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The last recrimination

Amygdala was a powerful queen of the town Astro- world. She was once a known
priestess who deviously found her way to power through black magic. She
murdered the former king with her dark rituals and made the entire town believe
that she was a righteous queen who thought good for her people. After becoming a
queen, she falsely started accusing innocent people of debauchery and evil. She
took the lives of many innocent people masking her own true nature. She believed
it was her fate to be this powerful but little did she know, the consequences of her
free will awaited her. Brutus, a very loyal member of her dark magic cult was
actually the son of former king. All of this was unknown to Amygdala until Brutus
showed her his true identity.


Direction/Narration/Scriptwriter: Abeer Riaz

Amygdala: (Queen ) Nafeesa Abdul sattar

Brutus: ( Son/loyal cult member ) Iqra Butt

Andrew : ( husband ) Abdul Rauf

Cressida: (Wife ) Sonia

Leader of the cult: Malik Ali

Cult members: Abeera, Umer Hasnain, Adeena, Humaira, Mishal Pervaiz

Opening Scene:

Six people in a black cloak are coming out from behind the backdrop in a
circle and are performing a satanic ritual. Between the circles sits the priestess
in her white clothes. There is darkness and fear all around.
(Props: White smoke upon the appearance of Amygdala.)

Leader of the cult: A man did not weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in
it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

All members start chanting

Cult members: To life and glory of our master, Hail Amygdala!!!( x5)

Narration: Amygdala is a Queen and the story revolves around her. Her fate made
her a priestess but her thirst for power made her use dark magic to become the
most powerful Queen the town of Astroworld had ever seen. She was
manipulative, devious and vulpine. Her wrath knew no boundaries. She believed it
was her fate to be this powerful but she did not know was that a vanquish lied
ahead of her.

Scene 1:

Amygdala: Forget I was the priestess, for I was supposed to be the Queen.
Bow in front of me you mortals. Shall I come in your dreams? (Cunning

Evil laugh- ( sinister music playing.)

(Scenes changes and it is now a new day in Astroworld and a young couple sits
outside the little hut not knowing what kind of horror awaits them.)

Andrew: Cressida, do you know the queen has ordered a trial for those who
perform black magic? (In amusement)

Cressida: What debauchery she is committing?. Our town is the purest one.
( in anger).

Andrew: But rumor has it.

Cressida: What?

Andrew: The Queen’s army is putting false allegations on the innocent and
killing them.
Cressida: God have mercy on us and our town,

Andrew: We should be careful Cressida not only for us but for our baby.

(Both Cressida and Andrew are talking meanwhile Brutus arrives with an
army to arrest both of them. He accuse them of being involved in dark magic)

Brutus: (violently) Arrest them!!!

Andrew: Go inside Cressida

Brutus: Do not go anywhere of I shall kill you right here. Your time in this
town is over you foolish mortals. What did you think that you will not get
caught?. You are the ones polluting the holy of this place. You shall not be

Andrew: But what have we done? Why are you doing this to us?

Brutus: What have you done? People have witnessed you performing dark
rituals in the middle of the night and the Queen has ordered your hanging to
set an example for the whole town.

Andrew: No No You must be mistaken. It is a misunderstanding. We are holy

people. I swear by the book I had never done such thing.

Brutus: Too late now peasant! Arrest them. It’s an order.

Andrew; No not her, she is carrying our child. I beg you please leave her
alone. Take my life please spare her. (Crying screaming)

Cressida: Crying loudly

(Brutus takes the couple to the Queen; two ropes are already hanging from
the ceiling ready to begin the trial).

Brutus: Your majesty. I have brought the culprits to you alive.

Amygdala: Very well my loyal servant

Amygdala: You! (Referring to the audience) are the people of my town. You
deserve to know what has been going on behind your backs People are
performing dark magic and deteriorating the goodwill of human nature. I
your queen promise you that I shall not spare thy souls as they shall reap what
they sow.

Brutus: Your majesty shall we start the trial?

Amygdala: (smiles) Today this town will witness the most gruesome trial in its
history but let me assure you. It is for your own good people. These people are
polluting you and your children. (Pointing towards the culprits).

(The couple is crying and veiling).

Andrew n Cressida: Please Please spare us we have not done anything bad.
We are good people. Please believe us . In the name of God please let us go.

(Brutus prepares to hang both of them but Cressida runs to the side and says

Cressida: (crying in anger). ( kneels to the ground) We are innocent people.

You are not only killing us but the baby I have been carrying inside of me
(referring to the town). She is not a true Queen; she is deceiving all of you. She
does not want no good for you. We are innocent people!!.

Amygdala You shall suffer, You shall suffer ( loudly).

Amygdala: Hurry up Brutus, Give death to these two filthy liars. Hurry up!!.

Cult chanting: Kill them, Kill them , Kill them , Kill them

(Brutus hangs them and both Cressida and Andrew lay lifeless on the floor).

Amygdala: Look my people, these two met their fate and now our town is safe
from the devious people who polluted the word of our God. They shall never
be forgiven nor forgotten.


Scene 1 ends.
Scene 2:

Amygdala: (laughing). Nobody has any clue what I am doing to them. They
will never know because they are mere puppets who have no sense of their

Brutus; Your majesty! You are right but should we not be careful?

Amygdala: As powerful as my magic is. I can make them forget what they
think. I am not afraid of anyone.

Brutus: Yes your majesty (bows down).

Sinister music plays and queen leaves the stage.


All cult members are there and among them Brutus is sitting drinking wine.

Brutus: (scoffs). She thinks she is the Queen? She has no idea what is about to
befell her. She murdered my father through her dark magic. Good thing she
did not know he had a son. What a poor priestess. She is nothing but a poor
priestess (everybody starts laughing).

Scene 3 the final scene

( It’s a brand new day in Astroworld and there is the Queen again punishing
two more innocents but this time the table turns as Brutus is impatient and is
ready to kill the queen with his own hands.

Amygdala; Brutus Brutus! Why is the trial not started yet?

Brutus: Have some patience your majesty It will start soon.

(Facing the audience).

Brutus: People of this town, you are gathered here to witness the death of two
more defaulters but what if I tell you that today you shall see only one
(People starts gasping).

A voice says : What are you saying you fool?

Amygdala: screams What is this all about brutus?

Brutus goes and hold Amygdala by her neck

Amygdala: Brutus what are you doing? I am your Queen Leave me or I shall
kill you

Brutus: Take her towards the audience and says she is the real unholy.

(Amygdala keeps screaming)

She was once a priestess but used her dark magic to kill my father and
become a queen.

Amygdala: Your father?

Brutus: Yes my father. I am the son of king Charles whom you killed with
your dark rituals in order to take over this kingdom.

Amygdala: Screams this cannot be true he never had a son.

Brutus: He knew about the prophecy so he hid me in the caves of Cype under
the care of a soldier . Nobody knew I existed but when I knew that there was a
priestess who murdered my father. I came back seeking revenge. I joined your
cult and understood how much deceitful and evil you are.

Amygdala: This cannot be true , this is not my fate, this cannot be my fate
(kneels down)

Brutus: You tried so hard to change your fate but look at you down on your
knees veiling. These are all the consequences of your free will. Your fate was
to become a priestess but you tried to escape it and look how miserably you

Amygdala: No I did not. ( gets up takes out a knife tries to kills Brutus but
instead Brutus puts the knife in her stomach).
Amygdala falls down and grasps for air. Blood reeks out of her mouth as she
says I thought I could change my fate but I couldn’t and she dies.


Narration: A man did not weave the web of his life. He is merely a strand in it
. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

-Sinister music plays and the play ends

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