TISSUES WORKSHEET (Till Epithelial Tissue)

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TISSUES WORKSHEET(Till Epithelial tissue)

1.State the function of vascular tissue in plants.

ans. Conduct food and water from one part of the plant to another.
2.What are the different adaption in the two major groups of organism in
terms of the difference in organ systems design?
ans. Sedentary Existence - plants
Active Locomotion - animals
3.Why are plants classified as meristematic tissue and permanent tissue?
ans. It is due to their dividing capacity
4.In plants, why do we find that growth only takes place in certain
regions? What are the various classification to those reasons?
ans. It is because of the meristematic tissue that is present in those regions.
The classification of meristematic tissues are Apical, Lateral(cambium)
and intercalary.
5. Where is intercalary meristem present in the tissue?
ans. It is present near the nodes.
6. Define differentiation.
ans. When a meristematic tissue takes up a specific role and loses the
ability to divide, it forms a permanent tissue. This process is known as
7. Where are the simple permanent tissues present?
ans. The simple permanent tissues are present beneath the epidermis.
8. What are the classification of simple permanent tissue? What is the most
common variation among them?
ans. The classification of simple permanent tissue are Parenchyma,
Collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
The most common simple permanent tissue is Parenchyma.
9. What is the function of parenchyma?
ans. The function of parenchyma are as follows:-
• Store food
• Provide structural strength to plants
10.Why is a classification of parenchyma called chlorenchyma?
ans. It is because it contains chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis.
11.Why are there large air cavities present in aerenchyma?
ans. To help the aquatic plants float.
12.Which tissue ensures the flexibility of plants?
ans. Collenchyma.
13.Describe the structure of Collenchyma.

ans. The cells of the tissue are living.

They are :-
• Elongated
• Irregularly thickened at corners
14. Where is Collenchyma present?
ans. Collenchyma is present in leaf and stalks right below the epidermis.
15. What is the reason that climbers are able to climb without breaking?
ans. It is because they have Collenchyma present in them which provides
flexibility and mechanical support to plants.
16.Which is the tissue that makes plants hard and stiff?
ans. Sclerenchyma
17.Where do Sclerenchyma occur in various parts of the plants?
ans. The sclerenchymatous tissue is present in the following parts:-
a. The stems
b. Around vascular bundles
c. In the veins of the plants
d. In hard covering of seeds and nuts
18.Why are the cells of sclerenchymatous tissue long and narrow?
ans. It is because their cell walls are thickened by lignin.
19. Why is the husk of the coconut too tough and coarse?
ans. It is because the husk is made of sclerenchymatous tissue which
makes plants hard and stiff.
20.State the occurrence of epidermis.
ans. It is present in the entire surface of plants in the outermost parts.
21.Where does the sclerenchymatous tissue occur ?
ans. This tissue is present in stems, around vascular bundles, in the veins
of leaves and in the hard covering of seeds and nuts.
22.What is the extra feature present in plants that helps the desert plants
prevent water loss?
ans. It has thicker epidermis
23.What is secreted by the epidermis in the aerial plants? Why?
Epidermis in the aerial plants secrete a waxy, water-resistant layer.
This prevents :-
• Loss of water
• Mechanical injury
• Invasion by parasitic fungi.
24.What is the structure that encloses the stomata? What is it’s shape ?
ans. Guard cells enclose stomata they are kidney shaped.
25. Why are long hair-like projections present in the epidermis of the

ans. It is to increase the absorption area of water and the minerals present
in the roots.
26. How is cork formed?
ans. For the formation of cork, a strip of secondary meristem replaces the
epidermis of the stem then the cells on the outside are cut off from this
layer. This forms the several-layer thick cork or the bark of the tree.
27. What is the material that makes the bark impervious to gases and
ans. Suberin
28. Xylem and Phloem are what kind of tissue? What do they together
Xylem and phloem are conducting tissue . They together form a vascular
29. How are tracheids and vessels able to transport the minerals and water
ans. It is because they are tubular in structure.
30. Mention the function of xylem parenchyma?
The function of xylem parenchyma are as follows:-
• To store food
• To help sideway conduction of water
31.What is the function of phloem?
and. The function of phloem is to transport food from leaves to other parts
of the plant.
32. What cell is the dead cells in the phloem?
And. Phloem Fibers
33. What function plays a important role due to the existence of epithelium
in the body?
ans. Due to the presence of epithelium, the permeability of the cells of
various epithelia play an important role in regulating the exchange of
materials between the body and the external environment and also between
different parts of the body.
34.What separates the epithelium from the tissues that are present below
ans. It is separated by an extracellular fibrous basement membrane.
35. Why is it called stratified squamous epithelium? Where is it present?
ans. When the simple squamous epithelium is arranged in many pattern of
layers, it is known as stratified squamous epithelium.
It is only present in skin.
36. State the occurrence of Squamous Epithelium?

ans. It is present where transportation of substance occurs through a

selectively permeable membrane.
37.Where is the simple squamous epithelium present in plants?
ans. In the oesophagus and the lining of the mouth.
38.Why are the columnar epithelium present in the inner lining of the
ans. It is to facilitate the movement of substances across the epithelial
39.What is the structure that is responsible for the disposal of mucus from
the body and where is it present? What is this specific type of epithelium
known as?
ans. The structure is a hair-like projection known as cilia and it is present
in the respiratory tract. It is known as violated columnar epithelium.
40. Which epithelium forms the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of
salivary glands?
ans. The Cuboidal Epithelium.
41. Why is there an additional specialization as gland cells in the
ans. So that it can secrete substances at the epithelial surface.
42.How are glandular epithelium formed?
ans. When a portion of the epithelial tissue folds inward, a multicellular
epithelium is formed. This is known as glandular epithelium.

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