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Unit 2 / chapter 1 page 62- 77

Ecosystems: is made up of groups of living things and their environment.

 Ecosystem like Forest and streams and ponds have many living things
because have more space , food , shelters
Living parts of ecosystems
‫بة ئيمالوة‬
Nonliving parts of ecosystem
‫بة ئيمالوة‬
Population: A group of same species living in the same place at the same

A population of mangrove trees gives populations of gray snapper fish and

egrets a place to live.

Review page 67
1-Why do some ecosystems include many living things?

Because have more space, food and shelter.

2- Is a row of bean plants in a garden a population or a community?
It is population because have the same species.
3-what nonliving part of the mangrove swamp limits the kinds of plants that
can live there?
5- Test Prep what might an ecosystem that has mostly gaff trees be called?
D. desert
Tropical rain forest page 70-71
Tropical rain forest located in equator.
Equator has a lot of rain, high temperature all year.

Climate- is average weather over the long time.

Rain forest trees grow tall and form a canopy.

A rain forest has a great diversity or variety of plants and animal

Coral reefs page-72

Salinity – is amount of salt in the water.

What is the coral ecosystem?
* They are colorful
* They live in a colony
* Located in equator

 Coral reef made of tiny soft body animals called polyps



Limestone skeleton

Parts of polyp ‫بةشةكانى بة ئيمالوة لةبةر‬

Resources from the tropics page 74

Rain Forest Resources

1. Wood

2. Food ( fruits, nuts and spices)

3. Raw materials ( waxes, cooking oil, dyes)

4. Medicine

wood oil waxes fruits

dyes nuts spice medicines


Coral Reefs Resources page 74

1-Jewelry 2-Ornament
Review page 75

1. Where do most plant and animals live in a tropical rain forest?

Live in shade and high in the canopy.

2. Why is the salinity of salt water important for a living coral reef?

because coral reef need constant salinity

3. What are three resources from tropical rain forest?

- wood , nuts , dyes

5- the floor of a tropical rain forest is covered with……….?

b- dead plant material.

Review and test preparation page 76

1- All the population that live in the same place make up a ................


2- coral reefs are affected by the …………… or saltiness, of ocean water.


3- population and the environment in which they interact form an ……………


4- Rain forest and coral reefs are important because they have great variety,
or ………… of living things.


5- …………… is the average weather over a long time.


6- …………… contain one kinds of living things that live in the same place at
the same time.

check understanding page 77
1- C. monkeys
2- B. an ecosystem
3- C. community
4- C. a population

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