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Land Information Systems

in Developing Countries:

Compiled by:

Harlan Onsrud
Jeff Johnson
Patrick Kirby
Ricardo Moreno
Bheshem Ramlal

Department of Surveying Engineering

University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469-5711

National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

Report 94-3

Articles on land information systems and cadastral systems in developing countries are spread
among disparate and often difficult to find literature sources. We wish to thank the many
individuals who have aided the compilation of this bibliography by offering their own
bibliographies, uncovering overlooked articles, supplying copies of articles, and reviewing the
draft document. For special thanks we wish to mention Grenville Barnes, Gary Hunter, D.
Jeyanandan, Gary Jeffress, John McLaughlin, Susan Nichols, Malcolm Robertson, and Ian

We also wish to thank the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at the University
of New Brunswick and the Land Tenure Center at the University of Wisconsin for allowing us to
access the materials in their libraries. Without their past and ongoing efforts on which to build,
this bibliography would have been far more difficult to compile and far less comprehensive.

We gratefully acknowledge partial funding for this project by NCGIA which is funded by NSF
grant SES 88-10917.

Abdul, Majid Bin Mohamed (1984). Proposed

Land Information System in the Malaysian Context. National Seminar on LIS. Kualalumpur,
Malaysia: 1-23.

Acquaye, E. and Crocombe, R. (1984). Land Tenure and Rural Productivity in the Pacific
Islands . Rome: FAO.

Acquaye, E. and Murphy, M.C. (1973). Land Use, Land Tenure and Agricultural Development
in Ghana . Rome: FAO.

Afolabi, A. (1975). “The Role of Cadastral Surveying in Land Development in the Western
State of Nigeria.” B.S. Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick.

Agboau, L. K. (1990). “Land Registration in Ghana: Past Present and Future.” Journal of
African Law 34.2: 104.

Allot, A. (1971). Theoretical and Practical Limitations to Registration of Title in Tropical

Africa. Seminar on problems of land tenure in African development. Afrika-Studiesentrum,

Andersson, Sune (1986). Cadastre as a Base for Land Information Systems. International
Federation of Surveyors-FIG XVIII Congress. Toronto, Canada: FIG. 369-378.

Andersson, Sune (1988). Examples and Lessons in LIS. International Federation of Surveyors-
FIG Land Information System Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 253-256.

Andersson, Sune (1988). Problems and Issues in Land Resource Management in the Region.
International federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information System Workshop. Bali, Indonesia:

Angus-Leppan, P. (1983). Economic cost and benefits of land information. FIG Congress .
Sofia, Bulgaria: FIG.
Angus-Leppan, P.V. (1988). A Cadastral Land Information System for Thailand. International
Federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information System Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 189-

Angus-Leppan, P.V. (1989). “The Thailand Land Titling Project: First Steps in a Parcel Based
LIS.” Geographical Information Systems 3.1: 59-68.

Angus-Leppan, P.V., and Lynn Holstein (1984). Aerophotogrammetric Techniques for

Demarcation and Measuring of Rural Lands and Use of Data Processing in Titling. International
Workshop on Land Tenure Administration. Bahia, Brazil: 331-391.

Angus-Leppan, P.V., and I.P. William (1983). Land and Titles in Thailand- A Review of
Activities of the Department of Lands. Ministry of the Interior, Department of Lands Bangkok.

Angus-Leppan, P.V., and I.P. Williamson (1985). “A Project for Upgrading the Cadastral
System in Thailand.” The Survey Review 28.215 and 216:

Anonymous (1991). “Land Registration (charges) Rules 1990.” The New Law Journal
141.6489: 132.
Anonymous (1991). “United Nations Inter-Regional Seminar on Land Information Management
in the Developing World.” Natural Resources Forum 15.1:

Anonymous (1992). “The Barriers of Land Titling.” Economic & Business Review Indonesia
1992.6: 39.

Arevalo-Salazar, Luis (1972). “The Legal Insecurity of Rural Property in Colombia: A Case
Study of the Notarial and Registry Systems.” Ph.D. University of New Brunswick.

Azadegan, Ali (1980). The System of Land Registration and Land tenure in Iran . Department of
Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick.

Babalola, I. (1983). “The role of national mapping in third world development.” M.Eng. Report.

Badekas, J. (1981). Cadastre or data bank? A dilemma for countries under development. FIG
Congress . Montreux: FIG.

Balata, Kenard da Silva (1984). Cadastre Land Registries in Brazil. International Workshop on
Land Tenure Administration. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: 431-485.

Barker, Tim (1991). “The Development of a Coastal Zone Management Plan for the Solomon
Islands.” M.Sc. UNB.

Barnes, G. (1986). Emerging Land Tenure Concepts and Cadastral Information System
Alternatives for Developing Countries. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Barnes, G. (1988). “A Comparative Evaluation Framework for Cadastre Based Land

Information Systems(CLIS) in Developing Countries.” Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-

Barnes, G. (1990). “The Evolution of the Modern Cadastre: From Domesday Book to LIS/GIS
Network.” Surveying and Land Information Systems 50.1: 5-9.
Barr, MacDonald (1985). Comparisons Among Colonial Arrangements for Land Records and
Other Combinations of Improved Procedures Used in Developing Countries. Urban
Development Division of the World Bank.

Barrantes Caceres, Roxana Maria Irma (1992). “Land tenure security and resource use in
Peruvian Amazonia: A case study of the Ucayali region.” Ph.D. University of Illinois at

Batty, Michael (1992). Sharing Information in Third World Planning Agencies: Perspectives on
the Impact of GIS. NCGIA- SUNY Buffalo.

Bauer, K.W. (1986). The Development of an Automated Cadastre for Rural Land Planning and
Management. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG XVIII Congress . Toronto, Canada:

Bedard, Y. (1986). Comparing Registration Systems Using a Communication-Based Criterion:

Uncertainty Absorption. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG, XVIII Congress . Toronto,
Canada: FIG. 564-579.

Benmouffok, D., R. Valantin, and G. Cliche (1992). Applied Research in Geographic

Information Systems in Developing Countries: IDRC's Experience. The Canadian Conference
on GIS. Ottawa, Canada: 1: 767-777.

Bernhardsen, J.D. and Tveitdal, S. (1987). “Community benefits of digital spatial information.”
Advanced Course in the Development of Cadastral Systems . Garle: National Land Survey of

Bernstein, J.D. (1986). The Cost of Land Information Systems . The World Bank, Washington.

Berugoda, S. (1990). Introduction of a Cadastre Based LIS to Support Land Use Planning in Sri
Lanka. International Federation of Surveyors- FIG XIX Congress . Helsinki, Finland: FIG. 126-

Blachut, T.J. (1983). Modern Cadastre for Developing Countries. The Fifth United Nations
Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa . Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt: United Nations.

Blachut, T.J. and Villasana, J.A. (1974). Cadastre, Various Functions, Characteristics,
Techniques and the Planning of a Modern Land Records System . National Research Council
Canada, Ottawa.

Blaine, T.W. (1988). “A Measurement of the Benefits of Land Information System (LIS)
Services.” Ph.D. University of Kentucky.

Bogaerts, J.J.M., J. Gazdzicki, and G. McGarth (1988). A Cadastre-Based Information System

for Developing Countries. International Federation of Surveyors- FIG Land Information System
Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: 119-131.

Bogaerts, M.J.M. (1985). Improvements of cadastres and other land information systems in
developing countries. Urban data management symposium . The Hague:

Bohannan, Paul (1963). “'Land', 'Tenure' and Land Tenure.” African Agrarian Systems. Ed. D.
Biebuck. Oxford University Press. 1-8.
Boster, J., et al. (1989). Land Tenure Security in Ecuador: A Preliminary Study of Cayambe and
Pedre Moncayo . El Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria y Colonizacion and The United
States Agency for International Development, Center for Latin American Studies, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Boyes, W.S. (1971). Experience with cadastral survey systems in the developing islands of the
Pacific. Commonwealth Survey Officers Conference. Cambridge.

Brandenberger, A.J., and S.K. Ghosh (1992). “Status of the World's Cadastral Mapping.”
Surveying and Land Information Systems 52.2: 112.

Broughton, S.J. (1990). Cadastral and Valuation Data Integration. International Federation of
Surveyors-FIG, XIX Congress . Helsinki, Finland: FIG. 578-592.

Bruce, John (1985). A Colloquium on Issues in African Land Tenure . Land Tenure Center,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Bullock, Kenneth Russell (1983). “Design Principles for Land Information Systems.” Ph.D.
University of New South Wales.
Burns, A.F. (1988). The Thailand Land Titling Project and LIS. International Symposium on
Low Cost LIS . Brisbane, Australia: 23.

Burrough, P.A. (1986). Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources
Assessment . Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Caldwell, Lynton (1974). “Rights of Ownership or Rights of Use? - The Need for a New
Conceptual Basis for Land Use Policy.” William and Mary Law review 15.4: 759-775.

Carstenen, Laurence W. (1986). “Development of Regional Land Information Systems:

Relational Database and/or Geographic Information System.” Surveying and Mapping 46.1: 19-

Cartwright, T.J. (1990). The Management of Human Settlements in Developing Countries: Case
Studies in the Application of Microcomputers. London and New York: Routledge.

Chagas, C. (1989). Remote Sensing and Its Impact on Developing Countries. Study Week on
Remote Sensing and Its Impact on Developing Countries . Vatican City, Italy: Pontifical
Academy of Sciences. 3 pp.

Chang, W. (1980). A Briefing on a Land Survey Project in Taiwan . Department of Land

Administration, Ministry of Interior, Republic of China.

Chen, Jun (1988). Application of GIS Technology to Urban Master Planning. International
Federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information Systems Workshop. Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 149-

Cheng, Fred (1988). Terminology in Land Information Management . New Brunswick, Canada:
Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick. 173.

Chianu, Emeka (1992). “Priorities under the land registration act in Nigeria.” Journal of African
Law 36.1: 66.

Christodoulou, Demetrios (1990). The Unpromised Land: Agrarian Reform and Conflict
Worldwide . U.K.: Zed Press.
Cloke, Paul J. (1988). Policies and Plans for Rural People: An International Perspective.
Cambridge, MA: Unwin Hyman Publishers. 256.

Cloke, Paul J. (1989). Rural Land Use Planning in Developed Nations. Cambridge, MA:
Hyman Publishers. 256.

Crocombe, R. (1964). Land Tenure in the Cook Islands . Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Crocombe, R. (1977). Land Tenure in the Pacific Islands . Suva: Oxford University Press and
University of South Pacific.

Crocombe, R. (1984). Registration in the Pacific Islands: Experience and Potential. Land Tenure
and Rural Productivity in the Pacific Islands . FAO.

Cullen, Matthew, and Sharon Wollery (1985). Second World Congress on Land Policy .
Weston, MA: Oegeschlager, Gunn, and Han Publishers. 320.

Dahlberg, Richard E. , John D. McLaughlin, and J. Bernard Jr. (1989). Developments in Land
Information Management . Institute for Land Information.

Dale, P.F. (1976). Cadastral Surveys within the Commonwealth . London: HMSO.

Dale, P.F. (1983). Boundaries and Surveys. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG XVII
International Congress . Sofia, Bulgaria: FIG.

Dale, P.F. (1988). Economic Considerations in the Development of Land Information Systems.
International Federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information Systems Workshop . Bali,
Indonesia: FIG. 75-83.

Dale, P.F. (1988). Land Registration and the Multipurpose Cadastre in Indonesia . London,
U.K.: Hunting Surveys and Consultants Limited.

Dale, P.F. (1990). International Trends in Cadastral reform- or Registration of Title, is it Time
for a Change? National Conference on Cadastral Reform . Melbourne, Australia: University of
Melbourne. 1: 1-9.

Dale, P.F. (1990). Report by the Chairman of the Working Group on Land Information Systems
in Developing Countries. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG XIX Congress . Helsinki,
Finland: FIG. 118-125.

Dale, P.F. (1991). “Land Information Systems in Developing Countries.” International

Federation of Surveyors-FIG Newsletter 6:

Dale, P.F., and John McLaughlin (1988). Land Information Management: An Introduction with
Special Reference to Cadastral Problems in Third World Countries. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Dansby, Bishop (1990). A Modern Title Records System . Harrisonburg, VA: American
Cadastre Inc. 6.

Dashe, J.D.J. (1987). Cadastral Survey Practice (in Nigeria). Kaduna, Nigeria: Kaduna
Polytechnic. 173.
Datuk, Haji Zainal Abidin bin Haji Nordin (1984). Computerization of Land Administration
Toward the Establishment of a Land Information System in Peninsular Malaysia. National
Seminar on LIS . Kualalumpur:

Datuk, Haji Zainal Abidin bin Haji Nordin (1987). Computerization of Land Related
Departments in Malaysia as a Prelude to the Creation of a Malaysian Land Information System.
International Federation of Surveyors-FIG Regional Seminar on LIS in The Pacific Region .
Kualalumpur: FIG.

DeSoto, Hernando (1989). The Other Path. New York: Harper & Row Publishers.

Detrekol, A. (1993). “The importance of GIS/LIS for Hungary (GIS/LIS '93 cdot Hungary
Opening Address).” Computers, environment and urban systems 17.3: 213.

Dickerman, Carol W (1989). Security of Tenure and Land Registration in Africa: Literature
Review and Synthesis . University of Wisconsin-Madison, Land Tenure Center.

Dillinger, W. (1986). Property Taxation and the Fiscal Cadastre. Seminar on Land Information
Systems . Annapolis, MD: 14.

Dobner, H.K. (1983). Mexico City's new integral cadastral information system. FIG. Sofia,
Bulgaria: FIG.

Doebele, William A. (1983). Why Cadastral Systems are Important for Less Developed
Countries . The World Bank.

Doebele, William A. (1988). Issues Paper on Urban Land Tenure. Land Management Review
Workshop, World Bank . Washington, D.C.:

Dougherty, Leo B. (1993). “Census Mapping in Developing Countries.” ACSM Bulletin

September/October.145: 30-34.

Douglas, David H. (1989). “Cadastral Mapping for Development in Central America and the
Caribbean 1960-1980.” Cartographica Autumn/Winter: 22-32.

Dowson, E., and V.L.O. Sheppard (1952). Land Registration. London: Her Majesty's Stationary
Office (HMSO).

Dunkerley, H. (1985). Land Information Systems for Developing Countries. The Management
of Natural Resources. Malaysia: 9.

Dunkerley, Harold (1988). Land Information Systems in Developing Countries: The

Requirements and Resources. Low Cost LIS Conference. Queensland, Australia: Department of
Geographic Information.

Dunlop, K.C. (1983). Implementation and operation of the Cayman Island Land Registry.
Commowealth Survey Officers Conference. Cambridge:

Durrand-Lasserve, Alain (1992). Requirements for Establishing Land Information Systems in

Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank, Office Of the Publisher (ISBN 92-5-102511-8).

Eastwood, D.A., and H.J. Pollard (1992). “Amazonian Colonization in Eastern Ecuador: Land
Use Conflicts in a Planning Vacuum.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 13.2: 103.
Eckstein, S., et al. (1978). Land Reform in Latin America: Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Peru and
Venezuela . The World Bank.

Eddington, R.A. (1988). The Implementation of LANDATA. International Federation of

Surveyors-FIG Land Information Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 224-228.

Edney, M.H. (1991). Strategies for Maintaining the democratic nature of Geographic
Information Systems. Applied Geography Conferences . 14: 100-108.

El Kady, Mona, and Francis L. Hanigan (1993). Modernizing Egypt's Land Information System.
Annual Conference of the URISA. Atlanta, GA: 1: 15-29.

Elam, Joyce, and Michael Batty (1990). Information Systems and Technology for Urban and
Regional Planning in Developing Countries . Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional
Development. 236.

Eyre, L.A. (1989). “JAMGIS, the First Jamaican Government Comprehensive Multi-Data
Geographical Information System.” International Journal of Geographical Information Systems
3: 363-371.

Ezigbalike, Innocent (1988). “Land Information Systems Development: Software and

Management Considerations.” Ph.D. UNB.

Ezigbalike, Innocent Chukwudozie (1985). Land Information Systems Design: Software

Considerations . Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick, New
Brunswick, Canada.

Falloux, M.F. (1984). International Financing of Rural Land Titling Programs. International
Workshop on Land Tenure Administration. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: 59-99.

Feder, Gershon (1986). The Economic Implications of Land Ownership Security in Rural
Thailand . Washington, D.C.: Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, The World
Bank. 58.

Feder, Gershon (1987). “Land Registration and Titling from an Economist's Perspective: A Case
Study in Rural Thailand.” Survey Review 29.226: 163-174.

Fisher, R. (1986). The South African Cadastre: Today and Tomorrow. International Federation
of Surveyors-FIG XVIII Congress . Toronto, Canada: FIG. 212-222.

Fitch, D.B.S., and R.K. Bullard (1986). Competing Demands for Land in Rural Areas - A
Survey within FIG Member Countries. International Federation of Surveyors XVIII Congress.
Toronto, Canada: FIG. 452-469.

Furmston, B.E., and I.T. Logan (1986). LIS in Developing Countries - A Necessity or a Luxury.
International Federation of Surveyors XVIII Congress. Toronto, Canada: FIG. 280-291.

Furmston, B.E. and Logan, I.T. (1987). “Land Information Systems in Developing Countries.”
Survey Review 29.225: 131-142.

Ganesan, S. (1975). Cadastral Surveys in India. Commonwealth Survey Officers Conference.

Gavish, Dov, and Ruth Kark (1993). “The Cadastral Mapping of Palestine, 1858-1928.”
Geographical Journal 159.1: 70.

Gazdzicki, J. (1988). A Cadastral Information System for Developing Countries. World

Congress III, Computer Assisted Valuation and Land Information Systems . Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Law School.

George, Mathew (1991). GIS and Informational Technology in the Third World. Annual
Conference of the URISA . San Francisco, CA: URISA. 2: 106-109.

Gonzales-Fletcher, A. (1980). “Modern technology in cadastral operations in development.”

Canadian Surveyor 34.1:

Goodwin, D.P. (1993). Appropriate Cadastres for Southern Africa: The Case of Zimbabwe.
Conference of Southern African Surveyors . Sun City, Bophuthatswana:

Gopalaswamy, R. (1976). “Human Settlement in Asia.” Habitat 19.3/4: 44-46.

Government, Nigeria Federal Military (1978). Land Tenure Decree . Nigeria: Federal Military

Groot, Richard (1987). “Geomatics: A Key to Country Development.” ITC Journal .4: 277-

Halake, Joseph (1989). “An Evaluation of Cadastral Boundary Delimination Processes(With

Particular Reference to Kenya).” M.Sc. UNB.

Hardy, Ernest E. (1987). Data Preparation for a GIS in a Developing Country Situation. GIS'87.
San Francisco, CA: 498-508.

Haroen, Toni S., Graham D. Lodwick, and John Cameron (1991). Cadastral Reform as a Basis
for an LIS in Indonesia. GIS/LIS '91 Proceedings. Atlanta: ACSM-ASPRS-URISA-AM/FM. 2:

Harvey, H.R. (1991). Land and Politics in the Valley of Mexico . Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press.

Hassan, H., and A. Falconer (1989). Remote Sensing for Developing Countries: The Case for
Regional Centers. Study Week on Remote Sensing and Its Impact on Developing Countries .
Vatican City, Italy: Pontifical Academy of Sciences. 581-594.

Henssen, J.L.G. (1981). The requirements and significance of a land registration system,
including the cadastre, for developing countries. FIG Congress . Montreux: FIG.

Henssen, J.L.G. (1986). Land Registration (including Cadastre) as a Requirement of Land

Aquisition and Land Disposal, Especially for Developing Countries. International Federation of
Surveyors-FIG XVIII Congress . Toronto, Canada: FIG. 59-69.

Henssen, J.L.G. (1988). Some Remarks on the Value of a Cadastre for Developing Countries.
International Federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information Systems Workshop . Bali,
Indonesia: FIG. 84-101.

Henssen, J.L.G., and J.D. McLaughlin (1986). The Development of a Conceptual Framework
for the Study of Cadastral Systems. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG XVIII Congress .
Toronto, Canada: FIG. 1-13.
Henssen, J.L.G., and I.P. Williamson (1990). Land Registration, Cadastre, and It's Interaction in
a World Perspective. International Federation of Surveyors, XIX Congress. Helsinki, Finland:
FIG. 14-43.

Hicks, James F. (1990). Ecuador's Amazon Region, Development Issues and Options. World
Bank (Discussion Papers).

Hogan, Michael (1991). “Land tenure and differentiation in Nuevo Lima, Peru: Articulated
developent in the high rainforest.” Ph.D. University of California, Riverside.

Holstein, Lynn (1987). LIS Definitions. World Bank LIS Seminar . Washington, D.C.: World
Bank. 8.

Holstein, Lynn (1988). Education and Technology for Land Information Management in Least
Developed Countries. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG Land Information Systems
Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 106-113.
Holstein, Lynn (1988). LIS Problems and Issues in Urban Areas. International Federation of
Surveyors- FIG Land Information Systems Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 53-59.

Holstein, Lynn (1990). The Cadastre as a Tool of Resource Management in Developing

Countries. Sixth General Assembly and Technical Seminar . London:

Holstein, Lynn (1990). Land Information Management in Support of Urban Development in

Developing Countries: Requirements, Issues, and Options. The World Bank.

Holstein, L.C. (1987). “Considerations for land registration improvement for less developed
countries.” Survey Review .29:

Hopfer, Andrzej, Krzysztof Posniak, and Kazimierz Zwirowicz (1990). Selected Aspects of
Economics of Cadastres as an Example of Land Information Systems. International Federation
of Surveyors-FIG Land Information Systems Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: FIG. 60-65.

Hopfer, A., and I.P. Williamson (1990). The Socio-Economic Impact of the Cadastre on Rural
Land Management: A Report by Commission VII. International Federation of Surveyors-FIG
XIX Congress . Helsinki, Finland: FIG. 236-244.

Howell, L.J. (1974). “The cadastral survey and registration project in the Caribbean.” Chartered
Surveyor .Supplement:

Humphries, B. (1985). “The Crisis in Land Information Management.” The Australian

Surveyor 32.5: 321-329.

Hunter, G. J., and I. P. Williamson (1990). “The development of a historical digital cadastral
database.” International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 4.2: 169.

Hutacharoen, Malee (1987). Application of GIS Technology to the Analysis of Deforestation

and Associated Environmental Hazards in Northern Thailand. GIS'87. San Francisco, CA: 509-

Hyde, R.F. (1991). “The Feasibility of a Land Information System for Belize, Central America.”
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 5.1: 99.

IJGIS (1991). “GIS in Developing Nations Special Issue.” IJGIS 5.1:

Imwati, Andrew Thiaine (1989). “An Evaluation of Land Titling in Kenya.” M.Eng. Report.

Irsyam, M. (1988). Status Report on Remote Sensing Activities in Indonesia. Meeting of the
Directors of the National Remote Sensing Centers, United Nations Development Program .
United Nations. 4.

Jahja (1987). “A model for a cadastral land information system for Indonesia.” M. Surveying.
University of New South Wales.

James, E. (1988). Final Workshop Resolutions. International Federation of Surveyors - FIG

Land Information Systems Workshop . Bali, Indonesia: 257-259.

Jeffress, G.A. (1991). Land Ownership Information Use in Real Property Market Transactions .
University of Maine.

Jeffress, G.A. and Onsrud, H.J. (1989). “The Thailand Land Titling Project An Overview.”
Surveying and Mapping 49.1: 17-20.

Jeyanandan, D. (1988). Towards the implementation of a land information system. International

Federation of Surveyors - FIG Land Information System Workshop . Bali, Indonesia:

Jeyanandan, D. (1992). Selective Implementation of Cadastral Reform. International

Conference on Cadastral Reform. University of Melbourne, Australia:

Jeyanandan, D., and Ian Williamson (1990). A Cadastral Model for Developing Countries.
National Conference on Cadastral Reform . Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne. 1:

Jeyanandan, D. and Hunter, G.J. (1990). Cadastral Reform'90. National Conference on

Cadastral Reform'90. Melbourne, Australia: The University of Melbourne. 325.

Jiwalai, W. (1988). Problems and Issues- Urban LIS. FIG Land Information System Workshop .
Bali, Indonesia:

Jiwalai, W. (1988). Urban land information system: Bangkok Metropolis case. FIG Land
Information Workshop. Bali, Indonesia: 102-105.

Jones, B.M. (1964). Land Tenure in South Africa - Past, Present and Future . University of
Natal, Durban, South Africa.

Kain, Roger J.P., and Elizabeth Baigent (1992). The Cadastral Map in the Service of the State .
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 423.

Kalms, T. (1986). Land Registration within the Concept of L.I.S. FIG XVIII Congress,
Commission 7 . Toronto, Canada:

Kapetsky, J.M., L. Mcgregor, and N.E. Herbert (1987). A GIS to Assess Opportunities for
Aquaculture Development: A FAO-UNEP/GRID Study in Costa Rica. GIS'87. San
Francisco,Calfornia: 519-535.

Keiwalinsrit, S. (1984). The Titling of Rural Land in Thailand. International Workshop on Land
Tenure Administration . Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: 99-148.
Kennedy, W.D., et al. (1983). Thailand Land Titling Project. Conference of Commonwealth
Surveyors . 14.

Kent, R.B. (1981). Property Identification - Land Registration and Cadastral Mapping in Less
Developed Countries: An annotated Bibliography . Public Administration Series . Monticello,
IL: Vance Bibliographies. 19.

Kent, R.B. (1987). “Cadastral Mapping for Development in Central America and the Caribbean
1960-1980.” Cartographica 24.4: 49-58.

Khosla, M. (1981). Role of land surveying in developing countries. Commonwealth

Association of Surveying and Land Economy, India.

Kiamba, M. (1988). The state of Land Information Systems in Kenya. World Congress III on
Computer Assisted Valuation and Land Information Systems. Harvard Law School, Cambridge,
Kishor, Puneet, and Bernard J. Niemann (1990). Geographic Information Systems in India: A
'Look Before You Leap Caveat' to Technology Transfer. Annual Conference of the URISA.
Edmonton, Alberta: 1: 55-66.

Knetsch, J. and Trebilock, M. (1981). Land Policy and Economic Development in Papua New
Guinea . Institute of National Affairs, Ports Moresby.

Konecny, G. (1989). United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Project UAE 85/012 Land
Surveying Consultancy Dubai Municipality . University of Hannover, Germany.

Koshkarev, A. (1992). “Geographical Information Systems in the CIS: A Critical View on the
Critical State.” Yearbook of the Association for Geographic Information 1992/1993. Ed. J.
Cadoux-Hudson and D.J. Heywood. London: Taylor and Francis. 212-218.

Lambert, V. (1990). Ecuador Land Titling Project Evaluation. United States Agency for
International Development, Development Alternatives Inc. Bathesda, Maryland.

Larsson, G. (1971). “Land Registration in Developing Countries.” World Cartography . 11: 33-

Larsson, Gerhard (1991). Land Registration and Cadastral Systems: Tools for Land Information
Management . New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 175.

Lawrance, J. (1984). Cadasters and Land Registration. International Workshop on Land Tenure
Administration . Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: 392-429.

Lawrance, J.C.D. (1985). Overview. Land Tenure and Rural Productivity in the Pacific Islands .

Lawson, V. (1988). “Government Policy Biases and Ecuadorian Agricultural Change.” Annals
of the Association of American Geographers 78.3: 433-452.

Leatherdale, J.D. (1988). Digital Mapping Report of Urban Mapping Project in Indonesia .
Hunting Survey & Consultants Limited, London, England.

Lee, Goh Ban (1984). Issues and Problems of a Land Information System in Malaysia. National
Seminar on LIS . Kualalumpur:
Lester, K. (1993). The Cadastral and Topographic Component of the South African National
Land Information System. Conference of Southern African Surveyors . Sun City,

Lichfield, N. (1980). Human Settlements Issues 4: Settlement Planning and Development; A

Strategy for Land Policy. Vancouver, Bristish Columbia: University of British Columbia Press.

Lindsay, G. (1988). Issues and Problems in Land Resources Management in the Region. FIG
Land Information System Workshop. Bali, Indonesia.

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