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Republic of the Philippines ems File Copy Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS ~ MANILA Marita Education Center Administration Bldg. People’s Park A. 4. Villegas St, Ermita Manila Telefax: 5272315 / 5275184 / 5275180 manila schoo. To : Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief Education Supervisor Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads FROM. e JENILYN Ze B. CORPUZ, CESO VI Schools Division Superintendent SUBJECT . Submission, Evaluation, and Field Testing of Learning Resources (LRs) FOCALPERSON : LADY HANNAH C. GILLO Librarian II, OIC- LEMS DATE August 22, 2019 1. To property evaluate and quality assure the leaming resources, the School Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team is advised to use the LR Guidelines and Specification Standards and follow the LR Process Flow. 2. Teachers/ Master Teachers/ Dept. Heads assigned as Focal Persons and Learning Area Evaluators are advised to familiarize themselves with their duties and responsibilities to ensure the smooth flow of evaluating the learning materials. 3. Innovation standards/format and sample letter to be used in evaluating the submitted innovative LRs could be viewed/downloaded from using DepEd Gmail account. 4. Wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. add Q-Qualty First *...tofere expellence is a Bifestyle.” Division of City School Manila. c Gurriculion implementation Division LEARNING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SECTION Standards for PRINT Resources Examples of PRINT Resources © Leamer’s Material/Textbook Teacher's Manual/ Teacher's Guide Reader Storybooks Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) Activity Sheet/Worksheet Workbook Modules Contextualized Matrix Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Training Development Resource TYPE SIZE Recommended Type Sizes and Art-to-text Ratlo of Textbooks [Grade | Recommended Font See Une Space | Afloted Level Font-Family (Body Text) (Spacing) | Ratio Kto Text Vépt Grade 1 Heads 201030 pt 4pt Century Gothic | sub Heads 16 to 18 pt Grader | rete 7 ambck roe = (body text flushed lett/ | HEcs 2010 $0 Pt ace ub Heads 16 fo 18 pt Grades | ‘esed sont evo re V4pt Fyphenations) — | Heads 18 fo 28pt 4pt | os Sub Heads 1410 1épt [Sr Text Vapt Heads 1810 28 pt apt Aviat Su Heads 14 to 16 pt GradeS | _TimesNewRoman [Text Vito 12 pt to12 Bookman Old Style [Heads 15024 pt 2pt | 30%:70% Sub Heads _11 to 13 pt Teacher's| (body text justified) [Text Vito 12 pt Guides Heads 1510 24pt 2pt None Sub Heads _11 to 13 pt TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGE SET-UP [Page ‘Custom ‘AA Digital distribution: | brepettes (used for print IMs & TGs LR Portal Resources | Paper | 825"x 10.75" (f portrait) 8.268" x 11.693" sze__| 10.75"x8.25" (it landscape) | Marans Set fe mivored sting wih custom margins as foows [Top 7 Top: 1" Bottom 1" | Bottom 1" Inside 1" Inside 1" Outside 1" Outside 1” Gutter_[05" None earning Rescurce Management Secon Page 1 of 9 LEARNING RESOURCE DESIGN Re Front Matter Text Proper Back Matter | Cover page Main body | Write up aboutthe | Storybooks | Tile page Guide questions | author Bilustrator | (big & small) | Copyright page Translations Back cover | | preface | i | Cover page Main body (guide, | Back cover | Tile page activity, assessment, | | siM Copyright page enrichment, answer aboot contons feycorreiernce | | Iniroduetion card) | ‘Name of Leamer, grade Activity level, section date procedure an answer key | Activity sheet/ | Tile of he activity guestions may be included for | Worksheet | Lecming competency | Rubrics for scoring [if | the teacher's use, with code opplcabie) Jeniy(separate | Drections/ instructions shee!) | Cover page Content Reterence/s Title page | Envichment Back Cover | Workbook | Copyright page | Summary Table of contents | Background information Cover page Tesson proper To the leamers | review Title page inclucing | presentation & | copyright- contoins title, | discussion Modules | copyight publher, | activities ‘author lel's study and What is this module onalyze these about? ebstraction ae What you akeady know? | application E PREPARATION FOR STORYBOOKS (BIG & SMALL) TYPOGRAPHY/ PRINTS © Size of letters is appropriate fo the child ‘© Font style is easy to read © Spaces between letters and words facilitate easy reading BIG BOOK COVER ELEMENTS ‘Cover Arts Layouts appropriate to the child Cover's attractive and pleasing Adequate visual in relation to texts provided Text and visuals ore property placed. Harmonious blending of visuals ond text & observed. Is readable Cover Page Tile e.g. Ang Tatay Kong 1631 Violator 8.9. Pag-caring Pamehalacn HINDI IPINAGBIBIL! © Name of Author & illustrator e.g. Akda o kwento ni Cora S. Napifias Iginuhit ni Ernest John F. Bayona earning Resource Management Secon Page 2 of 9 General Elements and Description Element Description Cover page The cover of a story book consis of the Tille of the story, author and isle ilustrator with a fully page cover art. Title page The entries of the litle page of the story book are the same as the cover page except the cover orf. ‘Copyright page | Entries of this page are the same as that of LMS. Prefoce | Main Body/ Text | This page introduces the book including the level of users and identified competencies and competency code._ _ itself which should have 3 fo 4 words per line and 4 to 5 lines per page for English stories and 2-4 words per ine cand 3 to 5 lines per page for Filipino/ MIB-MLE storias, Guide questions | This page consists of 3 fo 5 questions based on the story. Translation The eniry of this page is a translation of the story from Englsh to MTB- MLE Filipino of vice versa. Back cover Eniries of this page ore the same as thal ofLMs Specification on Letter, Word Spacing and Alignment words perline ‘Visual Aspect | Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grades | Note on The number of words per line suggested below is based on the studies in number of countries where the words ore of an average length. These recommendations would not be suitable, where some of the languages have words with up to 16 letters in them. Therefore, any development of supplementary reading materials should be taken into account the unique context of the region and the language(s) for which they are. being developed, Nomberof | Approximately 3 | Approximately 4 | Approximately 6 | Approximately 8 words perline | to4wordsper | toéwords per | to8words per | to 10 words per fine fine line fine Suggested | Three leifer spaces beiween words and sightly expanded spacing spacing between the lelfers of each word. Standard spacing: the spacing used | in normal Courier text: 1:16 times width of the lowercase x. Do not ‘expand the spacing between letters by more than 1-%- ie., more than 1.28 times the width of the lowercase x used in the normal courier [ Number of lines ‘Approximately 4 | Approximately 4 | Approximately 6 | Approximately 6 per page to Siines of text | to Sines of text | to8ines of text. | to IO ines of page er page: per page: text per pager ] increase density | densiy does not | again, the | frombeginning | increase as | densty should | ofthe book to | substantially es | remain more or | end of the book | in Grade 1 less the same throughout the coune of the Visual Aspect | Kindergarten | Grade 7 Grade 2 Grades Svagesied | Text should be right aligned text (for Arabic scripts) wih clear, spacing hierarchical spacing between elements such as headings, poragrophs, ‘and line within a paragraph. If the standard spacing is double spacing between individual ines, then there should be 4-line spaces between Paragraphs and é-line spaces between heading/ titles and the fst Poragraph/ line of tex. If there is only one paragraph on the page ond | heading, then there should be about 4 lines of space between the heading and text. Bold ond italic text The use of bold and italic text (excluding files) Is not recommended for | early grade reading materials because they are additional typographic | cues that must be processed by the student. Bold fex! also adds to the | tonality of the page. so it should be sparingly. Leaning Resource Management Secon Page 3 of 9 Typography and Document Setup [Technical Specifications for Typography. [Typeface | San Serif, Century Gothic Drop cap [Atleast double size of the body. Technical Spec for Document Selup Book size, [ Maximum of 8.27 x 11.69 inches (Ad) Cover [Fold cote caliper 12, Margins/ Gutter [No required gutter and margins Binding | Saddle sfitch (the life expectancy of materials that are saddle stitched does not | generally surpass one year). for a maximum | 92 pages | | Perfect binding (1-inch margin and % inch ines | gutter) Paginalion [Mirer pagination Technical Specs for Prinfing Paper quaiiy | Matter paper {more expensive than the] | uncoated paper) Uncoated bond paper | 70180 o8m paper | Covers should be printed on no les than | 130 gsm, with 160 gsm offering stronger a | protection and durabiity Inkqualty 32 pages (4 spread) ARTWORK STYLE GUIDE What is Artwork? lustrative work prepared for reproduction that consist of drawings, hand lettering, Pointing, photographs and other representations in printed publications. The final artwork (called camera-teady artwork) usuoilly includes instructions for color registration and color matching. Art Work Characteristics and Functions © Transmits its message clearly and accurately Facilitates comprehension Is relevant fo the text for which itis used, |s appropriate for the learner's age and grade level Can stimulate recall of a previously encountered image. Is consistently clear in the content and detail |s culturally appropriate \s attractive, appealing both to human interest and emotions The visuals illustrates and clarify the story The illustrations are artistically appeaiing The illustrations are easily recognizable © The visuals are not frightening Artwork Style Guide Artwork Resolution & Size Format ‘Mode Freehand or ‘300dpi/ppi IPEG- Photos ‘CMYK Digital (optimum resolution) JPEG of PNG/ illustration | (Cyan. Magenta, 200 dpi/ppi PNG- logos, icons ene (acceptable resolution) Hlusiration size: actual size. Lime tae] eorming Resource Managamene Secon Page 4 of 9 FACTORS fo be considered in preparation and reproduction of LRs Factor | - CONTENT DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Story * The story has a caichy title * The story focuses on the main theme * The story arouses the interest of the child 1.2 Social Content Social content refers to specific themes or topics In general prescribed by the Department of Education in leamer’s materials to ensure that leamers become nationalistic and morally upright citizen. + The materials is free from ideological, cultural, reigious, racial, and gender biases and prejudice * The material is related to one's own cultural experiences or those of other cultures. * The materials promotes appreciation of positive customs and culture (e.g.. Special days or occasion, cultural activities of celebration, etc. * The material provides awareness of one’s country. 1.3 Plot 's clear and made up of simple events * stimulates critical thinking + has logical flow that allows the child to anticipate the outcome of the events * allows the child to connect with the emotion/s conveyed. * Ends with a positive or satisfying mood 1.4 Characters + The main character/s are model/s of vitues * Each character's personality is interesting and clear * The supporting character/s enhance the dynamics of the story 1.8 Language and Grammar * Vocabulary used is adapted to the child's experiences and understanding. = Direct and indirect quotations are interestingly combined. * Sentences are clear, short and simple * Sentence constructions are consistent and appropriate. * The sentence are grammatically correct and contain no typographical errors. = Language adhere fo corect orthography Factor II- FORMAT AND TECHNICAL ASPECT 2.1 Prints, Book Design and Layout + Layout is appropriate to the child. * Coveris attractive and pleasing. + Adequate visuals in relation to text is provided. * Harmonious blending of visuals and text is observed. * Isreadable. 2.2 Paper and Binding * Thick paper = Paper used is of good quality (e.g. can withstand wear and tear, will not strain the eyes, etc.). * Binding is durable and can withstand frequent use. = Pages are easy to tum 2.3 Size and Weight * Size is easy to handle (e.g. ease of handling is measured between | to 3 hand spans of a Syear old child. = Weight is relatively ight Lzoming Resource Management Secson Page 5 of 9 2.4 Printing * Printing is of good quality (e.g. no broken letters, no typographical error, even density, correct alignment, properly placed screen registration, no misprints) = COST EFFECTIVE ‘STANDARDS FOR STORYBOOKS Cover, Tile, Design, Paging, Printing, Layout, and Binding * Font, style and sizes are consistent; Texts are easy fo read: and Spaces between words ‘and sentences faciltate reading. * Illustrations are adequate, atiractive, culturally relevant, propery labelled and realistic. with appropriate colors. * It has an eye-catching/ interesting but topic-related fille; easy to handle and relatively light. * Ithas names (8) of the author(s) and ecitors/ilusirators, page number, table of contents, school, etc. + Printing is of good quality. + Proper margin is observed and texis do not overlap with margins. * The cover, design, binding and layout of the materials are attractive and done creatively. "= The fitle is interesting and fis to its content. Learning Competency = Leaming competencies & PELC number/cod, target audience, grade level, etc. are identified and reflected. = Two ormore competencies are developed: and the material can be used in other leaming creas. Presentation and Organization * All elements of the story are present. * Content is accurate and suitable to the learners’ needs and level of development. * Content is free of ideological, cultural, religious, racial and gender biases and prejudices. * Presentation is engaging, interesting and understandable with logical and smooth flow of events. * Texts are computerized and large enough so everyone can read it. + The book can be used in other learning areas and fwo track approach is introduced. + The texts, font style and size and length of sentence are appropriate and faciltate reading. ‘Characters and iilustrations * llstration is original, and images are real and not copy-pasted/photocopied form other sources. = Names of characters are indigenized/localized. * Pictures are big, easy to understand, and are clearly related to the tex's (so leamers can read the pictures). * Relationships between characters are clear (protagonist, antagonists, and secondary characters). * The main and secondary characters are present and their roles are clear. Setfing of the Story * The mood or atmosphere of the story is clear and the setting is localized/indigenized. ‘The place and time of the story are present. + The plot or series of events and character actions relate to the central conflict. Conflict of the Story * Desrable valves are enhanced, infused and developed. «= The internal and or extemal confict is clear and resolved. Leoming Resource Monogement sacion Page & of 9 Plot of the Story + Events in the story are logically organized and sequenced. + Promotes the literacy and or numeracy + Resolutions to the conflict are evident. += The way the climax of the story is presented really draws readers’ interest. «= The plot is clear and easy to follow and the rising and falling actions ore relevant to the theme. Theme of the Story * The theme of the story conveys real life experiences and problems: and = there is a central theme of the story that promotes core values and rights of every individual. Assessment/ Comprehension Check- Up * Reading skils are assessed and developed such as: “Building Vocabulary and Noting Details “Drawing assumptions/ conclusions and distinguishing facts and opinion *“Inferencing, sequencing events and figuring cause-effect relationship: “Reading comprehension «= Diversity of leamers and their leaming styles are carefully addressed (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic leamers. «It provides thought provoking questions and elicit explanations, not one-word answer at all times. * Multiple options are parallel, arranged alphabetically/numerically, by length etc. * Questions are correctly developed and require high order thinking skils such as problem. solving, critical thinking and reasoning. Reference Card * Uist of resources are present and they provide additional content not fondin the textbook. = Several reference books/leaming materials are cited; and APA style is used; and. = the original author/llustrator is recognized os reflected in the reference pages. = There is no plagiarism issue. Accuracy = Ithas comect sentence construction, punctuation marks, capitalization, usage, spelling, etc. = There are conceptual, factual, grammatical, computational errors and obsolete information. = There are no typographical and other minor errors. Lzoring Resource Manogementsecton Page 7 of 9 © ‘Standards for Manipulatives and Professional Development Material (PDM) Manipulatives and Professional Development Materials will be evaluated using focus ‘areas below. The focus areas can be the proponent's guide in developing his/her instructional materials. Prior fo the division validation of the instructional material, the proponent needs to submit a Concept Paper that includes the following focus areas: Desctiption and Rationale Target Audience Subject Matter Duration Objectives Preparation Instructions/ Procedure Evaluation Resource List i. Outputs (after the validation process) For-p9anco ‘Typography and Document Setup for Concept Paper | Typeface | Century Gothic Font Size 12, justified, 1.15 line spacing Paper Size ‘Ad/ short No. of Pages Minimum of 3 pages, maximum of 5 ages. Must include page number. Binding Staple Body of Concept Paper Page T ‘Cover ‘+ Letter head of the schoo! ‘* Tile of instructional Material + Name of Proponent (Century Gothic, ste 12, centered, bold) ‘+ Proponent's Position (Century Gothic, Se 12. centered) Page 23 /2-5 The body of Concept Paper + (Contury Gothic, sae 121.15 spacing, jstiied) The proponents should submit the Concept Paper addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent attention to the LR Supervisor of the Leaming Resource Management Section at the Curriculum implementation Division. Leoming Resource Manegement Secson Page 8 of 9 SAMPLE FORMAT School's Letter Head Title of the Instructional Material Name of the Proponent Proponent's Position eorming Resource Management Secion Page 9 of 9 Division of City School Manila Curriculirm. Implementation Division LEARNING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SECTION Submission of Quality Assured Learning Materials School Level a 2 The proponent submits the leaming material to School Learning Resource ‘Management and Development Center (SLRMDC) Focal Person. The SLRMDC Focal person receives the learning resource. The Focal person forwards the leaming resource to Learning Area Evaluator for the 1* level review then submits to the School Head through the Focal Person for approval. “in case the leaming material recommends for improvement, it will be retumed to the proponent. if the recommendation has been made, the proponent will re-submit the material fo SLRMDC Focal Person. The Focal person will prepare a recommendation letter of the learning materia! 1ed by Principal, Focal Person, and Learning Area and transmits the learning material to the Division Learning Resource Management Section (RMS) at the ‘Curriculum Implementation Division (CID). Division Level 1 The proponent submits the learning material to the Division LRMS (adiaressed fo Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) attention to Learning Resource Supervisor} The Division LRMS together with the Division Quality Assurance team received the leaming material for the 2° level review in terms of technical specifications. “in case the fearing materials recommends for improvement, it will be retumed to the proponent. If the recommendation has been made, the proponent will re-submit the leaming material on the date given by the LR Supervisor. The LR Supervisor will inform the proponent to prepare a letter of invitation fo LR Supervisor/ Education Program Supervisors/ Public Schools District Supervisor- In Charge for validation of his/her leaming material Validation/ Quality Assure Process The Division LRMS and Supervisors will validate/quality assure the leaming material in the classroom using the evaluation tool given by the Department of. Education. If the learning material receives a “Passed Score” from the Division LEMS and Supervisors, the proponent will submit his/her material in soft copy for possible uploading in the Division/LR Portal. The proponent will receive a certification of validation from the Division LRMS. “In case the material receives a “Failed Score" but recommended for use, it will be retumed fo the proponent and put in application the recommendations of Division LRMS and Supervisors. The proponent willre-submit the LR in soft copy format for possible uploading to the Division/ LR Portal. Leoming Resource ManegementSecton Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE TEMPLATE = SCHOOL'S LETTER HEAD Recommendation for the Quality Assurance of The Newly Developed Learning Resource (LR) Material We, the undersigned members of the School Quality Assurance Team, after a thorough study/review of the newly developed Leaming Resource Material entitled, * u presented by, ct andahenmee do recommend for further review of the Division Quality Assurance Team. learning Area Coordinator ~ SLRMDC Focal Person Language Editor School Head Division of City School Manila Curriculum Implementation Division LEARNING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SECTION To ensure the smooth flow of developing and evaluating the leaming materials (text based and non- text based) in the school, following are the duties and responsibilities of LR Focal Persons/Coordinator and Leaming Resource Evaluators. Learning Resource Coordinator (LRC) Duties and Responsibilities Prepare, consolidate and submit accurate and updated School LRMDS accomplishment reports. Lead in the distribution and utilization of leaming resources in the school. Keep and update database of inventories of text based and non-text- based leaming resources on all grade levels and subject areas within the school. Attend, participate actively and update his/her concemed Principal in all Division/District LRMDS meetings, seminar, and other related activities. Lead in the establishment, proper utilization and maintenance of School Library and Leaming Resource Center. Lead in advocating and assisting all teaching and non-teaching personnel in the school on how to responsibility access the DepEd Leaming Resource Portal. Provide technical assistance to co-teachers in the development, production and storage of leaming resources. Organize the School LRMDS Content Developers Team which includes: - Creative Writers = Illustrators - Layout Artist - Graphic Artist = Animators - Leaming Resource Evaluators/ Quality Assurance Team Perform other LRMDS- related tasks Learning Area Evaluators/ Quality Assurance Team Duty and Responsibility Review and evaluate the leaming material/s a. Content - Alignment to K to 12 Cuniculum = Social content b. Accuracy and up-to-dateness of the information ¢. Presentation and Organization of the ideas d. Grammar and spelling e. Citation and References Review existing LR in school and identify gaps and priorities Lzoming Resource Management Secson Page 1 of 1 sb eotoath gat cnet cnt rotot | Sauhaga grioet ino w 2oMiL tebe? betatay Sap Topo seilinlca snl o8i p. bal-ndn bao sees tpt to lt itive some Posies am ip nilagion? Gere: 2atviog Geis» ‘Orig? fo: eo ‘eondaisn oir << samdeat poli Jnenpapiover ent 4 ‘pebipe Sbieechd8) ams / f a haa | iret ine ws ie o “aonb ort to. torfscha bao gon i Za d bye ind eget! eomeesn genes

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