8th Class

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1. The arrow in following diagram shows the direction a sailing ship moves. What happens if a strong wind
blows from the same direction?

(a) The sailing ship moves faster (b) The sailing ship moves slower
(c) The sailing ship come to rest (d) Nothing happens
2. Which one of the following is not used to reduce friction
(a) Oil (b) Ball bearing (c) Sand (d) Graphite
3. How is the angle of incidence related to the angle of reflection ?
(a) It’s greater (b) It’s the same (c) It’s smaller (d) It’s not focused
4. What type of image is formed by a plane mirror ?
(a) Upright (b) Magnified (c) Inverted (d) All of the these
5. A convex mirror is used
(a) By a dentist (b) For shaving
(c) As a rear view mirror in vehicles (d) As a light reflection for obtaining a parallel beam of light
6. If person has blue eyes that means –
(a) His iris is blue (b) His cornea is blue (c) his sclera is blue (d) His retina is blue
7. The maximum displacement of a sound wave on either side of the mean position of its vibration is the
measure of its :
(a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (c) Period (d) Speed
8. Sound levels are measured in
(a) Decimeters (b) Decibels (c) Deciliters (d) decigrams
9. Distilled water is
(a) Good conductor of electricity (b) Poor conductor of electricity
(c) Sometimes good sometimes poor conductor of electricity (d) None of these
10. Which one of the following will not conduct electricity
(a) Solid NaCL (b) CuSO 4 (c) Graphite (d) Acidified water
11. Burning of charcoal in a closed room will produce
(a) Carbon dionicle (b) Nitrogen dioxide (c) Carbon monoxicle (d) All of these
12. Coal burns with _____________
(a) Flame (b) Only glow (c) Both flame and glow (d) None
13. Like Fuel the sun also provides heat and light. The process taking place in the sun is called
(a) Combustion (b) Nuclear process (c) Burning (d) All of these
14. Which process give heat and light after combustion
(a) Flame (b) Fuel (c) Combustion (d) None of these
15. Which of the following substance is non-combustible ?
(a) Wood (b) Biogas (c) Kerosene oil (d) A piece of stone
16. The following table lists some substances as combustible ancl non-combustible. Which of the following
substance is listed incorrectly in the table ?
Combustible Non-Combustble
Wood Glass
Magnesium Charcoal
Kerusene Stone
(a) Glass (b) Charcoal (c) Kerosene (d) Magnesium
17. Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal ?
(a) CO 2 (b) Coal gas (c) CO (d) SO 2
18. Naphthalene balls are obtained from
(a) carbon (b) Coke (c) Coal tar (d) Coal gas
19. Coal tar is used in manufacture of
(a) Synthetic dyes (b) Drugs (c) Explosives (d) All of these
20. The metal which is stored in kerosene
(a) Phosphorus (b) Magnesium (c) Sodium (d) Aluminum
21. All functions of the body are carried out by a single cell in :-
(a) Multicellular organism (b) Unicellular organism
(c) Bicellular organism (d) Tetracellular organism
22. The part of cell that provides shape to it is :-
(a) Nucleus (b) Cytoplasm (c) Plasma membrane (d) Nucleoplasm

23. In a core zone of biosphere reserve :-

(a) Limited human activity is permitted (b) Several human activities are permitted
(c) No human activity is permitted (d) Only tourists are allowed
24. The method of scattering seeds in the field by hand is :-
(a) Hand picking (b) Transplantation (c) Broadcasting (d) Leveling
25. Rearing of honeybees for products like honey and wax is called:-
(a) Sericulture (b) Aquaculture (c) Pisciculture (d) Apiculture
26. Which of the following is found to be present in curd ?
(a) Lactobacillus (b) Rhizobium (c) Lactovirus (d) Lactococcus
27. Hormones are secreted into :-
(a) Lymph (b) Ducts (c) Blood (d) Nerves
28. Deficiency of iodine in adolescent’s diet causes a disease called :-
(a) Infertility (b) Goitre (c) Dwarfism (d) Irregular menstruation
29. Male gametes produced by fishes are released in the :-
(a) Water body (b) Female reproductive tract (c) Air (d) Vector or carrier
30. Zygote contains chromosomes :-
(a) From father only (b) From mother only
(c) From both father and mother (d) Only newly formed chromosomes
31. Find the ratio of speed of a cycle 15 km per hour to the speed of scooter 30 km per hour.
(a) It is 1:2 (b) It is 1:3 (c) It is 2:1 (d) It is 3:1
32. Find the cube root of 75.
(a) 4.5625 (b) 4.17675 (c) 4.00175 (d) 4.21716
33. If two quantities x and y vary directly, then
(a) x*y is constant (b) x/y is constant (c) x-y is constant (d) x+y is constant
5 8
34. 2 2 ?
(a) -1/2 (b) -1/5 (c) 1/8 (d) -1/8
35. Solve : 4y = 20
(a) 5 (b) 16 (c) 4 (d) 24
36. Find the volume of a cuboid whose length is 8 cm, breadth 6 cm and height 3.5 cm.
(a) 215 cm 3 (b) 172 cm3 (c) 150 cm 3 (d) 168 cm3
37. Maximum number of right angles in a right angled triangle are
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 0
38. Find the reciprocal of -2.
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) -1/2 (d) None of these
39. Which of the following is a perfect square number ?
(a) 222222 (b) 23453 (c) 1681 (d) 1057
40. Which of the following quadrilaterals has two pairs of adjacent sides equal and diagonals intersecting at
right angles ?
(a) Square (b) Rhombus (c) Kite (d) rectangle
41. In a row of 40 girls, when Komal was shifted to her left by 4 places her number from the left end of the row
became 10. What was the number of Swati from the right end of the row if Swat i was three places to the
right of komal's original position ?
(a) 22 (b) 23 (c) 25 (d) 24
DIRECTIONS: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions.
a. A $ B' means 'A' is mother of B'
b. A' # B' means "A' is father of B'
c. 'A @ B' Means 'A is husband of B'
d. 'A % B' means A is daughter of B'

42. Which of the following expressions indicates 'R is the sister of H'?
(a) H $ D @ F # R (b) R % D @ F $ H (c) R $ D @ F # H (d) H % D @ F $ R
43. If in a certain code language, 'MIRROR' is coded as '13918181518', how will 'APPLE' be coded in the same
language ?
(a) 11616125 (b) 3984145 (c) 1162254 (d) 11213147
44. Complete he series:- APZLT, CQYNR, ERXPP, GSWRN, ITVTL, (?)
45. A child is looking for his father. He went 90 metres in the East before turning to his right. He went 20
metres before turning to his right again to look for his father at his uncle's place 30 metres from this point.
His father was not there. From here he went 100 metres to the North before meeting his father in a street.
How far did the son meet his father from the starting point ?
(a) 80 metres (b) 100 metres (c) 140 metres (d) 260 metres
Directions: (Qno.46-47):- In the following questions, a series begins with unmarked figure on the extreme
left. One and only one of the five marked figures does not fit into the series. The two unmarked figures, one
each on the extreme left and extreme right fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account
as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five marked figures which
does not fit into the series. The number of that figure is your answer.


48. If 4 © 5 = 189 and 10 © 8 = 1512, then 6 © 9 =?

(a) 945 (b) 1148 (c) 983 (d) 764
49. Which character will come in place of “?”

(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 15

50. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Travelers, Train and Bus ?
(a) (b) (c) (d)


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