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Introduction to sales management

 will introduce students to sales management its concepts and practice in business organizations.
 will explain the meaning of sales management
 and its fundamental principles

Marketing concepts
 the major domains of knowledge in marketing theory.
 represent the business principles that govern the function of marketing
 A modern concept of marketing talks about customer orientation
 The organizations have to serve to the evolving needs and demands of the customers
through better products and services

There are five different marketing concepts practised by business enterprises to conduct their
marketing activity:

1. Production concept-
- customers will choose products and services that are widely available and are of low cost.
-managers try to sell a higher volume of goods at low costs and through an intensive
distribution strategy
-This seems a viable strategy in a developing market where market expansion Is the crucial
survival strategy for a business
-these companies cannot deliver quality products and suffer from problems arising out of
their impersonal behaviour with the customers.

2. Product concept-
- based on the proposition that consumers will favour those products that offer high
quality attributes such as quality. performance, and other innovative features.
-developing superior products and improving the existing product lines
-managers launch innovative products without properly understanding and analyzing the
needs of the customers.

3. Selling concept-
- persuasion and selling action.
- there is a misconception that marketing is all about selling

4. Marketing concept-

-reason for success lies in a company's ability to create, deliver, and communicate a
better value proposition through its marketing offer, in comparison to its
competitors, for its chosen target market.

5. Societal marketing concept-

-preserve or enhance the consumers and society's well-being.
-marketing must be a socially responsible or accountable activity.
The basic function and role of selling is to generate sales and earn revenue for an organization.
Today's selling approach.of course also highlights
-maintaining good customer relationship
-managing the profitability of a firm
-managing customer complaints
-building brand value in the eyes of the customers.



 Personal selling – organizing sales

Sales management
– man management
- guiding leading a set of pcople to
achieve sales targets.

Duties of a sales manager

1. Determining sales force objectives and goal
2. Finalizing sales force organization, size, territory, and quota
3. Designing career growth plans and building relationship strategies with key customers
4. Duties and Responsibilities of a Sales Manager Forecasting and budgeting sales
5. Designing compensation plan and control systems
6. Selecting, recruiting, and training the sales force
7. Motivating and leading the sales force


 Industrial – B2B
2. Selling to business users
3. institutional selling
4. selling to governments

 Retail - Retailing is defined as all the activities directly related to the sale of goods and
services to the ultimate consumers for personal or non-business use or consumption
 services selling - Services are activities or benefits provided to consumers. The areas of
services like the product areas are quite diverse. There are four unique characteristics
that distinguish products from services. Services are intangible in nature. They cannot be
touched, seen, tasted, heard, or felt like physical goods.

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