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Reach out and celebrate Co-operatives Fortnight

25 June9 July

Co-operatives just come together

This is the second Co-operatives Fortnight and Im delighted were going into it with such momentum. Across the co-operative sector, there is growing enthusiasm for the opportunity Co-operatives Fortnight gives us to demonstrate the benefits and diversity of co-operatives. As a growing sector of around 5,000 co-operatives with a collective turnover of 33 billion, there is much to celebrate.
Over the last few months Ive been talking to small co-operatives planning open days or shared lunches and to large societies arranging everything from fun days and conferences to in-store promotions and staff training on co-operation. There are so many things to look forward to this Fortnight wherever you are, there are events to attend and activities happening online. Sharing has always been central to what co-operatives do sharing profits, giving members an equal say and acting together to build a better world. Its wonderful to see co-operative businesses and activists focus on showing how co-operatives share. Like many people, Ill be out and about during Co-operatives Fortnight. Ill be taking part in events, speaking to politicians, blogging about co-operatives and talking to the media. This will all build on the strong public profile that the co-operative sector as a whole is enjoying at the moment. Thanks, for example, to the Co-operative Groups Join the Revolution campaign, the recent launch of Co-operative Energy and the sectors ongoing discussions with government over new public sector mutuals such as Post Office Ltd, co-operatives are enjoying a renaissance. If youre looking for things to do for Co-operatives Fortnight then have a look at the Co-operatives Fortnight website which has suggestions for getting involved. Here are three easy ideas. If you havent already, sign and share the petition online or see page 8 Find events near you on pages 67 also add an event to map at Order our lovely little leaflet with 14 facts about co-operatives and hand them out to customers and colleagues Id like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the sponsors of Co-operatives Fortnight and Co-operatives UK, to thank everyone for their hard work in making the Fortnight such a collective success. The co-operative sector really does come together for these two weeks. And finally, let me thank the generous sponsors of Co-operatives Fortnight. Not only do they make the Fortnight possible, but they also spend so much time organising their own activities and promotions to showcase the whole sector to tens of thousands of their customers and members. If ever evidence were needed of how the co-operative sector co-operates and shares, Co-operatives Fortnight is it. Enjoy Co-operatives Fortnight, its yours to share.

Ed Mayo
Ed Mayo Secretary General Co-operatives UK

Co-operatives Fortnight Sponsors

This guide has been produced by Co-operative Press Ltd, publishers of the Co-operative News ( Thanks to Co-operatives UK and other organisations for their contributions. Co-operatives Fortnight is made possible thanks to the support from founding sponsors The Co-operative Group; Midcounties Co-operative; Midlands Co-operative Society; The Southern Co-operative; East of England Co-operative Society; Benenden Healthcare; Lincolnshire Co-operative Society; Anglia Co-operative Society; Chelmsford Star Co-operative; and Channel Islands Co-operative Society. This years supporting sponsors are HF Holidays and CDS Co-operatives.

Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

Whats inside? Its yours to share

Co-ops become a hot topic page 4 Make a pledge for cake page 4 How are co-ops celebrating? pages 1011 Find a Co-ops Fortnight event near you pages 67

Were a co-operative through and through. Instead of answering to stockmarkets, we answer to our members and the beliefs we share.

The Co-operative Group is proud to be a founding sponsor of Co-operatives Fortnight 2011.

Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

The Co-operative Group is gearing up for Co-operatives Fortnight with a host of activities designed to promote the co-operative concept and support the Yours To Share theme. The Group will use the fortnight to highlight how co-operation is working to champion both national and international causes, from tackling global poverty to inspiring the young. On behalf of the Co-operative Retail Trading Group, it has brought together a collection of 15 products which are either Fairtrade or produced by co-operatives which will go on promotion during the Fortnight. Double membership points will be offered on these items in Co-operative Group stores. It is also playing a central role in producing promotional material which will be used in around 5,000 Cooperative food outlets and pharmacies nationwide. The Group has also launched a special web page ( which gives the customers the chance to make a simple pledge to either help themselves or to help others for example, anything from helping a neighbour to getting involved in charity work or becoming a Co-operative member. An extensive programme of events have also been organised by the Groups membership teams across the UK to highlight the many aspects of co-operation. These will include live drama performances in support of the Groups Truth About Youth project; talks and cookery demonstrations around the theme of healthy eating, with the assistance of the Co-operative Healthy Living Kitchen; and events which highlight the Groups leading role in the promotion of Fairtrade products. Peter Marks, Group Chief Executive, commented: Co-operatives Fortnight presents all co-operative

Make a Co-op pledge

businesses with an excellent opportunity to showcase the invaluable contribution which the Movement is making to UK society at many different levels. We are delighted to be involved in so many ways with this years event. Russell Gill, the Groups Head of Membership, added: Our membership teams across the country are

Simple ways to be more co-operative the front page for the Groups Fortnight web page working hard to ensure that we make the most of this opportunity to promote co-operation and the variety of ways in which were sharing with others as a co-operative business.

Were a co-operative through and through. Instead of answering to stockmarkets, we answer to our members and the beliefs we share.

Five-thousand co-operative stores around the UK will promote Co-operatives Fortnight to customers. Food stores will be showcasing the event by displaying up to 22 separate shelf-edge talkers that will focus on products made by co-ops such as wine, sugar and coffee. The talkers including the one on the left will also highlight the co-operative difference with messages such as: We share our profits with our members. Last year our members earned 70m.

Cheryl Cole pips co-ops to top spot

Co-operatives were among the most popular conversations on Twitter last month, second only to Cheryl Cole. The social network was flooded with messages from co-operators on May 26th to help Co-operatives Fortnight become one of the websites most popular trending topic. Held a month before Co-operatives Fortnight, the event helped to raise the profile of the Movement and also encouraged people to sign Co-operatives UKs petition to narrow the gap between rich and poor. With people all across the UK, the Co-operatives Fortnight tweet-up quickly reached number 2 on the trend list pipped at the post by pop star and former X Factor judge Cheryl Cole. Across the country, for one hour only, tweeters typed and clicked the #coops14 hashtag. There was a flurry of facts and figures illustrating the gap between rich and poor in the UK and showing how the cooperative business model can help reduce inequality by sharing profits among members. Alex Baker, Community and Membership Officer at the Co-operative Groups South East Region, won a place at Co-operative Congress 2011 for writing the most number of tweets on the day, reaching the maximum quota allowed by Twitter. To see the highlights of the day, visit:

Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

Midlands Co-operative Society Member Relations

FREE entry!

Celebrate Co-operation!
with Co-operatives West Midlands!

Sunday 26th June 2011

Fun for all the family! Tastings Competitions Demonstrations as part of the Congress Exhibition

Find out about the range of co-operative businesses - and the importance of membership.
Meet actor/television presenter Des Coleman, who is the days compere! Tel: 01543 414 140

Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, NEC, Birmingham, B40 1PP

Join in
24th26th June Co-operative Congress, Hilton Birmingham Metropole. Annual gathering of co-operators. Visit: 24th June Ipswich Food Co-op market stall Cornhill Market Place, Ipswich. For one day only, Ipswich Ripple Food Co-op will trade in the marketplace to promote its ethically sourced, local and seasonal products. The team will take centre stage in the retro-fit 1950s-style hall, sporting kilner jars, funky aprons, brass scoops and scales. Email: 07816 146 567. 25th June Family fun day, Co-operative Store, Swindon Old Town 10am-5pm. Midcounties starts Co-operative Fortnight at Swindon Old Town Festival. Email: 25th June Fast Food, Slow Food, Tyneside Irish Centre, 43, Gallowgate, Newcastle. Free event for anyone interested in food or social enterprise, with several speakers and support organisations offering the chance to discuss all aspects of food, from production to consumption. Sponsored by Co-operatives North East and The Co-operative Enterprise Hub. Email: or phone 0191 427 2150. 25th June Plan Bee, a family friendly buzzy day. National Trust, Stourhead, Near Mere, Wiltshire. Enjoy our many bee activities from an observational beehive to a giant hive theatre! With the opportunity to explore the beautiful grounds and Stourhead House. Lunch voucher will be provided. Organised by the Co-operative Group. Email: membership.sw@ or phone 01884 266892. 25th June Sheffield Renewables at The Green Fair, St Marys Bramall Lane. Sheffield Renewables will have a stall at the fair, offering information on investing in an Industrial and Provident Society, ahead of its autumn share drive. Email: jean@ or phone 0114 250 8367.

Parliamentary reception to promote sector

Co-operatives UK is to host a Parliamentary reception on July 6th at Westminster. The event will be a chance for Parliamentarians and civil servants to meet people who run cooperatives and to find out more about what cooperatives are, where they can help deliver public services, how they share profits and ownership. Co-operatives will also be on display through the marketplace with stallholders ranging from the Co-operative Group to Plymtree Community Shop, Ethics Girls to The Foster Care Co-operative. The event will be held at Church House Conference Centre, Deans Yard, Westminster, 26th June Co-operative Family Fun Day Co-operative Store, Cinderford. Fabulous day in store, with the help of other co-ops and like-minded groups. Email: 26th June Holmsfirth Arts Festival Party, Community Room, Fair Traders Co-operative, Holmfirth. 4-6pm. After Party for Holmfirth Arts Festival and celebration of the Fortnight. Email: or phone 01484 690515. 27th June Family Fun Day. Co-operative Store, Cashes Green Road, Stroud 10am-1pm. Fun day with barbecue, bouncy castle and games to raise money for Womens Aid, Midcounties new charity partner. Email: 28th June Family Fun Day, Co-operative Store, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford 10.30am-2pm. Fun day, supported by other co-ops and like-minded groups. Email: 28th June Co-operative Seminar, Pierhead Building, Pierhead Street, Cardiff Bay. Organised on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales Cross Party Group on Co-operatives and Mutuals with Ed Mayo (Secretary General, Co-operatives UK); David Melding AM (Chair of the Cross Party Group), and speakers from each of the other three main political parties in the Assembly. Followed by a panel discussion chaired by David Jenkins (Chair, Wales Co-operative Centre), with Derek Walker (CEO, Wales Co-operative Centre), Alex Bird (Chair, Co-operatives & Mutuals Wales), Molly Scott-Cato (Director, the Cardiff Institute for Co-operative Studies). Email: 28th June Celebrating Co-operation, Marriott Hotel, Cheshunt. Members can bring their friends and families to celebrate all that is good about co-operation. A light hearted and relaxing event bringing together all elements of co-operation in a London SW1P 3NZ from 5.30pm7.30pm. For more information see reception or phone 01323 637707 to book your place.



fun and informative evening. Come and join in and find out how co-operation can and is, affecting your community. Email: membership.centralandeastern@ or phone 01908 361 500. 29th June The Co-operative Movement and the Current Crisis seminar, London. This seminar, organised by UCL with the support of the Co-operative College, brings together co-operative activists, advocates and academics to explore the question of how the current interest in co-operation can be translated into practice. Email: m.hilson@ucl. or phone: 0161 246 2926. 29th June Family Fun Day, Co-operative Food, High Holborn, Dudley. 11am2pm. Food to taste in event supported by other co-ops and like-minded groups. Email: 29th June Co-operative and Community Finance AGM, Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square, Bristol. Open to everyone interested in co-operatives and ethical investment, with opportunities for networking and talks by Jamie Hartzell, co-founder of the Ethical Property Company, and Co-operative and Community Finances Ian Rothwell. Light buffet and refreshments will be served. Email news@ or phone: 0117 916 6750. 29th June Talk for potential investors, Sheffield Renewables. This Industrial and Provident Society is set to launch a share offer to help it build its first renewable energy hydro scheme and this is a talk for those considering investing. Email: jean@ Phone: 0114 250 8367. 30th June Community Enterprise Now! Regional Conference, Bury St Edmunds. For those looking to set up a community enterprise, those looking to develop and existing community enterprise and those looking to support such an enterprise. It will allow existing community services to share experiences and there will be workshops on legal

Co-operative Education Yours to Share?

Nottingham, Friday 28 October

Co-operative Womens Guild an auxiliary of the Co-operative Movement

Still moving forward Come and join in. For details contact: Colette Harber, General Secretary/Membership Officer. Tel: 01903 814586. Email: colette.harber@

Join Dame Pauline Green, President of the International Co-operative Alliance, and many other inuential speakers at the 2011 WEA Conference supported by the Co-operative College. The event will explore the role adult education can play in building a bigger and better society.

The Co-operative College invites you to attend a regional consultation meeting on co-operative education. Speakers include leading academics and practitioners. Opportunities for Mainstreaming. 4th July. Shillito Suite, New Century House, Manchester. 3pm6pm. Education and Young People. 5th July. Lipson Community College, Plymouth. 4pm7pm. Co-operative Approaches to Teaching and Learning. 6th July. Institute of Education, London. 5pm7pm.

There will be a wide choice of workshops and presentations to choose from on the following themes: Social action and campaigning Volunteering Inclusion and diversity Partnership and co-operation

The events are free and light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome. To reserve a place and for enquiries contact Ceri Smith: 0161 246 2947.

supported by Co-operatives nationwide

Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

structures, finance, community consultations and marketing. Keynote speakers are Peter Couchman, CEO of the Plunkett Foundation, and Stuart Major, Director, the Solar Co-op. Email: or phone: 01473 345341. 30th June A Small Act Film Screening, The Gulbenkian, Canterbury. The film tells how a young Kenyan boy has his education sponsored by a Swedish woman and the difference a single action can make. To book contact the Co-operative Group Membership Team on 0800 015 1147 or email: 30th June Co-operative Business Breakfast, Co-op Food, Chard, Somerset, 9-10.30am. Chance for coops from the area to meet, learn about each other and explore potential for collaboration or trade. Email: 30th June Local Community Co-operation Day, Rhondda (Venue TBC). Organised by Cwm Taf Disability Focus Group. Email: adrian.roper@ 30th June Family Fun Day, Co-operative Superstore, Lyon Meadow, Shrewsbury. 10am-1pm. Barbecue, bouncy castle and games to raise money for Womens Aid, Midcounties new charity partner. Email: 1st July Food tasting event, Bailgate Methodist Church, Lincoln. Lincoln County Market offers the chance to sample and buy goods, savouries, bread and desserts. Also on sale are plants, vegetables and crafts. Email: 1st July Celebrating Co-operation, Southwell. A light hearted and relaxing event bringing together all elements co-operation in a fun and informative evening. Email: or phone 01908 361 500. 1st July Opening of the Tar Sands Photo Exhibition, Tarnished Earth, St Davids Centre Precinct, Cardiff. Organised by the Co-operative Membership. Exhibition runs until July 25th. Email: 1st July Sharing the Knowledge, the Invisible Co-operatives, The Cresset, Peterborough. 11am2.30pm. Anglia Co-operative business networking event, with lectures, a Q&A session followed by lunch. Email: or phone 01733 225683.

1st July Co-operative Lunch, Gloucestershire Resource Centre, Gloucester. Noon2pm. A lunch organised by Co-operative Futures to discuss the work it does to help set up and support co-operative and mutual enterprises. Email: jo.white@futures. coop or phone 0845 4562506. 1st July Co-operative Brains of Britain, Levenshulme Inspire, 7.45-11pm. The first Co-op North West Quiz Challenge, with a trophy and prize up for grabs. Entry is 10 per team, maximum of four persons per team. Book online at cnwquizchallenge. Phone: 0161 610 0616. 2nd July Cardiff School of Management, UWIC Western Avenue. Wales, A Co-operative Nation. An overview of the development of co-op and mutual enterprises across Wales. It will explore ways co-operative principles can be introduced into every walk of Welsh life. Keynote delivered by Professor Mark Drakeford, AM for Cardiff West, who is heading up First Minister Carwyn Jones new Delivery Unit within the Cabinet Office. Phone 029 2066 0820 or email uk to register. 2nd July Co-operative Womens Voices Conference, Leeds Queens Hotel. Launch of The Co-operative Womens Challenge 2020 a campaign to ensure women are fairly represented at all levels within the Co-operative Group and the wider Co-operative Movement. The conference features keynote speakers Moira Lees, Co-operative Group Secretary; and Dr Ruth Sealy, International Centre for Women Leaders,

Cranfield University. For further details email: donna. 2nd July Family Fun Day, Co-operative Food, Carterton, Oxfordshire. Noon-1pm. Barbecue, bouncy castle and games to raise money for Womens Aid. Email: 4th7th July Co-operative Education, Yours to Share, The Co-operative College. Forum will look at challenges and opportunities for co-operative eduction and report on the colleges current research work, with a panel of speakers and opportunities to share views and comments. Email: yourstoshare@ or phone 0161 246 2947.

FoR moRe eventS viSit online: S.Coop/C14map

wishes everyone a happy and successful Co-operatives Fortnight. For full coverage of the Fortnight see the News and visit:

Proud to be founding sponsors of CO-OPERATIVES FORTNIGHT


Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

Sign the petition to narrow the gap between rich and poor through action to I want shareto narrow the gap between rich in a co-operative way. ownership and and wealth and poor through way. action to share ownership wealth in a co-operative
Co-operatives UK has launched a petition to highlight the widening gap between rich and poor. One half of the UK population The gap between cent of the wealth. A generation ago, they had 12 per cent. Unlike bankers bonuses, giving employees, This year we are calling on government to now owns just one per rich and poor is widening. One half of residents a wider share of owns just and wealth is support action to shareeconomy. and wealth the UK population now ownership consumers and good for society and the ownership one per cent of the wealth. A generation ago, in a co-operative way, by: they had twelve per cent. Co-operatives Fortnight is an annual celebration of businesses that share their profits and are owned by profits with staff, 1. encouraging business to share customers, employees

Unlike bankers bonuses, giving employees, and residents. This year call on government to support action to share customers and wealth in a co-operative way, by: ownership and communities more widely consumers and residents a wider share of 2. promoting community ownership as one way to ownership business to is good for with staff, customers and communities more widely such as village shops and 1. Encouraging and wealthshare profits society and save lifeline services, the economy. pubs, and enable people to take action on housing, 2. Promoting community ownership as one way to save lifeline services, such as village shops andand greenenable people to Co-operatives Fortnight is an annual celebration arts, sport, land, finance pubs, and energy take action on housing, share theirland, finance are green energy arts, sport, profits and and of businesses that 3. cutting red tape so that it is as easy to start a owned by customers, employees and residents. co-operative as any other form of business 3. Cutting red tape so that it is as easy to start a co-operative as any other form of business



Email Address

Return to: Co-operatives Fortnight Petition, Co-operatives UK, Freepost Nat 3491, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, M4 9ZQ

Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share










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take a Co-op ride to Congress

People from across the West Midlands are being invited to a free event at Co-operative Congress to mark Co-operatives Fortnight. Midlands Co-operative, the largest independent retail co-operative in the UK and a founding sponsor of Co-operatives Fortnight, is joining with other cooperative organisations in the West Midlands to put together an event that will bring everyone together from across the Midlands for a fun-packed day. Hosted by BBC presenter Des Coleman, the event includes tastings, competitions, childrens activities, demonstrations and more. Visitors will be given an insight into the massive contribution that cooperatives make to local economies and communities. The event is being held on Sunday 26 June from 11am until 2pm at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, NEC the venue of Congress. John Boyle, Birmingham Member Relations Officer for Midlands Co-operative, said: Following our hugely successful Aston Villa event last year, we are pleased to support Co-operatives Fortnight 2011 by holding a members event in Birmingham as an extension of Co-operative Congress. Co-operation has swept the globe as people have bought into its democratic and open approach to business, an approach which enables co-operatives to lead the way on important ethical issues and offer a genuine alternative to the standard business model. This event gives local people the chance to celebrate and find out more about the co-operative way at the same time as enjoying a good day out. Coach travel to and from the event can be booked, while availability lasts, for a nominal charge of 3 per person. Children under 16 can enjoy the event for free. For more information about the event phone 01543 414150.

Co-operative Congress will be held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole near the NEC

HF Holidays help Anglia host a business lunch

Travel co-op HF Holidays will be promoting co-operatives to its guests during the Fortnight. All staff including hotel workers and volunteer walk leaders will wear the Im co-operative badge and offer guests leaflets with information about co-operatives. As a sponsor of the Fortnight, the co-operative has also offered a prize of a seven night holiday at one of its 17 UK locations. The co-op will also be giving away a three night break at its exhibition stand at Co-operative Congress in Birmingham, the launch of Co-operatives Fortnight. Brian Smith, HF Holidays Chief Executive, will be present as a delegate and will hold two presentations and interactive sessions speaking about the co-operative and its member engagement strategy. A business networking lunch is to be hosted by Anglia Co-operative during the Fortnight. The lunch is open to business people across the societys trading area on July 1st at The Cresset, Peterborough (11am-2.30pm). The event provides an opportunity to hear all about the co-operative business model and how existing businesses and potential new businesses could adopt it themselves. Its the second year running that Anglia Co-operative is hosting the free event and it will be chaired by Chief Executive John Chillcott. There will be keynote speakers with question-andanswer sessions. The speakers will provide an insight into a variety of co-operatives. Andy Walsh, General Manager of FC United of Manchester the club formed in 2005 in opposition to the Glazer takeover of Manchester United will talk about football grounds for mutuality. Dave Boston, head teacher of Sir Thomas Boughley Co-operative College in Staffordshire will focus on co-operative schools and the education sector. To find out more about the lunch or to register your interest in attending contact Marie DAlbret on 01733-225638, e-mail:

Happy 150th!
Co-operatives Fortnight will play a part of Lincolnshire Co-operatives 150th birthday. The society is building up to its 150th anniversary on August 19th and the Fortnight will be a part of those celebrations. Stores will promote the Fortnight to shoppers, plus members will be able to take advantage of special dividend promotions. Staff will also receive extra training on the co-operative difference.

Plunkett mobilise shop network

Throughout Co-operative Fortnight, rural support charity Plunkett Foundation will be encouraging its network of 258 community-owned shops to shout about all they have achieved through working together. Plunkett representatives and community-owned shop volunteers will be talking at events across the country to inspire more communities to turn to cooperation as a way of saving vital rural services. The organisation has also facilitated an event where Rory Stewart, MP for Penrith and the Borders, will visit the UKs first co-operative pub the Old Crown in Hesket Newmarket to learn more about the barriers they faced in saving their pub.

Economy talk
John restakis, one of the worlds leading co-operative economic thinkers and educators, is undertaking a short speaking tour of the UK to deliver the inaugural Co-operatives Fortnight lecture. His lecture, based on years of pioneering research into national economies across the globe, shows where current economic thinking has gone wrong and focuses on how governments, businesses and people can create a co-operative economy that shares wealth, spreads ownership and creates jobs. Whether youre interested in spreading prosperity or profits, justice or jobs, this lecture will be educational and inspirational. John Restakis is Executive Director of the British Columbia Co-operative Association and author of many books, including his most recent, Humanizing the Economy. He will be speaking at the Scottish Parliament on June 22nd. At Wortley Hall, near Sheffield, on June 23rd, and at the Co-operative Congress, Birmingham, on June 24th and 25th. Full details and booking available at yourstoshare/lecture.

Staff challenge
southern Co-operative is starting the education of co-operation at home, according to the society. Sue King, Corporate Marketing Adviser at Southern, said: Southern Co-operative believes co-operation should start at home. Therefore the focus this year in Co-operatives Fortnight is to increase awareness of co-operatives within colleagues and encourage the spread of knowledge outwards. The society will distribute a badge for staff to wear, which encourages people to ask for something to share. Staff will also receive a booklet produced by Cooperatives UK that outlines 14 facts about co-ops. A team of mystery shoppers will also be visiting stores to test workers on their knowledge if a staff member correctly provides a co-op fact they will receive a prize. In addition, a Go Ape event has been organised for staff, to encourage them to work together in the true spirit of co-operation. So far nearly 50 colleagues have signed up to take part in a fun challenge that involves taking raw eggs across a treetop obstacle course where co-operation will be the key to success.

Show your share

Design co-operative Wave has launched a photography competition around the idea of sharing. The co-operative is asking for people to capture their individual response to the theme of Co-operatives Fortnight, Yours To Share. The images will be uploaded to an online gallery and will also be exhibited in the F-ISH Gallery, Hastings. The deadline for entries is June 30th. For more visit: sharing.


Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share

midcounties plan a fun fortnight

Midcounties Co-operative is getting behind Co-operatives Fortnight with fun and informative events across its businesses to promote the Yours to Share message. A number of the societys food stores in Worcestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, the Forest of Dean, the West Midlands, Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire, for example, are hosting fun days with barbecues to raise money for the societys new charity partner Womens Aid. Like-minded community organisations will be supporting these events to help spread the word that co-operatives are a different and better way of doing business. Food and wine tastings are also being held. The Midcounties Membership team has organised an event for every day of the fortnight. It will launch the celebrations on June 25th at its supermarket in Swindon Old Town with a special day of activities including a history exhibition and display of co-operative memorabilia, displays by local suppliers and a bouncy castle. A community radio station will broadcast from the site and local organisations will help with bag packing. A highlight of Co-operatives Fortnight will be an awards evening to announce the winners of the inaugural Midcounties Member of the Year Award on July 7th. TV broadcaster Nick Baker will present the awards to the winners who will be rewarded with a volunteering trip to Africa where they will join in a local project working alongside the community. Midcounties will bring the fortnight to a close on July 9th with a family event and picnic at its supplier Cotswolds Ice Creams base at Hill House Farm in Cheltenham. Local farmers will have exhibits and there will be a barbecue plus a bouncy castle for younger visitors. Di Bateman, Membership Manager, said: We were determined to make the most of Co-operatives Fortnight by organising events which are fun and engaging and also help to promote the message that the co-operative business model is better for everyone.

Record crowd set for Poverty fight Co-operatives Day

Lifetime Co-op activist Allen Brett has set his sights on establishing a new UK record crowd of co-operators at a special Co-operatives Day being staged at the Spotland Stadium, Rochdale, on Sunday July 10th, writes Dave Bowman. Originally, the Co-op Group North West & North Midlands Regional Board member and former main board member had targeted a 10,000-strong turn-out for the Rugby League themed fun day being held to mark the end of Co-operatives Fortnight. But Mr Brett, a director of Co-operatives UK and a former Labour/Co-op leader of Rochdale Council, admits he may have been a tad over-optimistic and given a fine day his revised target is for an attendance of 2,150 which, if it happens, will represent a one person increase on the number of delegates who attended the 1956 Co-op Congress in Blackpool! The afternoons events start with a tag rugby competition between mixed teams representing the Co-op Groups various businesses and will be followed by a golden oldies RL match then, at 3.0pm, there be the crunch Championship One game between Workington Town and Rochdale Hornets, the only supporter owned club in professional Rugby League. It should be a great day and Im hoping for as big a turn-out of Co-op folk as possible, said Mr Brett. People will enjoy the tag rugby competition it can be very funny and quite fast. There will be a brass band in attendance and food and drink will be available all afternoon as unlike at football matches alcohol can be sold and consumed while watching RL. The occasion is intended to be a celebration and showcase for co-operation and Co-op values and a number of Co-op Group businesses will host stands and exhibitions. The day will also be about supporting the Groups charity of the year, Mencap, and a proportion of every ticket sold will be donated to the charity. The Rochdale Hornets v Workington match will be sponsored by Supporters Direct, the umbrella organisation for supporters trusts in the UK and across Europe and Laura Harrison, Rugby League Development Manager, said: Hornets are a fine example of how supporter ownership can work in Rugby League and theyve really embraced the cooperative values that all of our trusts share. It should be a great event. Tickets are priced at just 5 for adults and 3 for concessions. For more information visit www. or email Allen_Brett@

Chelmsford star Co-operative is celebrating Co-operatives Fortnight by offering double dividend points to members across their food, travel and department stores. The Essex-based society will also be celebrating Chelmsford Quadrants 130th birthday on July 2nd, and the Braintree funeral branch will also relaunch. In stores, the co-operative will also be promoting the Mind the Poverty Gap petition through posters and postcards. Information packs have also been distributed to store staff to help raise awareness of the Fortnight.

Chelmsford Star directors sign the Co-operatives Fortnight petition to highlight the gap between the rich and poor

east of england celebrates

east of england Co-operative is holding Cooperatives Fortnight roadshows across its trading area to engage with members and customers and raise awareness with colleagues. Co-operatives Fortnight will be launched by the society with a specially commissioned cake with the Yours to Share campaign logo. The societys staff and customers will share the cake symbolising how co-operatives share their profits with members and the community. The cake will be made locally from co-operatively sourced ingredients including Fairtrade products. Stores in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex will host events promoting Co-operatives Fortnight with tastings of products made by other co-operative businesses, such as dairy co-operatives and Fairtrade worker co-operatives. The co-operative difference will be promoted at local food festivals and county shows highlighting the societys support for local producers and farmers. Co-operatives Fortnight events will also encourage people to sign the petition to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. The launch event and cake cutting ceremony will take place at Manningtree Supermarket, Combs Ford Supermarket and Sheringham Food Store on 23 June. For other events taking place at East of England stores see the panel on the right.

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Co-operatives Fortnight Guide yours to share



"Try it hot, or chilled as a delicious iced tea. Whichever way you prefer we are sure you will love our exclusive blend of the finest rooibos tea..."


Our finest grade of the top 10% of the rooibos crop is unlike any other herbal tea. From its historic roots as a Bushman medicine to its rich array of health-giving properties, it is without a doubt a most unique cup of tea. We take pride in bringing you not only the best flavour, but also a mug of tea that is naturally caffeine free, low in tannin and rich in antioxidants. Our rooibos is as pure and exquisite as the hot South African sun. With nothing artificial added and made the same way as it has always been, Redbush Tea is both refreshing and gently hydrating, making what we feel is the most perfect cup of tea.

To receive a FREE sample and discover what Redbush Tea can do for you call: 0845 601 2658 email: or visit our website:

Available from selected Co-operative Society stores.

A percentage of profits from the sale of Redbush Tea are donated to the indigenous peoples of the Kalahari,

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