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“Cara Membuat French Toast Mudah”


Untuk membuat French Toast, Anda membutuhkan:


1. 1 sendok makan gula pasir : _________________________________________

2. 2 butir telur. : _________________________________________

3. 4 potong roti : _________________________________________

4. 1/4cangkir susu : _________________________________________

5. Mentega : _________________________________________

6. Pan : _________________________________________

7. Garpu : _________________________________________

8. Piring : _________________________________________

9. Mangkuk : _________________________________________

Langkah: : _________________

1. Pecahkan telur, lalu tuang susu ke dalam mangkuk.


2. Aduk satu sendok teh gula.


3. Campurkan gula, susu, dan telur dalam mangkuk pencampur.


4. Selanjutnya, masukkan 1 potong roti ke dalam mangkuk dengan telur, susu, dan gula. Kemudian, balikkan.

5. Lelehkan mentega dalam wajan.


6. Setelah wajan panas, keluarkan roti dari mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam wajan.

7. Setelah satu sisi roti matang, balikkan.


8. Setelah roti habis, masak 3 lembar roti lainnya dengan langkah yang sama.

9. Sekarang, sajikan roti di piring.

Myth: French Toast is French.

That’s right, folks. French toast is a phony! So, if the French did not invent this tasty little treat, who
did? According to legend, it was a man named Joseph French. He invented the dish in 1724 and marketed it as
"French Toast" because he was grammatically inept and forgot the apostrophe.
But before we give our man Joe all the credit, let’s check the facts. According to a collection of
recipes from the early 5th century AD, the dish we now know as French toast existed as early as the age of the
Roman Empire. The Romans made Pan Dulcis, a type of French toast, by soaking bread in a milk and egg
mixture and then frying it in oil or butter.
Others believe that French toast was created by medieval European cooks who needed to use
every bit of food they could find to feed their families. They knew day-old bread could be revived when
moistened and heated. They included the eggs to add moisture and protein.
The phrase "French Toast" first appeared in print in the Encyclopedia of American
Food and Drink in 1871. But it is known by a variety of names, including German toast, eggy bread, French-
fried bread, gypsy toast, Poor Knights of Windsor, Spanish toast, nun’s toast, and pain perdu, which means
"lost bread" in French.

Please translate and answer the questions below into English!

1. Apakah menurut anda membuat French toast itu mudah?


2. Apakah anda tertarik untuk membuat French toast?


3. Jika membuat French toast itu mudah, akankah kamu mencobanya?



4. Apakah French toast itu aslinya berasal dari Perancis?


5. Apa itu procedure teks?


Teks prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat atau digunakan melalui serangkaian

(ori) That’s right, folks. French Toast is a phony! So, if the French did not invent this tasty little treat,
who did? According to legend, it was a man named Joseph French. He created the dish in 1724, and advertised
it as “French Toast” because he was grammatically inept and forgot the apostrophe.
But before we give our man Joe all the credit, let’s check the facts. According to a collection of
recipes from the early 5th century AD, the dish we now know as French toast existed as early as the age of the
Roman Empire. In their style of French toast, called Pan Dulcis, Romans would soak bread in a milk and egg
mixture, then fry it in oil or butter.
Others believe that French toast was created by medieval European cooks who needed to use every
bit of food they could find to feed their families. They knew day-old bread could be revived when moistened
and heated. They added the eggs for additional moisture and protein.
The phrase “French Toast” first appeared in print in the Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink in
1871. But it is known by a variety of names including German toast, eggy bread, French-fried bread, gypsy
toast, Poor Knights of Windsor, Spanish toast, nun’s toast, and pain perdu which means “lost bread” in French.

1. 1 tablespoon of sugar

2. 2 eggs.

3. 4 loaves of bread

4 cups of milk

5. Butter

6. Pan

7. Fork

8. Plate

9. Bowl


1. Break the eggs, then pour the milk into the bowl.
2. Stir in a teaspoon of sugar.

3. Combine the sugar, milk, and eggs in a mixing bowl.

4. Next, put 1 piece of bread in the bowl with eggs, milk, and sugar. Then, turn it over.

5. Melt the butter in the pan.

6. After the pan is hot, take out the bread from the bowl and put it in the pan.

7. After cooking one side of the bread, flip it.

8. After finishing the bread, cook the other 3 pieces of bread with the same steps.

9. Now, serve the bread on the plate.

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