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Pharmacodynamics 2

and Signal Transduction

drug. Several important relationships can be appreciated
CONTENTS through graded dose-response curves:
DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPS 1. Affinity is a measure of binding strength that a drug has for
DRUGS AS AGONISTS 2. Affinity can be defined in terms of the KD (the dissociation
DRUGS AS ANTAGONISTS constant of the drug for the target). In this instance, affinity
is the inverse of the KD (1/KD). The smaller the KD, the
greater affinity a drug has for its receptor.
3. The dose of a drug that produces 50% of the maximal ef-
fect is known as the ED50 (effective dose to achieve 50%
response). If concentrations are used, then the concentra-
Signal transduction is all about the targets. The targets may be tion to achieve 50% of the maximal effect is known as
membrane or cytosolic receptors, ion channels, transporters, the EC50.
signal transduction kinases, enzymes, or specific sequences 4. When plotted on a linear graph, the dose-response rela-
of RNA or DNA, but the pharmacodynamic principles that tionship for most drugs is exponential, often assuming
govern these interactions remain the same (Table 2-1). Drugs the shape of a rectangular hyperbola.
bind to specific targets, activating (stimulating) or inactivating 5. By plotting response versus log dose, a graded dose-response
(blocking) their functions and altering their biologic curve can be translated into more linear (sigmoidal) relation-
responses. ships. This facilitates comparison of the dose-response
curves for drugs that work by similar mechanisms of action.
Without knowing anything about the mechanisms of opioids
lll DOSE-RESPONSE or aspirin, Figure 2-1C shows that hydromorphone, mor-
phine, and codeine work by the same mechanism, but aspirin
RELATIONSHIPS works by a different mechanism. Often, the slope of the
Often, the lock-and-key concept is useful to understand the curves and the maximal effects are identical for drugs that
way drugs work. In this analogy, the target is the lock and work via the same mechanism. These curves also show that
the drug is the key. If the key fits the lock and is able to open of the three opioids, hydromorphone is the most potent.
it (i.e., activate it), the drug is called an agonist. If the key fits That is, responses are observed at lower doses compared
the lock but can’t get the lock to open (i.e., just blocks the with the other agents. Potency is a comparative term that
lock), the drug is called an antagonist. is used to compare two or more drugs that have different af-
The pharmacodynamic properties of drugs define their in- finities for binding to the same target.
teractions with selective targets. Pharmaceutical companies 6. Below the threshold dose, there is no measurable response.
identify and then validate, optimize, and test drugs for specific 7. Emax is a measure of maximal response or efficacy, not a
targets via rational drug design or high-throughput drug dose or concentration. After the maximal response is
screening. Table 2-2 identifies some pharmacodynamic con- achieved, increasing the concentration/dose of the drug be-
cepts that determine the properties of drugs. yond the Emax will not produce a further therapeutic effect
Terms such as affinity and potency (see Table 2-2) are most but can lead to toxic effects.
appreciated in graphic form. Figure 2-1A illustrates a graded Does the curve depicted in Figure 2-1B look familiar? The
(quantitative) dose-response curve. Often, this type of curve is same mathematical relationships that define how a drug
graphed as a semi-log plot (see Fig. 2-1B). Notice that the (ligand) interacts with a receptor to elicit or diminish a bio-
y-axis is depicted as a percentage of the maximal effect of logic response also govern the ways in which substrates
the drug, and the x-axis is the dose or concentration of the (ligands) interact with enzymes to generate metabolic end
18 Pharmacodynamics and Signal Transduction

TABLE 2-1. Examples of Drug Targets


Plasma membrane receptor b-Adrenergic receptor Isoproterenol

Cytosolic receptor Corticosteroid receptor Prednisone
Enzyme Cyclooxygenase Aspirin
Ion channel GABA receptor Barbiturates
Transporter Serotonin transporter Fluoxetine
Nucleic acid Alkylating chemotherapeutics Chlorambucil
Signal transduction kinases Bcr-Abl Imatinib
mTOR Sirolimus

GABA, g-aminobutyric acid.

products. In fact, the terms KD and Emax (ceiling effect) can

TABLE 2-2. Pharmacodynamic Concepts for easily be redefined as Km and Vmax, as per Michaelis-Menten
Determining Properties of Drugs enzyme kinetics.
Another useful mathematical concept is quantal (“all-
TERM DEFINITION or-none”) dose-response curves. These population-based,
dose-response curves include data from multiple patients, of-
Affinity The attraction (ability) of a drug to ten plotting percentages of patients who meet a predefined
interact (bind) with its target. The
criterion (e.g., a 10 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood pres-
greater the affinity, the greater the
binding sure, going to sleep after taking a sleep aid) on the y-axis ver-
Efficacy The ability of a drug to interact with its
sus the dose of drug that produced the biologic response on the
target and elicit a biologic response x-axis (Fig. 2-2A). These curves often take the shape of a nor-
Agonist A drug that has both affinity and efficacy mal frequency distribution (i.e., bell shape). These all-or-none
Antagonist A drug that has affinity but not efficacy
responses can easily be thought of in terms of drugs that are
sleep aids. The drug either puts people to sleep or it doesn’t.
Selectivity Interaction of drug with receptor elicits
primarily one effect or response There is no in-between. However, the dosage that induced
(preferably a therapeutic response) sleep may differ among various people. Most people will fall
Specificity Interaction of a drug with preferentially asleep with a medium-range dose, but there will be outliers—
one receptor class or a single some will be very sensitive to the drug at low doses, whereas
receptor subtype others will be relatively resistant to hypnotic effects until
Potency Term for comparing efficacies of two higher drug levels are achieved.
or more drugs that work via the same These data can be transformed into a cumulative frequency
receptor or through the same
distribution (see Fig. 2-2B), where cumulative percent maxi-
mechanism of action*
mal patient responses are plotted versus dose. This type of
*When comparing potency between two drugs, the drug that can achieve sigmoidal curve yields useful safety information when the
the same biologic effect at the lower concentration/dosage is considered
more potent.
all-or-nothing responses are defined as therapeutic maximal

Hydromorphone Codeine
Morphine Aspirin
(percent of maximum)

(percent of maximum)

(percent of maximum)

100 100 100




50 50 50

0 0 0
1 10 50 100 .01 .1 1 10 100 1,000 .01 .1 1 10 100 1,000
Dose (μmol/L) Log [dose] (μmol/L) Log [dose] (μmol/L)

Figure 2-1. Graded dose-response curves, in which the KD value is 1 mmol/L.
Drugs as agonists 19

Cumulative Therapeutic effect Lethal effect

100 100 distribution Toxic effect
Total number responding

Total number responding

Percent maximal response

80 80
(all or none)

(all or none)
60 60

Frequency 50
40 distribution 40

20 20

0 0 0
Dose Dose ED50 TD50 LD50

Figure 2-2. Quantal dose-response curves.

responses, toxic responses, or lethal responses. In this way, for

a single drug, cumulative frequency distributions can be com- Toxicity
pared for therapeutic efficacy, toxicity, and lethality (see Maximal effect
Fig. 2-2C). This type of analysis can be used to compute the
therapeutic index for any drug. The therapeutic index is de- Minimal
fined as the TD50 (the dose that results in toxicity in 50% Response detectable
of the population) divided by the ED50 (the dose at which effect
50% of the patients meet the predefined criteria). As a rule
of thumb, when a drug’s therapeutic index is less than 10 Latent
(meaning that less than a 10-fold increase in the therapeutic
dose will lead to 50% toxicity), then the drug is defined as Time to peak action
having a narrow therapeutic window. Examples of drugs with
narrow therapeutic windows are listed in Box 2-1. Plasma Duration of effect
concentrations are routinely assessed for drugs with narrow Time
therapeutic windows. This is especially critical for patients
whose pharmacokinetic parameters are compromised by Figure 2-3. Time-response curve.
renal or hepatic diseases.


lll TIME-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPS How does a practitioner interpret two drugs that have equal
For some analyses, it is advantageous to graph time to drug affinities (binding) for a specific target but have different effi-
action versus defined response. This time-response curve cacies (degree of response) (Fig. 2-4)? In this example, even
(Fig. 2-3) depicts the latent period (time to onset of action), though all these drugs are agonists for the target, the drugs
the time to peak effect, as well as the duration of action. Often that elicit a maximal response are full agonists (drugs C
the y-axis for this type of relationship is given as the plasma and D), whereas those that do not elicit a maximal response
concentration of the drug (because plasma concentration is are often referred to as partial agonists (drugs A and B in
directly related to response). The maximal peak response Fig. 2-4). In other words, despite occupying all of the receptors
should be below the toxic dose and above the minimal effec- for the drug at the target site, the biologic response for partial
tive dose. If it isn’t obvious why the processes of absorption, agonists is muted or lower than that of full agonists. Often the
distribution, metabolism, and excretion determine the shape reasons for this muted or weak biologic response at full recep-
of this curve, refer back to Chapter 1. tor occupancy (saturation) is unknown. However, the key
point is that partial agonists are often used clinically to inhibit
competitively the responses of full agonists; thus they can be
thought of as competitive pharmacologic antagonists. Buspir-
one is an example of a partial agonist; buspirone exhibits full
agonist properties at presynaptic 5HT1A serotonin receptors
but very weak agonist activity at postsynaptic 5HT1A recep-
Theophylline Digoxin
tors. The net result of these disparate biologic responses leads
Warfarin Carbamazepine
Valproate Phenytoin to classification of this drug as a partial agonist.
Lithium Gentamicin Continuing with Figure 2-4, there can be cases when partial
agonists (drug A) display greater potency (greater effect at a
20 Pharmacodynamics and Signal Transduction

100 D Competitive Reversible Antagonists

C 100
Percent maximal response

No antagonist
Antagonist A
B Antagonist B

Percent of maximal response

50 A


Log [dose]

Figure 2-4. Graded dose-response curves for four drugs of the 0

same class. Drugs C and D are full agonists, whereas drugs Log [dose]
A and B are partial agonists. Drug A is the most potent agent,
despite being a partial agonist. Drug D is more potent than A
C, even though both are full agonists.

Irreversible Antagonists
lower concentration) than full agonists (drug D). Understand- 100
ing these dose-response curves requires an appreciation of the No antagonist
Antagonist A
two-state model for receptor activation. Receptors can be Percent of maximal response Antagonist B
thought to undergo a dynamic conformational or structural
transition between inactive and active states in the presence
of ligands. This model can be useful to explain why partial ag-
onists exhibit weak biologic responses at full saturation of re- 50
ceptors. In this model, full agonists preferentially bind to the
active form of the target with high affinity, whereas partial ag-
onists have affinities to both the active and the inactive con-
formations of the target. By extending this model, drugs can
be designed to stabilize the inactive form of targets. These
drugs theoretically would exhibit negative efficacy and are 0
called inverse agonists. For inverse agonism to be observed, Log [dose]
there must be some level of constitutive activity in the absence
of agonist. Although these issues are frequently incorporated B
into test questions, there are few, if any, demonstrated exam- Figure 2-5. Antagonists shift dose-response curves of
ples of inverse agonism in vivo. agonists. A, Competitive reversible antagonists. B, Irreversible

lll DRUGS AS ANTAGONISTS Antagonists, such as b-adrenergic receptor antagonists

Often physicians prescribe a drug that blocks or competes with (b-blockers) have affinity, but no efficacy, for b-adrenergic
an endogenous metabolite or pathway or exogenous xenobiotic receptors. These drugs compete for and block endogenous
(foreign substance) or drug. These agents are antagonists in that norepinephrine or epinephrine from stimulating adrenergic
they block (or antagonize) the natural signal. These antagonists receptors. Because membrane receptors may be recycled after
change the shape of dose-response curves. For example, a com- drug binding (desensitization), may be newly transcribed, or
petitive, reversible antagonist shifts the dose-response curve to may have amplified responses through actions at multiple
the right, indicating that the agonist must now be given at a effectors, the actual magnitude of antagonism corresponding
higher dose to elicit a similar response in the presence of the an- to a reduced biologic response may not always be linear
tagonist (Fig. 2-5A). In contrast, an irreversible antagonist shifts and, in fact, may be less than expected. The term spare recep-
the dose-response curve downward, indicating that the agonist tor is often used to describe this phenomenon.
can no longer exert maximal effects at any therapeutic dose (see
Fig. 2-5B). There are also allosteric interactions (binding at an
alternative or “distant” site), where different drugs bind to dis-
tinct sites on one target in a reversible but not competitive man- The critical concepts of signal transduction pathways are am-
ner. In these cases, the action of one drug positively or plification, redundancy, cross-talk, and integration of biologic
negatively affects the binding of a second drug to the target, signals. From a pharmacologic perspective, identification of
a phenomenon known as cooperativity. individual signal transduction elements often uncovers
Signaling and receptors 21

Tyrosine kinase Adenylyl

receptor Cytokine cyclase
G-protein receptor
receptor Ligand

P P β
P P Grb-2/RAS αs
G-protein PI3K
Phospholipase C
IP3 DAG Adenylyl
AMP Ligand

PKA Ca++ PKC AKT MAP kinase

Altered gene expression cAMP

Figure 2-6. Signal transduction: it all leads to altered gene
expression. IP3, inositol-trisphosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol;
AMP, adenosine monophosphate; PKA, protein kinase A;
PKC, protein kinase C; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase;
AKT, a cell-survival kinase; JAK/STAT, dimerized proteins that
couple cytokine receptors to downstream targets; Grb-2/Ras,
scaffold network of proteins that couple tyrosine kinase
receptors to downstream targets such as the MAP kinases;
MAP kinases, mitogen-activated protein kinases. γ
potential targets for drugs to selectively disrupt the integrated
circuits that control cell growth, survival, and differentiation. GDP
To appreciate fully the complexity of signaling networks re-
quires an understanding of a “subway map” of interconnected
receptors, effectors, targets, and scaffold proteins. The physi- Figure 2-7. A G-protein–centric view of signaling. GTP, guano-
cian should understand the critical concepts of cell signaling as sine triphosphate; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine
well as some of the therapeutic targets that can now be mod- triphosphate; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
ified with drugs.
Figure 2-6 depicts several intracellular signals that are reg- G-protein dissociates into distinct a and b/g subunits. The a
ulated via receptor activation. A major family of membrane subunit interacts with adenylyl cyclase, the enzyme that pro-
receptors is the seven-transmembrane–spanning domain duces cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), the biologic
G-protein–coupled receptors. These receptors couple to het- cofactor for protein kinase A. Hydrolysis of GTP to GDP
erotrimeric guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins, dissociates the a subunit from adenylyl cyclase and permits
which regulate downstream effectors, including adenylate reassociation with the b/g subunits, resetting the cycle for sub-
cyclase. This is a critical element in the discussion of the auto- sequent activation by another receptor. Leading to further
nomic (see Chapter 6) and central nervous systems (see complexity is that distinct a subunits couple to different and
Chapter 13). specific effectors (Fig. 2-8) as well as the fact that b/g subunits
As depicted in Figure 2-7, amplification of the signal occurs themselves can interact with other downstream effectors,
as one receptor interacts with multiple G-proteins that remain including phospholipases.
activated even after the receptors dissociate. In a cyclical fash- Examples of a receptor class that couples to Gs (“s” stands for
ion, activated receptors couple to the a/b/g subunits of the “stimulatory” as opposed to Gi, in which the “i” stands for
inactivated G-protein (bound to guanosine diphosphate “inhibitory”) to activate adenylate cyclase and generate cAMP
[GDP]). This interaction induces GDP dissociation, followed are the b-adrenergic receptors. Pharmacologic intervention
by GTP binding, and activation of the G-protein. The activated with a b-agonist such as isoproterenol activates b-adrenergic
22 Pharmacodynamics and Signal Transduction

receptor kinases. The hyperphosphorylated receptors interact

Effector with arrestin, a molecule that either prevents activation of
G-proteins by the receptor and/or induces receptor internali-
zation. One of the critical concepts in signal transduction is
that posttranslational modifications of targets by phosphory-
lation alter receptor function.
β γ Besides coupling to adenylate cyclase, G-protein–linked re-
α ceptors can regulate lipid turnover in membranes. Another
critical concept in signaling is that altered lipid metabolism
generates lipid-derived second messengers that amplify pri-
GTP GDP mary signals. Simply put, it’s all about metabolism of a phos-
phorylated lipid that makes up less than 0.01% of the total
G-protein and subunits lipid content of the membrane. G-protein–coupled receptors,
as Adenylate cyclase such as the angiotensin II receptor, activate phospholipase C
αi Adenylate cyclase via Gq, which preferentially hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol
αq Phospholipase Cβ 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to form two distinct lipid-derived sec-
α11 ond messengers (Fig. 2-10A): inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and
α13 diacylglycerol. Inositol 1,4,5,-triphosphate, being hydro-
αT cGMP phosphodiesterase philic, leaves the membrane and interacts with Caþþ channels
T= transducin for vision on the endoplasmic reticulum, producing an increase in intra-
αO Adenylyl cyclase cellular free Caþþ. Calcium-regulated kinases impact multiple
O = olfaction systems responsible for blood clotting, neuronal function, and
proton secretion in the stomach. In contrast, diacylglycerol,
Figure 2-8. G-proteins come in different flavors. The G-protein being hydrophobic, remains at the plasma membrane, where
complex is composed of a, b, and g subunits. The a-subunits are it is a lipid cofactor that activates protein kinase C.
distinct proteins that subserve different functions by coupling to To complicate matters, growth factor receptors, such as
different effectors. GTP, guanosine triphosphate; GDP, guanosine
platelet-derived growth factor, which are tyrosine kinases, also
diphosphate; cGMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate.
couple to phospholipases to form lipid-derived second messen-
receptors, whereas antagonists such as propranolol, a b- gers (see Fig. 2-6). Another critical concept in signaling is that
blocker, prevent endogenous activation of these receptors. dimerization and resultant autophosphorylation of tyrosine
Understanding the mechanisms by which these receptors kinase receptors often leads to propagation of the signal. Many
undergo desensitization or internalization helps explain of the latest therapeutic approaches work through inhibiting
why receptor responses dissipate over prolonged activation these tyrosine kinase receptor activation mechanisms. In
(Fig. 2-9). Interaction of b-adrenergic receptors with epineph- addition, these tyrosine kinase receptors also activate
rine promotes phosphorylation of the receptor by b-adrenergic phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K; Fig. 2-10B), which can

Initial Interaction Chronic Interaction



P b-Arrestin

Phosphatases de-phosphorylate b-Arrestin binding

Coupled to effector receptor, allowing receptor to prevents interaction with
separate from b-arrestin and G-protein or leads to
now interact with another ligand. receptor internalization.

Figure 2-9. Hyperphosphorylation of G-protein receptors leads to desensitization. S, stimulatory.

Signaling and receptors 23

Diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase C

Phospholipase C CH2 CH CH2


Phosphatidylinositol Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)

Activates Ca;; receptors
at endoplasmic reticulum




Figure 2-10. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, a lipid substrate for multiple enzymes. PI3K, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase;
AKT, a cell survival kinase.

form a third messenger from phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bispho- acids are often highly unsaturated, containing multiple double
sphate. The generated phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate bonds. Fatty acids containing 20 carbons with 4 double bonds
can interact with proteins containing pleckstrin homology that occur starting 6 carbons from the carboxyl terminus are
domains, such as AKT (a cell survival kinase), which are critical known as arachidonic acid. These fatty acids can be oxidized
kinases for cell survival. Growth factor receptors are overex- by multiple enzymes to form prostaglandins, leukotrienes,
pressed in cancerous lesions. Figure 2-11 depicts several of the and epoxides (hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids) by cyclooxy-
pro-mitogenic cascades activated by this class of receptors as genase, lipoxygenase, and epoxygenases, respectively.
well as designated targets for therapeutic intervention. The onslaught of lipid-derived messengers is referred to as
Figure 2-12 illustrates another lipid metabolite formed from arachidonophobia. Multiple drugs, either irreversibly (aspi-
hydrolysis of PIP2. Phospholipase A2 hydrolyzes fatty acids rin) or reversibly (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents) in-
from lipids, such as PIP2 or phosphatidylcholine. These fatty hibit cyclooxygenase and are reviewed in Chapter 10.
24 Pharmacodynamics and Signal Transduction

A detailed example of ion channel modulation with thera-

Erb-B2 peutics is g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)–activated neuronal
Cl– channels. Benzodiazepines are examples of drugs that
Gefitinib work via modulation of GABA-activated Cl– channels. GABA
serves as the endogenous ligand for this ligand-gated ion chan-
nel (Fig. 2-14). Benzodiazepines cannot activate GABA re-
ceptors in the absence of GABA, but benzodiazepines do
facilitate the actions of GABA to alter the conformation of
PLCg the receptor-ion channel, increasing the frequency of Cl–
channel opening events. The enhanced Cl– flux hyperpolar-
izes the membrane, diminishing neuronal transmission and
Src inducing sedation or cessation of anxiety (anxiolytic). The tar-
AKT get of benzodiazepines, then, is a ligand-gated ion channel.
This is also an example of positive cooperativity between
Sirolimus the GABA neurotransmitter and a drug.
MTOR Imatinib
S6 kinase
Why Do Physicians Need to Know Signaling 101?

Protein More and more drugs that alter signal transduction cascades
eif4E Gene expression
synthesis are being validated, tested, approved, and marketed. These
drugs offer the promise of specificity, selectivity, and reduced
toxicity because signaling elements are often mutated or
Figure 2-11. Targeted cancer therapy. Erb-B2, a tyrosine kinase
receptor; PLCg, phospholipase C subtype that couples to tyrosine overexpressed in disease states, including cancer and
kinases; CRK/Src, another group of scaffold proteins that couple inflammation. In this way, normal tissues may not be
tyrosine kinases to downstream effectors; cABL, Myc, mTOR, S6 dramatically affected by the drug, resulting in reduced side
kinase, various downstream kinases and transcriptional factors effects. Examples of some approved designer drug targets
that can serve as selective “targets” for drugs; PI3K, include the following:
phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase; AKT, a cell survival kinase.
Target Signal Approved Pathology
Inhibitors of leukotriene synthesis, such as montelukast, are
Erb-B2 receptor Breast cancer
effective in asthmatic patients.
Erb-B2 receptor Non–small-cell lung
Another signaling concept is that lipid-derived second mes- cancer
sengers such as prostaglandins can themselves activate G- Erb-B2 receptor Colorectal cancer
protein–coupled receptors, again amplifying responses BCR-ABL Chronic myelogenous
(Fig. 2-13). It should be noted that lipid-derived messengers leukemia
can signal by creating structured membrane microdomains mTOR Restenosis after coronary
(also called lipid rafts), directly interacting with lipid-binding stenting
domains on proteins, or by posttranslationally modifying pro- Peroxisome proliferator activator Diabetes
teins. Examples of posttranslational modifications include receptors
proteins made hydrophobic by covalent modifications with The Her2/neu gene product, the Erb-B2 receptor, a member
14-carbon (myristoylate) or 16-carbon (palmitoylate) fatty of the human epidermal growth factor family of tyrosine kinases,
acids. A critical example of a myristoylated target protein is is overexpressed in multiple cancers and is associated with a
Ras, which is overexpressed or mutated in multiple cancers. poor prognosis. Erb-B2 forms a heterodimer with other Erb
Signal transduction cascades can interact with and dramat- receptors that exhibit enhanced mitogenic signaling potential.
Several different strategies have been used to target this
ically impact ion channels. In fact, ligand-gated ion channels
receptor. Monoclonal antibodies (trastuzumab) as well as
themselves serve as targets for both intracellular signal trans-
low-molecular-weight inhibitors (gefitinib) have been designed
duction cascades as well as therapeutic drugs. Pharmacologic to block these actions. Additional strategies, including coupling
regulation of ion channels serves as one approach to control- a specific antibody to cytotoxins or ligands that activate immune
ling cardiac (verapamil, a Caþþ channel blocker), renal (furo- cells, are being investigated.
semide, an Naþ/Kþ/Cl– cotransporter antagonist), and
neuronal (benzodiazepines, a Cl– channel allosteric modula-
tor) function. Modifying pathologic ion channel activity with
therapeutics can be affected by direct interaction with the
channel itself or upstream/downstream signal transduction It’s no longer just about small molecules (pure, structurally de-
targets of that ion channel. Ligand-gated ion channels can fined, drugs that are produced through industrial scale chem-
be regulated by Caþþ, cAMP, lipid mediators, and tyrosine istry) that affect receptors, ion channels, and signal
phosphorylation signal transduction mechanisms. transduction cascades. New strategies in biotechnology and
The future is now 25






Phospholipase A2

Arachidonic acid

Lipoxygenase Cyclooxygenase Epoxygenase

Leukotrienes Prostaglandins Thromboxanes HETEs



Prostaglandin E2

Figure 2-12. Arachidonophobia: 20 carbons, 4 double bonds, and the precursor to multiple lipid-derived second messengers
(leukotrienes, prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and hydroxy-eicosatrienoic acids) that regulate myriad physiologic responses from
vasoreactivity, to bronchial constriction, to labor, to protection of the gastrointestinal tract, to inflammation, and so on. The inset
prostaglandin E2 is an example of the types of structures that are created. NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; HETEs,
hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids.


Arachidonic Cyclooxygenase PGE2 Adenylyl

acid PGE2
α γ


Figure 2-13. Lipid-derived second messengers can interact with their own G-protein–coupled receptors. PGE2, prostaglandin E2;
cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate. PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate.
26 Pharmacodynamics and Signal Transduction

Benzodiazepine Closed Open

binding site chloride chloride
GABA channel channel
binding site
β α
α β GABA binding

Figure 2-14. Ligand-gated channels regulate the flow of ions through plasma membrane channels. This example depicts the
g-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor, which modulates Cl– conductance.

molecular biology have expanded a class of drugs, known as enzyme biologics. An alternate strategy known as substrate re-
biologics, that are themselves endogenous natural substances duction therapy has also recently been approved for Gaucher
such as growth factors, receptors, enzymes, cytokines, or pep- disease, in which an inhibitor (miglustat) of the rate-limiting
tides. Biologics are often produced in living cells through re- enzyme in glycosphingolipid metabolism, glucosylceramide
combinant DNA technologies. As examples, biologics are synthase is used to reduce total glycosphingolipid content.
produced to treat endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, The new biologics that have been approved by the FDA
oral mucositis, and cancer complications (Table 2-3). These offer the potential of more specific and selective cell targeting.
and other biologics are discussed in more detail throughout Recent examples include monoclonal antibodies that specifi-
this book. cally target and neutralize growth factor receptors or bind
Recombinant enzyme biologics have also revolutionized the up their ligands (see Table 2-3). Another use of the monoclo-
treatment of lysosomal enzyme diseases, a group of congenital nal antibody approach is to employ these biologics to achieve
defects in which enzyme deficiencies result in dysfunctional more targeted delivery of conventional small-molecule ther-
metabolism of glycosphingolipids. These sugar-conjugated apy. For example, gemtuzumab ozogamicin is a biologic in
lipids are major components of neuronal cells and contribute which the antitumor substance calicheamicin is coupled to
to immunogenicity and autoimmunity. Recent Food and Drug an antibody that binds to CD33, a protein epitope preferen-
Administration (FDA)-approved examples of recombinant tially expressed on acute myeloid leukemic blast cell popu-
enzymes to treat lysosomal enzyme diseases are listed in lations. Other targeted monoclonal approaches include
Table 2-3. The term enzyme replacement therapy is often used iodine-131 tositumomab or yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan,
to define therapeutic approaches that use these recombinant in which radiotherapy is coupled to a CD20 antibody, whose

TABLE 2-3. Biologics (Examples of the Revolution)

Growth factors Sermorelin (a recombinant form of growth hormone–releasing factor used to treat dwarfism)
Mecasermin (a recombinant form of insulin-like growth factor [IGF] for children with IGF deficiency)
Palifermin (a recombinant form of human keratinocyte growth factor used to treat oral mucositis)
Filgrastim and sargramostim (recombinant forms of colony-stimulating factor used to treat cancer-
therapy–induced neutropenia)
Growth factor receptors Etanercept, a recombinant form of tumor necrosis factor receptor that binds up circulating tumor
necrosis factor, used for rheumatoid arthritis
Enzymes (lysosomal storage Agalsidase b (Fabry disease)
diseases) Alglucosidase alpha (Pompe disease)
Imiglucerase (Gaucher disease)
Idursulfase, laronidase, galsulfase (mucopolysaccharidosis)
Cytokines Denileukin diftitox (interleukin-2 coupled to diphtheria toxin)
Peptides Synthetic insulin used to treat diabetes
Antibodies Trastuzumab (Erb-B2 receptor)
Gefitinib (epidermal growth factor receptor)
Bevacizumab or ranibizumab (vascular endothelial growth factor)
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (CD33)
I-tositumomab or 90yttrium ibritumomab tiuxetan (CD20)
Top five list 27

receptor is preferentially expressed on B-cell non-Hodgkin

lymphoma cells. A similar approach is used by the biologic
denileukin diftitox, in which recombinant cytokine Gene Targeting
interleukin-2 protein sequences are coupled to diphtheria The future of pharmacology may well be to target signaling
toxin to direct the toxin to cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. elements at transcriptional or translational levels. Strategies
The holy grail of the pharmacology revolution involves being investigated to selectively silence genes include:
molecular-based therapeutics that have the potential to target n Antisense oligonucleotides

gene products. As an example, aptamers, which are stabilized n siRNAs (small interfering RNAs)
n RNAzymes (enzymes that degrade RNA)
RNA sequences that bind to proteins, have now been approved
n DNAzymes (enzymes that degrade DNA)
as therapeutics. Pegaptanib is an aptamer-based therapeutic
These strategies are presently limited by the technology
that targets vascular endothelial growth factor and is used for
needed to selectively and efficiently deliver these nucleic acids
treatment of age-related macular degeneration. The upside of
to specific tissues without inducing toxicity.
molecular-based therapeutics is the potential to selectively
target mutated gene products. The downside of using
molecular-based therapeutics, such as aptamers or small inter-
fering RNAs, is systemic degradation by RNAases or Toll-like
receptor-mediated inflammatory side effects. Thus, a new
modality has been embraced to deliver and protect these labile 1. Drugs bind to targets; these targets can be receptors, ion
substances. The burgeoning field of nanomedicine uses nano- channels, transporters, signaling molecules, enzymes, or
scale (<100 nm) delivery systems (liposomes, colloids, dendri- specific nucleic acid sequences.
mers, polymers) to protect labile bioactive cargos, such as 2. Interactions between drugs and targets can be agonistic or
RNAs. Several nanoscale products have now been approved antagonistic.
by the FDA, including a nanoliposome that encapsulates the 3. Pharmacodynamic terms used to define drug-target inter-
cancer-agent doxorubicin, as well as a nanoscale bioconju- actions include affinity, potency, and efficacy.
gate between albumin and the cancer agent docetaxel. Both 4. Drugs with a narrow therapeutic window (therapeutic
nano “solutions” improve the pharmacokinetic parameters index equals toxic dose [TD50] divided by effective dose
of the encapsulated drug. The future for design of small mol- [ED50]) must be closely monitored by the practitioner.
ecule inhibitors, biologics, and molecular-based therapeutics 5. The future will be defined by designer drugs applied to
can only get brighter as the “omic” revolution defines new individuals, tailored to a specific molecular or metabolic
targets in diseased tissues. Functional genomic, proteomic, pathology. This is the essence of personalized medicine.
transcriptomic, metabolomic, and lipidomic approaches offer
the potential to define a myriad of new dysfunctional cell Self-assessment questions can be accessed at www.
signaling cascades in disease.

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