The Significance of Venom Production of Sea Anemones Amidst Bleaching and Negative Growth

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The Significance of Venom production of Sea Anemones amidst Bleaching and Negative


Hoepner, Cassie & Abbott, Catherine & Burke da Silva, Karen. (2019). The Ecological Importance
of Toxicity: Sea Anemones Maintain Toxic Defense When Bleached. Toxins. 11. 266.

Cnidarians are recognized as one of the most venomous animals on the planet, the
production of venom is rampant in this phylum as a result of their sessility. They are built with
nematocysts --specialized stinging cells--that deliver their tenacious venom. This ability protects
them from predatory threats and food acquisition. Aside from predation, cnidarians are gravely
threatened by the inevitable impacts of climate change like other marine species. Corals and sea
anemones, for instance, are exposed to bleaching induced by the rapid ranges in climate.
Bleaching in sea anemones occurs when their relationship with symbiotic photosynthetic algae
(zooxanthellae) breakdown due to diverse environmental stressors. Upon losing their algal
symbionts, they relatively lose their internal food supply leading to a decrease in energy
production. Hindered growth follows and the decrease in venom production, as well as, number
of nematocysts, are assumed to decrease likewise because it requires a relative amount of
energy from the animal. Hoepner, et al. (2019), initially hypothesized that the daily metabolic
requirements of sea anemones are potentially fueled by the energy requirements normally
utilized for venom synthesis as a survival adaptation mechanism upon the exposure of the
animal to various environmental stressors that caused the removal of their algal symbionts.

To assess their uncertain inference, they acquired eighteen healthy sea anemones
specifically Entacmaea quadricolor, as samples for their study. These samples were divided into
two groups and were gradually subjected to light-induced bleaching or bleaching via light
deprivation for 5 months. One of the groups (LED group) was exposed to LED lighting and the
other (FLURO) was exposed to Fluorescent lighting. Before the succeeding analysis and
observation take place in the controlled laboratory environment where the anemones were
kept, Hoepener, et al.(2019) initially extracted venom samples from the pre-bleached anemones
using the milking technique, this technique was utilized once for the monthly venom sample
collection as the bleaching event progress. The dry crude venom extracted from this process
was analyzed
for its protein concentration through electrophoresis and the results were utilized to denote the
venom toxicity of the samples. Furthermore, the anemones have gone through hemolysis and
lethality assays to support the later analysis. Lastly, the presence of nematocytes in the
anemones were quantified for the duration of the study. These analyses are constantly done
every week to generate reliable data essential for the study.

Hoepener, et al.(2019) found a significant decrease in venom production as the bleaching

process continues( Figure 1.). Likewise, the evident shrinking in sizes of the anemones and the
decrease in visible tentacle area were observed. The relative decrease in venom production and
visible tentacle area suggest a directly proportional relationship. Regardless of the visible signs in
negative growth, the anemones continued to produce toxins, even in small amounts, as it
continues to adapt to the aggravating environment. The investment of energy in venom
production suggests the significance of these protective toxins in the survival of anemones. As
they continue to showcase their resilient characteristics, they also developed more adaptive
characteristics to survive the harsher environment. Hoepener, et al. (2019) observed a
noteworthy increase in the protein concentration of the samples collected weekly. As
mentioned, protein concentration was utilized to denote the toxicity of the venom samples.
Consequently, as the protein concentration significantly increase the percentage of hemolysis
observed increased as well. Hence, the increased potency of the venom produced by the
anemones as the bleaching process occurred. In addition to these observations, another
essential discovery was found by Hoepner, et al.(2019), upon quantifying the nematocyte found
in the anemones, they observed a significant increase in its number as the weeks of bleaching
progressed. To show more relationships between these data, Hoepner, et al. (2019), correlates
the increase in the potency of the venom and the increase in nematocysts production as a
positive protection mechanism of the anemones. In the events of drastic environment
alteration, these features can greatly help in the anemones surviving and scale down the
anemones’ reliance on their algal symbionts. Nematocysts and protective toxins can act as a
double-edged sword that can be utilized in both food acquisition and protection from predation.
Furthermore, these data reflected on both the LED and FLURO group, suggesting that there is
little to no variation in the effect of the different light stressors. The tantalizing response of the
sea anemones to the extreme environment
increases the possibility of their survival in harsher conditions induced by climate change or
human intervention. The resilience exhibited by the anemones particularly contributes to the
increased survival of dependent anemonefish and propagation of photosynthetic algae through
their three-way symbiosis. It is truly a significant triumph for the reef ecosystem.

Figure 1. Differences in venom collected with bleaching overtime (mean ± SE): (a) weight of dry
crude venom(g); and (b) protein concentration (µg/mg) of dry crude venom. LED (n=9) FLURO
(n=8). Asterisks indicates weeks significantly different to week 0.

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