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Deadeye: Walter Ray Williams Jr.

After the legend and one of the best players in the history of badminton, we pay attention to a
great player in another very interesting sport that we believe a solid number of you have tried to
play recreationally for fun. It's about bowling. Many may think that it is easy to do this sport or
that they do not even consider it a real sport, but certain people can really play this game at a top-
level. One of them is a gentleman we will talk about on this occasion. This is Walter Ray
Williams Jr. The 61-year-old American from California is the record holder in the number of
titles in PBA titles, considering that he won 47 titles, and he is also the record holder in the
amount of money earned.

He was voted the best player of the year seven times, and from 1993 to 2010 he managed to win
at least one title in tournaments in each of the seasons. No one but him managed to win at least
one tournament for seventeen years in a row and to be chosen as the best player seven times. He
is the first player in the history of this sport who, counting all the competitions, managed to win
over 100 titles. The exact number is 119 titles. This gentleman is a nine-time world champion in
the game of horseshoes. Almost certainly because of everything he has achieved and his
immense charisma, Williams is the player that the audience loves and respects the most of all
players. He has been recording incredible results in the last two decades, and a particularly
interesting fact is that he managed to reach great results and numerous prestigious titles after 40

The longevity of this man in this sport is truly incredible and it seems that the imminent end and
retirement of the mentioned player are not in sight. Regarding the end of his career, Williams
said: "As long as I feel good and stay competitive, I'll keep on bowling. I don't want to be out
here if I'm not competitive; I'd be too frustrated When I can't compete, when it isn't fun, I'll
retire. I have no issue with that. But I feel like I'm still doing pretty well. " He has also been the
president of the professional bowlers' association, having played over 1000 tournaments in his
career so far, and how many more he will play remains to be seen in the coming period.

In addition to being successful in the mentioned sport, he once earned a degree in the field of
natural sciences, ie physics and mathematics, and he noted that he was not successful in bowling
to probably work at NASA. It is really necessary to pay great respect to a man who has been
playing some sport in a top way since he was over 60 years old. Bowling may seem like an easy-
to-play sport at first glance but like all other sports, it takes a lot of effort and practice to be an
athlete at the level that Williams has reached. We will see how many bowling fans will have the
opportunity to watch the popular Deadeye.

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