Simon Draft

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"Grandma? I'm home!

"Grandma? Oh."
"You made my favorite."
"Yeah, we had some leftover stuff. I thought i'd— wait, you know who I am?"
"Of course I do. You're my boy. My Simon. I could never forget you."
"I missed you so much."
"I'm right here, i'm always right here."
"Grandma? What are you doing up?"
"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"
"No. No. No, no. Please don't—"
"Timmy! Call the cops! Who are you? Get out of my house! Get out!"
"It's Simon! It's me! Please just—"
"Get out of my house! Get out!"
"Fuck! Grandma please!"
"Out! Get out!"
"Sarah? Sarah. I— I need your help. I really— I didn't know who else to call nobody is fucking
picking up and I can't call the cops—"
"Okay, okay just breathe. Do you need me to bring Kate—"
"No! No, just... just you. Please. Just you."
"Okay, i'm on my way. Just hang in there, i'll meet you at your house."
"Please hurry."
"Sarah? Sarah!"
"Hey, what happened?"
"My grandma she's freaking the fuck out and I can't— I don't know how to help. She's got this...
this thing in her head that makes her forget me sometimes and she doesn't know who I am and
she keeps screaming and I—"
"Just slow down! How can I help?"
"Please go in there and make sure she doesn't... hurt herself or something. Maybe she won't be as
scared if a girl came in and just... please. I just need her to calm down."
"Okay. Okay, i'll do my best. Just wait out here, yeah?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Fuck— thank you."
"Why does this keep happening to me."
"Hey, I got her to bed thankfully— without getting my head whacked off. I told her I was a
social worker and for some reason it worked."
"Thank you— can I buy you a beer or something? Just in return? I could like... give you food.
We have leftovers inside and—"
"Simon, I just want to know what's going on."
"She wasn't always this way, y'know. I thought... I thought we had at least two years, tops. But
she— I don't know. I read all of this shit in the library about it but I still don't understand. She
just doesn't know who I am."
"Do the others know?"
"No. How could I bring it up with all the shit that's happening? Deena's in pain, Kate is too she
just won't admit it and Sam— she's got enough on her plate. I'm supposed to help. I'm supposed
to be good."
"But you are. Even if to you, it's not enough— you are still good. There are just some things in
life we can't change, we can't control. This is one of them. You couldn't have prevented it,
"I just want her to remember me, Sarah. She was... she was the only one who wanted me. Who
believed in me and it's like... she's here but she isn't. Somehow it hurts more."
"You know they love you so much. I know it's a tough time right now but they'd drop everything
to be here for you. You're not a burden, Simon. You've never been. You're one of the most
hardworking people i've ever met."
"Am I pretty too?"
"The prettiest boy ever!"
"Does that mean I get a kiss?"
"Don't push it."
"Right, just kidding. Kate would kill me anyway."

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