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What is Karate-do? 2.

Kata ( literally: "form"?), a Japanese word,

are the detailed choreographed patterns of
movements practised either solo or in pairs.
It is literally defined as” Empty Hand Way”, It is
an art originated from Okinawa and develop in 3. Kumite  is the part of karate in which a
mainland Japan in the form of hand to hand person trains against an opponent, using the
combat. This practice should give you the ability techniques learned from the kihon and kata.
to use defensively your hands and feet in
protection of your person should arise, Now in a Counting in Japanese
modern times it is a unique form of physical
Ichi : One =1
activity that help to develop the physical, mental
Ni : Two=2
and spiritual aspect of an individual practicing
San : Three=3
the different skills in karate-do, like stances,
Shi : Four =4
punching, blocking, kicking and striking
Go : Five=5
Roku : Six=6
Shichi : Seven =7
KARA = Empty Hachi : Eight=8
TE = Hand Ku : Nine=9
DO = Way or path Jyu : Ten=10

Originated in Okinawa, Japan. Blocking Techniques / Uke Waza

Four Major Style of Karate Jodan uke : Upper level block

1. Goju ryu - founded in 1930 by Chojun Chudan uke : Middle level block
Miyagi, Go means Hard, Ju means Soft,
Ryu means stlye of Karate Gedan barai : Lower level sweep
Soto uke : Forearm block
2. Wado Ryu - Hienori Otsuka ,Gichin Funakoshi jujitsu
and karate techniques. The term “wado-ryo” translates to
“way of harmony”,
3. Shotokan- Gichin Funakoshi derived its
name from a penname used by Funakoshi, Punching Techniques / Tsuki Waza
This style of karate makes use of linear Jodan tzuki : Upper punch 
techniques and wide stances, designed to Chudan tzuki : Middle area punch
quickly deliver power strikes.
Gedan tzuki : Punch to low area
4. Shito Ryu - Kenwa Mabuni .The name Shito is Gyaku tzuki : Reverse punch 
a name given to the combination of Japanese
characters of Ankoh Itosu and Kanryo
Kizame tzuki : Jab Punch
Higaonna, Oi tzuki : Lunge punch

2 kinds of Bowing / Rei Geri : Kicking (Geri)

Mae geri : Front kick
1.Za Rei – Sitting bow
Mawashi geri : Roundhouse kick
2. Ritsu Rei – Standing bow. Kensetsu geri : Stamping kick, joint kick
Mawashi geri : Roundhouse kick

Phases of Karate training (3K) KATA / FORM

Elementary Kata/ Fukyu Kata
1. Kihon  meaning "basics" or Taikyuko Jodan
Taikyuko Chudan
Taikyuko Gedan
We disciples in International Karatedo Goju Ryu Renmei

…..Should be proud of studying the way of Goju.

…..Should always observe proper decorum
……Should make it our principle to cultivate fortitude and
plain spirit.
…….Should cultivate our sense of solidarity on the basis of
mutual support
…….Should cultivate our sense of solidarity on the basis of
mutual support

Note: Need to memories and recite during opening and closing

of class.
Kihon Ido Ichi /Manuevering Exercise One

Kamae:Form Position-Sanchin dachi Yoko uke no kamae

Three point stance, Middle parry block, form position
Blocking Manuevers

 Sanchin dachi, Jodan age uke –Three point stance, upper rising block.
 Zenkutsu dachi, Chudan yoko uke – Lunge stance, Middle pary block.
 Shiko dachi,Yonjugudo gedan barai – Square stance 45.downward block
 Sanchin dachi, Yoko uke gedan shita barai – Three point stance, middle
parry downward block combination.
Kamae:Form Position-Sanchin dachi Chudan tsuki no kamae
Three point stance, Middle thrusting punch form position
Striking Manuevers

 Sanchin dachi, Jodan tsuki –Three point stance, upper thrusting punch.
 Zenkutsu dachi, Chudan tsuki – Lunge stance, Middle thrusting punch.
 Shiko dachi,Yonjugudo gedan tsuki – Square stance 45.downward
thrusting punch.
 Shiko dachi, Kyujudo gedan tsuki – Square stance 90. Downward thrusting
 Zenkutsu dachi,Mae Hiji ate – Lunge stance, Vertical elbow strike.

Kamae:Form Position-Sanchin dachi, Keri no kamae

Three point stance, Kicking form position
Kicking Manuevers

 Mae geri, Sanchin dachi – Front kick, three point stance.

 Keri Komi Zenkutsu dachi – Front thrusting kick, lunge stance.
 Mawashi geri Hanzenkutsu dachi – Roundhouse kick, half lunge stance.
 Kansetsu Geri, Shiko dachi Yonjugudo – Knee joint kick, Lowered stance

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