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Ending the Stigma:

Improving Care for Patients
Who Are Overweight or Obese
© S T UA R T B R A D F O R D

Discriminatory attitudes about patients who

are overweight or obese are pervasive in society, Dr. Kennedy is an assistant professor in the
Biomedical Sciences Department, Division of
even among physicians. Here are five steps to Behavioral, Social, and Population Health, at
help change that. the University of South Carolina School of
Medicine – Greenville. Dr. Taylor is a licensed

clinical psychologist and director of behavioral
science for the Prisma Health Family Medicine
Residency – Greenville. Dr. Lavie is a professor of
ardiorespiratory fitness is a strong predictor of morbidity
medicine, medical director of cardiac rehabilitation
and mortality for individuals of all weights, yet clinicians, and prevention, and director of the Exercise
researchers, and the public tend to focus more on weight Laboratories at the John Ochsner Heart and
and body mass index (BMI) than the importance of good Vascular Institute, Ochsner Clinical School, at
nutrition and physical activity.1-4 the University of Queensland School of Medicine
in New Orleans. Dr. Blair is a distinguished
This reflects a national culture of weight stigmatization and
professor emeritus at the University of South
bias expressed through discrimination, stereotypes, and negative Carolina Departments of Exercise Science and
attitudes/beliefs about those who are overweight or obese. Those Epidemiology/Biostatistics. Author disclosures: no
who are overweight or obese report experiencing weight stigma relevant financial relationships.

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individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact for questions and permission requests.
throughout all areas of life, including unhealthy due to a higher weight). It can also
health care. 5-7 Physicians and other provid- be harder for patients who are overweight to
ers sometimes perceive those with obesity receive proper care for concerns unrelated
as noncompliant, overindulgent, lazy, and to weight. For example, if a patient who is
unsuccessful. They are less respected than overweight or obese seeks an appointment
patients who are not overweight, and some for a sinus infection or seasonal allergies
and is given unsolicited advice to lose weight,
this can lead to feelings of shame and delay
in seeking care in the future.6
Focusing too much on weight rather Clinicians can lessen weight stigma
than taking a more holistic approach and improve health outcomes by commu-
nicating more productively with patients
can be detrimental to the care of all who are overweight or obese. 10 This article
offers five recommendations for more
patients, whether overweight or not. compassionate care, reviewed by a panel
of patients in the University of South
Carolina’s Patient Engagement Studio,
doctors report they would rather not care whose mission is to provide patient per-
for those who are overweight.6 An inverse spectives in scientific research and health
relationship has been reported between system innovations.
patient BMI and primary care physicians’
patience, job satisfaction, and willingness 1. SEE, ACKNOWLEDGE, AND TREAT
to assist the patient. 8 Doctors choose to THE WHOLE PERSON
spend less time with patients with obesity Nearly 70% of people of who are overweight
and order fewer preventive and diagnostic report feeling stigmatized by physicians.11
tests for them.6 Furthermore, some phy- Multiple studies have documented that
sicians report feeling they do not have patients (women in particular) tend to delay
the comfort, knowledge, time, or skill set seeking health care to avoid being shamed
to effectively counsel patients on issues due to their weight or because they fear
related to weight.9 their physician will attribute all health con-
Focusing too much on weight rather cerns solely to their weight.6,12
than taking a more holistic approach can To lessen stigmatization, clinicians can
be detrimental to the care of all patients, focus on each patient’s holistic well-be-
whether overweight or not. Prioritizing a ing rather than weight, and help patients
number on a scale over patients’ individual develop sustainable lifestyle habits rather
characteristics and concerns increases the than just pursuing weight loss.13 Consider
risk of “false negatives” (failing to diagnose a emotional, physical, nutritional, social,
problem, such as type 2 diabetes, because the and spiritual health, and focus on process
patient is not overweight) or “false positives” rather than a weight-loss end goal (even
(incorrectly diagnosing a healthy person as when patients ask for help achieving a
weight-loss goal). Guide patients to notice
what behaviors promote restfulness and
KEY POINTS energy (e.g., regular physical activity, reg-
ular intake of nutritious foods, adequate
• When clinicians focus too much on weight, it can contribute to
sleep and rest, and adequate hydration), and
weight stigma and lead to worse health outcomes for all patients,
help them make those behaviors routine.
whether overweight or not.
Treating the whole person also means
• A holistic approach that places weight in the proper context of evaluating patients with obesity for
cardiorespiratory fitness and overall physical and mental health can emotional distress. Look for signs of dis-
help clinicians communicate more productively with patients. ordered, emotional, or binge eating by
• Compassionate care of patients who are overweight or obese tracking weight trajectories over time and
includes acknowledging the whole person, identifying your own noting unusual gains or losses. You can
biases, practicing patient-centered communication, creating a provide treatment (pharmacological and
welcoming environment, and pursuing lifelong learning. nonpharmacological) and resources as
needed, referring patients to mental health

22 | FPM | March/April 2022


professionals who have a weight-inclusive

approach. Be aware of how words may RESOURCES FOR CREATING A BIAS-FREE CLINIC
influence patients with disordered eating. •P
 reventing weight bias toolkit, University of Connecticut Rudd
Praising weight loss, or addressing weight Center for Food Policy & Obesity (Rudd Center): http://biastoolkit.
gain by immediately and automatically rec-
ommending weight loss, can unintention-
 educing stigma when talking to patients about weight, Rudd
ally reinforce disordered eating behaviors.
When conversations about weight
and lifestyle are warranted, it is import-
ant to consider social determinants of •W
 eight bias program, Obesity Action Coalition: https://www.​obesi-
health — socioeconomic factors that can tyaction.​org/​weightbias/
account for up to 80% of health outcomes
 vercoming weight bias in the management of patients with diabe-
(see “Screening for Social Determinants tes, Clinical Diabetes:
of Health in Daily Practice” on page 6).
Lower education levels, food and housing •A
 dult obesity provider toolkit, California Medical Association
insecurity, and poverty increase the risk Foundation and California Association of Health Plans: https://www.
for overweight and obesity.14 Along with
genetics, these factors limit how much •R
 educing weight bias: creating an anti-weight stigma educational
patients can alter their body weight. For simulation for nurse practitioner students, Seattle University:
those with low socioeconomic status, public
health recommendations to “maintain a
• J oint international consensus statement for ending stigma of obe-
healthy weight” can seem out of touch and
sity, Nature Medicine:
unfair.13 Evidence suggests that account-
ing for social determinants of health may
make clinicians more successful in helping
patients reduce weight. In one recent study, increases in blood pressure, blood sugar,
intensive lifestyle intervention (e.g., nutri- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
tion, behavior change, and physical activ- axis activation, and levels of the stress hor-
ity counseling) provided in primary care mone cortisol,
clinics helped underserved, low-income 3. Reduced engagement with health care
patients reduce weight by an average of 5% services, including less trust of physicians
over 24 months compared to usual care.15 and other providers and poor adherence to
Adverse childhood events and traumatic treatment,
experiences are other often-overlooked 4. Psychological distress, including
factors for patients who are overweight depression, anxiety, substance use disorder,
or obese. 16 Being aware of the impact of
traumatic experiences on weight and
health and finding ways to implement
trauma-informed care can help these
Any conversation about weight-related
patients. More information and resources issues should begin with asking the
are available at the Trauma-Informed Care
Implementation Resource Center (https:// patient’s permission to discuss the topic.

2. IDENTIFY BIAS AND and suicidal tendency,

ASSUMPTIONS 5. Long-term health effects including
The number of documented health con- more advanced and poorly controlled
sequences of weight bias are staggering. chronic disease, low health-related quality
They include but are not limited to the of life, and increased risk of mortality.
following: 17,18 Additionally, there is extensive evidence
1. Unhealthy eating behaviors, binge that long-term weight loss is not sustain-
eating, increased caloric intake, inability able for most people, and weight cycling
to lose weight or maintain weight loss, and (i.e., “yo-yo dieting”) is associated with
lower motivation for exercise, poorer health. 13 The enormity of health-re-
2. Physiological reactions including lated consequences associated with weight  March/April 2022 | FPM | 23

bias indicates grave damage being done to work with the patient to set appropriate,
people with obesity. realistic health and wellness goals.
Implicit and explicit weight bias should Motivational interviewing techniques
be recognized as a social determinant of can be used to respectfully help patients
health that contributes to health dispari- understand health risks (e.g., after dis-
ties.19 Although recognition of racial, ethnic, cussing diet, say, “Your eating habits, I
and other biases and the need to counteract believe, are putting you at risk for heart
them is growing, there has been relatively disease and type 2 diabetes”), empha-
little acknowledgment of weight bias. On size patient autonomy (“It’s up to you to
the contrary, many people feel justified decide if you are ready to make lifestyle
in externalizing weight bias because they changes. Whatever you choose, I’m here
assume individuals are fully responsible for to support you”), explore ambivalence for
their weight despite research demonstrat- lifestyle changes (“What is one advantage
ing that biological, psychological, social, of modifying your eating habits? What’s
environmental, maternal, economic, and one downside?”), and instill optimism and
genetic factors contribute more to body self-efficacy for making change (“I know
weight than voluntary lifestyle choices.13 you can do this”). 20 Empathy and reflective
It is useful for clinicians to examine and listening during these conversations will
address their own biases. For example, they help patients feel heard and understood.
can ask themselves, “When I see patients Clinicians should also be mindful of
who are overweight, do I automatically the words they use to discuss weight with
assume they are inactive, have a poor diet, patients. For example, terms like “diet” or
or are uneducated or lazy?” These assump- “exercise” can be replaced with more posi-
tions lead to miscommunications and lack tive terms like “nutritious food choices” and
of trust between clinicians and patients. “physical activity.” Terms like “fat,” “large
Harvard University’s Implicit Association size,” “heaviness,” “ideal weight,” “morbidly
Test on weight ( obese,” and “weight problem” are gener-
implicit/takeatest.html) can help clinicians ally off-putting. It may be helpful to ask
patients how they prefer you to refer to
weight. The aim is not simply to be kind
while trying to get a patient to lose weight.
Bias, stigma, and shame faced by those Rather, the goal is to change the focus from
who are overweight or obese can lead an external critique of weight and size to
a partnership working toward health and
to a reduction of healthy lifestyle wellness, as well as detecting and prevent-
ing the progression of disease. 12
behaviors and avoidance of health care.
identify their biases. Other tools are avail- A comfortable and welcoming clinical
able as well (see “Resources for creating a environment for everyone signals that
bias-free clinic” on page 23). patients’ health care needs will be met with-
out shame or discrimination. 21 Practices
3. PRACTICE PATIENT-CENTERED should have furniture in waiting and exam
COMMUNICATION rooms that is comfortable for patients of
Any conversation about weight-related higher weight and use appropriately sized
issues should begin with asking the equipment, including scales, blood pressure
patient’s permission to discuss the topic cuffs, specula for female exams, and gowns.
(e.g., “Would it be OK to talk about your Choose reading materials that feature
weight today?”). You can then transition to average (rather than idealized) bodies and
questions about the patient’s goals, values, healthy lifestyles. Weigh patients in private
motivations, lifestyle, and challenges or and only when medically indicated.
barriers to change. Only by understanding Special care should be taken to help
these things can a clinician provide indi- patients with obesity feel comfortable
vidualized, patient-centered education and during pelvic, genitourinary, rectal, and

24 | FPM | March/April 2022


prostate exams. Be gentle and do not rush. 5. Puhl RM, Moss-Racusin CA, Schwartz MB, Brownell
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Through holistic patient care, bias ty: systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Psychiatry.
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compassionate approach to caring for discrimination and risk of mortality. Psychol Sci.
patients who are overweight or obese will
“positively impact the health of this popula- 19. Hatzenbuehler ML, Phelan JC, Link BG. Stigma as a
fundamental cause of population health inequalities. Am
tion even if a pound is never lost.”21  J Public Health. 2013;103(5):813-821.
20. Motivational interviewing for promoting healthy
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