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Rewrite the following sentences, using different structures

The number of car thefts was the highest
from 1970 to 2005
 Car theft was the most
popular/common/commonly-seen type
of crime between 1970 and 2005

In 1990, the percentage of Australian
exports to Japan was the highest
 In 1990, Australia exported the
largest/highest percentage of its goods to
 In 1990, the highest percentage of
goods exported from Australia WENT TO
 In 1990, Japan was the leading market for exportation/importer of Australian goods
From 2009 to 2015, the US consumed
significantly more oil than the three
remaining consumers.
 Between 2009 and 2015, significantly
more oil was consumed by the US than three
remaining consumers
 In the first 6 years, US’s oil consumption
was the highest/far higher than THAT OF
other countries.
 Between 2009 and 2015, the largest amount of oil was consumed by the US
 Between 2009 and 2015, the US was by far the largest oil consumer
Between 1990 and 2005, the number of
students studying French was the
 From 1990 and 2005, French was
chosen/studied by the highest number
of students
 In the first 15 years, French was the
most popular/widely-chosen language
with these university students
 From 1990 to 2005, students at this
university were the keenest on/most
interested in/fondest of French
 During the first 15 years, French
was the most popular/favored choice in terms of foreign languages
Look at the example carefully and try to write 1-2 sentence for each comparison.

In 1980, the percentage of tourists

who chose to visit castles was nearly
25%, which was significantly higher
than the percentage of tourists who
visited zoos, at only 10%.

In 1974, approximately 70 million tonnes of

goods were moved by road while the amounts
of goods delivered by water and rail (amount
có “s” vì có 2 lượng: by rail and water) were
nearly equal, at 40 million tonnes. In contrast
(trạng ngữ, có nghĩa là “ngược lại”, dùng để kết nối 2 đoạn/câu văn co nội dung trái ngược) ,
pipeline took responsibility for the delivery of only about 5 million tonnes.

In 1979, each person in this nation consumed

about 220 grams beef per week, compared to
(có nghĩa là “so với, so sánh với”, = in
comparison with = as opposed to + N) about 150
grams of chicken or lamb. Fish was the least
popular food, with about 60 grams consumed

In 1970, the amount of pizza consumed

(MDQH) was highest, at more than 300
grams, while the amount of hamburger
eaten (MDQH) was significantly lower,
at only around 30 grams. Meanwhile (có
nghĩa là “Trong khi đó”, dùng để nối 2
câu văn trong cùng một đoạn, báo hiệu
câu văn sau sẽ nói về một đối tượng
khác) approximately 80 grams of fish &
chips were eaten by UK people.
Compare the together-marked points. You need to mention the specific numbers
(1) In 1960, the percentage of people in the
15-64 age group was the highest, with
about 55%, while people aged from 0-14
only accounted for 30% and 15% of the
total population was more than 65 years
(2) By 2040, the percentage of people in the
0-14 bracket was the lowest, with about
10%, in comparision with 45% in the
over 65 years old and 15-64 age group.

(1) In 1995, the rate of participation of club
members in swimming was the highest ,
at about 50%. In contrast, the rate of
paticipation of club memers in team
sports and gym activitites had
considerably decreases , with over 30%
and nearly 10%.

(2) In 2015, the propotion of participation in

swimming was only 15% of club
members compared to 25% of club members taking part in gym activities and more 30%
of club members engaed in playing team sports.

(1) In January, the income of Spicy
Fortune was the highest, at
160.000 dollars, the second high
income was that of Grand Fiesta, at 100,000 dollars. Meanwhile, Evening Paradise
earned only about 50,000 dollars and Delicacy had the lowest income , at 30,000 dollars.

(2) In December, Evening Paradise was the most successful restaurant with nearly 200,000
dollars. Contrastly, Grand Fiesta’s income was nealy 140,000 dollars, about 120,000
dollars was earned by Delicacy, and the income of Spicy Fortune was the lowest, at
nearly 50,000 dollars.

(1) In 1960, food accounted for
just over 30% of spending in
a European country, which
was the highest in that year,
followed by spending on
leisure at 20%.
(2) In 1960, the percentage of
spending on clothing was the
highest, at 10% , which was
slightly higher than the
percentage of spending on transports , at about 9 %.Meanwhile, the percentage of
spending on energy halved with only 5%.
(3) In 2000, the percentage of expenditure on clothing was the highest, at 15%. In contrast,
the propotion of speding on food and leisure declined considerably, with more than 10%.
(4) In 2000, energy spending made up nearly 0% contrary to transport spending , at 10%/

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