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Of Latin Origin

ab- a- abs- From, off, away Abdicate = say off, to give up usually a high position
Not (puts a distance), separation Averse = turn away, to be averse to something-strongly against
Absolve = loosen away (aklamak, affetmek)
Abstract = having no picture in your mind
Abnormal = Not normal
Absorb = suck up
Absent = (ab+esse) not to be
Abstain = hold off, keep oneself from, refrain from
Abstinence = abstaining from
Abstention = çekimser abstaining from voting

ad- af- ag- ac- al- To, towards, very, next to, adjacent, Adverse = acting against, in a contrary direction, unfavourable
ap- ar- as- at- an- (intensifier) Advocate = one who supports an idea, to call/summon
Accede = to go towards, agree to do sth.
Affiliate = to join, to take as a member, to adopt as a son
Aggression = a step towards
Allude = to play with, to make an indirect reference (to)
Allusion = a reference to
Annul = something is no longer valid
Appear = to show oneself
Assent = to agree to something, feel towards
Attempt = touch or try
Accept = to take, receive
Addict = to say in favour of
Affluent = wealthy, rich, flowing abundantly(towards)

ante- Before, previous Antecedent = one that goes before, one’s ancestor
anti- Antedate = to come before in time
Anticipate = take/receive before, to expect
Anterior = front part, op. posterior
Antemeridian = before noon
Antechamber = a room that leads to a larger room
Antipasto = before pasta/main food
Antenatal = before birth
Antemortem = before death
bi- two, twice Bimonthly, bicentenary, biennial (every two...)
Bilingual, bisexual
Biannual = twice in a year
Biweekly = fortnightly
Bilateral = affecting two parties, sides
Bisect = cut into two
Binary = double, consisting of two parts
Bicycle = Two wheels
Biped = having two feet
Bigamy = having two husbands or wives at a time
Binocular = related to both eyes
Bicameralism vs. unicameral
Bipartite = having two parties
Bipartisan = supported by the members of two parties
Bis! = do it again
Biscuit = cooked (baked) twice
Bikini & monokini = folk etimology

circum- around Circumference = Carry around

Circumscribe = Ride around, draw a line around
Circumstance = Surrounding conditions, stand around
Circumnavigate = navigate around
Circumspect = look around
Circumlocution = Speaking around
Circumcision = Cut around
Circumvent = Come around

com- co- col- con- With, together, same Coexist , collaborate, connect compose, correlate, cooperate
cor- Very, intensifier Commotion = moving together
Complicate = fold together
Congenital = Existing at birth, bring forth
Concert = Compete together, cooperation (harmony) of the musicians
Confidence = with trust
Concept = take together
Concentric = Same circle
Concentrate =focus on the same circle
contra- contre- Against, opposing Contradict = say the opposite of
counter- Contravene = come against the custom/ tradition
(Greek = anti) Contrary = against
Controversy = turn against
Counterrevolution = revolution against the previous one
Contraceptive = take against, any drug to prevent pregnancy
Contraception = taking against
Preventing contraception = birth control
de- Away, off, from, down, negation, Dehydrate, deflate, decline, defrost, depopulate, dehumanization,
take away, reduce, removal, puts a depoliticize, démodé
distance Devaluate= reduce the value of (a currency)
Degrade = go down
Deficient = make less
Deviate = way+from. Turn from the right course
Depart = go away
Denationalize = take away from the state, privatize.
Decentralize = adem-i merkeziyetçilik, removal of the centre
Denaturalize = vatandaşlıktan çıkarma, take away the rights of a
Dedicate = say apart
Delineate = come from a line
Deposit = Put down money
Decoder = remove codes
Designate = give the sign of
Dekolte = (Fr) de + collet (neck) sth that exhibits the neck.

demi- half Demigod = Less powerful male than God, half god / Demigoddess
(semi –L)(hemi Gr) Demitasse = half a cup, small cup

Demijohn = From French “dame-jeanne” (lit. Lady Jane), Italian

damigiana (Dam Gian). Arabic demecaneh is probably from Levantine
use of the Italian damigiana. Damacana (Tur).

Demigrossarie = (Fr) yarı toptancılık, half whole/all sale

dis- di- dif- Away, off, down, opposing Dissent = opposing feel, disagree
Not, deprive of, take away Dispel = drive/push away
Digress = go away, turn aside from the main subject
Divert = turn to the opposite direction
Diffuse = spread out
Diffident = lacking self confidence
Disinterested = not guided by personal interest, Dismiss = send away
Digest= take down, carry down
Disgust = not taste
Disillusion = disappoint, free from illusion,
Disease = bad/no ease
Distance = stand apart
Disinformation, disagree, disorder

ex- e- ef- Away, from, out, out of, outside Exit, expect , except , exclude
Excise = remove by cutting, cutting out
Expulsion = drive out (from a country, school etc.)
Eccentric = out of centre, not having the same circle
Eradicate = pull up by the roots
Efface = erase the face of, erase the surface
Effusive = pour out your personal feelings without control
Effuse = pour out (personal feelings)
Elaborate = Work out in detail
Exclaim = shout out
Expatriate = Outside of a country
Excavate = make a hole
Exogamy = marrying sb. out of the clan
Exponent = one who supports an idea
Exodus = way out (Religious term, hodos = way journey, way out,
ex- former Ex-wife = Former wife
Ex-consul = former diplomat
Ex-convict = guilty person

extra- extro- Outside, beyond Extraordinary, extra-thin, extrasensory

Beyond what is natural, additional Extramural = beyond the walls, departments outside the campus.
Extravagant = excessive wasteful, extra-spending
Extrovert = turning outside
Extracurricular = outside a curriculum
Extramarital = outside of marriage
in- il- im- ir- in, into, within Immigrate = migrate into
Influx = flowing in
Illuminate = light up (in)
Irrigate = to water
Inhale = breath in
Income = coming in
Ingest = take in (digest = take down)
Induction (induce) = producing a result, lead into

in- il- im- ir- Not, opposing Insoluble = sth. that cannot be solved
Indelible = that can’t be deleted
Illicit = not lawful
Implacable = that cannot be pleased
Irreverent = not respectful
Infinite, illiterate, ,illegal, illegible, illogical
Illegitimate = Not lawful
Irresistible = Not resistible
Indigestion = Not being able to digest properly
infra - Below, beneath, under Infrastructure = Fundamental construction beneath the ground.
(cata Gr) Infrahuman = below/lower than human
Infra = below

inter- Between, among Intercede = go between two parties

Intersperse = scatter between
Intermittent = send between, coming and going at intervals
Interrogate = ask between
Interracial = between races
Interaction = action between two or more things
intercourse = run between - apart from sexual it means social,
commercial, cultural, economic activities between two countries or
Interdependence = dependence among (countries, people,
Intermarry = 1)marry within a family
Inter > entre (Fr): entre-cotes = between the ribs (the meat between
the ribs)

intro- Inwardly, to the inside, within Introvert = turn inward

intra- Introduce = lead into
Intravenous = into a vein/veins
Introspect(ion) = içe bakış, look into one’s own feelings
Intramural = within the border/walls

medi- Half, middle, between Mediterranean = Between two territories

Mediaeval, media
Medium = middle size, level etc.
Mediocre = ordinary (middle – stony mountain)
Mediate = to act as a peace maker
Immediate = acting directly without mediation
Intermediate = acting between two relating things

non- Not, without Non-existent, non-smoker, nonessential

Noncombatant = Not able to compete, not fighting
Non-commissioned officer = Subordinate officer
Nonentity = özvarlık. Something that doesn’t exist or only exists in
ob- oc- of- op- Over, against, towards, in the way, Obtrude = caused to be noticed when unwanted, thrust towards
very Obstruct = to build against, hinder
Occlude = shut in the way, prevent
Offend = fencing, strike against
Opposite = put against, placed on the other side
Opponent = place against, one that takes an opposite position
Object = “ject” = throw in the way
Obverse = to turn against/towards
Oppress = press against
Offer = carry towards
Obvious = seen in the way
Obviate = clear away a problem beforehand

per- Through, by, by means of, Permeate = pass/spread through

thoroughly, completely Pernicious = “nicious" = violent death, very harmful, dangerous
disease. “Terrorism causes pernicious effects”
Perception = take thoroughly
Per cent = by sent
Permit = let go thoroughly
Parachute = Fall by means of “para” = per, “chute” = French
Par se = Used when comparing a wide concept with a narrower one, it
is placed after the sub-category. (bizati, ta kendisi, aslı olan bir şeye
özgü niteliklerin dikkate alınması gerektiğinde kullanılır.)
Pervert = One who insists in wrong doing to others.
Perspective = look through
Perfume = smoke all araond “fume” = smoke
Perform = (from Scots and northern English “perfurnish”, source of
furnish, which comes ultimately from OF parfournir. By association
with “forme” (form) this was altered in Anglo-Norman parformer and

post- After, following Postlude = Play after

Postpone = do then
Postscript (PS) = short addition
Postwar = After war
Postmeridiem =
Posterior = done after (unterior = done before*) Used when time is
Posterity = those ho come after, next generation
Posthumous = Last of all, become famous after death, born after, “A
posthumous child” = Born after the death of his/her father
“Posthumous work = Published after the death of its author”

pre- before Prefix = fix before

Prevent = come before
Precursor = run before
Preclude = shut before
Precaution = taken before
Prescribe = write before
Prehistoric = Before (recorded) history
Predict = say before
Pre-eminent= remarkable person, to appreciate someone
Premature = being mature before, acting not according to the real
age, but like an adult.
Preside = sit before / president = who is presiding over a business
Previous = (via = way)
Prior = previous
Priority = Person coming before

pro- Forward, forth, favouring, Pro-Russia, Proislamist, Prorégime, proslavery

supporting, in place of, instead of Protract = pull/drive forward, make longer in time
Proponent = in favour of
Profuse = generous, plenty, extravagant
Procommunist = support communism
Prominister = in place of minister
Pronoun = In the place of the noun
Prolong = make longer
Provide = (vide = vision) see forth
Portray = draw forth
Progress = (gress = go) step forward
Proclaim = say forth
Promise = send forth
Prospect = look forward
Purpose and propose = put forth
Proverb = set of words put forth

re- Back, backwards, again, against, Revoke = (irrevocable = that cannot be changed. The 1st rule of the
from, intensifier Turkish Constitution for instance)
Recede = go back
Recession = decline in value, move back
Recur = happen again (His disorder recurred – Hastalığı nüksetti)
Remove, reduce, review , resign, reserve, refuse, remind, remember
Recognize = know again
Religion = bind, combine, bring together (lig: means unity, union)

retro- Back, backward, backwards Retroactive (force) = rules are made for future events, but if the law is
retroactive it applies to the past
Retrospect = In retrogress = considering the past (retrospective(ion))
Retrograde = Retrogress = (makabline şamil)

se- Away, aside, apart Secede = apart from

Seclude = isolate
Seduce = carry away
Separate =
Select = gather aside (apart)
Sedition = (Latin element “it” which means go. Speech on action,
intended to create disobedience)

semi- half semi-annual, semiconscious, semicircular, semicivilized, semicolon,

semiprecious, semitone, seminomad, semi-official, semiautonomous
semi-final , semiintellectual
sub- suc- suf- sug- Under, beneath, placed beneath Subsist = “sist” means stand. Stand beneath
sum- Subsistence = Stand beneath. Living at subsistence level.
sup- Subjugate = bring under yoke (boyunduruk)
sus- “jug” > join > yoke

Suspect = look at secretly
Subject = the Sultan's subjects: people dependant on the Sultan. A
subject nation: dependant nation.
Submarine = beneath the sea
Submerge = plunge beneath
Subscribe = write beneath
Subway = way beneath
Subversive = negative
Subsidise = give financial support with public money
Substructure = The substructure of the bridge should be
Infrastructures = a Marxists term with economic basis (electricity,
pipe water system of a city.

sub- Of secondary importance, of a lower Subcommittee, subdivision, suburb , subculture, subbasement,

category subtitle

super- Over, above, extra Supersede, Supersession = sit above, to replace sth old, outdated. But
in this case older theories are not given up completely, because they
stem from older theories.
In theoretical writings;
If the first step is A and the second one B, that means that B comes
from A, but A doesn’t vanish away completely.

Supervise = watch critically

Superfluous = extravagant,
Superstructure = legal system, state mechanism
Superman = Übermensch
Superego = idealized person
Supreme Council = highest court in a country
Supreme court, superior court = Yüce Divan, Yüksek Mahkeme

supra- Above, higher Suprarenal gland = adrenal gland, net to the kidney
Supranational = going beyond nations

sur- above Surface, surrealism, surname

Surplus = additional amount (budget X deficit) (this is a Marxist term)
Survey = see over “vey" = see
Survive = live over “vive” = life
Surpass = be stronger than
Surmount = beyond top, overcome
trans- Across, beyond, causes a change Transfusion = pour across, “blood transfusion”
Transcend = climb across, go beyond the limits, to be prior, to exceed
in quality
Transcendental = beyond comprehension, independent of experience,
Transverse = “verse” = turn, turn across, placed horizontal transverse
Tranship = move one ship to another
Transalpine =north of the Alps
Transatlantic = very large ship that can cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Trespass = pass across
Transmit = send across
Transhumance = change the Earth.
Transient (transitory) = Temporary, lasting for a short time
Transmute = “mute” = change, change across (transformation)
Translate and transfer = carry across
Transvestite = cross dressing
Transsexual = is a person who has a strong desire to belong to the
opposite sex.
Travesti (Turkish) = In French it means change clothes., a male
character in a play who acts like a female character  Zenne
Travesty (Eng) = It is a pure replica.
Travesty of justice = utter at most in justice, “nothing but a travesty of

ultra- Beyond, excessive Ultramontane = beyond mountains (ethnic groups)

ultra violet, ultra modern, ultrafashionable, ultraconservative,
ultraliberal, ultranationalism Ultra left/right wing
Ultraism = extremism, very radical
Ultramarine = bright blue
Ultrasound (ultrasonic, ultrasound scanner) = very loud sound, people
cannot hear.

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