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: Table of content :

1 Abstract
2 Indian agriculture scenario
3 Objective
4 Research methodology
5 Difficulties
▪ Conventional farming related issues
▪ Low agriculture activity
▪ Lack of knowledge
6 Technology adoption in agriculture
7 Use of technology in agriculture
8 Advantages of technology in
9 Improvements in agriculture
technology increase farm yields
10 Conclusion
The aim of this paper is to highlight the present scenario of use of
technology in agriculture industry. There are several challenges in
the current agriculture sector in India. Benefits of use of
technology in agriculture and the initiatives by corporate,
government and local bodies to incorporate technology into
agriculture show a promising future. The ground level problems
faced during the adoption of technology needs to be addressed
and the possible solutions for it are to be determined.
Technology has played a big role in developing the agricultural
industry. Today it is possible to grow crops in a desert by use
of agricultural biotechnology. With this technology, plants have
been engineered to survive in drought conditions. Through
genetic engineering scientists have managed to introduce
traits into existing genes with a goal of making crops resistant
to droughts and pests through.
Indian agriculture scenario
India is a country is second largest arable land in the world. it has
159.7 million hectares of land that is arable. this is 52.6 % of the total
land area of the country. with this huge capacity of arable land, it is
the second largest production of wheat, the Indian agriculture
industry is estimated to be of USD 1.62 billion which ranks third in
farm and Agriculture output globally it is also the largest producer
consumer and exporter of spices and related products. Agriculture
export constitute 10% of the country's exports and is the fourth-
largest exported principal commodity more than 50% of the 1.62
billion populations are involved in agriculture and its associated
field of horticulture and animal husbandry with 68% of population
residing in the rural area of the country the major Occupation of
rural population is still agriculture. despite these many opportunities
the yields in agriculture industry are not adequate.
The objective of this research article is to find out the current
scenario of use of technology in agriculture field of India. This also
aims at looking for the benefits from use of technology and
mechanization in agriculture and its utter need in the present day.
several initiatives by the corporate companies, schemes launched by
government and local innovations that incorporate Technology into
agriculture are discussed here the problem in use of technology in
agriculture and possible solution for it are looked after.

Research methodology
This research article is descriptive in nature and give a review about
the current situation about use of technology in agriculture in India.
The available data are gathered from various secondary sources like
research articles, published scholarly papers, white papers form
companies books, journals annual reports and databases available
on various websites. That data available were analyzed as per its
Conventional Farming related Issues

A lot has been done to improve the cultivation, yet at the

same time, Indian agriculture relies upon traditional farming
techniques, natural waters irrigation, and development
techniques. Farmers depend on ground waters, rivers and
rains. Over-pumping of water has led to the falling in
groundwater levels in certain parts, where water-logging is
leading to salty soil. In rain-fed areas, soil disintegration and
floods are significant dangers to Indian farmers all over the

Low Agricultural Productivity

Indian agriculture can possibly increase farm-productivity

and yield. There has been a consistent adoption in hybrid
and genetically altered crops, seed quality, irrigation
techniques, crop diversification, and value chains. However,
the utilization of technology utilizing sensors and GIS-based
soil, climate prediction, water assets information, mobile-
based farming, broad market data information and data
services and automation of farming using robots seems
Lack of Knowledge

The agriculture community is loaded with other difficulties as

well. The biggest trouble is that the farmers don’t get the
price they deserve for their produce. This is basically a result
of numerous intermediaries. Lower returns compel them to
take credits that they can’t support, driving them further into
poverty. They don’t have access to powerful and better
quality pesticides to protect their crops from bugs, diseases,
weed and mites. Also, Indian farmers do not have a way to
improve crop yield or information to comprehend soil

Indian farmers additionally don’t have the knowledge or

technology to utilize modern irrigation methods as found in
nations, for example, China, the US, and so forth.

Technology can answer most difficulties farmers face. It can

assist them with predicting climate all the more precisely,
decrease the use of water, increase yield and their net profit
technology adoption and its importance

Agriculture remains to be a great player in the generation of

revenue and a source of food for many people all over the world.
Over the past years, this sector has seen a lot of changes and
advancement in the different farming approaches and techniques.
For example, nowadays, there is the use of inorganic fertilizer,
the consumption of reduced amounts of pesticides, the use of
different tractors and machinery. The availability of such inputs
has seen the need for the use of natural resources and process
with aim of improving agricultural output and reducing costs. The
use of modern technology in agriculture comes with a lot of
benefits. Read this article to get a glimpse of what the importance
of the adoption of modern technology in agriculture.

Technology adoption in Agriculture

Technology in agriculture can be used in different aspects of

agriculture such as the application of herbicide, pesticide,
fertilizer, and improved seed. Over the years, technology has
proved to be extremely useful in the agricultural sector. Presently,
farmers are able to grow crops in areas where they were thought
could not grow, but this is only possible through agricultural
biotechnology. For example, genetic engineering has made it
possible to introduce certain trains into other genes of crops or
animals. Such engineering boosts the resistance of the crops to
pests and droughts. Through technology, farmers are in a
position to electrify every process for efficiency and improved
There has been a limitation on how to speed the process of
modern technological adoption in agriculture. This can be
attributed to the fact that speeding up this concept involves a lot
of knowledge and the understanding of some of the elements
that influence the decision of farmers to adopt modern
technology in farming. Institutional, social and economic are
some of the factors that influence how fast or slow agricultural
technologies are adopted. The land size, cost and benefits of
technology, are some of the economic factors that determine the
rate of agricultural technology adoption. Farmers’ education level,
age, social groupings, and gender are some of the social factors
that influence the probability of a farmer to adopt modern
agricultural technologies.
Small scale farmers face both internal and external challenges as
far as the adoption of modern agricultural technologies is
concerned. This aspect accounts for the slow rate at which such
technologies are adopted. Regardless of the challenges, what
matters is whether modern technology has any value in the
agricultural sector. The following section highlights the
significance of modern technology in agriculture.
Use of Technology in Agriculture

There are various uses of technology in agriculture including the


• Farm machines

One of the challenges that farmers face nowadays is the need to

satisfy labor. There is an increasing cost of labor, which calls for
better approaches to ensure less cost on labor. The introduction
of combined harvesters and planters simplifies the process.
Production and time are some of the important elements in
agriculture. It is important, therefore, to plant early, harvest in
time, as well as ensure that the yield is stored within the right
time. The use of modern technology in agriculture ensures that
farmers grow vast food within the shortest time possible.

• Crop sensors

Effective application of fertilizers and pesticides remains to be a

big challenge in agriculture especially when it comes to the
determination of what fertilizer works best for different plans,
when to apply, as well as what quantities. The use of crop
sensors can make it easy for farmers to effectively apply fertilizers
and pesticides just as much as the crops need. Variable rate
technology becomes useful in such cases. Such technology gives
you the opportunity to sense how your plants are feeling and
subsequently help you reduce the probability of leaching or
surface runoff. Crops sensors are designed in a manner that they
dictate to the application machinery the amount of the resource
that a given crop needs, and at what time.

• Use of GPS in fields documentation

GPS is becoming a common technology in agriculture. For

example, modern agriculture involves the use of GPS to document
the status of the farmland. Through the GPS, it is easy to
determine and document the yields from a given farm, as well as
record the application rates. Such technologies are useful in that
the farmers can rely on the collected and recorded data for
reference when making any decisions. The recommendable
documentation technology is the yield map, which can be used to
offer a summary of entire year’s activities. Such maps are highly
useful as they can give a wide range of information about just
anything such as the status of the drainage system in your field.
• Biotechnology

Biotechnology is also referred to as genetic engineering and the

process of improving the genes of a given crop. In most cases,
genetic engineering is carried out to increase the resistance of
certain crops to farm inputs such the application of herbicides.
Through biotechnology, farmers can plant on areas that were
otherwise considered dry or deserts. Reduced farm inputs implies
that the farmer as well saves on the cost of farm resources.
Modern agricultural technology hopes to achieve among others,
two important goals – profitable economy and better output. It is
therefore, important to be careful with the goals and objectives
that you set aiming upon the implementation of different
technologies in agriculture. Some of the aspects that you should
look at include how to apply and organize fertilizer, irrigation,
theatre, intensive tillage, monoculture, and the application of
other resources. However, in order to achieve these goals,
farmers need to understand the concept of modern farming and
the use of technology.
Advantages/Pros/Benefits of Technology in
• Modern machines can control the efforts of farmers.
• They reduce the time.
• Used supply water to the crops.
• While Machines are useful in sowing the seeds.
• they are used in the transportation.
• Irrigational technology.
• Application of synthetic fertilizers.
• Chemical pest control.
• They increase the price and demand of the products.
• Better marketing and exposure to the price.
• Facilities in online trading and E-Commerce.
• Further, Improve the fertility of the soil.
• Decrease the use of water, Fertilizers which keeps the prices
• Low run of chemicals and also waste materials into seas and
• Reduce impact on the ecosystem.
• Suitable for the campus environment
Improvements in Agricultural Technology Increase
Farm Yields

By 2050, the world’s population will exceed 9 billion people – a

projected growth of more than 30 % and amounting to an
estimated 2.3 billion more people to feed. Farmers will need to
produce the same amount of food over the next four decades that
produced over the past 8,000 years. Consequently, farmers need
access to better tools and farm practices that enable them to
produce more with less.
The food system of the future will look different than it does
today. People are increasingly moving away from where food is
grown and are less aware of how it is grown. By 2050, an
estimated 70 % of people will be living in urban areas, creating the
need for processing and storage technology, sound infrastructure,
efficient distribution channels and open trade policies. The
uneven distribution of arable land around the globe means that
farmers will need to freely and efficiently move food and access
markets to be successful. Climate change and increasing weather
volatility will drive demand for new seed technology adapted for
harsher conditions and stressed land.
With advances in technology, farmers can more efficiently produce
more with less manpower, aiming increased yields while using
fewer inputs.

However, advancements in agriculture technology are an

important contributor to a more sustainable agriculture system
that promotes continuous improvement and less resource use.
Technological advancements in food and agriculture are making it
possible to improve the health and wellbeing of millions of people
worldwide. It's necessary to enable the world to produce more food
with fewer resources and less land.

The food requirement is going to rise to 333 million tons in 2020.
More than 40% of youths in India and rural part of the country . Use
of technology in agriculture can lure them to work in the field of
agriculture. These need to be a change agriculture procedure in
India to increase the food production. And use of technology will
disrupt the agricultural process . Now there is only a limited
amount of use of technology in agriculture .support from the
government, private companies and local bodies in a required to
make it happen soon .

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