Exchange Students

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being exchange student has advantage and disadvantage

everyone has dream about that become exchange students, because it has lots of benefits and why
some people belive that beingt exchange students has more disadvantage than advantage. i storngly
belive that being exchange student can get more vital skills which help future job and i have some
convincing arguments to prove my mind with the following opinion.
first of all , if we talk about language improving the best way is live at another country.
learn foreign language is most appreciated In today's life and Exchange programs help us in this.
in addition exchange students advantages That's that we live another country alone and it's Exciting
because we are facing real life is accompanied by a lot of difficulties. we will have been getting lots of
Necessary skills if we We get used to living in another country.
but it also has some disadvantages. it's so expensive and some studnts Has to work hard.
In conclusion, to summarize it depends on people and was my assessment of the topic.

Everyone has dreamed of becoming an exchange student because there are many advantages to it and
why some people believe that an exchange student has more disadvantages than advantages. I strongly
believe that an exchange student can acquire more important skills that will be helpful in future work,
and I have some compelling arguments to prove my point with the following opinion. If we are talking
about improving the language, the best thing is to live in another country. Learning a foreign language is
most valued in life today and exchange programs help us do this. Advantages for Students It is that we
live alone in another country and it is exciting because we are faced with real life which is fraught with
many difficulties. We will have acquired many necessary skills by the time we get used to living in
another country. but it also has some drawbacks. It's that expensive and some studies. You have to work
hard. In summary, it depends on people and finances. It was my assessment of the subject.

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