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Roman’s Road

Hey (name) magisa ka lang ba ngayon? Gusto ko kasi share something with you, about
something I learned in church. So if you have the time can you listen to me. It’ll only take around
10 - 15 mins. Ok lang?

May question ako sayo… if something happens to you tonight (buyag) can you honestly say
pupunta ka sa Heaven? Since di ka sure, here is God’s message for you.

You must these four these points.

Romans 3:10; Romans 3:23 (read)
First ALL MEN ARE SINNERS (no exception)
- Example: diba sinabi ko sayo it’s a tradition sa family to listen to the live steam every Sunday
pero I prioritize my studies. Putting yourself first before God is a sin
Imagine converting those excuses to rocks and you’re walking up the mountain. So every sin I
make or made dagdag isang rock. And the more I keep sinning the more rocks I get to the point
it gets heavy and a burden. So you’ll be stuck in your journey. But then who you will save you
0from that? Those rocks represent the consequence of your sin. You are paying for the sins you

Second point: All men shall pay for their sins. Romans 6:23(a) (read)
Concentrate tayo sa for wages of sin is death. Since we have sinned, we are bound to go to
hell. And that is the penalty. So in the Bible, the first death is our physical death and then the
second death is separation from God for all eternity which is going to hell.

Third point: Despite all of the sins I, you have done, God loved us. How? Because in Romans
5:8 That is why has he died on the cross for you. We all sinners by nature and have lived a
sinful life, but Christ took that punishment in our place. That answers my question to you sa first
point ko who will save you. And from that, we can have that gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23) (b)

Fourth point: How can we be saved? It is through repentance and accepting Jesus as your Lord
and Savior. Because it says here in Romans 10:9, 10, and 13 (reads)

So now that you know you are a sinner, are you willing to Jesus come into you and forgive your

Prayer: Our Lord’s gracious Heavenly Father, I thank you for today and I thank you for giving me
the opportunity to share to (name) your Word oh Lord.
Invitation: So (name) please follow me in this simple prayer.
Lord, I admit I’m a sinner bound for Hell. Please forgive me for all the sins I’ve done. I humbly
accept you now as my Lord and personal Savior in my mind and heart. I thank you for the gift of
eternal life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
● Ok (name) since you have prayed that sinner’s prayer. I want you to know what the Bible
says about the assurance of your Salvation
● Since you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, you are now a
child of God because it says in John 1:12 (read verse) As long you believe in Him you
are a child of God. And because of that, you have now eternal life and it says here in
John 10: 28 (read), not even me or parents can remove that gift from you. And lastly, it
says here in Romans 8:1 (read) you are no longer condemned. Meaning you are no
longer sentenced to go to Hell as long you believe in the Lord Jesus.

Thank you (name) for giving your time to listen to the Word of God.

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