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Hello detective! Welcome to ‘The Aurora City’. I am _____, the old
retired chief who has been assigned to guide you on this gruesome
case. Are you ready to solve this mystery and find the killer of Marta?


Alright then, let me fill you up with what has happened.

As you know, this is a peak time of COVID and we have seen some
changes around the city, some good, some bad but this one that I am
about to tell you is surely a bad one.

An unknown person called and reported the death of Marta Cabrera, the
famous yet spoiled actress. The matter quickly turned political as Marta
had some good and not so good relations with some politicians of the

But her fans are shocked and furious and are demanding a proper and
swift investigation. To keep them shut for a while, the mayor has
appointed you, a rookie detective who is new in town to be the chief
officer on this case. But anyone from the department won’t help you as
the matter is political. So, you have to find your own way through and
solve this case to bring the killer to justice. Are you up for it?


Let’s get to work then. But firstly, I, myself, have to check your detective
skills by putting you through some challenges. I will give you three
riddles that you have to solve if you want my help on this case. Are you
up for it?

This first riddle is a pretty basic one that even a dog can solve. Let’s see
if you can.

Riddle Number 1: A man fell down from the balcony of a ten-story

building. It was assumed that he committed suicide.
When the detective arrives, he goes up to the floor, opens the closed
balcony window and then returned to the ground floor and said that, “it is
a murder”.
How did he reach this conclusion?

*The balcony door was closed*

Great work, are you ready for the next riddle?


This ones a bit tough but not for you, I assume.

Riddle Number 2: A woman reported that someone stole her necklace.

The police arrived at the scene and saw that there were some signs of a
break-in, a window was shattered by a stone and the glasses were lying
down there right beside the sunflowers and the daisies in the garden.
After a careful examination, the police arrested the woman for registering
a fraud case.
How did they reach such a weird conclusion?

*The shattered glass was outside*

Hooray, you are now only one step away from making me your
permanent guide throughout this case, but beware, this last riddle isn’t
as easy as it sounds.

Riddle Number 3: A serial killer kidnaps people from around the city.
Then, he takes them to an empty barn when he puts up two pills in front
of them after which he tells them that one of the pills is toxic and the
other one isn’t. Further, he says that, if you take any of these pills then
he himself will take the other one. The killer did this with numerous
people and he always survived.
How did he manage to survive every time?

*Both pills were toxic, the victim took the pill first and died. Then there
was no one there to see whether the serial killer took the pill or not.
Obviously, the serial killer was a liar.*

You proved that you really are a good detective.

Now let’s not waste anymore of our time and get back onto the main
case that is the murder of Marta Cabrera.
Shall we get started then?


Okay! So, the basic principle says that after you find the body, you
should always look for the murder weapon. The police already found
Marta’s body and the post mortem report will be here anytime soon. In
the meantime, let’s go to her apartment where she was found dead and
search for the murder weapon.

This is the link for her apartment. Let’s see if you can find the murder
weapon there.

You just have to click on the weapons (guns, swords etc.) that you think
can be the murder weapons. Once you click on the correct weapon, it
will take you to another page, but beware, there will be a lot of fakes on
the way.
But remember, I am always here to help.

*I found the murder weapon. It is a bloody knife.*

Good work, detective. We are on the right path. I will send this knife for
Instead of waiting for the reports, let’s find some more clues and

I know a person, Mr. Alan Turing.

Alan Turing is one of the most renowned cryptographers of all time. He
often helps the police and even the defence forces in solving difficult
codes. Being intellectually superior, he is always game for something
challenging. Even when someone asks him a question, he provides the
solution in an encoded sentence.

He had parental issues and turned out to be quite an introvert. He

doesn't have many friends and those who talk to him get fed up because
he simply boasts about his superior intellect. Maybe he can help us with
this case.

Here’s his Instagram Handle:


Go pay him a visit and see if he has something for us.


*Michael says, ‘Hi’.*

Welcome back, detective.

I believe that Michael was of some help to us regarding this case.

While you were gone, the post mortem report came and this is
something disturbing, Marta wasn’t stabbed once or twice, she was
stabbed ‘9 times’. Can you believe that? 9 Freaking Times. No single
person is that sick to stab someone 9 times.

I guess we are on the right path. Do one thing, go and meet Dr. Louise
She is a young, bright, strong woman who lives in her pant-suit all day
long. She was a very renowned linguist until she chose to settle for a
simple life in this small city. But don’t be mistaken, graduated from
Oxford, she has high standards for life and for the people who wish to
meet her. Her room is more like a mini-library, containing books and
novels from around the world. Remember, she will test your wit and your
will before she gives you a chance to meet her. Maybe she can help us
with this case.

Here is her instagram handle:


Go pay her a visit and see if she has something for us.
Pro tip: Use Google Translate if you don’t know 60 languages like she


*Nick Fury said ‘Hi’.*

Oh, I see that you are meeting a lot of people today. Good for you!
By the way, he already texted me that he has given you a list of suspects
and their descriptions.
Let’s interrogate them one by one and see if we can obtain something
useful from them.

All the 9 suspects have been interrogated, every one of them said the
same thing, that they had a good relationship with Marta and they can’t
even imagine themselves hurting Marta (Obviously a Lie).
Also, each of them had their own alibi.

Well, this interrogation was a bust. We got nothing new out of them and
each one of them had their own Alibi. I have sent you a copy of those
alibis on your WhatsApp.
There’s one person who can tell us more about these suspects, Ms.
Rachel Green.
The infamous gossip girl of the neighbourhood, there is nothing that
goes unnoticed by her eagle-eyes. Some also suspect she might be a
secret reporter of the neighbourhood-gossip website ‘Gossip Girls’.
She will definitely have something for us.

Here’s her LinkedIn Account:

But as far as I know, she doesn’t just meet up with anyone. You first
have to send her a password through her LinkedIn Account.
The password will be hidden in her LinkedIn Posts. Pay Attention!

Go pay her a visit and see if she can tell us more about these 9


*Rachel said, ‘Hi’*

I just received a message from Rachel Green about what she told you.
It’s both good and bad that each one of these 9 suspects has their own
Vendetta/Reason to kill Marta. We will look further into it but before that I
have to tell you something important.

I just received a call from an unknown number saying that he has

dropped some clues for us regarding this case. He says that he dropped
Marta’s Necklace in the City Library, Marta’s Ring in the City Park &
Marta’s Bracelet on the City Station.

He said that each item is accompanied by a note that will give us some
clue as to who the killer is. This is worth checking out. Here are the links
for the following locations. Your job is to find that item (Necklace, Ring &
Bracelet) in these places.

City Library:

City Park:

City Station:

Text me when you find all the three notes and items.

*I found all the items/notes*

Now, narrow down the suspect list according to the first description, let’s
see who fits in this description. Message me the names of these people
who fit into description number 1.

*Susie Myerson, Veronica Lodge, Sam Mosley *

Good work, this will surely help us. Let’s do the same with the second
description. Message me the names of these people too after you figure
it out.

*Allu Arjun, Lori Lightfoot, Thomas Shelby*

Nice going. One more description is left, figure that out too. Message me
when you are done.

*Jeremy Gilbert, Vinner Diesel, Arnold Schwarzenegger*

You narrowed down the suspect list according to each description but it
is strange, each description points towards a different set of three
people. Let’s keep this in our back pocket, maybe someone was just
messing with us.
At last, there is one more person who we can contact, Mr. Bruce Wayne,
the Eccentric Billionaire Playboy.

Belonging to the Wayne family, he is a rich kid who was a very close
friend of Marta. She used to tell him everything. I know the address to
his Mansion, the only thing is that the security system in his Mansion is
very high tech and very hard to crack. I have been keeping tabs on him
since forever now and hence I have broken his security system down
into a single code.
I am sending you a PDF using which you can obtain the code of Bruce’s

Once you find the code, use this Instagram Handle

@bruce_wayne_mansion and message him this code on that account.
He will meet you there.

I have a feeling that we are very close to solving this case.


*Bruce said, ‘Hi’*

I believe that Bruce gave you an address, what was it?

*45, Bleecker Street, Aurora City*

Oh, I know where this place is…

Here’s the link for the same (Desi’s Apartment). Go, give him a visit.

Let’s see what Desi has to offer.

*Desi Collings is Dead*

Oh, my god! Was he the guy who was dropping the clues around the
town for us?


I had a feeling.

Well I don’t have leads, trails or people who can give you some advice

You are on your own now. You have a suspects list, their alibis, their
vendettas/reasons and every possible clue that one can have.

I believe you will use your detective skills now and find us the killer(s).

I am still here for your help but now you yourself have to figure out who
the killer is among the 9 suspects.

Text me here when you have an answer as to who might be the killer(s).

Hint 1: The killer(s) is someone from the 9 suspects.

Hint 2: There is more than one killer.

Hint 3: Desi Collings before dying said that he gave you the description
of the killer(s).

Hint 4: It is the time when COVID is at its peak.

Hint 5: Each of the 9 suspects has their own Alibi and Vendetta against

Hint 6: Marta was stabbed 9 times.

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