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2216 Katzakian Way

Lodi, CA 95242
Phone: (209) 663-2977
Fax: (209) 247-1089

July 15, 2022

Ms. Andrea K. Wallin-Rohmann

Clerk/Executive Officer, Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District
Court of Appeal, 3rd Appellate District
914 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814

Subject: Waszczuk v. Regents of the University of California, et al. Case No. C095488
Sacramento County Superior Court Case No: No. 34-2013-34-00155479

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.


Dear Ms. Wallin-Rohmann:

I am the Plaintiff and Appellant in the above-captioned case before

the Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District (3DCA).
Enclosed is the 07/15/2022 copy of my response to Court Reporters Board ,
Executive Analyst Ms. Paula Bruning’s 07/08/2022 correspondence regarding the
Court Reporter Transcript (CRT) from the 9/1/2021 Court hearing with the
Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Christopher E. Krueger . For some
reason Superior Court , Appellate Unit won’t provide the Court Reporter
Transcript from this Court hearing . The CRT was due May 9, 2022.
Can you do something about without necessity to file motion to augment the record on
appeal ?


Jaroslaw Waszczuk , Per Se
Plaintiff & Appellant

Court Reporter Transcript 1

2216 Katzakian Way
Lodi, CA 95242
Phone: 209-687-1180
Fax: 209-729-5154

July 15, 2022

Paula Bruning, Executive Analyst

2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 230
Sacramento, CA 95833

Subject: Application for Reimbursement of $375.00 Submitted to the Court

Reporters Board of California on April 8, 2022

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

OF CALIFORNIA (34-2031-00155479- 3DCA C095488)

Re: Your Letter Dated July 8, 2022- Court Reporter Transcript (CRT) on

Dear Ms. Bruning,

I am responding to your July 8, 2022, letter (Attachment #1) because I see from this
letter and the email correspondence with you that we have some misunderstanding on
the matter. I did not have time to respond earlier to your letter because I was working
on Petition for Panel Rehearing and Petition for Rehearing En Banc, in Jaroslaw
Janusz Waszczuk v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service, Case No. 20-1407,
pending in U.S. Court of Appeal District for the District of Columbia (D.C Circuit )
for-Rehearing-En-Banc-Waszczuk-v-IRS-CommissionCase-No-20-1407er and
which is cross referenced with the pending in Court of Appeal, Third Appellate
District (3DCA) Case No. 095488 Waszczuk v. Regents of the University of California
et al.
I would not bother you and your office if I only had to pay $23 for the Court
Reporter Transcript (CRT). This is about the CRT for which I paid $375 on March 9,
2022, and the CRT should be produced and provided to me and transmitted by the
Sacramento Superior Court and to the 3DCA for the pending appeal in the above-
captioned case by May 9, 2012; see April 8, 2022, Sacramento County Superior Clerk
Notice (Attachment #. 2) The notice is a proof itself that I paid for CRT.
Today is July 15, 2022 and CRT was not produced and not provided to me not
is not transmitted to 3DCA . This a very short CRT to prepare and send to me and to
3DCA. Don’t you make you wander what is in this $ 23.00 CRT which is causing that
the appeal process is being manipulatively delayed .


On August 31, 2021, Superior Application for the Court Fee Waiver

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

(Attachment # 3) was granted by the Court and included

• Filing papers in Superior Court

• Making copies and certifying copies
• Sheriff's fee to give notice
• Court fee for phone hearing
• Reporter's fee for attendance at hearing or trial, if reporter provided
by the court
• Assessment for court investigations under Probate Code sections 1513,
1826, or 1851
• Preparing, certifying, copying, and sending the clerk's transcript on
• Holding in trust the deposit for a reporter's transcript on appeal under
rules 8.130 or 8.834
• Making a transcript or copy of an official electronic recording under
rule 8.835
• Sending papers to another court
• Court-appointed interpreter in small claims court

The August 31, 2021, Court Order on Court Fee Waiver clearly shows that
the reporter's fee for attendance at hearing or trial and preparing, certifying,

copying, and making a transcript or copy of an official electronic recording
under rule 8.835 were waved. . Therefore, I do not know why you implied in
your email correspondence and the July 8, 2022, letter that I should pay $23 for
the September 1, 2021, Court Hearing CRT. I provided to you the August 31,
2021, copy of the Court Order on Court Fee Waiver with April 8, 2022,
Application for Reimbursement and copies of the two checks totaling $375; thus,
you should acknowledge and know that all fees related to CRT were waived by the
August 31, 2021, Court Order, and in addition, to the waiver, fees were paid by
myself on March 9, 2022, for the amount of $375.

I thought that the August 31, 2021, Court Order on Court Fee Waiver,
which waived the reporter's fee for attendance at hearing or trial, and for making a
transcript or copy of an official electronic recording under rule 8.835, would take
care of all fees for CRT after I provided the Court Order on the Court Fee Waiver
to the Sacramento County Superior Court Clerk with my Appellant's Notice
Designating Record on Appeal filed on January 31, 2022. Apparently, this was not
the case.

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

On March 1, 2022, I received a Notice of Default from the Sacramento
Superior Court, Appellate Unit (attached), which stated:

You are hereby notified that you are in default for failure to:
[X] Deposit the Court Reporters fee for preparation of the Reporter's
In addition to the Superior Court trust hold fee of $50 (payable as separate
checks) as required by C.R.C. 8.130(b)(1) or substitute for cost of
transcript under C.R.C. 8.1130(b)(3).
[IX] As an Appellant your appeal may be dismissed by the reviewing
court if you fail to perform the act(s) necessary to procure the record
as enumerated in this notice within 15 days of the date of the mailing
of this notice.
On the bottom of the Notice of Default, you could read in bold italic letters:


/7 APPELLANT has failed to relieve the above matter from default.

The Appeals Unit of the Sacramento Superior Court is requesting a
dismissal of the above referenced case on appeal.
Deputy Clerk
Superior Court of California

Regardless of the August 31, 2021, Court Order on Court Fee Waiver on
March 9, 2022, according to California Rules of Court 8.130(b)(1) and
8.130(b)(1)(b)(i) I submitted two separate checks for $50 and $325 to clear the
alleged default and avoid having my appeal dismissed. (Attachment # 4) The
checks both cleared on March 17, 2022; the $375 should be reimbursed to me by
the Court Reporters Board of California or Sacramento County Superior Court due
to the August 31, 2021, Court Order on Court Fee Waiver, and the CRT should be
produced and transmitted to the 3DCA for the ongoing appeal as a part of the
designated record on appeal and provided to me in May 2022 as per the Superior
Court Clerk (Kevin M.) April 8, 2021, Notice to the Court Reporter.

On April 15, 2022, I informed the 3DCA about the situation.

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

Yesterday (July 13, 2022), I received from the Sacramento County Superior
Court, Appellate Unit (Deputy Clerk Kevin M.) part of the missing Clerk
Transcript on Appeal, which was certified on April 22, 2022, but which somehow
could not be delivered for another two months to Lodi, CA, and to the 3DCA,
which is located one mile from Sacramento County Superior Court.

I received part of the missing Clerk Transcript on Appeal (the Clerk

Transcript on Appeal is still incomplete). However, the CRT on Appeal from
September 1, 2021, was not in the package at all .

I will send today the $23 check to the Court Reporter Ms. Valerie F. Halley
CSR 10771, and afterward, hopefully I will receive one original and one copy of
the transcript; then I will send the original to the 3DCA. What other options do I
have? I could file a motion to augment the record on appeal as I did in January
2016 over six years ago in the same 34-2031-00155479 case (different appeal;
attached). (Attachment # 5)

In conclusion, to avoid any misunderstanding between us, my inquiries or

correspondence with you is not a complaint aimed at Ms. Valerie Haley, Ms. Tina
Tavalero, or any Court Reporter. Court Reporters are hard-working people, and I
admire their hard work and skill and appreciate what they do. The Court Reporters
have nothing to do with manipulation of my case which going for 9 years in three
California Court. Please read my Petition for Panel Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc
filed in D.C Circuit than you will understand what is the CRT about.

I hope that my letter will make you understand that my April 8, 2022,
Application for Reimbursement was not about $23, but about the CRT from the
10–15 minutes Court Hearing (Ms. Valerie Haley) with Judge Christopher
Krueger on September 1, 2021 for which I paid $375 long time ago and I and the
3DCA still waiting to receive it.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your



Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

Jaroslaw Waszczuk


Clerk of Court of Appeals ( Via TrueFiling )

Third Appellate District
914 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814

Lindsay A. Goulding -Via TrueFiling - E-mail -

350 University Avenue, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95825

H. Thomas Watson- Via TrueFiling - E-mail-

Karen M. Bray - Via TrueFiling - E-mail-
Horvitz & Levy LLP

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

3601 West Olive Avenue, 8th Floor
Burbank, CA 91505

Valerie Haley-Court Reporter -Via E-mail –

Tina Tavalero -Court Reporter -Via E-Mail -
Annabelle Coleman, Court Reporters Supervisor- Via E-mail -
Araceli Plasencia, Lead Court Reporter-Via E-mail -
Sacramento Superior Court
720 9th Street, Appeals Unit Room 102
Sacramento, CA 95814

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Order on Court Fee Waiver
FW-003 (Superior Court)

®1 ) Name:
Person who asked the court to waive court fees:
Street or mailing address: 2217 KATZAKIAN WAY
City: LODI State: CA Zip: 95242

® Lawyer, if person in (T) has one (name, address, phone number,

e-mail, and State Bar number): In Pro Per , Phone: 209-663-2977; Fax : 209-787-3131
Superior Court of California, County of
720 9th Street
Sacramento, CA 95 814
® \x\A request to waive court fees was filed on (date): 3-12-2019
The court made a previous fee waiver order in this case on (date):
3-13-2019 Fill in case number and name:
Case Number:
Read this form carefully. All checlied boxes 0 are court orders. 34-2013-00 155479
Case Name:
Waszczuky. Regents of Uniy.of Calif.

Notice: The court may order you to answer questions about yourfinancesand later order you to pay back the waived

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

fees. If this happens and you do not pay, the court can make you pay the fees and also charge you collection fees. If there
is a change in yourfinancialcircumstances during this case that increases your ability to pay fees and costs, you must
notiiy the trial court within five days. (Use form FW-010.) Ifyou win your case, the trial court may order the other side
to pay the fees. If you settle your civil case for $10,000 or more, the trial court will have a lien on the settlement in the
amount of the waived fees. The trial court may not dismiss the case until the lien is paid.
After reviewing your.- • Request to Waive Court F'ees • Requestto Waive Additional Court Fees
® the court makes the following orders:
a. ^ The court grants your request, as follows:
(1)^^ Fee Waiver. The court grants your request and waives your court fees and costs listed below. (Cal
Rules of Court, rules 3,55 and 8.818.) You do not have to pay the court fees for the following:
• Filing papers in Superior Court . Giving notice and certificates
• Making copies and certifying copies . Sending papers to another court department
• Sheriff's fee to give notice . Court-appointed interpreter in small claims court
• Court fee for phone hearing
• Reporter's fee for attendance at hearing or trial, if reporter provided by the court
• Assessment for court investigations under Probate Code section 1513,1826, or 1851
• Preparing, certifying, copying, and sending the clerk's transcript on appeal
'fi ^ Holding in tmst the deposit for a reporter's transcript on appeal under mle 8.130 or 8.834
A 8 &• Making a transcript or copy of an official electronic recording under mle 8.835
• Additional Fee Waiver. The court grants your request and waives your additional superior court fees
and costs that are checked below. (Cal Rules of Court, rule 3.56.) You do not have to pay for the
checked items.
• Jury fees and expenses • Fees for a peace officer to testify iri court
• Fees fpr court-appointed experts Q Court-appointed interpreter fees for a witness
• Other (specify):
Mandatory Form Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) l=W-003, Page 1 of 2
lie 3.52
Case Number:
Yourname: JAROSLAW WASZCZUK 34-2013-001155479

b. Q The court denies your fee waiver request, as follows:

Waming! If you miss the deadline below, the court cannot process your requestfor hearing or the court papers
you filed with your original request If the papers were a notice of appeal, the appeal may be dismissed.

(1) • The court denies your request because it is incomplete. You have id days after the clerk gives notice of
this order (see date of service on next page) to:
• Pay your fees and costs, or
• File a new revised request that includes the items listed below (specify incomplete items):

(2) • The court denies your request because the informatioii you provided ori the request shows that you are
not eligible for the fee waiver you requested (specify reasons):

The court has enclosed a blank Requestfor Hearing About Court Fee Waiver Order (Superior Court),
form FW-006. You have 10 days after the clerk gives.notice of this order (see date of service below) to:
• Pay yoiir fees and costs in full or the amoimt listed in c. below, or
• Ask for a hearing in brder to show the court more information. (Use form FW-006 to request
c. • The court needs more information to decide whether to grant your request. You must go to court on the date
below. The hearing will be about (specify questions regarding eligibility):

Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

D Bring the following proof to support your request if reasonably available:

Name and address of court if different from above:

Hearing V Date: Time:
» Dept.: Room:

Warning! if item c is ciiecked, and you do not go to court on your hearing date, tine judge will deny your
request to waive court fees, and you will have 10 days to pay your fees. If you miss that deadline, the
court cannot process the coy^^grers ypu filed with your request. If the papers were a notice of appeal,
the appeal niay be d i s r n i ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^

Date: !?/3//,9^ '. of (check one): ^ Judicial Officer • Clerit, Deputy


Request for Accommod stening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sigri
language interpreter serviceg^^a^ f if you ask at least 5 days before your hearing. Contact the clerk's
office for Request for Accommodation, Form MC-410. (Civil Code, § 54.8.)
Clerk's Certificate of Service
I certify that I am not involved in this case and (check one): • A certificate of mailing is attached.
• I handed a copy of this order to the party and attomey, if any, listed in (T) and (2) at the court, on the date below.
^3*This order was mailed first class, postage paid, to the party and attomey, if any, at the addresses listpd in(T) and (5),
from (city): S'^S^/^rvtatjfej i Califomia on the date /) /
Date: j Clerk, by ;?:7^fe^y Deputy
T h i s is a C o u r t Order.
Rmised July 1, 2015
Order on Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court) FW-003, Page 2 of 2
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Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.
Document received by the CA 3rd District Court of Appeal.

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