The Trials of Apollo Book 2

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The Trials of Apollo Book 2: Dark Prophecy

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1
1. What did Festus do to the flag of Indiana?
2. Why couldn’t the mortals around Apollo see the large mechanical dragon with him?
3. What happened to Festus? 11
4. What happened to Nanette when Calypso punched her? 12
5. Describe Nanette.

Chapter 2
1. Why couldn’t they escape faster?
2. What mysterious figure helped Leo and his friends?

Chapter 3
1. What did Apollo and Calypso do while Leo was trying to get the bulldozer? 22
2. Who helped them? 25
3. Who led them to the doorstep of Emmie?
4. Who is Calypso half - sister?

Chapter 4
1. What is the name of the location where Emmie lives? 28
2. Who is Emmie's partner?
3. Why is the Waystation not easy to find? 32
4. What was the original reason Waystation was built? 32
5. What’s Apollo’s connection to Emmie? 35

Chapter 5
1. Why did Apollo turn Hemithea and Parthenos into minor goddesses? 39
2. Who did Apollo see in his vision? 39
3. Who would accompany Meg to find Apollo?
4. Who is the headless ghost? 42

Chapter 6
1. What does the Magic 8 Ball do?
2. Who should Apollo bring home? 46
3. How do you think Jo and Emmi’s adopted daughter is related to the oracle?

Chapter 7
1. Why is the Oracle of Trophonius dangerous? 52
2. What happened to the people who used to stay in the Waystation? 54
3. Why did the ghost take Georgina to the cave? 55
4. What do you think is happening outside the Waystation?

Chapter 8
1. What should a petitioner do before he goes into the Cave of Trophonius? 56
2. What’s the Throne of Memory? What happens to someone who can’t use it? 57
3. What is Britomartis the goddess of? (from 7-12)
4. What do you think Britomartis captured Apollo?
Chapter 9
1. What did Britomartis ask them to do? 65
2. Where can they find the griffins? 66
3. What was the emperor planning to with Apollo and Georgina? 67
4. Why couldn’t Leo go with them?

Chapter 10
1. What task was Apollo assigned to do at the Waystation? 68
2. What did the Magic 8 Ball that Agamethus tossed to Apollo say? 69
3. What’s wrong with Leo and Calypso’s relationship? 71

Chapter 11
1. What did Apollo dream? 73
2. Who were Agamethus and Trophonius stealing from when Trophonius died? 73
3. Who did Trophonius pray to when he and his brother were in trouble?
4. What is the real name of New Hercules?
5. What did Meg use to get away from Commodus’men? 76
6. Who did Lityerses kill for Commodus? 77 Who’s he? 78
7. What’s Commodus first command to Lityerses? 78

Chapter 12
1. What snack did Calypso and Apollo have to find for the griffins? 82
2. According to the talking arrow, how could they find the griffins?
3. What river did Apollo and Calypso cross in to get to the zoo? 82
4. What kinds of curses did Calypso mutter? 85
Chapter 13
1. What did Calypso use to pick the lock?
2. What did Calypso think about in order to pick the lock of the restaurant? 87
3. What was Apollo’s vision while he and Calypso were hiding in the snack bar? 90
4. Why couldn’t they go back to Britomartis and say that their mission failed? 92
Chapter 14
1. What did Calypso do so they could escape the 2 Germanis? 95
2. What did Apollo compare driving the train to? 
3. Who was waiting for them at the train? 96
4. Who do you think saved them from Lityerses? 98
5. Who is Lityerses' father?
Chapter 15
1. Where did Apollo crash the train? 101
2. What’s wrong with the griffins? 103
3. What song did Calypso and Apollo sing together? 105

Chapter 16
1. Who came to rescue Apollo and Calypso? 111
2. How is Meg related to Lityerses? 111
3. How did Apollo save Meg from Lityerses?
4. What did Calypso do that amazed both her and Apollo? 114
Chapter 17
1. What funny thing did Meg order Apollo to do? 116
2. What happened to Calypso when they returned in the Waystation?
3. What was Britomartis connection to what Calypso had done with the net in the zoo’s arena? 119
4. What information did Britomastis give Apollo? 120

Chapter 18
1. How could they enter the palace undetected? 122
2. What is Commodus supposed to rechristen at the naming ceremony?
3. What will Calypso need to do at the Waystation while waiting for them to return?
4. What about Britomartis?

Chapter 19
1. How did Apollo kill Commodus in Rome? 130
2. Why does Apollo dislike water? 130
3. How did Britomastis become a goddess? 133
4. Who helped Apollo after he vomited?

Chapter 20
1. What did Josephine give Apollo before they left? 135
2. What did they ride to find the grate?
3. Why is Commodus part of the triumvirate? 138
4. What do you think was approaching their boat?

Chapter 21
1. What kind of creature capsize their boat? 142
2. What was Leo doing while Meg was fighting the serpent and Apollo was doing nothing?
3. How did the serpent release Meg? 144

Chapter 22
1. What did Leo do for Meg and Apollo? 145
2. How did Lityerses find the location of the Waystation? 148
3. What did Commodus order Alaric to do? 150
4. What’s the Valdez method? 150

Chapter 23
1. What type of seeds did Meg use to lead them through the Palace? 152
2. What did Apollo do when a maid saw them? 153
3. What was in the room that the Blemmyae guarded? 155
4. Who was in the last cage? 159

Chapter 24
1. What happened when Georgina see Meg? 161
2. Who calmed Georgie?
3. What did Meg do to slow down anybody chasing Leo and the others? 162
4. How could Meg sense the location the throne of memory? 163
5. What did Apollo use to break into the vault where the Throne of Memory was kept? 165

Chapter 25
1. Where did Meg lead them? 168
2. According to Trophonius, how can Commodus rechristen the city? 171
3. What random item saved Apollo and Meg from the battle ostriches? 172
4. What did Meg and Apollo ride while fighting different enemies?
5. What drawn Meg to the stadium? 174

Chapter 26
1. What type of animal is Livia? 
2. What did Apollo do to stop Apollo’s car from lighting peaches? 177
3. Why is Livia angry at Commodus?
4. How did Meg save Peaches? 178

Chapter 27
1. What did Festus do to the arena and some of Commodus fighters? 181
2. Who did Apollo choose to save in the arena?
3. Why did Apollo refuse to go with Festus and the hunters?
4. What kind of drink did Thalia give Apollo? 185
5. How did Thalia know about Apollo’s situation?

Chapter 28
1. Why did they only put Meg on the Throne of Memory when Apollo was there? 191
2. What did Leo do once they were back at the Waystation?
3. What did Trophonius give Meg? 193
4. Who does Trophinious claim is Georgina's father? 192
5. When is the only time Meg and Apollo can enter the Cavern of Prophecy?

Chapter 29
1. What were the reactions of the people in the Waystation when Lit said that Commodus would
come the next morning to bulldoze the place? 196
2. How did Apollo defend Lit? 198
3. Why was Emmie confident that the Waystation wouldn’t be destroyed? 199
4. Who volunteered to sleep with Georgie? 200
5. How did Emmie get some information from Lit? 201
6. What did Emmie ask Apollo? 203

Chapter 30
1. Why did Jimmy become a gladiator? 206
2. What did Apollo do when Jimmy said he has a girlfriend? 207
3. What did the arrow of Dodona advise Apollo?
4. What did Leo and Calypso talk with Apollo when they caught him arguing with his arrow? 208

Chapter 31
1. What kind of car did Leo find for them? 211
2. How did they convince the police to let them pass?
3. What were the remaining people doing at the Waystation when they left? 212
4. Who did Apollo consult when he got lost on the way to the cave? 
5. What was the request of the arrow after it answered Apollo’s questions? 216

Chapter 32
1. Why couldn’t they kill the yales? 219
2. Why couldn’t Apollo sing to the yales so they would stop attacking them? 220
3. How did they avoid the yales?
4. Why must one drink the Spring of Memory and the Spring of Forgetfulness at the same time? 222
Chapter 33
1. What did Apollo see when he was underwater? 224
2. Why would they need honey cakes? 226
3. What kind of things could Apollo remember? 227
4. What was covering the island and the surface of the water? 228

Chapter 34
1. What were waiting in the water when Apollo jumped in?
2. What was Meg’s song about? 232

Chapter 35
1. What did Apollo sing to Meg while she was delirious? 237
2. How did Apollo help Meg from dying? 241
3. What did Trophonious ask Apollo to do? 242

Chapter 36
1. Where did Meg and Apollo end up to? 245
2. Why didn’t the 3 blemmyae notice them?
3. What did Apollo tell the 3 blemmyae so they didn’t shoot them while they were still in the water?
4. What kinds of questions did Apollo ask the 3 blemmyae? 247
5. What did Apollo suggest to the blemmyae? 250-51

Chapter 37
1. What happened to the ranger blemmyae?
2. What attacked the trooper blemmyae? 254
3. What happened to Apollo while he was explaining what to do to the 3 Peaches? 255

Chapter 38
1. How did Apollo and Meg get back to the Waystation? 256
2. What did Apollo instruct Peaches before he left Meg? 257
3. Describe the scenes Apollo witnessed on his way to the Waystation. Write at least 3 to 5 sentences.
4. What did he see around the dining table?

Chapter 39
1. Why couldn’t Lit, Jo, Calypso and Thalia attack Commodus and the 2 germani? 262
2. What does Apollo turn in to that ultimately defeats Commodus? 266
3. How did Commodus die? 268

Chapter 40
1. What kind of poetry was the prophecy this time? 271
2. How was Festus destroyed? What was Leo’s reaction about it? 272
3. What happened to Abelard?
4. What did Georgina give Apollo? 274

Chapter 41
1. How could they warn Camp Jupiter? 279
2. What’s the quest of the Hunters of Artemis?
3. Where do Apollo and Meg have to go next according to the prophecy? 280
4. What did Thalia ask Apollo? 283
Chapter 42
1. Why did Claypso and Leo refuse to say goodbye to Apollo?284
2. What did Lit tell Apollo before he left? 285
3. What was the last message in the magic 8 ball? 286
4. Who would accompany them on their quest? 28

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