Azure Questions

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Architecting Cloud Native .

NET Applications for Azure

If you follow the guidance from past 15 years, you'll most likely build the system shown in
Figure 1.1.

Traditional monolithic design

You construct a large core application containing all of your domain logic. It includes
modules such as Identity, Catalog, Ordering, and more. They directly communicate with each
other within a single server process. The modules share a large relational database. The core
exposes functionality via an HTML interface and a mobile app.
Congratulations! You just created a monolithic application.
Not all is bad. Monoliths offer some distinct advantages. For example, they're straightforward
vertically scale

cloud-native approach to built applying cloud-native techniques and practices.

pplication is decomposed across a set of small isolated microservices. Each service is self-
contained and encapsulates its own code, data, and dependencies. Each is deployed in a
software container and managed by a container orchestrator. Instead of a large relational
database, each service owns it own datastore, the type of which vary based upon the data
needs. Note how some services depend on a relational database, but other on NoSQL
databases. One service stores its state in a distributed cache. Note how all traffic routes
through an API Gateway service that is responsible for routing traffic to the core back-end
services and enforcing many cross-cutting concerns. Most importantly, the application takes
full advantage of the scalability, availability, and resiliency features found in modern cloud

What is Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps services is the service by Microsoft Azure which helps the organization to fast
pace and plan, develop, manage, monitor and deploy  the project more effectively and efficiently.
It brings developers, managers and contributors on common platform to complete the projects.
It produces the service over the cloud using the azure DevOps service and on on-premise
location using the azure DevOps server.

 It does mainly consist of list of individual services and client can chooses any one of them as per
their need. List of services are as as:

 Azure Repos 
 Azure Pipelines 
 Azure Boards.
 Azure Test Plans 
 Azure Artifacts 

 What is azure Pipelines?

Azure pipeline is one of the most important services among the Azure DevOps, it provides the
continuous integration and continuous delivery of the code by build and deploy the code In the
desired environment. It can work for any project irrespective of the technology and type of the

Organization is starting a new project which belongs to financial domain and tagged as
confidential project. You have to choose DevOps solution from the Azure platform which
one you will choose and why?
I will choose Azure DevOps server in this particular scenario instead of the Azure DevOps
services. Reason is Azure DevOps server is on-premises offering by the Microsoft Azure. Hence
the data of the project will remains inside the organization network itself, as this is the
confidential project hence better to keep everything within the on-premises network.

project has to move from azure DevOps server to azure DevOps service. First of all is it possible to move the existing
items from azure DevOps server to azure DevOps service. If yes then how?
Yes it is absolutely possible to move the existing project from the azure DevOps server to azure DevOps
service. There could be three approaches for the migration.

Approach 1:  is to choose the manually approach, where we can copy the source code and work items
manually from the on-prem DevOps server to the cloud based azure DevOps service.
Approach 2: Microsoft azure has provided the dedicated migration tool for the azure DevOps migration.
This is one of the best approaches. We can use data migration tool to do the migration.
Approach 3: We use the public API-based tools for higher fidelity migration.

You have on boarded a new developer in team. How would you ensure that whatever changes he
will do, must get review and approve before the merging in the master repo.
I would block the direct commit to the master branch. For merging the changes developer will be asked to
create their own feature branch on which he/she is working. Once they done with their changes then can
raise the pull request for merging the changes in to the master branch.  Any senior team member will
review the code and approve it for merging in master branch.

What is Azure Git?

Azure Git is nothing but the same most popular standard Git, source version control. It is
distributed version control system for example when you work on your local copy, which in
itself is entire repository. Once you done with your changes you commit the changes locally
and then merge your repo with the Git server i.e. master repository.

Q.4 What is Team foundation version control

Team foundation version control is the centralized version control system
where local copy contains only the single version of the file and server
maintains the entire repository changes. Once the developer makes the
changes the file needs to commit directly to the server.

Why we should use Azure Sentinel

In a large infrastructure it is not possible to analyze each and every system and services to identify any
threats. We need a system at scale which can help us to analyze all resources and services from security
stand point from one place. Azure sentinel provide you the global solution to analyze any security threat in
your entire landscape. It may be include all your resources, endpoints, applications, devices and other cloud
infrastructure. Using the collect feature, azure sentinel provides the connector that can bring in the logs
from any kind of system and services in one place.
This huge data would then, automatically get analyzed using the Microsoft AI technology to intercept any
threat to the system. It gives capability to detect millions of event taking place across the system and
identify any anomalies in any one of them.

Not only you can just detect the threats but you can have access to the Microsoft’s years of research and
understanding to identify and differentiate between the threats which make sense and which don’t.
Microsoft also has access to the various clients infrastructures, hence while making the decision, Microsoft
powered AI technologies uses that information as well under consideration while making any choices.

Azure Sentinel?
IS Azure Sentinel SaaS or PAAS?
In Azure sentinel you won’t get any infrastructure to operate upon.
However you get the cloud data collection at the large scale, and threat
detection mechanism. Hence this would be considered as SaaS, it is just a
software as a service model.
What is the difference between Azure
Security Center and Azure Sentinel?
Azure security center is basically providing the collection of the log data
and threat detection. However azure sentinel is more advance than azure
security center. Besides including the collection of data, threat detection, it
also do threat investigation and threat response as well.

What is Azure Application Gateway ?

Azure Application gateway is web traffic load balancer which can
distribute the incoming web request and helps you to manage your web
application traffic efficiently. It works at 7th layer of OSI model i.e. at
application layer and can distribute the workload on incoming request
url pattern.

Q25. What do you mean by Scalability in the Azure cloud?

In cloud platform the biggest advantage is their scalability. It allows the user to scale up or down resources (
for example increase / decrease the hardware allocated to machine like RAM, processor of hard drive) as
per the need. It also allows the user to scale in or out as well ( for example increase / decrease the number
of machine allocated ) as per the requirements. Hence you can think of Scalability is of two types as follows:

1.    Horizontal Scalability

2.    Vertical Scalability 

Horizontal Scalability : When you add same kind of more machines to support your work load it is called as
horizontal scaling. Like increase the number of machine from 2 to 4. It is also called as Scaling out. When
you decrease the number of machine then it is called as Scaling in.
Vertical Scalability: When you increase the size of the internal resources of the machine for example RAM,
cpu i.e. called as Vertical scaling. When you increase the size of Ram from 2GB to 4 GB it is called as Scaling
up. When you decrease the size it is called as Scaling down.

Q26. What do you mean by Elasticity  in the Azure?

It is somewhat like scalability only, however it allows the application to auto scale based on the load and
other parameters. It ensures that the application will have always right amount of resources available to it.

What is Fault tolerance?

You have to take a decision whether to use the Logic App or
Azure function, how would you decide.
There are certain parameters that needed to be taken into consideration
while making any decision. For example, you should start with checking all
the different data sources and applications with which this proposed
workflow has to interact with. If you feel there are different sources like
Service Bus, Office 365 services such as Outlook, Excel, and SharePoint,
Enterprise systems such as SAP and IBM MQ, or maybe file shares such as
FTP and SFTP.  In case your workflow needs connectors for any kind of
these systems then probably logic app would be the prudent choice
because of the rich number of connectors available.

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