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1/25/22, 6:17 PM Code A17- Society and Literature -


Code A17- Society and Literature



At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Understand and appreciate poetry as a

Learning literary art form
Outcomes: 2.  Analyze the various types of poetry
3. Recognize the rhythms, metrics and
other musical aspects of poetry
4. Develop an appreciation of language and
its connotations and denotations.


                  Poetry has been around for almost four thousand years. Like other forms of literature, poetry is written to share ideas, express emotions, and
create imagery. Poets choose words for their meaning and acoustics, arranging them to create a tempo known as the meter. Some poems incorporate rhyme
schemes, with two or more lines that end in like-sounding words. Today, poetry remains an important part of art and culture. From Shakespearean sonnets to
Maya Angelou’s reflective compositions, poems are long-lived, read and recited for generations.

The poem entitled “The Poverty of the Woman Who Turned Herself into Stone” is a classic Filipino poem that was written by Lina Sagaral-Reyes, a
classic Filipino poet.

The speaker of the poem, which is a woman, sees and describes the situation of the character presented in the poem. The poem is in the third person
point of view. The “stone” in the poem represents the state of the woman wherein she is no longer capable of feeling any emotion. It represents her being
numb to the cold and pain from the judgment of the people around her. It can be implied that she has turned into a stone-hearted woman. She is always
angry and does not feel sorrow. Her life is only of a single color – gray – which is a color that symbolizes sadness, bleakness, and dullness. 1/5
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Poverty forced the woman to endure her struggles without complaining. She thinks that there is nothing she can do anymore to change her life, so she
just remains where she is and just listens to the voices of the people who weigh her down. Poverty also made her blind, and she chose not to see the ugly
truth and reality. She just allowed herself to be swallowed by the darkness of her suffering.

As the title suggests, this is a poem about a dry season which is dry in the sense that the persona is poor, but who, in spite of his poverty, manages to see
the brightest side of things and to make do with the deprived conditions under which he lives. The conflict here is clear between the conditions of extreme
poverty and the attitude of cheerfu1ness and what this attitude sees of abundance in his environment.

 The diction is very well-defined between the two elements of tension in the poem. For example, the objects of poverty are pictured in the words: "broken
pieces"; "our lean and hardwood house"; "cracked glass"; "no special feast"; "rice and fish and coffee"; "there is no wine"; "everything is spare and useful";
"floorboards creaking and creaking"; "the sunhammered tree outside our crooked window"; "dry season."

The words that bespeak his attitude of seeing abundance and the things around him are: "it is a wonder"; "a fine day"; "Stm spilled"; "the wind lolloping"; "the
birds singing and singing"; "we pick up broken pieces" (showing willingness to make do with the broken pieces); be glad for several things: that his pain is
personal, that he has a bed which is in one comer, that he has a table, that there is a "China jug of water/Will do to make us relish appetite"; "everything is
spare and useful to keep alive." 2/5
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There are many different types of poems. The difference between each type is based on the format, rhyme scheme and subject matter. 3/5
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