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Hepatic encephalopathy: Novel insights into classification,

pathophysiology and therapy
Christopher F. Rose1,*, Piero Amodio2, Jasmohan S. Bajaj3, Radha Krishan Dhiman4,
Sara Montagnese2, Simon D. Taylor-Robinson5, Hendrik Vilstrup6, Rajiv Jalan7,8,*

Keywords: Hepatic Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a frequent and serious complication of both chronic liver disease and
encephalopathy; Treatments;
acute liver failure. HE manifests as a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric abnormalities, from subclinical
Pathophysiology; Ammonia; changes (mild cognitive impairment) to marked disorientation, confusion and coma. The clinical and
Management; Diagnosis. economic burden of HE is considerable, and it contributes greatly to impaired quality of life, morbidity
and mortality. This review will critically discuss the latest classification of HE, as well as the pathogenesis
Received 18 December 2019;
received in revised form 1 July and pathophysiological pathways underlying the neurological decline in patients with end-stage liver
2020; accepted 3 July 2020; disease. In addition, management strategies, diagnostic approaches, currently available therapeutic op-
available online 21 October 2020 tions and novel treatment strategies are discussed.
Crown Copyright © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of European Association for the Study of the Liver.
All rights reserved.
Hepato-Neuro Laboratory, Introduction
CRCHUM, Université de Montréal,
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is broadly defined as independent pathophysiological and prognostic
Montreal, Canada;
Department of Medicine, brain dysfunction caused by liver insufficiency and/ implications.10
University of Padova, Padova, Italy; or portal-systemic shunting, which manifests as a From the pathophysiologic perspective, data
Division of Gastroenterology, wide spectrum of neurological or psychiatric ab- from recent studies indicate that ammonia remains
Hepatology and Nutrition, Virginia
Commonwealth University and
normalities ranging from subclinical alterations to the central player in the pathogenesis of HE.
McGuire VA Medical Center, coma.1 This definition of HE does not consider the However, systemic and neuroinflammation, as well
Richmond, Virginia, USA;
underlying cause of the liver disease. However, the as oxidative stress and cellular senescence, are
Department of Hepatology,
aetiological factors leading to chronic liver diseases known to be implicated. In addition, blood-brain
Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research, (CLDs), such as alcohol-related liver disease, non- barrier (BBB) permeability/function, cerebrospinal
Chandigarh, India; alcoholic fatty liver disease, viral hepatitis and fluid composition, glymphatic flow, cerebral en-
Department of Surgery and primary biliary cholangitis can all affect the brain ergy metabolism, neurotransmission and cell-cell
Cancer, St. Mary’s Hospital
Campus, Imperial College London, through mechanisms independent from those communication are all deranged, causing neuro-
London, United Kingdom; triggered by liver failure/dysfunction.2–5 Defined as logical impairment and providing potential thera-
Department of Hepatology and a metabolic disorder, HE is widely considered to peutic targets.11–17
Gastroenterology, Aarhus
University Hospital, Denmark;
be reversible following liver transplantation (LT). The AASLD-EASL clinical guidelines for HE,
Liver Failure Group, Institute for However, this notion is changing as numerous published in 2014, were an important initiative.1
Liver and Digestive Health, studies have demonstrated that neuroinflamma- However, since this publication, there have been
University College London, Royal
tion and neuronal cell death are features of many advances in the classification of HE, as well as
Free Campus, London, United
Kingdom; HE and episodes of overt HE can lead to irrevers- our understanding of its pathophysiology, diag-
European Foundation for the ibility. These manifest as persisting neurological nosis and treatment. For instance, ‘covert’ HE, a
Study of Chronic Liver Failure, complications post-LT.6,7 This fundamentally term which was first introduced in 2014, has been
Barcelona, Spain
changes our understanding of HE as a reversible studied further. In addition, acute-on-chronic liver
* Corresponding authors. Ad- syndrome. failure (ACLF) has recently been defined and needs
dresses: Liver Failure Group,
From the epidemiological perspective, it has to be considered. Furthermore, based on a better
Institute for Liver and Digestive
Health, University College Lon- become clear that HE is probably the most frequent understanding of the pathophysiology of HE and a
don, Royal Free Campus, London, complication of cirrhosis that leads to hospital- clearer view of inter-organ ammonia metabolism,
United Kingdom (R. Jalan), or isations and repeated re-admissions.8 Therefore, many new therapeutic agents are being developed.
Hepato-Neuro Laboratory,
CRCHUM, Université de Mon- the healthcare burden and costs associated with The purpose of this review is to provide a
tréal, Montreal, Canada the management of HE are extensive and detailed and critical insight into the current state-
(C.F. Rose). increasing.9 More importantly, it has been of-the-art and discuss each of the issues
E-mail addresses: demonstrated that HE is associated with high rates described above, as well as point out avenues for
uk (R. Jalan), Christopher.rose@ of mortality, irrespective of the severity of liver future research. This review will focus on discus- (C.F. Rose).
disease, indicating that HE is not merely a symp- sing HE in association with CLD (Type C HE). Where tom of liver failure, but that it may have relevant, reference to HE in association with acute

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

liver failure (ALF) (referred to as Type A HE) and HE There are no direct EU cost data, but the epide-
that occurs in patients with large portosystemic miology suggests comparable costs, supported by
shunts without underlying liver disease (referred inference from regional patient sampling,35 also
to as Type B HE) will be made.1 showing that the yearly cost of patients with HE is
Key point
50% higher than of patients with heart failure or
Epidemiology and cost associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.36 These Hepatic encephalopathy is
hepatic encephalopathy figures are a gross underestimate of total HE costs, an important complication
and cause of death in pa-
HE results in utilisation of more healthcare re- because costs associated with primary healthcare, tients with cirrhosis.
sources compared to other complications of liver disability and lost productivity as well as the
disease.9 The incidence of HE is 11.6 per 100 person negative impact on the patient's family or support
years which increases to 40% by 5 years.18 The network are not included.
prevalence of overt HE at the time of diagnosis of
cirrhosis is 10–14%,19,20 16–21% in decompensated Classification of hepatic encephalopathy
cirrhosis21 and 10–50% in patients who have had a HE occurs in the setting of ALF, portal-systemic
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt shunting without liver disease and most commonly
(TIPS) inserted.22,23 Estimates of the prevalence of in cirrhosis. However, the categorisation of disease
minimal hepatic encephalopathy (mHE) in patients severity across the spectrum of HE in cirrhosis is
with cirrhosis range from 20% to 80%.24–26 This challenging. HE has traditionally been graded into
variability reflects the definition of what consti- overt (clinically manifest neurological-psychiatric
tutes mHE as discussed later in the review. The risk abnormalities) and mHE (abnormalities on neuro-
of developing the first episode of overt HE is about psychological or electrophysiological tests without
25% within 5 years after the diagnosis of cirrhosis, clinically detectable neurological-psychiatric ab-
depending on the presence of risk factors such as normalities). As the clinical diagnosis of mild
mHE, grade 1 HE, diabetes, hyponatremia, and forms of overt HE is heavily operator-dependent, it
hepatitis C.27–29 Patients with a previous episode of has been suggested that HE is qualified as overt
overt HE have a 42% risk of recurrence at 1 year, when at least temporal disorientation and/or aster-
and those with recurrent overt HE have a 46% risk ixis are detected (> −grade II according to the West
of another episode within 6 months, despite Haven criteria). However, the grades of HE, defined
receiving standard care.30,31 Even patients with according to these criteria are not reproducible
cirrhosis and mild cognitive dysfunction or slight across observers and are thought to be inappropriate
electroencephalogram slowing have a 1-year risk for clinical trials. Hence, newer classifications
of developing an episode of overt HE of about have been developed, which are more accurate in
33%.30,32 the assessment of overt HE. (i) The hepatic enceph-
As HE is a manifestation of serious liver alopathy scoring algorithm (HESA), (ii) the clinical
impairment, its outcome depends on the severity hepatic encephalopathy staging scale (CHESS), (iii)
of underlying liver disease, its clinical course, and the hepatic encephalopathy staging tool (HEST) and
its treatment. Population-based cohorts of patients (iv) the hepatic encephalopathy grading instrument
with cirrhosis presenting with overt HE have a (HEGI) have been developed, validated and are
median survival time of just a few months and a being used in ongoing clinical trials.
2-fold increased risk of mortality over 1-year The estimation of the condition in its milder
compared to cirrhotic patients without HE.10,20 stages is also fraught with inter-observer issues.39
The healthcare resource requirements of pa- At the heart of this is the semi-quantitative na-
tients with HE are relevant from a public health ture of the West Haven criteria, which have not
perspective. In the USA, from 2010–2014, there was defined grade I HE well. The term ‘covert HE’ was
a 30% increase in HE-related hospitalisations.8 Such suggested because of its sound (opposite to
numbers are not available for the European Union overt). Therefore, in patients with deranged
but are expected to be similar. Furthermore, the psychometric or neuropsychological tests but with
burden of CLD and cirrhosis is increasing in most no grade 2 HE, the umbrella term of ‘covert HE’ was
countries, primarily due to a rise in non-alcoholic introduced. Covert HE requires testing for its
steatohepatitis-related cirrhosis ; therefore, more detection and quantification, and the diagnosis
cases with HE will likely emerge in the future. Pa- cannot be made clinically and its validity has been
tients hospitalized with HE in the US generated determined using standardized patient testing
charges of about US $11.9 billion per year, a 46% modalities (Table 1). However, it has been
8 44
increase from 2010–2014 Recent data confirm this shown that covert HE is a heterogeneous entity,
estimate, but also provide evidence that read- and that grade I HE abnormalities have additional
mission rates with HE at 90 days are about 27% and prognostic and possibly also therapeutic im-
cost an additional USD $200M. Such costs will plications compared to abnormalities on testing for
increase because of changes in the cirrhosis case- mHE alone. In addition, since patients with grade I
mix towards more advanced liver disease and alterations are symptomatic, albeit mildly, there is
correspondingly more complex healthcare efforts. no reason not to treat them like any patient with a

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1527


Table 1. Neuropsychological tests used for the diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
Test Test type Test description
Psychometric hepatic Neuropsychological, paper & pencil The PHES consists of 5 paper-pencil tests evaluating cognitive/psychomotor pro-
encephalopathy score (PHES) cessing speed and visuomotor coordination. They are relatively easy to administer,
have good external validity and have been translated/validated into several lan-
guages and countries.251
Animal naming test (ANT) Neuropsychological, bed-side The ANT (i.e. the number of animals listed in 60 seconds, no equipment required
except a stopwatch) has recently been shown to compare favourably with more
established mHE measures and to predict overt HE.186
Continuous reaction time (CRT) Neuropsychological, computerised The CRT test relies on repeated registration of the motor reaction time (pressing a
button) to auditory stimuli (through headphones). The most important test result
is the CRT index, which measures the stability of the reaction times. Age and sex
seem to exert limited influence and there are no learning/tiring effects either.245
The inhibitory control test (ICT) Neuropsychological, computerised ICT is a computerised test of response inhibition and working memory and is
freely downloaded at The ICT test has been judged to have good
validity but requires highly functional patients.246
Stroop test Neuropsychological, computerised The Stroop test evaluates psychomotor speed and cognitive flexibility by the
interference between recognition reaction time to a coloured field and a written
colour name; also available in app form.26
SCAN test Neuropsychological, computerised The SCAN test is a computerised test that measures speed and accuracy to perform
a digit recognition memory task of increasing complexity. It has been shown to
have prognostic value.247
Electroencephalogram (EEG) Neurophysiological The EEG can detect changes in cortical cerebral activity across the spectrum of HE
and its reliability increases with quantitative analysis. More recently, a cheap
gaming device has been shown to produce similar results compared to a standard
EEG machine across the HE spectrum.248
Critical flicker frequency (CFF) Psychophysical CFF is defined as the frequency at which a flickering light (from 60 Hz downwards)
appears to be flickering to the observer. Studies have shown its reduction with
worsening cognition and improvement after therapy. It requires specialized
mHE, minimal hepatic encephalopathy.

symptomatic medical condition. Thus, in clinical challenging condition for which to define end-
practice, particularly where neuropsychological points and develop new therapies; its patho-
and/or neurophysiological tests are not performed physiologic basis is therefore also undefined.
systematically,46 grade I abnormalities should not Furthermore, how liver disease aetiology is
be neglected if accurately diagnosed and should implicated in these subtle neurologic abnormal-
contribute to both treatment- and prognosis- ities remains unclear.
Key point
related decisions. Importantly, regulatory agencies
Even the minimal form of such as the FDA, have moved away from grade I HE Hepatic encephalopathy associated with acute-
hepatic encephalopathy, and require at least grade 2 or higher to define HE on-chronic liver failure
which is not clinically
events for multicentre clinical trials.42 Even more Patients with ‘overt HE’ are not homogeneous and
detectable, is associated
with driving difficulties, controversial is the division between mHE and the clinical, prognostic and pathophysiological
poor quality of life and normal, given the multiple testing strategies that characteristics of HE that are observed in patients
independently associated are available.47 with and without ACLF are likely to be
with mortality. different.10,49,50 ACLF is a newly defined syndrome
The operative criteria proposed for the diag-
nosis of grade 1 HE by the AASLD/EASL clinical that occurs in hospitalised patients with cirrhosis
practice guideline1 (“despite being oriented in time and is characterised by organ failures, systemic
and space, the patient appears to have some inflammation and high mortality rates.51–53
cognitive/behavioural decay with respect to his/her Increased intracranial pressure implies cerebral
standard on clinical examination or to the care- oedema and is a characteristic feature of ALF. In
givers”) aims to overcome some of the difficulties CLD, numerous studies have demonstrated HE is
that were inherent in the original description, associated with an increase in brain water54–57
which comprised a list of vague signs and symp- without intracranial hypertension. However, a
toms.48 If one follows the proposed definition, the retrospective study comparing patients with CLD
problem of diagnosing grade 1 HE becomes and ACLF with high grade HE (3/4) showed that
particularly problematic in patients who do not cerebral oedema was evident in less than 5% pa-
have a caregiver. In these patients, careful obser- tients, although this study relied on CT scans
vation and clinical examination are the only tools which are an insensitive measure of brain
available to diagnose grade 1 HE and how these swelling.58 In a prospective study, Sawhney et al.
patients are classified will be based on Consensus observed that higher ammonia levels, more
statements. This current dilemma in the defini- marked systemic inflammation and reduced
tions and the lack of specific tests to diagnose and jugulo-venous oxygen saturation distinguished
grade covert/low grade HE makes this a very ACLF patients with HE from those without.49 The

1528 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

Main contributing factors:
A Severity of liver disease
Patient 1 B Comorbidities (diabetes, kidney failure)
C Age
C D Degree of hyperammonemia
E Severity of inflammation/oxidative stress
F F Severity/type of precipitating event

Patient 2
D Hepatic
B encephalopathy

Severity/# of factors
Patient 3

Risk of hepatic encephalopathy

Fig. 1. Brain dysfunction increases with cumulative pathogenic factors. Severity of liver disease, comorbidities (diabetes,
kidney failure), age, degree of hyperammonaemia, severity of inflammation/oxidative stress and severity/type of precipitating
event can independently affect and sensitise the brain. Simultaneous pathogenetic factors can synergistically cause a greater
impact on brain function and an increased risk of hepatic encephalopathy.

most convincing argument that ACLF is associated Disease-related mental dysfunction and
with distinct changes in the brain comes from role of comorbidities
studies in animal models. Data from the ACLF It is clear that liver failure is associated with HE,
models clearly demonstrate evidence of astrocytic but the causes underlying the development of liver
swelling and vasoconstriction of cerebral micro- disease such as alcohol abuse, obesity and viral
vessels on electron microscopy with increased hepatitis (particularly hepatitis C), as well as
expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase. extrahepatic conditions such as diabetes and
Moreover, these pathophysiological changes are ageing, may impact on the manifestations of HE
therapeutically relevant as strategies to reduce (Fig.1). At present, it is not clear whether the
ammonia or inflammation abrogate these changes neurologic dysfunction observed in the different
and are potential therapeutic targets.59–61 The aetiologies of cirrhosis or in association with dia-
most convincing clinical argument suggesting that betes or ageing are different.
patients with HE and ACLF are clinically and
prognostically different to those without ACLF are Alcohol abuse
provided by Cordoba et al. where they analysed As alcohol is a common cause of cirrhosis and a
the data from the CANONIC study and demon- direct neurotoxin, difficulties in diagnosis may
strated that the presence of ACLF in patients with arise in distinguishing what element is directly
HE increased both short- and long-term mortal- related to alcohol and what component results
ity.10 More recently, these data have been from liver injury. This problem is particularly
confirmed by a large study from the NACSELD evident in the context of LT, where incomplete re-
group and a further smaller prospective study covery of neuropsychometric function and MRI
from the UK.49,62 Taken together, the data argue abnormalities were observed in patients with
that these syndromes are clinically and patho- alcohol-related liver disease.6,7 Post-mortem
physiologically distinct. However, more studies studies from brain banks have revealed greater
are needed to better understand the pathophysi- evidence of structural brain injury in those dying
ological basis and clinical characteristics of HE in from alcohol-related cirrhosis, compared with
patients with ACLF. other aetiologies.63 These changes may impact on

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1529


the assessment of these patients when using neu- Diabetes is frequently associated with cirrhosis and
ropsychometric tests to diagnose mHE and grade 1 clinical studies suggest that the risk of developing
HE. In the acute situation, where patients appear HE is significantly greater in these patients.28,74
clinically confused, withdrawal from alcohol and Likewise, the risk of HE is greater with ageing
the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may make the and the insertion of TIPS in older patients is a
diagnosis of HE difficult.64 However, loss of orien- relative contraindication because of the risk of HE
tation in space and time is rarely a feature of development.75 Concomitant medications can
alcohol withdrawal syndrome but is a character- modulate the cognitive function and course of HE
istic of overt HE. as well.76–79 The mechanisms underlying the
increased risk of HE in these populations is not
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease clear, but likely result from worsening cerebrovas-
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is fast cular disease, systemic inflammation, the effect of
becoming the most common cause of cirrhosis. senescence and oxidative stress.80 Further eluci-
More recently, studies have demonstrated that dation of the relevant pathogenic pathways would
psychometric function in obese children is enable the development of new therapeutic stra-
impaired65,66 and data also indicate lower brain tegies to prevent HE in these patients.
volume in patients with NAFLD.67–69 Recently
published studies have started to indicate that even Pathophysiology (Fig. 2)
in the non-cirrhotic stages of NAFLD, urea cycle Systemic pathogenic factors
enzyme function is impaired, which results in Neurological impairment and cognitive decline
hyperammonaemia that is reversible with resolu- provoked by liver dysfunction are the result of
tion of NAFLD.70 In such patients, astrocytic and blood-derived factors influencing the permeability
microglial activation have been observed.2 Taken and/or altering the integrity of the BBB. In cirrhosis,
together, it is probable that NAFLD has serious factors which are normally prevented from
negative functional impact on the brain that results crossing the BBB enter the brain and other mole-
from hyperammonaemia and neuroinflammation. cules (such as ammonia), which naturally cross the
Even in patients without cirrhosis, changes in BBB, flood the brain and stimulate pathophysio-
the brain are observed in association with logical pathways, causing deleterious effects.
NAFLD.67,71,72 These data need to be confirmed in
carefully characterised groups of patients to dissect Ammonia
the associated mechanisms and define whether Although the pathophysiology of HE remains
there are specific features related to NAFLD and incompletely understood, neurotoxic levels of
how these impact on the diagnosis of early stages ammonia in the brain are a feature.81 Ammonia is
of HE in this patient population. primarily produced in the gut, as an end product of
protein digestion, amino acid deamination and
Hepatitis C bacterial urease activity. Subsequently, a healthy
Many studies over the past 2 decades have liver, with an intact urea cycle, regulates the con-
confirmed a clear association between hepatitis C centration of ammonia in the systemic circulation,
virus infection and neuropsychiatric symptoms.3 thus maintaining blood ammonia levels in the low
The reported symptoms vary widely, manifesting 35–50 lM range. However, ammonia is also
as fatigue, depression and loss of attention. It has generated and utilised in a number of biochemical
become clear that these symptoms are indepen- reactions, (i.e amidation of glutamate and deami-
dent of severity of liver disease and characterised dation of glutamine via glutamine synthetase [GS]
by abnormalities on brain imaging and neuro- and glutaminase, respectively), which are active in
inflammation that are distinct from patients with multiple organs (including the brain, muscle and
cirrhosis. Indeed, they resemble the changes kidney). In the setting of liver disease, inter-organ
observed in patients with HIV. Further proof for the ammonia metabolism is altered.82 In aqueous so-
role of hepatitis C in producing neuropsychiatric lutions, ammonia is present as a dissolved gas
disturbances comes from the demonstration of the (NH3) and an ion (NH4+), with the former freely
virus in the post-mortem brains and the observa- diffusing across plasma membranes. NH4+ is
tion that the virus can replicate in many cell types transported into cells through aquaporins,
including the endothelial cells, astroglia and ammonia transporters, K+ channels and co-
microglia.73 This possibly explains the neuro- transporters. Ammonia exerts its deleterious ef-
inflammation observed in these patients. It is fects through multiple pathways including cellular
important to note that eradication of the virus re- swelling, inflammation, oxidative stress, mito-
sults in substantial improvement in neuropsychi- chondrial dysfunction, disruption of cellular bio-
atric function. energetics, changes in pH and alterations in
membrane potential.83 A direct correlation be-
Obesity, diabetes and age tween the degree of hyperammonaemia and the
Ageing, obesity and diabetes are emerging as severity (grade) of HE has not been confirmed but
important contributors to the development of HE. it is clear the diagnosis of HE is incompatible with

1530 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

Systemic factors

Liver failure Portosystemic Malnutrition Electrolyte Precipitating Drugs Microbiota
Hepatocyte shunting Sarcopenia imbalance events Benzodiazepines dysbiosis
dysfunction TIPS Frailty Hyponatremia GI bleed Opioids Bacterial
Hyperkalemia Constipation translocation
Renal failure Infection

Cerebral factors and alterations

Protein modification
Gene expression
Microglial activation Increased astrocyte Ammonia
glutamine Cytokines
Gap junction
Glymphatic system
Energy impairment
GABAergic tone Astrocyte swelling Inflammation
NMDA stimulation and dysfunction Oxidative stress
CSF metabolites Brain oedema Lactate + Hyperammonemia
Bile acids
Senescence disfunction
Cell death

HE clinical
Irreversibility manifestations

Fig. 2. Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of hepatic encephalopathy. Chronic liver disease leads to hepatocyte dysfunction, portal hypertension, portal-
systemic shunting, altered microbiota, bacterial translocation, malnutrition, sarcopenia, electrolyte imbalance as well as constipation and gastrointestinal
bleeding. Consequently, pathogenic factors are generated including hyperammonemia, systemic inflammation/oxidative stress as well as increased blood
manganese, circulating bile acids and lactate. These systemic factors influence the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by increasing its permeability (increased signaling
across the BBB, physical breakdown of the BBB which allows for an increased influx of molecules which normally do and do not cross the BBB). Independent of
BBB status, ammonia passes freely into the brain which is exclusively removed by astrocytes via glutamine synthetase. The generation of glutamine renders the
astrocyte hypertonic resulting in swelling and impaired function and brain oedema. Astrocyte swelling leads to compromised neuronal communication leading
to neuronal dysfunction. Alterations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) metabolites are observed, as well as alterations in neurotransmission such as increased GABergic
tone potentiated with neurosteroids and glutamate-induced N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) stimulation. Blood derived increase in brain ammonia is central in
the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of HE. Neuroinflammation and microglia activation are significant modulators in the onset of
neurological decline. Astrocyte senescence as well as neuronal cell death may be key features in the irreversibility of HE. However, the extent and underlying
causes of neuronal cell death remain to be defined. BBB, blood-brain barrier; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HE, hepatic encephalopathy; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate;
TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.

normal ammonia levels. This lack of correlation hyperammonaemia has been shown to induce
may reflect the idea that different patients have neutrophil dysfunction and release reactive oxygen
different sensitivities to the same levels of species, triggering systemic oxidative stress and
ammonia. The deleterious effects of high ammonia inflammation which exacerbate the deleterious ef-
extend to organs such as the liver, immune system fects of hyperammonaemia on the brain.90–93
Key point
and muscles.84,85
Ammonia is central in the
Inflammation and oxidative stress Bile acids pathogenesis of hepatic
The inflamed liver, together with gut bacterial Bile acids are a metabolic product of cholesterol encephalopathy; its levels
translocation and superimposed infection,86 aggra- metabolism and are synthesised in the liver via define prognosis and it is
cytochrome p450 activity in hepatocytes. Bile acids an important therapeutic
vates systemic inflammation, which in turn produces target.
BBB dysfunction and drives neuroinflammation. are elevated in the blood of patients with end-stage
Oxidative stress, a systemic phenomenon that is liver disease due to disrupted enterohepatic circu-
frequently observed in cirrhosis, can compromise lation. Bile acids have been detected in the brains
BBB permeability as reactive oxygen (and nitrogen) of rats with HE induced by bile-duct ligation,94
species are highly reactive with lipids, proteins and which consequently induces neuroinflammation.95
DNA.87 Signs of cerebral oxidative stress have been
documented in patients with overt HE88 but Metals
a disconnect between systemic and cerebral Metals play an important role as co-factors for
oxidative stress has been revealed.89 Underlying numerous enzymatic reactions. Manganese is a

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1531


co-factor for the ammonia-removing enzymatic A swollen astrocyte can independently impact
reaction of GS. Manganese is normally excreted via on astrocyte function disconnecting astrocyte-
a biliary route, but this is impaired in end-stage neuronal cell communication, altering cell meta-
liver disease, leading to manganese deposition bolism and neurotransmission.105 Elevated levels of
within the basal ganglia, which is believed to lactate in the brain during HE may depict energy
explain the psychomotor impairment associated impairment, which is thought to be a result of
with HE.96,97 However, the reason for the accu- reduced oxidative metabolism in neurons, as as-
mulation of manganese in specific brain regions trocytes appear unaffected.106 Recently, analysis of
and the mechanisms underlying manganese plasma samples showed that alterations in the
neurotoxicity in the context of cirrhosis remain concentration of metabolites linked to energy
unresolved. Zinc is a cofactor for the antioxidant metabolism were specifically and significantly
enzyme superoxide dismutase. Zinc deficiency has increased in cerebrospinal fluid samples of patients
been observed in patients with HE253 and oral zinc with HE.15 Furthermore, this may denote distur-
supplementation been demonstrated to improve bances in lactate homeostasis as a result of dysre-
neurocognitive function in patients with HE.254 gulation of lactate transport and metabolism,
possibly depleting neuronal energy supply.104,107
Electrolyte imbalance
Patients with cirrhosis often present with dilu- Neuronal cell death
tional hyponatremia, which interferes with the Neuronal cell death has been largely disregarded in
other suspected pathogenic mechanisms of HE, HE, but with increasing cases and evidence of
particularly those centred around the osmotic ef- “untreatable HE”, along with neurological compli-
fects of ammonia. There is linear risk relation be- cations arising post-LT, permanent brain injury
tween low plasma sodium concentrations over a needs to be included in the pathogenesis of
wide range and the risk for HE.98 Resolution of HE.7,108–112 There is increasing evidence that
hyponatremia in patients with cirrhosis without recurrent episodes of overt HE prior to LT are
HE leads to improved complex information pro- associated with persistent neurocognitive abnor-
cessing.99 Treatment with vasopressin receptor malities post-LT.113–115 Neurodegeneration is
antagonists does not reduce the frequency of HE probably the operative mechanism, as seen in a
but tolvaptan led to improvements in cognition rodent model of episodic HE.116 Moreover,
and health-related quality of life in a small ammonia neurotoxicity has been shown to induce
study.100,101 Improved management of and research astrocyte senescence,14 which leads to neuronal
on hyponatremia in patients with HE remains cell death. The mechanisms of neuronal cell death
relevant. remain unresolved and will be an important line of
research in the years to come.
Key point
Hepatic encephalopathy is It is important to note that the blood and brain The gut-liver axis and the role of the
not always reversible and compartments are separate entities, ammonia microbiome
multiple episodes are
aside, what occurs in the blood does not neces- The gut milieu has a major impact on brain func-
associated with poor
neurological outcomes sarily occur in the brain. It has been shown that tion in patients with HE.117 This is borne out by
even after liver cerebrospinal fluid composition is significantly extensive clinical experience with drugs that
transplantation. different in cirrhotic patients with HE compared tomodify the gut, which can in turn improve brain
those without. In addition, in patients with overt function.1 The constituents of the gut microbiome
HE, cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics highlighted include bacteria, fungi and viruses, particularly
alterations of metabolites that were not observed bacteriophages.118,119 These interact with each
in plasma samples.15 Recent evidence describes a other, the host as well as with the food and
defective glymphatic system (which facilitates medications to which the host is exposed. With
clearance of various substances that accumulate in the advent of culture-independent techniques,
the brain) that may contribute to the development improved understanding of the gut microbiome
of HE.12 Significant increases in concentrations of has119 led to new thinking in terms of disease
neurosteroids have been reported in autopsied pathogenesis, progression and the mechanism of
brain tissue from cirrhotic patients with HE, whichaction of some commonly used medications for HE.
increase GABAergic tone by positively modulating Importantly, both the structure (which taxa are
the GABAA receptor complex.102 present) and the function (what are they produc-
ing/consuming) are relevant in the study of the
Cerebral energy and lactate metabolism microbiome in HE.117 Specific bacterial families
In HE, an increase in brain water is observed pri- belonging to phylum Proteobacteria (Enterobac-
marily due to swelling of the astrocytes with the teriaceae, which includes E. coli, K. pneumoniae
underlying causes pointing primarily to the hyper- etc.) are potentially harmful since they produce
tonic accumulation of intracellular glutamine and/ very damaging endotoxins. On the other hand,
or lactate as a result of hyperammonaemia.103,104 certain families belonging to gram-positive

1532 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

Clostridia (Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae) are important ammonia removing enzyme), plays a
thought to be autochthonous and potentially vital compensatory role in ammonia detoxification
beneficial, as they produce short-chain fatty acids during liver disease. Indeed, cirrhotic patients with
and possess capabilities to convert bile acids.120 sarcopenia have higher ammonia levels and
In cirrhosis, the aetiology of the disease modu- increased risk of developing HE.140–143 In addition,
lates the capacity of diseased and inflamed liver to muscle catabolism during muscle wasting pro-
produce bile acids, while the ability to clear bac- motes increased glutamine release which can
terial antigens arriving from the gut is impaired. generate ammonia via glutaminase, contributing to
This leads to an increase in potentially pathogenic hyperammonaemia. Results from recent pre-
Proteobacteria. Toxins such as ammonia and in- clinical studies suggest that ammonia-lowering
flammatory cytokines produced by this impaired treatments should be tested to prevent and treat
intestinal milieu access the circulation and exac- sarcopenia, which would reduce the risk of HE.144
erbate or precipitate HE.121 Sarcopenia can also manifest as frailty, which is
Bacterial taxa in cirrhosis show impaired an independent predictor of mortality in patients
composition (higher potentially pathogenic and with cirrhosis.145,146 The relationship between
lower autochthonous taxa) in the stool, large and frailty and sarcopenia is stronger in men than in
small intestinal mucosa, ascites and the liver it- women.145 The direct impact of frailty on the risk of
self.122–125 However, similar microbial changes are HE is unknown.
also found in locations distant from the gut-liver
axis such as the saliva and the serum, likely due
Impact of hepatic encephalopathy on
to an underlying immuno-suppressed state.126–128
neurological outcome following liver
Microbial functionality is also impaired with
changes in bile acid profile and endotoxin pro-
HE, defined as a metabolic disorder, is presumed to
duction, which mirror cirrhosis severity.129 Bacte-
completely resolve following LT. However, persist-
rial profiles can predict hospitalisations, death and
ing neurological complications remain problematic
organ failure in cirrhosis and may be of clinical
following LT, affecting as many as 47% (8–47%) of LT
relevance.124,130,131 Recent evidence shows that
recipients.147,148 Consequently, these enduring
fungal dysbiosis may also play a role in cirrhosis
neurological complications following LT (not
progression.132 Thus, the composition and func-
defined as HE since the diseased liver has been
tionality of microbiota in HE may modulate the
replaced with a healthy liver) not only severely
clinical disease course, brain function and effect
weigh on the patients' health-related quality of life
therapeutic interventions.
but also lead to longer hospitalisations. Numerous
studies have documented patients with cirrhosis
and a history of HE display impaired neurological
Malnutrition is a common occurrence in CLD. The
recovery, suggesting that repeated episodes of HE
underlying reasons for the onset of malnutrition
lead to permanent cell damage.7,108–112 Therefore,
include inadequate dietary intake, increased energy
irreversible brain damage may not be resolved
expenditure, impaired digestion and malabsorp-
with LT, leading to continued neurological distur-
tion.133 Consequently, an increased metabolic rate
bances. It is thought that patients with cirrhosis
leads to the catabolism of muscle proteins, which is
and no history of HE pre-LT rarely develop neuro-
compounded by depletion of glycogen stores and
logical complications following LT. However, post-
impairment in glycogenolysis. In addition, elevated
LT immunosuppression induced neurotoxicity,
ammonia levels can impact on the muscle, causing
particularly from calcineurin inhibitors, should not
deleterious effects (including impairing muscle
be disregarded as a causal factor.149 In addition,
protein synthesis) setting up a detrimental vicious
perioperative conditions, including seemingly
cycle.85 In patients with cirrhosis, nutritional sup-
innocuous hypotensive insults, may be detrimental
plements are indicated to achieve a target of 35–45
for a compromised brain. Whether neurological
kcal/kg and 1.2–1.5 g/kg protein per day, as well as
complications observed in LT recipients are
late night snacks.134 Low-protein diets do not add
residual symptoms from a history of HE (pre-LT) or
any beneficial effect.135
newly developed perioperatively (HE-influenced)
or related to a comorbidity is difficult to define
accurately. Having said this, a recent study re-
Sarcopenia (muscle mass depletion) is nearly uni-
ported a recovery of brain function in patients
versal in patients with cirrhosis. Characterised by a
followed-up long-term (>5 years) post-LT.150
deterioration in muscle quantity and quality, sar-
copenia is also associated with decreased func-
tional capacity136,137 and has been shown to be an Insights from neuroimaging studies
independent prognostic factor for survival in pa- The diverse neurological manifestations of CLD
tients with cirrhosis.138 Moreover, muscle mass loss present a diagnostic challenge for modern hepatol-
has a significant impact on the risk of developing ogists, with magnetic resonance techniques repre-
HE.139 Muscle, due to the fact it houses GS (an senting a highly profitable avenue to investigate

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1533


Table 2. Information provided by different imaging techniques.

Imaging technique Information
Volumetric T1-weighted Regional or global changes in brain size. A reduction in brain volume is observed in patients with HE.153
MR imaging
Magnetisation-transfer Measures shifts in bound and free water content, which have been associated with intracellular and extracellular oedema and
MR imaging with alterations in cell membrane fluidity. In patients with HE there is evidence of reduced magnetisation transfer, indicating
increased brain water.154
Diffusion-weighted Measures ADCs of water molecules. Associated with structural damage to white matter tracts. Changes in ADCs have been
MR imaging observed in patients with HE.252
Functional MR imaging Measures changes in blood flow in metabolically active areas of the brain, related to oxygenation and de-oxygenation of
(fMRI) haemoglobin (BOLD response). Resting state or responses to cognitive tasks can be assessed in imaging paradigms. In patients
with HE, changes in fMRI have been shown to occur.155
P MR spectroscopy Measures high energy metabolites, such as ATP and phosphocreatine, together with cell membrane precursors (phosphomonoesters)
and cell membrane degradation products (phosphodiesters). Widespread changes in 31P metabolites have been shown to occur
in patients with HE.158
H MR spectroscopy Measures lactate, choline, glutamine and glutamate levels and fluxes in osmolytes such as myo-inositol and taurine. Neuronal
integrity reflected by N-acetyl aspartate measurements. Cannot measure ammonia levels directly, but increased glutamine
represents amidation by glutamine synthetase. This is the best validated imaging test that may be useful for the diagnosis of HE
as the severity of HE has been shown to correlate with changes in metabolites.157
Positron emission Depending on the radioligand used, information can be obtained on a wide variety of brain activity including neurotransmitter
tomography (PET) binding (such as dopamine or GABA receptors), TSPO activity (as a measure of neuroinflammation) and glucose utilisation. Several
studies using PET have revealed alterations in cerebral blood flow, perfusion, glucose utilisation, oxygenation, ammonia
metabolism, benzodiazepine receptor expression and neuroinflammation in patients with HE.250
ADCs, apparent diffusion coefficients; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; BOLD, Blood oxygenation level dependent; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; HE, hepatic encephalopathy;
MR, magnetic resonance; TSPO, translocator protein.

structural and functional aspects of brain dysfunc- severity of which seem to correlate with the
tion in an objective way (Table 2).151,152 While there severity of HE.157 Disturbances in choline meta-
is widespread acceptance of its importance, there is bolism and possible neuronal loss have also been
little consensus on how best to diagnose and suggested.151 Phosphorus MR spectroscopy has
monitor HE. Of note, modern clinical MRI scanners confirmed disturbances of lipid metabolism in the
with multinuclear MR spectroscopy capabilities and brain and also corroborated other studies sug-
brain mapping software can objectively demon- gesting disturbances of cerebral bioenergetics.158
strate structural and functional cellular changes Recent studies using quantitative CT scanning
(such as brain size and astrocyte swelling) using with Brainview have provided evidence of altered
volumetric MRI, magnetization transfer MRI, blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability in
diffusion-weighting MRI, functional MRI with patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis
oxygenation measurements and in vivo 1H and 31P even in the absence of overt HE, suggesting a
MR spectroscopy, with the option of performing generalised defect in brain homeostasis in patients
many sequences at a single sitting to maximise in- with advanced cirrhosis.159
formation gathering and cohort characterisa- However, these imaging techniques have so far
tion.153–158 PET studies have provided clear evidence yielded disappointing performance in diagnostic
of increased ammonia uptake in the brain and al- paradigms and therefore remain largely the pre-
terations in regional cerebral blood flow, as well as serve of research studies.73,159–162 Nevertheless,
evidence of neuroinflammation, microglial activa- there is the possibility that imaging may be useful
tion and altered benzodiazepine receptors, con- for monitoring in trials.163,164 More importantly,
firming the role of these putative mechanisms in the the suggestion that the abnormalities detected
pathogenesis of HE.152,156 using imaging techniques are evident even in pa-
Investigations using MRI have shown evidence tients without manifest HE suggests that imaging
of hyperintensity of the basal ganglia, possibly may well be useful to identify patients at risk of HE
related to the deposition of manganese, which so that appropriate prophylactic measures can be
correlated with the severity of extrapyramidal put in place. In support of this hypothesis, a study
symptoms.154 Other studies showed altered using proton MR spectroscopy suggested that the
magnetization transfer ratio suggesting regional glutamine/myoinositol ratio in the brain may help
brain swelling, which in the early stages was also define patients at risk of developing ammonia-
evident in the white matter.153 In patients with induced neuropsychometric abnormalities.160 In
ACLF, MRI studies have shown clear evidence of clinical practice, at present, brain imaging is largely
brain oedema.151 In general, the MRI studies have used to exclude other causes of brain dysfunction
suggested that there is a loss of brain volume, rather than to diagnose HE.
which continues even after LT, particularly in those
with alcohol-related cirrhosis.155 Proton MR spec- Management of hepatic encephalopathy
troscopy has clearly shown evidence of osmolyte Diagnosis of overt hepatic encephalopathy
shifts in patients with cirrhosis, which manifest as As mentioned, the diagnosis of HE is challenging,
increased glutamine and reduced myoinositol, the particularly in the covert/minimal forms. Diagnosis

1534 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

Steps to diagnosis

Does the patient have severe enough liver disease for this episode to be HE
Step 1
• Assess severity of liver disease using Child-Pugh/MELD scores
• In patients with Child-Pugh A disease, consider large portosystemic shunts
• Ammonia levels: if normal, unlikely to be HE

Step 2 Rule out other causes of neurologic/psychiatric diseases

• Alcohol withdrawal
• Psychiatric diseases
• Drug overdose
• Electrolyte disturbances

Evaluation and early • Neuropsychiatric profiling. Structured questions aimed at assessing orientation to time/space.
management Glasgow Coma Scale for uncooperative patients
• Simple but quantitative nutritional assessment and estimate of recent dietary and fluid intake
• History taking, aimed at identifying obvious precipitants and previous episodes of HE, especially
if requiring hospitalisation
• Full blood count, liver/kidney function, electrolytes, ammonia, TSH, CRP, glycaemia, vitamin
B12 and urine analysis
• Cerebral imaging should be performed if the clinical profile is unusual, the onset of symptoms is
abrupt/severe, if there are focal neurological signs and limited or no response to treatment
• Evaluation of the response to treatment (of the precipitant and/or ammonia-lowering strategies)

Fig. 3. Two step approach for the diagnosis and evaluation of a patient presenting with a possible hepatic encephalopathy. CRP, C-reactive protein; MELD,
model for end-stage liver disease; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone. (Modified from Romero-Gomez et al. J Hepatol 2015).244

of overt HE is relatively straightforward and usually developing intracranial hypertension and cerebral
a diagnosis of exclusion. In complex situations, oedema.167–169 In patients with cirrhosis, recent data
particularly when there are no obvious precipi- have demonstrated the important prognostic role of
tating events leading to HE, the diagnosis may be elevated blood ammonia. Although the level of
more difficult. In alcoholics, it may be difficult to ammonia does not follow the severity of HE, more
distinguish HE from withdrawal. Cross-sectional severe HE is associated with higher ammonia
imaging of the brain should be performed in pa- levels.49,166,170–174 It is interesting to note that
tients in whom the diagnosis is not clear and is advanced degrees of HE are associated with rela-
absolutely necessary in patients that present with tively low ammonia levels in cirrhosis compared
localising signs. A 2-step approach to the differ- with ALF, suggesting other factors in addition to
ential diagnosis has been suggested64 (Fig. 3). ammonia may be pathophysiologically important in
Response to treatment may be a powerful tool for cirrhosis-induced HE.49,173,174 In any case, elevated
diagnosis and differential diagnosis. A disease that ammonia levels have been shown to be associated
responds to ammonia-lowering treatment is likely with reduced transplant-free survival in acutely
to be HE; thus, when the syndrome is mild and decompensated cirrhosis.173–175 Importantly, a
diagnostic tools limited, treatment may help response to intervention that is associated with a
confirm the diagnosis. However, the time needed reduction in ammonia concentrations is associated
to decipher whether a patient responds to a with good outcomes,41,176 while the reverse is true if
treatment or not is critical time, as episodes lasting ammonia increases further.49,177 This observation is
longer than 48 hours lead to higher mortality.165 supported by studies of various interventions such as
lactulose, rifaximin or extracorporeal albumin dial-
Role of ammonia measurement ysis where reduction in ammonia was indeed asso-
The EASL-AASLD guidelines1 are not clear on the role ciated with improvement in the severity of
of ammonia measurement in HE. In patients sus- HE.31,178,179 In a prospective study, an ammonia cut-
pected of overt HE, a normal ammonia concentration off of 80 lmol/L was shown to be associated with a
can be used to rule out the diagnosis of HE because high risk of death, irrespective of the severity of
the negative predictive value of a normal ammonia HE.174 This suggests that ammonia is more than just a
concentration is high (0.81).166 The best evidence for neurotoxin and can serve as a biomarker of outcome
the prognostic role of ammonia and its relationship in patients with cirrhosis and acute decompensation.
with severity of HE is observed in patients with ALF. Therefore, increasing evidence that ammonia can
It is clear that ammonia level of >120 lmol/L seems exert its toxic effects on extracerebral organs and
to identify a group of patients at a high risk of tissues strongly support its management, not only to

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1535


GABAA-receptor modulating steroid antagonists

L-Ornithine L-Aspartate
Ornithine Phenylacetate Hepatic encephalopathy

NH3 Gln NH3



Albumin NH3
GS replacement

Extracorporeal albumin dialysis

Liposome-supported peritoneal dialysis

Rifaximin, lactulose (+ polyethylene glycol), probiotics, L-Ornithine L-Aspartate

activated carbon microspheres Ornithine Phenylacetate
Engineered bacteria, fecal matter transplantation BCAA

Fig. 4. Therapeutic targets for hepatic encephalopathy. Ammonia-lowering strategies primarily involve reducing the pro-
duction or increasing the removal of ammonia. Since a large amount of ammonia is produced within the gut, many therapeutics
target the gut to reduce the production and absorption of ammonia including rifaximin (non-absorbable antibiotic), lactulose
(osmotic laxative), probiotics, activated carbon microspheres, engineered bacteria and faecal matter transplantation. Alterna-
tively, stimulating ammonia clearance can be targeted via residual hepatocytes (ureagenesis and glutamine synthesis) and/or
muscle (glutamine synthesis) with L-Ornithine L-Aspartate and Ornithine Phenylacetate. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA)
benefit the muscle in clearing ammonia. The binding properties of albumin remove toxic molecules in circulation via infusion
or with extracorporeal albumin dialysis. Liposome-supported peritoneal dialysis or glutamine synthetase (GS) replacement can
also benefit in eliminating ammonia. GABAA-receptor modulating steroid antagonists are centrally acting. NH = ammonia-

derived from the gut, NH = ammonia derived from glutamine, GLN = glutamine generated from muscle. BCAA, branched

chain amino acids; Gln, glutamine.

reduce the risk of HE, but also to prevent multiple haemodynamic stabilisation, and ensuring
organ injury and mortality.84 It is important to note patient safety to prevent physical injury. Pa-
that ammonia measurement is not easy and requires tients with HE III or higher or Glasgow Coma
careful sample handling and rapid measurement Score (GCS) <−8 should be intubated in order to
using a reliable analyser to obtain accurate re- prevent aspiration, but this is not possible in
sults.180,181 This is especially important in multi- many hospitals. In these environments, careful
centre studies that rely on ammonia levels to guide attention to airway protection and close
entry into trials or to determine success because of monitoring should be instituted.
the variations within and between individuals and (ii) Evaluation of alternative causes of altered
clinical centres.180,182 mental status, including a CT scan of the head
Key point
for first time presentation of HE and if there
Inflammation-derived from Treatment of an episode of overt hepatic is a history of seizures, headache, fall, or
liver injury, hyperammo- encephalopathy neurological evaluation reveals a focal deficit.
naemia or infection is a
General measures (iii) Identification and correction of precipitating
frequent precipitating
factor. The main aims of treatment are managing bouts of events, such as, infection, gastrointestinal
overt HE efficiently; reducing its duration, limiting bleed, constipation, dehydration, sedatives,
its consequences, preventing recurrence and hos- alcohol intoxication or electrolyte disturbances.
pital readmissions, limiting effects on patients' (iv) Treatment of HE.
quality of life, social and professional functioning
and, limiting its impact on patients' families and Once a patient recovers from an episode of HE,
caregivers. the risk of relapse is high; therefore, approaches to
Treatment of an episode of overt HE in a patient prevent the recurrence of HE and the associated
with CLD includes: hospitalisations are of paramount importance.
(i) Initiation of care for altered consciousness, At present, no strategies have been specifically
which includes securing the airway, tested but approaches for home monitoring of

1536 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

biochemical, inflammatory and neurological stra- randomised clinical trials evaluating episodic
tegies are becoming available. As ammonia is a HE.178 Lactulose therapy is not without risks, and
major neurotoxin, further development of strate- potential side effects include diarrhoea, nausea and
gies to measure capillary ammonia would be bloating. Diarrhoea and vomiting may lead to
desirable. Indeed such tests now exist.183 Changes electrolyte disturbances, and even exacerbate HE.
in heart rate variability reflect inflammation and The dosing of lactulose can be started at 15–20 ml
have been shown to be associated with HE.184 This every 12 hours until 2 soft stools are passed, fol-
type of device can be worn and the patient can be lowed by titration to 2–3 semi-soft stools/day. In a
monitored remotely; one such device was shown randomized controlled trial in hospitalized pa-
to be useful in patients with cirrhosis.185 Finally, tients with episodic overt HE compared with lac-
neurological monitoring at home can be under- tulose therapy, a single dose of polyethylene glycol
taken using the animal naming test186 or a wear- (PEG) significantly improved the overall grade of
able electroencephalogram.187 These approaches HE after 24 hours, reduced days to HE resolution,
warrant evaluation in clinical trials. and led to shorter length of hospital stay.190 Before
widespread usage, these data need to be confirmed
Specific treatment in larger multicentre studies.
Most of the therapies for HE target ammonia188 Antimicrobial agents: Rifaximin is a semi-
(Fig. 4). These therapies are based on the knowl- synthetic, non-aminoglycoside which acts against
edge gained from better understanding of gram+, gram-, aerobic and anaerobic enteric bacte-
inter-organ ammonia metabolism and the ria. It binds to the beta subunit of bacterial DNA-
gut-liver-brain axis. The majority of ammonia is dependent RNA polymerase, inhibiting bacterial
produced in the gut and in cirrhosis, the liver is not RNA synthesis. It is administered orally and is mini-
efficiently able to detoxify ammonia into urea. mally absorbed (>4%), lowering the risk of bacterial
Secondarily, the muscle begins to play an increas- resistance. Rifaximin also has negligible impact on
ingly important role in ammonia metabolism. In microbial composition but supposedly has beneficial
cirrhosis, apart from the urea cycle, 2 other en- effects on functionality, reducing secondary bile acid
zymes are crucially important in maintaining production; its effects on bacterial translocation are
ammonia homeostasis: glutamine synthase controversial.191–193 No dose adjustments are
(predominantly expressed in the liver, muscle and necessary in patients with liver dysfunction or renal
kidneys) and glutaminase (predominantly insufficiency. The most solid evidence for the utility
expressed in the gut, liver and kidneys). Therefore, of rifaximin is use of the drug as an add-on to lac-
reducing ammonia production and preventing tulose to prevent recurrence of HE.31 Quality evi-
ammonia absorption from the gut, in addition to dence is lacking for the use of rifaximin as a
manipulating GS and glutaminase are all potential monotherapy for the treatment of episodic HE.
targets that could reduce circulating ammonia Large-scale head-to-head comparisons of lactulose
levels. and rifaximin are not available, but in randomised
Osmotic laxatives: Non-absorbable disacchari- controlled trials, rifaximin was as effective as non-
des, lactulose and lactitol, are recommended as absorbable disaccharides or other oral antibiotics in
first-line treatment for HE. Lactulose is a laxative the treatment of episodic HE, but with a better safety
which has negligible impact on gut microbiota profile.194–199 Treatment with rifaximin has been
composition or function and likely works through shown to increase the proportion of patients who
increasing intestinal transit as well as acidification recover from HE, as well as reducing mortality.163 A
of the bowel milieu.189 Subsequently, ammonia combination of lactulose plus rifaximin was more
production is reduced in the gut, faecal excretion is effective than lactulose alone for improvement of HE
increased and ammonia absorption is reduced. and reduction in mortality, which was due to a
Lactulose is the agent most extensively studied in decrease in sepsis-related deaths. Patients who
patients with an episode of HE. A large number of received lactulose plus rifaximin also had shorter
randomized clinical trials as well as observational hospital stays.200 However, further trials of rifaximin
studies have shown the benefit of lactulose over no plus lactulose are needed before this approach can
therapy, although there are no true double-blinded be considered standard of care.
studies as it is extremely difficult to blind for the Probiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria which are
laxative effect and the typical sweet taste of lac- believed to improve gut dysbiosis and negatively
tulose. A recent Cochrane review demonstrated the impact ammonia production. A Cochrane systematic
beneficial effect of non-absorbable disaccharides review concluded that probiotic treatment may lead
on HE severity (number needed to treat 4), pre- to improvements in the development of overt HE,
vention of HE (number needed to treat 6), mor- quality of life, and lower plasma ammonia but with
tality (relative risk 0.36; 95% CI 0.14–0.94; 172 little effect on mortality. However, most clinical
participants; 6 randomized clinical trials) and on trials to date are of low quality and therefore the
serious adverse events such as liver failure, variceal evidence remains unconvincing.201
bleeding, serious infections, spontaneous bacterial Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA): A recent
peritonitis and hepatorenal syndrome in Cochrane systematic review indicated that BCAA

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1537


therapy improved the manifestation of overt HE, ECAD in patients with cirrhosis and HE, ECAD was
while it had no effect on mortality (high quality of associated with significantly faster reduction in the
evidence).202 BCAA have been documented to severity of HE but no survival improvement.179,211
promote muscle protein synthesis and improve Alternative strategies: Volume expansion
muscle mass loss, however adequately powered (administering 1 L of 0.9% saline to patients intra-
multicentre clinical trials with appropriate control venously over 1 hour) has been shown to reduce
groups (comparing with standard interventions) plasma ammonia concentrations by increasing
are still required.202 ammonia excretion and reducing ammoniagenesis
L-ornithine L-aspartate (LOLA): A preliminary in patients with cirrhosis.212 In addition, the use of
meta-analysis of 8 randomised controlled trials haemofiltration to reduce hyperammonaemia is
comparing LOLA with placebo/no-intervention very effective.213 However, high-quality randomised
control, suggested that intravenous LOLA clinical trials with standardised outcome collection
improved overt HE.203 The efficacy of oral LOLA has and data reporting are needed to further clarify the
been a subject of debate, as the AASLD-EASL clin- true efficacy of these simple alternative strategies.
ical guidelines suggested that oral supplementa-
tion with LOLA is not effective.1 Recent meta- Management algorithm for overt hepatic encepha-
analyses204–206 suggest that LOLA has beneficial lopathy (Fig. 5)
effects on HE, decompensation, and mortality, but An episode of overt HE must be actively treated.
the number of clinical trials analysed was dissimi- Precipitating factors must be diligently looked for
lar in the reports, with one stating that the quality and controlled. Lactulose is the first-line therapy.
of evidence was very low.206 Thus, the potential Quality data is lacking for rifaximin in this setting,
beneficial effect of LOLA remain uncertain. either as add-on or monotherapy. In patients with
Embolisation of portosystemic shunts: In some episodic HE and ACLF who are difficult to control,
patients with cirrhosis and HE who are difficult to ECAD should be considered where available. Other
treat or have recurrent episodes, particularly when agents such as PEG, LOLA, BCAA and albumin
the liver function is not severely compromised, the should be considered safe and potentially useful
possibility of a spontaneous large portosystemic but cannot be recommended for routine use.
Key point
shunt should be considered. Although clinical trial
Mainstay treatment for ep- data in this patient group are limited, many case Prevention of overt hepatic encephalopathy
isodes of hepatic encepha- reports and a large case series from Europe have Primary prophylaxis
lopathy is lactulose and
suggested that embolising these shunts can alle- Two recent clinical trials evaluated the efficacy of
rifaximin with many new
approaches under devel- viate HE, particularly in patients with a model for lactulose or VSL#3, a probiotic preparation, for
opment and in clinical end-stage liver disease score of <11.207 More primary prophylaxis of overt HE compared with no
trials. recently, a single centre study suggested that treatment in patients with cirrhosis.214,215 Child-
although there was significant improvement in the Pugh class B/C and presence of mHE at baseline
severity of HE in the immediate post-embolisation were predictors of development of overt HE. Both
period, most patients developed complications of trials, though from the same centre, have demon-
portal hypertension or died during the following 12 strated that lactulose and VSL#3 are effective in
months.208 The currently available data suggest preventing the first episode of overt HE. There is
that shunt embolisation is a useful treatment mo- also evidence that lactulose treatment reverses
dality for patients with cirrhosis and HE, but that it mHE, prevents overt HE and improves health-
should be considered a bridge to transplantation in related quality of life in patients with liver
most cases. cirrhosis.216 Therefore, although it seems logical to
Albumin and extracorporeal albumin dialysis give primary prophylaxis with lactulose to patients
(ECAD): Albumin is a multifunctional protein syn- with cirrhosis at high risk of overt HE, further
thesized in the liver, the quantity and quality of multicentre clinical trials are needed to confirm
which is significantly reduced in patients with these early clinical trial data, considering that lac-
cirrhosis. Until recently, albumin was thought of as tulose treatment may be difficult to tolerate and is
a plasma volume expander. It is now clear that al- not completely without side effects.
bumin has many additional functions including
anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to Secondary prophylaxis
bind and clear many toxic substances that accu- Patients with cirrhosis who have recovered from an
mulate during liver failure. An early uncontrolled episode of HE are at higher risk of developing
non-randomised study suggested its potential role recurrent episodes of overt HE. Lactulose is effec-
in the treatment of HE,209 but this was not tive at preventing the subsequent episode of overt
confirmed in a randomised controlled clinical trial. HE in patients with cirrhosis but there is no effect
The combination of lactulose with albumin was, on hospitalisation rate or mortality.30,217 Rifaximin
however, more effective than lactulose alone for as add-on to lactulose is more effective than lac-
the complete reversal of HE.210 These binding tulose alone in preventing a third breakthrough
properties of albumin have been exploited in the episode of HE and in reducing the risk of hospi-
ECAD. In 2 randomised, controlled clinical trials of talisations involving overt HE.31 Long-term

1538 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

Hepatic encephalopathy confirmed

Attend to ‘ABC’
• Airway
• Breathing
• Circulation

If grade 3 or 4 → Admit to ICU


General Specific

Direct treatment of precipitating factor Standard therapy

• Infection: systemic antibiotics • Lactulose
• Diuretics/dehydration: volume expansion • Rifaximin
• Gastrointestinal bleed: control • Embolization of large spontaneous
portosystemic shunt if present
• Constipation: laxatives
• Alcohol binge: thiamine According to local availability and practice
• Electrolyte disturbance: correct • Branched chain amino acids
• Malnutrition: nutritional support • Polyethyleneglycol
• L-Ornithine L-Aspartate
• Albumin/extracorporeal albumin dialysis

Fig. 5. Algorithm for the management of a hospitalised patient with overt hepatic encephalopathy. Once overt hepatic
encephalopathy is confirmed, attend to “ABC” management. If hepatic encephalopathy is severe, admit to ICU. Management
involves identifying correcting the precipitating factor. If patient has hyperammonaemia, ammonia-lowering strategies are
initiated. ICU, intensive care unit.

treatment with rifaximin, as add-on to lactulose, demonstrated that OP also chelates glycine,
does not increase the rates of adverse events and another ammoniagenic amino acid.222 OP signifi-
appears to provide a continued reduction in the cantly lowers blood ammonia in a number of
rate of HE-related and all-cause hospitalisation.218
different animal models of liver disease/fail-
VSL#3, a probiotic preparation has also been ure.59,223,224 In a preliminary communication, the
shown to effectively prevent subsequent episodes results of a phase 2b study were described, which
of overt HE and reduce hospitalisations, but further
showed that OP reduced ammonia concentrations
appropriately powered multicentre studies are in patients with overt HE in a dose-dependent
required before it can be recommended for routine manner but did not meet its primary end-point of
use.219 More recently, in a randomised controlled time to improvement in HE.225 A phase III study is
clinical trial, long-term albumin administration tobeing planned.
patients with decompensated cirrhosis was asso- Glycerol/sodium phenylbutyrate: Sodium phe-
ciated with a reduction in the occurrence of most nylbutyrate is a treatment of choice for patients
of the major complications of cirrhosis (including with genetic urea cycle disorders. In a small study,
HE) as well as in mortality.220 it was recently demonstrated to improve neuro-
logical outcome in association with lowering blood
Emerging therapies for hepatic ammonia in patients with cirrhosis treated in an
encephalopathy intensive care unit setting.226 Even though this
There are exciting, innovative, emerging therapies study did not include a control arm, the associa-
for HE that are currently being developed at the tions between neurological improvement and
pre-clinical phase, as well as options currently change in blood ammonia are important. In a ran-
being tested in clinical trials (Fig. 4). domized, double-blind, controlled study, glycerol
phenylbutyrate was demonstrated to lower
Clinical stage ammonia and significantly reduce the proportion
Ornithine phenylacetate (OP): The combination of of patients who experienced a HE event, as well as
ornithine and phenylacetate was designed to in- reducing HE hospitalisations. Whether glycerol
crease muscle ammonia detoxification via the phenylbutyrate will continue to develop as a
stimulation of the enzyme GS. This results in the treatment for HE is not clear.
production of glutamine, which is converted to Faecal microbiota transplantation: Faecal micro-
phenylacetylglutamine – to avoid glutamine biota transplantation (FMT) from healthy donors
metabolism – via glutaminase and ammonia has been given to patients with cirrhosis to
regeneration.221 In addition, it has been ameliorate the gut's microbial dysbiosis. Recent

Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547 1539


secondary results from a safety protocol suggest a rationale for the development of a strategy for GS
beneficial effect on cognition in patients with HE enzyme induction or replacement therapy. Pre-
receiving an FMT.227–229 These encouraging results liminary data from a study showed that AM-535,
have been associated with enrichment of suppos- which is a recombinant GS, reduced ammonia
edly beneficial taxa. However, the understanding of effectively in an animal model of cirrhosis and urea
how and why certain taxa are beneficial remains cycle enzyme disorder.243
Controversies, future research and
Pre-clinical stage conclusions
Liposome-supported peritoneal dialysis (LSPD): Although there has been a considerable increase in
Dialysis fluids supplemented with micrometre- our understanding of the pathophysiology of the
sized, transmembrane pH-gradient liposomes syndrome, targeting ammonia and inflammation
were developed as a detoxification strategy for the remains the cornerstone of treatment. The main
removal of small ionizable molecules such as controversies relate to classification of HE and the
ammonia. LSPD was able to sequester ammonia in role of ammonia measurements in the manage-
a rat model of cirrhosis, lowering plasmatic ment of patients. It is clear that the diagnosis of
ammonia levels and attenuating brain oedema Grade 1 HE is difficult – whether this term should
compared to conventional peritoneal dialysis.230 be dropped altogether is under intense discussion.
Engineered bacteria: Genetically modified E. coli Although there are arguments for ammonia mea-
nissle have been programmed to metabolise surement as an aid to patient management, doing
ammonia. Orally administered, they have been this accurately in clinical practice remains chal-
shown to lower blood ammonia in an animal lenging. Future research should be directed at un-
model of liver injury (thioacetamide-induced) as derstanding the impact of comorbidities on
well as in animals with ornithine transcarbamylase- outcomes, testing strategies that target systemic-
deficiency (model of urea cycle disorder).231 How- and neuroinflammation and providing guidance to
ever, the clinical study in patients with cirrhosis did drug developers and regulators on clear endpoints.
not meet the endpoint for ammonia reduction.232 With the improvements in MR technology,
Activated carbon microspheres: Designed to research needs to further develop MR-based
adsorb ammonia and other organic compounds in methodology to personalise prophylactic and
the gut, AST-120 demonstrated promising results therapeutic approaches for patients with HE.
by lowering blood ammonia in an animal model of Finally, the increasing understanding of the terrible
liver disease.233 However, AST-120 did not meet quality of life endured by patients with HE and
the primary endpoint in a phase II clinical study their relatives highlights the need for new tools to
(ASTUTE trial). This may to some extent be related better monitor and manage patients in their
to the trial design and activated carbon micro- homes. In conclusion, it is clear that HE remains
spheres merit further development. one of the most important complications of
GABAA receptor-modulating steroid antagonists cirrhosis, contributing both to the morbidity and
(GAMSA): Patients with HE have increased GABA- mortality of patients with cirrhosis, while consid-
ergic tone, potentiated by neurosteroids which erable advances in our understanding are now
contribute to their neuroinhibition. A new drug of being translated into improving clinical outcomes.
3-beta-hydroxysteroid conformation is shown to
effectively antagonise this mechanism and restore Abbreviations
brain function in rats with experimental hyper- ACLF, acute-on-chronic liver failure; ALF, acute liver
ammonaemia and HE and to counteract the effects failure; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; BBB, blood-
of administered neurosteroids in healthy in- brain barrier; BCAA, branched-chain amino acids;
dividuals.234,235 The drug is presently under clinical BOLD, blood oxygenation level dependent; CLDs,
investigation and has recently been identified as a chronic liver diseases; CRP, C-reactive protein; CSF,
therapeutic target for HE.236 cerebrospinal fluid; ECAD, extracorporeal liver
Glutamine synthetase (GS) replacement: Gluta- assist device; FMT, faecal microbiota trans-
mine is an important intermediate in ammonia plantation; GS, glutamine synthetase; HE, hepatic
metabolism, particularly when the urea cycle is encephalopathy; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid;
dysfunctional, as it is in patients with liver disease. GAMSA, ABAA receptor-modulating steroid antag-
The main site for the localisation of GS is in the onists; GCS, Glasgow Coma Score; Gln, glutamine;
liver and muscle. In ALF and CLD models, GS has LOLA, L-ornithine L-aspartate; LSPD, liposome-
been shown to be upregulated in the muscle.237–239 supported peritoneal dialysis; LT, liver trans-
Knocking out GS selectively in the liver240 and/or plantation; mHE, minimal hepatic encephalopathy;
the muscle241 resulted in hyperammonaemia. MELD, model for end-stage liver disease; MR,
Reconstitution of GS in an animal model of magnetic resonance; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty
hyperammonaemia was effective in reducing liver disease; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate;
ammonia levels.242 These data provided the OP, ornithine phenylacetate; PEG, polyethylene

1540 Journal of Hepatology 2020 vol. 73 j 1526–1547

glycol; TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosyste- Rajiv Jalan has research collaborations with
mic shunt; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; Yaqrit and Takeda. Rajiv Jalan is the inventor of
TSPO, translocator protein. OPA, which has been patented by UCL and licensed
to Mallinckrodt. He is also the founder of Yaqrit Ltd,
Financial support a spin out company from University College Lon-
The authors received no financial support to pro- don. He is also a Founder of Thoeris Ltd. Other
duce this manuscript. authors have no conflicts to declare.
Please refer to the accompanying ICMJE
Conflicts of interest disclosure forms for further details.
Christopher Rose has research collaborations with
Mallinckrodt and Neuractas and is an advisor for Authors' contributions
Axcella, Horizon Therapeutics, Lupin Pharma Can- All authors contributed equally. However, C. Rose
ada, Morphocell Technologies, Neuractas, Sana and R. Jalan initiated the format, edited the content
Biotechnologies and Thoeris. and finalized the review.
Jasmohan Bajaj has research collaborations with
Grifols, Valeant and Mallinckrodt.
Sara Montagnese is an advisor for Umecrine, SDTR is supported by a United Kingdom NIHR
Meddey and Versantis and her group has received Biomedical Facility grant at Imperial College London.
research funds from Alfasigma, Ogilvie, Falk and
Merz. Supplementary data
Simon Taylor-Robinson has had previous Supplementary data to this article can be found
research collaborations with Merz GmbH (Frank- online at
furt, Germany) and has spoken at Merz and
Norgine-sponsored symposia.

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