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7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

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Unified - District Information System for Education (U-DISE)

Academic Year : 2020-21

UDISE Code : 36330700302

School Code : 36330700302


District Name : NARAYANAPET

Revenue Block Name : 363307-NARVA

Educational Block Name : 363307-NARVA

Village Name : 363307003-Undekode

PIN Code : 509353

Cluster Name : 3633070001-ZPHS NARWA

Village Panchayat Name : 363307003-UNDEKODE

School Category : 7-Secondary with grades 6 to 10

Type of School : 3-Co-education

Habitation Name : 36330700301-UNDEKODE

Municipality/Municipal Corporation Name :

Assembly Constituency Name : 3633003-MAKTHAL

City Name : - 1/26
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Data Capture Format

The Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE+)

UDISE Code: 36330700302
Geographical Location :        Latitude : 16.51403        Longitude : 77.678159

1   School Profile (Location, Structure, Management and Medium of Instruction)

1.1   School Name(in capital letters) : ZPHS UNDEKODE

1.2   School Location (Rural/Urban) : (Rural =

1, Urban = 2)
1.2(a)   Add Type of Area (1=Agency / 2=Plain)

1.3   Village Name(for rural areas)/Ward

Number (in urban areas) :
1.4   Name of Cluster Resource Centre(CRC) : 3633070001-ZPHS NARWA

1.5   Pin Code : 509353

1.6   Name of the Gram Panchayat (for rural

areas only) :
1.7   Name of the Community Development
(CD) Block/Mandal/Taluka :
1.8   Habitation Name(for rural areas)/Mohalla
or equivalent urban unit for planning(for urban 36330700301-UNDEKODE
area) :
1.9   Name of the Educational
1.10(a)   Name of the Assembly Constituency 3633003-MAKTHAL

(b) Name of the Parliamentary Constituency 3608-MAHBUBNAGAR

1.11(a)   Name of 1.11(b) Name

Municipality (where of Ward (where
applicable) : applicable) :

1.12   Name of City (where applicable) : -

1.13   Address : Undekode Vill, Narva Mandal.

1.14   Contact Details :

(a) Head of School

Land Line
STD Code - -
Mobile Number

(b) Respondent* Name (In Capital Letters): K VENKATESH

* Respondent =person actually responsible for filling this form

(c) Respondent Contact No. :

Land Line
STD Code - -
Mobile Number ******8396 2/26
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(e) Website of
(d) Email of School

1.15   School Category(code) 7-Secondary with grades 6 to 10

(1-Primary only with grades 1 to 5 , 2-Upper Primary with grades 1 to 8 , 3-Higher Secondary
with grades 1 to 12 , 5-Higher Secondary with grades 6 to 12 , 6-Secondary/Sr. Sec. with grade
s 1 to 10 , 7-Secondary/Sr. Sec. with grades 6 to 10 , 11-Hr. Sec. /Jr. College only with grades
11 & 12)
1.16   Lowest and highest classes in the school :

(b) Highest
(a) Lowest Class in
6 Class in School 10
School :
(c) Whether pre-primary section (other than Anganwadi) attached
to school? (Yes=1, No=2)
1.17   Type of School (Boys =1, Girls =2, Co-
educational =3)
1.18   Management Of The School 33-MPP_ZPP SCHOOLS
(10-State Govt. , 11-State Govt.(DNT) , 12-TSREI Society Schools , 14-KGBVs(SSA) , 16-Govt.
Schools(Blind) , 17-Govt.Schools(Deaf and Dumb) , 18-Govt.Schools(Orthopaedically Handicap
ped) , 19-Govt.Schools(Mentally Retarded) , 20-Boarstal or Juvenille Schools , 21-Govt. Sanskri
t patashalas , 22-Govt. Oriental Schools , 23-TS Sports School run by govt , 24-TS SWREI Soci
ety Schools , 26-SW DEPT. SCHOOLS , 27-TS TWREI Society Schools , 29-TW DEPT. ASHRAM S
ol run by welfare department , 33-MPP_ZPP SCHOOLS , 35-Pvt.Aided , 36-Pvt.Aided Sanskrit p
atashalas , 37-Pvt.Aided Oriental Schools , 38-Pvt.Unaided , 39-Pvt.Unaided (CBSE Syllabus) ,
40-Pvt.Unaided (ICSE Syllabus) , 41-Pvt.Unaided (Blind) , 42-Pvt.Unaided (Deaf and Dumb) , 4
3-Pvt.Unaided (Orthopaedically Handicapped) , 44-Pvt.Unaided (Mentally Retarded) , 45-Pvt.Un
aided Sanskrit patashalas , 46-Pvt.Unaided Oriental Schools , 47-Rural Public Schools , 53-NCL
P , 55-Hindi Mahavidyalayas , 56-Central Govt. , 57-Kendriya Vidyalaya , 58-Navodaya Vidyalay
a , 59-Sainik Schools , 60-Railway Schools , 61-Unrecognised Schools , 62-TS MODEL SCHOOL
-Madarsa recognized (by Wakf board/Madarsa Board) , 98-Madarsa unrecognized)
1.19   Number of sections by class (if the class is stand alone, has no section then enter 1)

Classes Total Sections Classes Total Sections

pre-primary 0 I 0

II 0 III 0

IV 0 V 0

VI 1 VII 1


X 1 XI 0


1.20   Year of Establishment of School 2007

1.21   Year of Recognition of School (Only for Govt. Aided and Private Unaided School) :

(b) Upper
(a) Primary - 2007
Primary 3/26
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(d) Higher
(c) Secondary 2007 -

1.22   Year Of Upgradation of School(if applicable)

(b) Upper
(a) Primary to
- Primary to 2007
Upper Primary

(c) Secondary to Higher Secondary -

1.23   Is this a
1.23 (a)   If
special school for
2-No yes, then type
of school
( 1=Blind, 2=Deaf and Dumb, 3=Orthopedically Handicapped, 4=Mentally Retarded)
1.25   Is this a
1.24   Is this a shift
school?(Yes=1, 2-No 2-No
school? (Yes=1,
(Ashram (Govt.) =1, Non-ashram (Govt.) =2, Private=3, Others =4, KGBV =6, Eklavya Model
Residential School=8)
(a) If yes, Type of Residential School -

(b) Whether boarding/ residential facilities are available for the following stage / level :

YES/NO Number of Boys Number of Girls

i) Primary 0 0 0

ii) Upper Primary 0 0 0

iii) Secondary 0 0 0

iv) Higher
0 0 0
(a) If Yes,type
1.26   Is this a
of Minority
Minority Managed
2-No community
managing the
(Muslim =1, Sikh = 2, Jain = 3, Christian = 4, Parsi = 5, Buddhist = 6, Any Other=7, Linguistic
Minority = 8)
1.27   Are majority of pupils taught through
their mother tongue at primary level?(Yes=1, 0

1.28   Medium of instructions in the School

Medium I 17-Telugu Medium II 98-None

Medium III 98-None Medium IV 98-None

* Assamese=01, Bengali=02, Gujarati=03, Hindi=04, Kannada=05, Kashmiri=06, Konkani=07,
Malayalam=08, Manipuri=09, Marathi=10, Nepali=11, Odia=12, Punjabi=13, Sanskrit=14, Sind
hi=15, Tamil=16, Telugu=17, Urdu=18, English=19, Bodo=20, Dogri=22, Khasi=23, Garo=24,
Mizo=25, Bhutia=26, Lepcha=27, Limboo=28, French=29, Santhali=39, Maithali=51 Other lan
If other medium,
please specify : 4/26
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1.29   Language(s) taught as a subject (mention up to three languages below) *

(a)Language I 17-Telugu (b) Language II

(c) Language III 19-English

* Assamese=01, Bengali=02, Gujarati=03, Hindi=04, Kannada=05, Kashmiri=06, Konkani=07,
Malayalam=08, Manipuri=09, Marathi=10, Nepali=11, Odia=12, Punjabi=13, Sanskrit=14, Sind
hi=15, Tamil=16, Telugu=17, Urdu=18, English=19, Bodo=20, Dogri=22, Khasi=23, Garo=24,
Mizo=25, Bhutia=26, Lepcha=27, Limboo=28, French=29, Angami=41, Ao=42, Arabic=43, Bh
oti=44, Bodhi=45,German=46,Kakbarak=47,Konyak=48,Laddakhi=49,Lotha=50, Maithili=51,
Nicobaree=52, Odia(lower)=53,Persian=54,Portuguese=55,Rajasthani=56,Russian=57,Sema=
58,Spanish=59,Tibetan=60,Zeliang=61, Other languages=99
1.30   Does the School offers any Pre-vocational
courses at Upper-Primary Stage? (Yes=1, 2-No
1.31   Does the School Provide Educational and
Vocational guidance/Counseling to Students? 2-No
(Yes=1, No=2)
1.32   Affiliation Board of school For Secondary
2-State Board
(CBSE=1, State Board=2, ICSE=3, International Board=4, Others=5, Both CBSE & State Board
If others, then
Affiliation Number - name of the
board :

1.33   Affiliation Board of school For Higher Secondary sections : -

(CBSE=1, State Board=2, ICSE=3, International Board=4, Others=5, Both CBSE & State Board
If others, then
Affiliation Number - name of the
board :
1.34   Distance of the school (in km.) from the nearest Govt./Govt. Aided school : (for
example : 2.6)
b) From Upper
a) From Primary
0 primary 0
d) From Higher
c) From Secondary secondary
0 0
school /section school/junior
‘Distance’ is defined as ‘walking distance after discounting for all natural and man-made barrier
s on the way to the school’ like highways, train lines, etc.
1.35   Whether school is approachable by all-
weather roads?(Yes=1, No=2)

Question No. 1.36 (only for Government and Government Aided Schools)

1.36   Whether Anganwadi Centre is located

inside school premises? (Yes=1, No=2)

If Yes, (a) Code of the Anganwadi Centre -

(b) Total Children in Anganwadi Centre

Boys 0 Girls 0 5/26
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(c) Is the Anganwadi Worker trained in early childhood education?

(Yes=1, No=2)
(a) (d) Higher
Upper (c) Secondary
Primary Secondary
1.37   Number of instructional
days(previous academic year)
1.38   Average school hours for children
(per day) - Number of hours children stay
0.00 7.30 7.30 0.00
in school e.g. for five hours and forty
minutes write 5.40 :
1.39   Average working hours for Teachers
(per day) - Number of hours teachers stay
0.00 7.30 7.30 0.00
in school e.g. for five hours and forty
minutes write 5.40 :
1.40   Is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) being implemented in the school?
(Yes=1, No=2)

(a) Primary 0 (b) Upper Primary 1-Yes

(d) Higher
(c) Secondary 1-Yes 0
b) Are cumulative
records of pupil
If any one of the above is Yes,a)Are cumulative
1-Yes being shared with 1-Yes
records of pupil being maintained?(Yes=1, No=2)

Question No. 1.43 to 1.51 (only for Government and Government Aided Schools)

1.43   Whether any Out of School children enrolled in

the school are attending Special Training? (Yes=1, 2-No
if Yes, details of Special Training Boys Girls Boys Girls

b) No. of children enrolled

a) No. of children enrolled for Special
0 0 for Special Training in
Training in current year
previous academic year
c) No. of children completed Special d) Who conducts Special
Training during previous academic year Training ?
(School teachers=1, specially engaged teachers=2, both 1&2 =3, NGO =4, Others =5)
e) Where is Special Training conducted ? -
(School premises =1, other than school premises =2, both 1&2=3)
f) Type of Training being conducted -
(Residential =1, non-residential =2, both =3)
1.44   No. of students attending Remedial Teaching in current year : 150

1.45   When does the academic session starts? Give the month? (e.g.
June should be written as `6-June' )
1.46   Whether full set of textbooks received in current academic
year? (Yes=1, No=2)
If Yes, when were the textbooks received in current academic year?
(Month) 6/26
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1.47   Whether the School has received graded supplementary

material in previous academic year? (Yes=1, No=2)
1.48   Availability of free Textbooks, Teaching Learning Material (TLM) and play material(in
current academic year)
Upper Higher
Primary Secondary
Primary Secondary
Whether complete set of free textbooks received [
Yes =1, No = 2 ]
Whether TLM available for each grade [ Yes =1, No
Whether play material, games and sports equipment
available for each grade [ Yes =1, No = 2 ]
1.49   Details of visits to the school during the previous academic year

a) Number of academic inspections

b) Number of visits by CRC Co-ordinator

c) Number of visits by Block level officers (BRC/BEO/MEO)

(d) No of visits by District Level Officers:(DEO's/SO's/Spl.Teams/DIET)

(e) No of visits by State Level Officers:(SPD,ASPD,SCERT,SO's,Others)

1.50   whether School Management Committee(SMC) has been

constituted ?(Yes=1, No=2)

if Yes Male Female

a) Total number of members in SMC 5 9

b) Number of parents/guardians 3 7

Of the numbers in (b) above, provide number of parents belonging to:

SC 3 ST 0

EWS 0 Minority 0

Male Female

c) Number of Representatives/nominees from local

1 1
authority/local government/urban local body

(d) Number of teachers : 1 1

(e) Number of members provided training 0 0

f) Number of meetings held by SMC during the previous academic year

g) whether SMC has prepared the School Development Plan?(Yes=1,

h) whether separate bank account for SMC is being maintained?(Yes=1,
Yes,Bank State Bank of India Marikal
Name : 7/26
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Account in the
62023735959 ZPHS UNDEKODE
Number : Name
of :

2   Physical Facilities and Equipments

2.1   Physical Facilities and Equipments in Schools

2.1.1 Status of the school building? 3-Government
(Private =1, Rented=2, Government=3, Government school in a rent free building=4, No Buildi
ng=5, Building Under Construction=7, School running in
other Department Building=10)
2.1.2   Type of the school building?

Out of the total number of building blocks, number of

Partially pucca (building

Total Number of Building
Pucca with pucca walls and Kuchcha Dilapidated
building blocks Tent Under
Building floor without concrete building Building
of the school Construction
3 3 0 0 0 0 0
2.1.3   Type of boundary wall 1-Pucca
(Pucca=1, Pucca but broken=2, Barbed wire fencing=3, Hedges=4, No boundary walls=5, Othe
rs=6, Partial=7, Under Construction=8)
2.1.3(a)    Required compoundwall length in RMT

2.1.4   Details of classrooms available in the schools (For classes Pre Primary to XII )

(a) No. of Classrooms used for No. of classrooms under Total Classrooms in
instructional purposes construction dilapidated condition
5 0 0
(i) Out of the Total Classrooms used for instructional purposes, the details by stage/level:

Pre-Primary 0 Primary 0 3
Secondary 2 0
(b) Total number of rooms other than classrooms available in
the school

(c) Classrooms by condition

No. of classrooms by condition

Type of Classroom Good Condition Minor Need Major Repair
Pucca 2 0 3
Partially Pucca 0 0 0
Kuchcha 0 0 0
Tent 0 0 0 8/26
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2.1.5   Whether land is available for expansion of school

facilities (Yes=1,No=2)
2.1.6   Whether separate room for Head Teacher / Principal
available (Yes=1,No=2)

2.1.7   Does the school have toilet? (Yes=1,No=2) 1-Yes

If Yes, 2.1.7 Toilets

With running Without running

water water
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total



Non Functional

Out of non functional, repairable


Under Construction

2.1.7 (B) CWSN Toilets

With running Without running

water water
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total



Non Functional

Out of non functional, repairable


Under Construction

2.1.7 (C) Urinals

With running Without running

Item water water
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total



Non Functional

Out of non functional, repairable


Under Construction

2.1.7 (D) Bathrooms

Item With running Without running

water water 9/26
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Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total



Non Functional

Out of non functional, repairable


Under Construction
Note: - * Definition of functional toilet: water available in the toilet, minimal odour (no foul sme
ll), unbroken seat, regularly cleaned,dry, with working drainage system, accessible to users, clo
sable door
(e) Is hand washing facility with soap available near toilets/urinals block? (Yes=1,No

(f) Whether incinerator is available in/ attached to girls toilet? (Yes=1,No=2, Yes,but n
ot functional=3)

2.1.8   Whether drinking water is available in the school premises? (Yes=1,No=2) 1-Yes

if Yes, (a) Main Source of drinking water

Source Number of Units available Number of Units Functional

Hand pumps 0 0
Protected Well 0 0
Unprotected Well 0 0
Tap Water 1 1
Packaged / Bottled Water 0 0
Others 0 0
(b) Whether water purifier/RO is available in the school (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but not functional=3)
(c) Whether water quality is tested from water testing lab? (Yes=1,No=2)

(d) Whether water connection provided under Mission Bhageeratha (Yes/No) (Yes=1,No=2)

2.1.9   Does the school have provision for rain water harvesting? (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but not fun 1-
ctional=3) Yes
2.1.10   Whether hand washing facility with soap available for washing hands before and 1-
after meal ? (Yes=1,No=2) Yes

(a) If Yes, number of wash points 5

2.1.11(a)   Whether electricity connection is available in the school? (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but no 1-

t functional=3) Yes
(b) Whether solar panel is available in school ? (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but not functional=3)
(c) No. of rooms required Electrification (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but not functional=3)

(d) Electricity Unique Service No. (Yes=1,No=2,Yes,but not functional=3)

2.1.12   Whether the school have Library facility/Book Bank/Reading Corner? 10/26
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Available Total number Total number of books from NCERT,NBT or any

(Yes=1, No=2) of books other Government publisher

Library 2-No 0 0

1-Yes 500 0
2-No 0
(a) Does the school have full-time librarian? 2-No

(b) Does the school subscribe to

newspapers/magazines? (Yes=1,No=2)
2.1.13   Whether Playground facility is
available? (Yes=1,No=2)
2.1.13(a)   Whether Play Ground leveling
required (Yes/No)? (Yes=1,No=2)
(b) If No, whether school has made
adequate arrangements for children to play outdoor games and other
physical activities in an adjoining playground/municipal park etc.

2.1.14   Whether Medical check-up of students was conducted in

last academic year (Yes=1,No=2)
If Yes,
(a) Total number of Medical check-ups conducted in the school during
last academic year:
(b) De-worming tablets given to
(Complete(two doses)=1,Partially(one dose) =2, Not given=3)
(c) Iron and Folic acid tablets given to children
as per guidelines of WCD: (Yes=1,No=2)
2.1.15   Whether ramp for disabled children to access
school building exists ? (Yes=1,No=2)
(a) If yes, whether Hand-rails for ramp is
available ? (Yes=1,No=2)

2.1.16   Whether school has special educator ?(Dedicated=1, At cluster level =2, No=3) 3-No

2.1.17   Whether Kitchen Garden is available in school? (Yes=1, No=2)
2.1.18   Does the school have dustbins for collection of waste?

(a) Each Class Room (Yes and all =1, No=2, Yes but some=3)
(b) Toilet (Yes=1, No=2)
(c) Kitchen (Yes=1, No=2)
2.1.19   No. of students for whom furniture is available ?(supplied by
(Govt/NGO/Individual)) 11/26
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2.1.20   No.of dormitory rooms available

2.1.21   No.of dormitory rooms required

2.1.22   Availability of Sump (Yes/No)

2.1.23   Availability of Overhead water tank with running water facility available

2.1.24   No. of Fans Available

2.1.25   No. of Fans Required

2.1.26   Availablility of Dinning Hall (Yes/No)

2.1.27   Availability of Entrance Gate (Yes/No)

2.1.28   Power Backup Facility (0=None, 1=Generator,2=UPS, 3=Invertor, 4=Solar,


2.1.29   Television (1 - Yes, 2 - No, 3 - Not Functional)

2.1.30   Radio (1 - Yes, 2 - No, 3 - Not Functional)

2.1.31   Sound System (PA System) (1 - Yes, 2 - No, 3 - Not Functional)

2.1.32   Digital Classrooms (1= TV with ROT, 2= Projector with ROT, 3= Projector with
computer, 4= K-Yan, 5=Not Available)
2.1.33   Whether sports material available in the school (Yes-1, No-2)

2.1.34   Total land available in Sq.Mtrs

2.1.35   No.of trees and plants available

2.1.36   Number of Biometric devices Available

2.1.37   Status of Mid Day Meal (0 = Not Applicable,1 = Not Provided,2 = Provided &
Prepared in School,3 = Provided & Notprepared in School premises)
2.1.38   Source of MDM (0= Not Applicable, 1= In school premises, 2 = From near by
school, 3 = NGO, 4 = Self Help Group, 5 = PTA / MTA, 6 = Others, 7 = Gram
Panchayath, 8 = Central Kitchen)
2.1.39   Status of Kitchen Shed (0 = Not applicable,1 = Available,2 = Not available,3 =
Under Construction,4 = Excess classroom used as Kitchen shed)

2.1.40   Whether school covered under twinning (Yes-1, No-2)

2.1.41   Whether school covered under CSR (Yes-1, No-2)

a)    If yes, Name of the NGO / Company / Individual

b)    Mobile No. of the NGO / Company / Individual

c)    E-mail of the NGO / Company / Individual

d)    Type of Donation (1-Amount, 2-Kind)

e)    if amount (in Rs.)

2.1.42   Whether school is having band set (Yes-1, No-2)

2.1.43   Whether school teachers’ photos displayed in civil list (Yes-1, No-2)

2.1.44   Whether any school is running in same premises / compound (1=Yes/2=No) 12/26
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( School Code1 , School Code2 , School Code3 , School Code4 )

2.2   Physical Facilities and Equipment

2.2.1   Does the school have the following facilities (Secondary/Higher Secondary Sections)

Particulars (Yes =1, No=

a Separate room for Assistant Head Teacher/Vice Principal 2-No

b Separate common room for girls 2-No

c Staff room for teachers 2-No

d Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room 2-No

Staff quarters (including residential quarters for Head Teacher/Principal and

e 2-No
Asst. Head Teacher/ Vice Principal)
Integrated science laboratory (integrated laboratory is the one in which
f 2-No
Physics, Chemistry and Biology practical are held) for Secondary sections only
g Library room 2-No

h Computer room 2-No

i Tinkering Lab 2-No

2.2.3   Does the school have the following equipment(s)?

Equipment/Facility Availability (Yes=1, No=2, Yes but not functional=3)

1 Audio/Visual/Public Address System 2-No

2 Science Kit * 2-No

3 Math Kit ** 1-Yes

4 Biometric device 2-No

* Availability of general items, chemicals, glassware, microscope, electroscope, multimeter, resi
stance boxes, kerosene burner, electricity and magnetism kit, optics kit, spring balance etc.
** Availability of cubes, cutouts of various shapes, an innovative geoboard, abacus, Trigonomet
ric Circle Board, Pythagoras Theorem Square, algebraic tiles etc.

2.3   Computers and Digital Initiatives

2.3.2   Which computer Lab is available in the School ? (ICT=1,CAL=2,Both=3,None=4) 4-None

If ICT Lab is available :

(a) Year of implementation 0

(b) Whether the ICT Lab is functional or Not? (Yes=1, No=2) 0

(c) Which model is implemented in the school? (BOOT Model=1, BOO Model=2 ,Other =3) 0

(d) Type of ICT Instructor in the school: (Full time=1, Part Time=2 ,Not Available =3) 0

2.3.3   Does the school have the following

Available Total No.of

Items (Yes=1, N No. of Functional
o=2) Units Units 13/26
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1 Laptop/Notebook 2-No 0 0
2 Tablets 2-No 0 0
3 Desktop Computers 1-Yes 2 1
4 PCs with Integrated Teaching Learning Devices(K-YAN) 1-Yes 1 1
Digital Boards with Content Management Systems and
5 2-No 0 0
solutions (CMS)/ Learning Management System
6 Server 2-No 0 0
7 Projector 2-No 0 0
8 LCD/LED/Plasma Screen 2-No 0 0
9 Printer 2-No 0 0
10 Scanner 2-No 0 0
11 Web Camera 2-No 0 0
12 Generator / Invertor / UPS 2-No 0 0
13 Internet Facility 2-No
14 DTH-TV Antenna(ROT) 2-No
15 E-Content and Digital Resources for I-XII 2-No
16 Assistive tech-based solutions for CWSN 2-No
17 Computer lab
If Yes,whether separate room is avaliable

2.3.4 Whether ICT based tools are used for teaching? 1-Yes
(Yes=1, No=2)
(a)If yes, number of hours spent per week 7

3.1   Teaching Staff Details

Treasury Mobile
Name Gender Designation
Code Number
1721661 SRIDHAR.B Male 30-Language Pandit ( Hindi ) ******3606
KOTLA 14-School Assistant / TGT (
1738051 Male ******8479
BOGAM 13-School Assistant / TGT (
1747547 Male ******6848
NAGARAJU Mathematics )
1750566 L.PADMAVATHI Female 29-Language Pandit ( Telugu ) ******9779
1750658 KATTA SOWJANYA Female 17-School Assistant / TGT ( English ) ******5513
16-School Assistant / TGT ( Social
1759610 K.VENKATESH Male ******8396
Studies )
D SHRAVANI 15-School Assistant / TGT (
3400051 Female ******4968
KUMARI Bio.Science )
T277765 S Goverdhan Male 75-Part Time Instructor (PET) ******5078

3.3   Cadre strength for Teaching Staff 14/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

Medium 1(17- Medium 2(98- Medium 3(98- Medium 4(98-

Telugu) None) None) None)
Category of the Post
San. Pos. San. Pos. San. Pos. San. Pos.

11 - GHM Grade - II 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 - School Assistant / TGT (
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mathematics )
14 - School Assistant / TGT (
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Phy.Science )
15 - School Assistant / TGT (
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bio.Science )
16 - School Assistant / TGT (
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Social Studies )
17 - School Assistant / TGT (
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
English )
29 - Language Pandit ( Telugu ) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 - Language Pandit ( Hindi ) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.4   Cadre strength for Non-Teaching Staff

Regular(Govt &
Aided) Contract / Outsourced
S.No. Name of the post
persons Positioned
Sanction Position

1 Senior Assistant

2 Junior Assistant

3 Record Assistant

4 Accountant

5 Library Assistant

6 Laboratory Assistant

7 Head Cook

8 Asst. Cook


10 Attender

11 Sweeper

12 Day Watchman

13 Night Watchman

14 Day Watch woman

15 Night Watch woman

16 PTF (Contingency Employee)

Scavenger / Janitor from SSA

funds(Contract / outsourcing) 15/26
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18 Others if any

19 CRP

4.1   Enrollment in current academic session (By medium of instruction)

Medium 1(17- Medium 2(98- Medium 3(98- Medium 4(98-
Class Total
Telugu) None) None) None)

PP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VI 23 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 20
VII 19 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 16
VIII 21 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 29
IX 20 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 17
X 14 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 18
XI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
XII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 97 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 100

4.2   Student Details in current academic session

Sl Prest. Prev.
Student Id Student Name Gender Medium Section Caste
No. Class Class
1 106392017 bajaarshivaram 6 5 M Telugu A BC
2 106340200 bogimisravanthi 6 5 F Telugu A BC
3 106388489 boinpallykurumurthi 6 5 M Telugu A BC
4 108538769 BOYASREEVANI 6 5 F Telugu A BC
5 106339325 budidigouri 6 5 F Telugu A SC
6 106392483 bullakramcharan 6 5 M Telugu A BC
7 106339191 chinthaladivya 6 5 F Telugu A BC
8 106389787 chinthalalaxmangoud 6 5 M Telugu A BC
9 106391209 chinthalarakesh goud 6 5 M Telugu A BC
10 106340094 chinthalasindhu priya 6 5 F Telugu A BC
11 106339809 doodisangeetha 6 5 F Telugu A BC
12 106392236 eetevarun kumar 6 5 M Telugu A SC
13 106339721 gadwalsandhya 6 5 F Telugu A BC
14 111097269 GBHARATH 6 5 M Telugu A BC
15 111097288 gbunny 6 5 M Telugu A BC 16/26
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16 106390263 ghogimimahesh 6 5 M Telugu A BC

17 106390685 gurramnaveen 6 5 M Telugu A BC
18 106391110 gurrampraveen 6 5 M Telugu A SC
19 106391848 gurramshivakumar 6 5 M Telugu A SC
20 106339526 janampetanandini 6 5 F Telugu A BC
21 110310765 janampetapraveen 6 5 M Telugu A BC
22 106390114 karkisrinivasareddy 6 5 M Telugu A OC
23 106339383 kavalimeenakshi 6 5 F Telugu A BC
24 106338903 kolpurashwini 6 5 F Telugu A BC
25 106340460 kothapallysravani 6 5 F Telugu A BC
26 106338751 kothianjamma 6 5 F Telugu A SC
27 106339264 mottegangothri 6 5 F Telugu A BC
28 106339911 motteshireesha 6 5 F Telugu A BC
29 106338497 munnuruakshitha 6 5 F Telugu A BC
30 105696897 MVISHNUVARDHAN 6 5 M Telugu A BC
31 106340355 myathariashwini 6 5 F Telugu A SC
32 106390548 mytharinagesh 6 5 M Telugu A SC
33 106339038 nadimigerichinnari 6 5 F Telugu A SC
34 106391323 nakkaramu 6 5 M Telugu A BC
35 113195446 NARESH 6 5 M Telugu A SC
36 106392406 papulayyalamoorthi 6 5 M Telugu A BC
37 106391012 penukulanaveen 6 5 M Telugu A BC
38 106392094 rasoolsrishanth 6 5 M Telugu A BC
39 106338819 teluguarchana 6 5 F Telugu A BC
40 106340283 telugusridevi 6 5 F Telugu A BC
41 112532945 VAIPATLAANILKUMAR 6 5 M Telugu A BC
42 106387487 VAIPATLAANILKUMAR 6 5 M Telugu A BC
43 109842456 yeddevelilaxmi 6 5 F Telugu A BC
44 104580133 bajarshivakumar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
45 104579789 barlashivarani 7 6 F Telugu A SC
46 110310817 bgovardhan 7 6 M Telugu A BC
47 109842052 bobbaiankitha 7 6 F Telugu A BC
48 104579758 boyinpallyrajeshwari 7 6 F Telugu A BC
49 104876160 budidabharath 7 6 M Telugu A SC
50 104577398 Bullaknandini 7 6 F Telugu A BC
51 104580158 Chintakntashivaprasad 7 6 M Telugu A BC
52 110310856 dsanjeeva kumar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
53 109842335 dudisanjeeva kumar 7 6 M Telugu A BC 17/26
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54 110160857 gadwalmythri 7 6 F Telugu A BC

55 104689339 GBALAKRISHNA 7 6 M Telugu A SC
56 104689358 Gharikrishna 7 6 M Telugu A SC
57 104577354 goonimounika 7 6 F Telugu A SC
58 110445012 gshivaramakrishna 7 6 M Telugu A OC
59 104579965 gurrambhanu prakash 7 6 M Telugu A SC
60 109842150 janampetashankar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
61 104580176 janampetashekhar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
62 109842093 jangitishiva kumar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
63 107827643 kmallikarjun 7 6 M Telugu A BC
64 104577212 mandlachandana 7 6 F Telugu A BC
65 110134862 mangalirajesh 7 6 M Telugu A BC
66 104579871 mottesruthi 7 6 F Telugu A BC
67 104580192 mvenu 7 6 M Telugu A BC
68 104580032 nadimigerikrishna 7 6 M Telugu A SC
69 111205815 nkrishnaveni 7 6 F Telugu A SC
70 104580114 penumukulashiva kumar 7 6 M Telugu A BC
71 104579668 pindipravalika 7 6 F Telugu A BC
72 104577279 pongulavanya 7 6 F Telugu A BC
73 104579889 satyaramswathi 7 6 F Telugu A BC
74 104579938 uvaralaxmi 7 6 F Telugu A BC
75 104580226 vaddemannagendra babu 7 6 M Telugu A BC
76 104579611 vaddemannandini 7 6 F Telugu A BC
77 104577131 VAIPATLAANUSHA 7 6 F Telugu A BC
78 104485533 XXXSHIREESHA 7 6 F Telugu A BC
79 104128525 bobbiliharipriya 8 7 F Telugu A BC
80 103780744 bompallyhanmanthu 8 7 M Telugu A BC
81 103780663 budidakurmurthi 8 7 M Telugu A SC
82 104875926 budidaswapna 8 7 F Telugu A SC
83 106393125 bulakmounika 8 7 F Telugu A BC
84 104876055 bullakvijay 8 7 M Telugu A BC
85 103779948 chintalalaxmi 8 7 F Telugu A BC
86 103780448 chinthakuntaashwini 8 7 F Telugu A BC
87 111061615 CNARESH 8 5 F Telugu A BC
88 109935527 CNARESH 8 7 M Telugu A BC
89 103780390 dayyammaheshwari 8 7 F Telugu A BC
90 103780752 dokurshivakumar 8 7 M Telugu A BC
91 103779984 eatebhagya 8 7 F Telugu A SC 18/26
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92 103780678 EATEKESHAVULU 8 7 M Telugu A SC

93 103780698 eatesrikanth 8 7 M Telugu A SC
94 103780430 gattuvenkateshwari 8 7 F Telugu A BC
95 103780323 gurramkrishnaveni 8 7 F Telugu A SC
96 103780396 gurrammanjula 8 7 F Telugu A BC
97 103780408 gurramnandini 8 7 F Telugu A BC
98 103779965 gurrampooja 8 7 F Telugu A SC
99 103780384 jutlalaxmi 8 7 F Telugu A BC
100 109841994 kalwalaanjaneyulu 8 7 M Telugu A SC
101 103780343 kamulya 8 7 F Telugu A BC
102 103780424 karnamraghavi 8 7 F Telugu A BC
103 104128526 kavalichandana 8 7 F Telugu A BC
104 103780653 kavalisandhya 8 7 F Telugu A BC
105 104875969 kistapuramkruthika 8 7 F Telugu A BC
106 104128527 kothibalraj 8 7 M Telugu A SC
107 103780871 kundalaakash 8 7 M Telugu A BC
108 103780768 kundalashiva kumar 8 7 M Telugu A BC
109 103780463 kundalasravani 8 7 F Telugu A BC
110 104875992 mandlashiva jyothi 8 7 F Telugu A BC
111 104758442 metlashivakumar 8 7 M Telugu A BC
112 103780386 mottegayathri 8 7 F Telugu A BC
113 103780714 mrakesh 8 7 M Telugu A BC
114 103780000 munuramulya 8 7 F Telugu A BC
115 103780668 myatharinaresh 8 7 M Telugu A SC
116 103780283 nadimigeribhagya 8 7 F Telugu A SC
117 103780734 nakkanarendar 8 7 M Telugu A BC
118 103780851 patnamshiva 8 7 M Telugu A BC
119 103780378 penmukulanandini 8 7 F Telugu A BC
120 107653380 porlanaresh 8 7 M Telugu A BC
121 103780631 upparichandana 8 7 F Telugu A BC
122 103780843 upparikurumurthi 8 7 M Telugu A BC
123 111061586 uroopika 8 7 F Telugu A BC
124 109935581 usollasai kumar 8 7 M Telugu A BC
125 104876085 vaddemanshivaprasad 8 7 M Telugu A BC
126 103780724 yeddularaju 8 7 M Telugu A BC
127 103780401 yedivelliradha 8 7 F Telugu A BC
128 103780339 yeligendlajyothi 8 7 F Telugu A BC
129 103634979 avulamahesh 9 8 M Telugu A BC 19/26
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130 103634332 bhattiankitha 9 8 F Telugu A SC

131 109842574 bobbilibhoopathi 9 8 M Telugu A BC
132 105570749 bshiva kumar 9 8 M Telugu A BC
133 103634699 budhidirakesh 9 8 M Telugu A SC
134 104877495 budidaajay kumar 9 8 M Telugu A SC
135 103635538 chintalaakash goud 9 8 M Telugu A BC
136 103634901 chintalaaravind 9 8 M Telugu A BC
137 103635525 chintalasrilatha 9 8 F Telugu A BC
138 103635050 chintalasuresh 9 8 M Telugu A BC
139 112524908 CNARESH 9 8 M Telugu A BC
140 104941009 dasarirani 9 8 F Telugu A SC
141 103634939 dayamkurumurthy 9 8 M Telugu A BC
142 103635200 eetebhaskar 9 8 M Telugu A SC
143 104128542 fathima 9 8 F Telugu A BC
144 106392898 gangamollachandu 9 8 M Telugu A BC
145 103634346 gunibhanu 9 8 F Telugu A SC
146 103634781 guramanjaneyulu 9 8 M Telugu A SC
147 103634296 gurambharathi 9 8 F Telugu A SC
148 103634281 guramshirisha 9 8 F Telugu A SC
149 104128544 kalwalabalraj 9 8 M Telugu A SC
150 103634018 kavalichina anjamma 9 8 F Telugu A BC
151 104877454 konindlanandini 9 8 F Telugu A BC
152 104128548 mottekurumurthy 9 8 M Telugu A BC
153 103634685 mshivani 9 8 F Telugu A BC
154 106392754 myatharisrikanth 9 8 M Telugu A SC
155 103635656 nakkashirisha 9 8 F Telugu A BC
156 106392607 papulayolaanjamma 9 8 F Telugu A BC
157 103634610 patherchedshirisha 9 8 F Telugu A BC
158 103635025 penmukkulakurumurthy 9 8 M Telugu A BC
159 104128552 rasoolshivakumar goud 9 8 M Telugu A BC
160 103634537 teluguaruna 9 8 F Telugu A BC
161 103634627 telugusravani 9 8 F Telugu A BC
162 104128546 unandhishwar 9 8 M Telugu A BC
163 103635012 upparivenkatesh 9 8 M Telugu A BC
164 103634398 vaipatlaakhila 9 8 F Telugu A BC
165 103634421 vaipatlaaruna 9 8 F Telugu A BC
166 103632399 BOGIMILALITHA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
167 104129102 BSHIVA 10 9 M Telugu A BC 20/26
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168 109802942 BUPANKARUNAKAR 10 9 M Telugu A BC

169 103632507 CHINTAKAYALAKUMARI 10 9 F Telugu A BC
170 103631789 CHINTALAANURADHA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
171 103631423 CSHARATH BABU 10 9 M Telugu A BC
172 104129104 DAYYAMKURUMURTHY 10 9 M Telugu A BC
173 103632381 GADWALASHAILAJA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
174 104129106 GADWALASHIVAKUMAR 10 9 M Telugu A BC
175 103633886 GANTAYALASURESH 10 9 M Telugu A BC
176 103631868 GUNTAMBHAGYAMMA 10 9 F Telugu A SC
177 103633356 JACKLAIRRAMESH 10 9 M Telugu A BC
178 103633368 JANAMPETASHIVA KUMAR 10 9 M Telugu A BC
179 103633915 KADDAABHISHEKAR 10 9 M Telugu A SC
180 104877591 KALWALASANTHOSHA 10 9 F Telugu A SC
181 103633381 KAMMARIANIL KUMAR 10 9 M Telugu A BC
182 110032347 KISTAPURAMMEGHANA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
183 103632726 KOMALI 10 9 F Telugu A SC
184 103631688 KOTHISUKANYA 10 9 F Telugu A SC
185 103633784 KUKKALASHIVA KUMAR 10 9 M Telugu A BC
186 103633272 KUNDALANANDHINI 10 9 F Telugu A BC
187 103633808 MADYALAMEGHANA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
188 103631983 MANDLASWETHA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
189 109803016 MYATHARIRAJU 10 9 M Telugu A SC
190 103631802 NADIMIGERIBHAVANI 10 9 F Telugu A SC
191 104129103 NAKKAANIL 10 9 M Telugu A BC
192 109588997 NAKKASWAPNA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
193 103633543 SANDULACHENNAKESHAVULU 10 9 M Telugu A BC
194 103632214 ULLIGADDANANDHINI 10 9 F Telugu A BC
195 103632977 UPPARIBHAGYAMMA 10 9 F Telugu A BC
196 103631700 YEDDULAKALPANA 10 9 F Telugu A SC
197 103633247 YEDIVELLINANDHINI 10 9 F Telugu A BC

5   Incentives and facilities provided to children (For Government and Government Aided schools only)

5.2   Facilities Provided To Children (Previous academic year,for Upper Primary Grade VI-VIII)
General SC ST OBC Total Minority
Type Of Minority

Free Text
Books 21/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

facility to

5.3   Facilities Provided To CWSN (Previous Academic Year)

Pre-Primary Primary Upper Primary Secondary Higher Secondary

Type Of facility B G B G B G B G B G

Braille Book
Braille Kit
Low Vision Kit
Hearing aid
Wheel Chair

6   Annual Examination Result at Elementary Level

6.2   Annual examination Result in Previous Year for Grade VII/VIII

General SC ST OBC Total

Examination Result Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

Number of Students Appeared

Number of Students
Number of Students Passed with

7   Board Examination Result

7.1   Results of the Grade X Board Examination in the previous academic year

(a) Regular Students 22/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

Number of Students Appeared Number of Students Passed/Qualified

General SC ST OBC Total General SC ST OBC Total


(b) Other Than Regular Students

Number of Students Appeared Number of Students Passed/Qualified

General SC ST OBC Total General SC ST OBC Total


7.2   Number of Regular Students passed/qualified the Secondary School Board (Grade X)Examination by range of marks
(in previous academic year)
General SC ST OBC Total

Range of marks Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls






7.3   Number of Other than Regular Students passed/qualified the Secondary School Board (Grade X)Examination by
range of marks (in previous academic year)
General SC ST OBC Total

Range of marks Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls






8   Receipts and Expenditure

8.1   Grants received by the school & expenditure made during the financial year 2019-20 (For Govt. and Govt. Aided
Receipt (in Expenditure (in
Grants under Samagra Shiksha
Rs.) Rs.)

Composite School Grant

Library Grant

Grant for sports and physical education 23/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

Grant for Media and Community Mobilization

Grant for Training SMC / SMDC

Grant for support at Preschool Level (Only for primary

schools / sections)

Grant for Major Repair

Grant for Toilet Maintenance

Grant for Online Activities

Uniform stitching charges

Transportation charges


8.2   Financial Assistance received by the school

Availability (Yes=1,No=2) If Yes

Name Amount(in Rs.)

Non-Govt. Organization (NGO)

Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)



8.3   Whether school is maintaining Inventory Register for the following ?


1 ICT Items

2 Sports Equipment

3 Library Books

10   PGI and Other Indicators (Only for Government and Government Aided Schools)

10.1   PGI Indicators
S.No Availability

Number of teachers with Aadhaar or whose unique ID is seeded in any

electronic database
Whether the school has in place a system to capture student attendance
electronically(ABAS/THazzar) [Yes=1,No=2]
Whether the school has in place a system to capture teacher attendance
electronically?(ABAS/THazzar) [Yes=1,No=2]

10.1.4 Has school evaluation been completed (Shalasiddhi) [Yes=1,No=2]

Has school made improvement plans on the basis of evaluation?

(Shalasiddhi) [Yes=1,No=2] 24/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

Is the school registered under PFMS (Public Finance Management

System)? [Yes=1,No=2]

10.2   Other Indicators
S.No Availability

10.2.1 Whether the school has constituted Youth Club? [Yes=1,No=2]

10.2.2 Whether the school has constituted Eco Club? [Yes=1,No=2]

Whether Teacher Identity Cards are issued to all teachers in the school?

11   School Safety
S.No Status Of Implementation
Whether the School Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) has been

11.2 Whether Structural Safety Audit has been conducted ?

11.3 Whether Non-Structural Safety Audit has been conducted ?

11.4 Whether CCTV cameras available in school ?

11.5 Whether Fire Extinguishers are installed ?

11.6 Does the school have a nodal teacher for school safety ?

Whether students and teachers undergo regular training in school

safety and disaster preparedness ?
Whether disaster management is being taught as part of the
curriculum ?
Whether school has received grant for Self Defense Training for
Girls ?
If Yes, No.of students provided training (Provide actual number of
students trained) ?
Whether the school has displayed safety guidelines on Display
Whether all teachers have received grant for working as first level
counselors? (For Government Schools)

11.11(a) If Yes, Whether the school has carried out the following Activities?

i) Guidance & Counselling

ii) Sensitization of parents

iii) Awareness generation for Students and community

iv) Provision for taking feedback of the students

v) Suggestions/Complaint box in the schools

vi) Providing copies of safety guidelines to the students 25/26
7/7/2021 :: UDISE ::

I hereby declare that the information entered in this Data Capture Format (DCF) is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge. I also undertake to inform that the Enrollment and Teacher Particulars
printed in this DCF are found correct as per data entered in online Student and Teacher Information
Systems ( and also the discrepancies noticed in the DCF are
rectified in the above said online Systems. I undertake to inform any changes therein, immediately.
Principal / Vice-Principal / Headmaster

Name Signature

Date Stamp

Respondent (Who filled this form)

Name Signature

Verification by CRC

I hereby certify that the data submitted is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Cluster Resource Person

Name Signature

Date :

Cluster Headmaster

Name Signature

Date Stamp

Verification by Mandal Educational Officer

I hereby certify that the data submitted is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name Signature

Date Stamp 26/26

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