifts)

B. Effect Of Acceleration

1. Principle of Increasing Energy

"If an object is in empty space and the energy of the object continues to increase, the object itself will undergo
some reaction to expend the energy internally. That speed of the reaction is proportional to the speed of increase
of energy."

Object's energy increasing = Energy absorption constant of the object + Reaction of the object itself to expend
energy internally.

Ei = K + Er

A simple explanation of the principle of increasing energy.

If an object is in free space without any contact with others and the kinetic energy of the object is continuously
increasing, then the object itself will undergo some similar reaction internally to expend the kinetic energy. That
reaction rate is proportional to the rate at which the kinetic energy increases.

Energy Increase Effects:

 Earth is moving under two rotations speeds first makes rotation on its axis and second Earth revolve in
orbit around sun also, because we are moving on the universe in acceleration that reaction speeds are
control the increasing energy. That reaction speeds are proportional to we are moving on the universe
speed. (How to control increasing energy? rotations speed is going higher for expending energy relative
to acceleration.)

 An increase in rotational speed means that spacetime is also shrinking, so the distance between two
objects decreases.

Effects of spacetime shrink on massive objects:

The Earth and the Sun getting close,

The Earth and Moon getting close...etc

 Electrons speed of rotational around the nucleus because we are moving on the universe in acceleration
that reaction speed is control the increasing energy. That reaction electrons movements speed is
proportional to we are moving on the universe speed.

How does this happen?

Our galaxy is moving at an acceleration on the universe, that incident affects our entire galaxy from massive
objects to atoms.

A small example: a bus moves with an acceleration, the kinetic energy of all the passengers inside the bus
increases (activation increases), time slower according to spacetime shrinks ... etc. These events are proportional
to the speed of the bus.

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

How does the principle of increasing energy affect us?

As the object kinetic energy increases continuously, it means that the object is moving as an acceleration, and the
electron movement is also accelerated according to the object energy. Why is this happening? The reason is to
conserve the balance of the object by expending the increased energy of the object.
(Without such a reaction, the energy of the object will reach its maximum limit and the object will explode)
Hence the speed of electron movement increases and hence the shrink of spacetime also increases. That so
spacetime shrunk and electrons closer together. directly affecting the length and weight of these events the object.
Therefore, the length and weight of the object changes according to its electron movements speed.

Effects of spacetime shrink on atoms:

 Object weigh is increasing.

 Electrons are closer and object size getting smaller.

Example Experiment: We can see at low temperature water and ice do not weigh the same. For example, if we
take the same volume of water and ice in the same container, water will weigh more than ice. The reason is that
water is denser than ice and the space it occupies is less as compared to that occupied by ice. In acceleration, we
can see same and opposite reactions.

(All events occur because of we are moving through the universe with acceleration, and that event affects every
part of us deeply, that event changes everything very slowly.)

Energy Increasing Formula

(Please using this formula for one atom)
Acceleration Movements



Figure B, 1 Energy Increasing for one atom

For one atom motion (R – Radius & t – Period)

𝟒𝝅𝟐 𝑹
𝐚= 𝒕𝟐

For one atom weigh (Weight = Mass x Gravity)

W = mg  𝒎=

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

Atom to neighbour atom length, please take by now amount.

Length = L - i

Constant of object's energy absorption

Constant = K

Energy increasing formula substitution

Ei = K + Er

In Energy Out Energy

w 4π2 R
For one atom E𝑖 = 𝐾 + L-i Atom to neighbour atom length
g t2

For one atom weigh

For one atom motion


Figure B, 2 Energy Increasing formula

Energy Increasing Formula

w 4π2 R
E𝑖 = 𝐾 + L-i
g t2

2. Zero-knowledge Proof

(In physics, a zero-knowledge proof is a method doesn't give any evidence for proof is true.)

Author Note Regarding Time: Time is relative to movements *. Time is relative to our movements only. other
objects movement never effect to our time. *If an object is moving in the universe that movement directly
effect to the object's electrons movement. According to we can mention time is creating by electrons. That is the
reason atom watches are indicate hundred percentage correct time.


Let's go to the year of 1908. At year 1908 watch's second hand compare with today 2008 watch's second hand is
moving faster. 100 years ago second hand is moving slower (activation low) and today second hand is moving
faster (activation high). Reason is galaxies are moving on acceleration.
Activation: Activation is increasing that means watch's second hand become faster.
Time: Time is slowing due to spacetime shrinks
Physics: Time is shrinking (slowing) because of spacetime shrinks as per the object movements speed.

(Year 1908) 5 minutes (Year 2008) 5 minutes

On watches show same time but speeds are different. (Figure B, 3 Time)

Author Note Regarding Length: Length is relative to movements. If an object is moving faster the electrons in
that object are also moving faster so spacetime shrunk and the electrons are closer together. So, the length
changes with the movements of the object.

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Kasun Thilina Fernando


Let's go to the year of 1908. At year 1908 measurement of one metre compare with today 2008 measurement of
one metre has more shrunk. 100 years ago one metre less shrunk and today one metre more shrunk. Reason is
galaxies are moving on acceleration.
Actually & Physics: Spacetime shrinks as per the object movement so atoms become closer.

(Year 1908) 5 metres (Year 2008) 5 metres

Metre measurement show same amount but length different. (Figure B, 4 Length)

Time Zero-knowledge proof is:

(1) Because of acceleration Sun and Earth become closer.

(2) Because of acceleration time also has shrunk.

Above two incidents thus light beam came from Sun to Earth time shows every time same an amount.

Length Zero-knowledge proof is:

(1) Because of acceleration Sun and Earth become closer.

(2) Because of acceleration metre measurement also shrunk.

Above two incidents thus every time shows Sun and Earth distance same an amount.
So the distance and time of sun and earth always show constant values, but actually sun and earth will closer and
we cannot detect that incident. The main thing that affects us is global warming.

Zero-knowledge proof The Universal Window

Earth rotation speed is increasing on its axis

Watch hands speed is increasing

Milky way our galaxy movements in acceleration


0 Length

Figure B, 5 Zero-knowledge proof The Universal Window

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

3. The first week of the universe

13.8 billion years ago, the parent object exploded, and its name is "Big Bang". Since then, we have been traveling
with the acceleration of the universe. (Time and length are shrinking and speed is increasing) Here we are mainly
highlighting the first week of the universe, in that week time is shrink very little so time is not speeding up. In
fact, the objects initial velocity is zero and the velocity slowly increased and the object velocity changing.
We infer that the entire universe was created within week because the motion of objects was so slow in the first
week. So the first week should include millions of years.
Day 1 Time

Day 2 Time

Day 3 Time

Day 4 Time

Day 5 Time

Day 6 Time

Day 7 Time


Figure B, 6 The first week of the universe chart

4. How universal acceleration affects to human life

a. Human age decreases.

"The activity of our bodies varies in proportion to our acceleration in the universe."

a) Acceleration of electrons movement, affect to cell movement. In fact, the life span of cells is limited, so if cell
movement is accelerated, its age is reducing.

b) If you are traveling in a high-speed vehicle your weight will also increase because spacetime is shrink
causing an opposite reaction. In this case, your cells spend a lot of energy to maintain the balance, so the cells
age is reducing because they have a limited life period.

b. The new generation becomes wisdom.

Compared to other animals, humans have a large number of neurons but human intelligence is determined by
the independent functioning of neurons. Neuronal activity is proportional to our galactic motion speed. All
children are wiser than we are because infant neuron activity is proportional to our galaxy motion the moment
his fetal contractions begin.

c. Earth will become more technologically advanced.

Overall, the total number of neurons per person is constant. So how does man improve day by day? There must
be some reason for it, without some reason you cannot improve day by day. The reason is the accelerating
movements of the universe but unfortunately we don't feel it. As the speed of neuron movement and kinetic
energy are increasing day by day, man is developing in terms of technology.

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

a) If humans have a smaller number of neurons then humans will be same as other animals without developing
in terms of technology.
b) Humans have a large number of neurons but if the universe moves as a velocity then humans will not develop
in terms of technology and will be the same as other animals.

Example: Photoelectric effect is defined as the release of electrons from a metal plate when light falls on it.
Because the energy of the light rays is proportional to the number of electrons ejected, we can see different colours.
If light rays have constant energy, we can see only one colour. If we move through the universe as a velocity then
our neuron energy is also constant, which means that humans have no growth.

C. Principle Of Hole Ball Explosion

In 2006 we tried to find the exact reason why we are actually moving in acceleration. According to the author a
"Principle of hole ball explosion" has been proposed.

Principle of hole ball explosion

"If there is hollow sphere in space without any external force, then when perpendicular lines are drawn
through the inner of that hollow sphere, the place where all the lines meet is called the special gravity point. If
an object in that location explodes, the pieces of that object will move with acceleration."

 What is "Special Gravity Point" (SGP)?

The lines made on the inner side with an angle of 90 degrees meet at the centre point inside the ball and that point
is called SGP. The SGP is the centre of the entire universe and the Big Bang took place there 13.8 billion years
ago. The universe is like a ball with holes, we stay inside the ball and we move from SGP to MNSP with

 What’s MNSP?
This means is "Massive Nature Space Position". If you are moving on any direction in the universe final
destination is MNSP. MNSP highly have gravitation and it can attract all the objects with mass or without mass.
If you caught to MNSP's attraction you never rescue from it. Then you are moving in acceleration to MNSP and
you don't have any options for leave MNSP attraction. Anyhow it will devour all the objects.
Actually the universe is same like a ball with hole. That ball circumference is MNSP. MNSP has two faces, first
is inner surface and second is outer surface.
The Universe Radius

We are going to discuss here the velocity and
distance of objects falling to Earth, and velocity and
distance of galaxies moving to the MNSP that events are
both the same.

Chart of velocity and distance of objects falling to Earth.

One observer on the elevated platform releases a ball and
Figure C, 1 The universe hollow sphere
he calculates the velocity and distance of the falling ball
relative to his time. He then divided the velocity by the
distance and he made the following chart using below data.

Velocity 9.8 19.6 29.4 39.2 49.0 58.8 68.6 78.4

Distance 4.9 19.6 44.1 78.4 122.5 176.4 240.1 313.6
Constant 2 1 0.667 0.5 0.4 0.333 0.286 0.25

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

An Object Falling To The Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chart of velocity and distance of galaxies moving to the MNSP. We are considering here the evolution of Hubble's
constant since billions of years.

Hubble Constant Vs Age



According to above charts we can assume MNSP as a massive gravitation field.

 The Universe Circle

MNSP Length

Big Bang

Figure C, 2 The Universe Circle

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

In 2009 presented total cosmic movements past and future (Below is author's original copy 2009 drawing of total
cosmic movements)






Figure C, 3 Total Cosmic Movements Past & Future (2009)

A - The parent object (Before the Big Bang).

B to D - The Universe is expanding and created all galaxies are moving under positive acceleration. From SGP to
MNSP. (We guess we are staying on A or B).
E - 90 Percentage galaxies already travelled to the MNSP.
F to I - The Universe is shrinking and created all galaxies are moving under negative acceleration. From MNSP to
A - The parent object (Before the Big Bang).
* Actually, the universe is not expanding or shrinking but we mentioned here for understand. Small dotes are indicate

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Kasun Thilina Fernando

 The Universe have exist and non-exist worlds

Animals Lifetime

Humans Epoch

In The Universe




From stone





epoch to
Positive Acceleration

(Galaxies movements are increasing speed)
>> The Earth <<

(That means
not eternal)

Non exist




Only one


(Galaxies movements are constant speed)


stone epoch





epoch to
Negative Acceleration

(Galaxies movements are decreasing speed)

Table 1, The Universe have exist and non-exist worlds

Completed On 06th Oct 2011

Acknowledgments: Everyone who has supported to us complete & publish this research. Kindly reminding of
Dr.MNSP at this moments.

Decided to Release On 14th Sep 2021

Special Thanks
Rumain Sandrika Fernando, B.Sc in Financial Management (Sp.) University of Sabaragamuwa Sri Lanka P.G
Diploma in Financial mathematics, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka.

Authors Contact Details:

Email: & |Address: No. 412/C Batagama South,
Kandana, Sri Lanka

Author Suggestions:

We couldn't stop time is becoming faster but we can do some things form our side control the time.

a) If reduce the human work and increase the mechanic work so we can increase efficiency, but we need to try
maximum use to human energy.
b) We need to use maximum technologies for managing the time and try to use maximum short methods.
c) I present small concept this is mentioned below.

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Theory Of Time Shrink
Kasun Thilina Fernando

Rumain Technic Management System (RTMS) Presented Date On 2003 Sep 11

1) Time Management
Spending all moment using for useful things and doing things fast.
2) Plan
Before doing things make a regally plan. Then work become easy and then unsuccessful method not in
activate twice.
3) Yourself
Your regular work done by yourself then you are mentally and physically will be satisfied.
4) Think Twice
Need? Essential? Important?... Think final result before completing your work then your time, money, …etc.
are not spending for useless work.
5) Using technology & coordinate
High numbers of works or subjects’ control or conduct. here high range understanding and good balancing
are very important.
(If in year, in day you are doing only one of work don’t consider this technic)

Author how to came to the research field & this research story of path (Short).

One day I was in school in 2001, I heard a my two friends were talk. I could recognise who were talk
from they mouth voice and both are out of my village my friends. That talk was not relevant to me but my friends
were talking about a my village girl, that story two minutes. what about they were talk regarding girl? very small
things she isn't pretty.... etc.

Time has going fast but that small story didn't leave me. Then my mind presented a "small logic." If same age
friends are thinking like that who is undertaking she life few years later? first I got sad to her, second I got pity to
her, time has passed around two years and third in my heart created endearment to her and my friends refused girl
now I have seeing same like an angel. In between she has selected for high education to university. then my mind
presented "small logic" again. So if need to unite with her she education and my education should be same but I
know practically unable to do that.

I have a talent I can think totally different range with practically proof also, I have decided to use it for to be same
with she and so I came research field at 2003 Sep because of her. Other thing I have presumed in future she also
will come same research field. I started at 2004 this research and completed on 2011 for to be same with
respectable she, research name is "THEORY OF TIME SHRINK." (Old name is “Time Concept”)

Research Meaning: today time is spending fast compare with yesterday time. Same workloads ten years before
could do today also could do but spent more time to do today compare with ten years before.

I done go like a flowing river winning obstacles but that flowing river disappeared in endearment ocean. Finally
leaved from research field. After 9 years later I came again same research field because of my loving wife. Then
I decided to public this research because people need to know about time is spending become fast.
Actually and unfortunately, she is still live in alone a life but in our old age, I hope so we shall be become nice
friends - Thanks

Disclaimer: This research is prepared and issued by Kasun Fernando based on information in the public domain, internally developed, internet
download images and other sources, believed to be correct. Although all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the contents of the Review are
accurate, Kasun Fernando are not responsible for the correctness, usefulness, reliability of same. You hereby waive irrevocably any rights or
remedies in law or equity you have or may have against Kasun Fernando with respect to the Review and agree to indemnify and hold Kasun
Fernando harmless to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your use of this Research. No part of this document may be
reproduced, distributed, or published in whole or in part by any means to any other person for any purpose without prior permission. but university,
schools, any educational institute without prior permission can use.
Year 2004~2011/2022 July 17

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