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excercise 2 or/but/so/and

1. Jayson was cold, so she put on a coat.

2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, so it was too difficult.

3. To get from Vientiane to Pakse, you can fly, and you can take a bus.

4. I bought a bottle of wine, so we could drink it together.

5. The service was not very good, but the food was delicious

6. I went to buy a cartoon CD, but the shop didn't have it.

7. Anna needed some money, so she took a part-time job.

8. Julie has a guitar, so she plays it really well.

9. The concert was cancelled, so we went to a nightclub instead.

10. We will visit Luangprabang and Xiengkhouang during our next vacation.

11. I want to go to the supermarket and buy some food.

12. I haven't got any money, so I can't go out to the cinema.

13. Do you want to watch television or listen to some music?

14. I went to John's house, but he wasn't there.

15. Would you like to drink tea or coffee?

16. I had a shower, and then I got dressed.

17. I can help you, so don't worry

18. You must work hard, so you will not pass the exam.

19. The weather is beautiful, so we are going out for a picnic.

20. I can use a computer, but I can't cook.

21. You should go home and have a rest.

22. We must leave now, so we'll miss the plane.

Exercise 3

2. I can neither sing nor dance. Please, don't ask me to go to dance with you.

3. Phetsamone was preparing for her second- semester examination, while her sister was studying for
her final examination.
4. Laila read a magazine instead of doing her work.

6. He did not do any exercise at all. Consequently he fat.

7. They didn't read "Gulliver's Travel" nor did they read "Treasure


8. While Ferdinand doesn't want to act in the play, Ellen will replace him.

9. Both Helen and Susan was caught in the traffic jam last night.

10. They didn't do their homework neither did they read their books.

11. He is a good student. As a result he is also a good athlete.

12. "Would you marry a man who has not only fame but also money?"

Exercise 4:

1. She was not in the back yard, nor was upstairs. (or, nor)

2. The sun had set, or it was still light outside. (or, yet)

3. Do you know his address or telephone number? (but, or)

4. He has not arrived yet, nor have they? (and, nor)

5. I read the book, but did not understand it. (but, or)

6. We searched diligently, yet found nothing. (or, yet)

7. I invited him and his friends. (and, but)

8. She did not return that night, nor the night after. (and, nor)

9. She could not speak, or could she understand anything we said. (nor, or)

10. I opened the door and looked out. (and, yet)

Exercise 5:

therefore because however so since as a result and but

1. A dangerous man had escaped from hospital; therefore police issued a warning on the radio.

2. The Harrisons were having a party, but was getting engaged

3. Marie was worried about the killer; because only worried about the car.

4. The car broke down, so George went to find help.

5. Marie could not walk in the rain, because her clothes were not suitable.

6. Marie hid under a blanket, so that no one could see her.

7. Marie heard a strange sound on the roof; as a result she became very frightened.
8. Marie could not sleep because the knocking continued all night.

9. Several policemen leapt out, but one of them rushed towards the car.

10. The policeman told Marie not to look back, however she could not help it.

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