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Assignment 2

Mario Pagliaro


Lynne Serviss

July 11 2022
Assignment 2: Writing Learning Objectives & Developing a Learning Activity

Part 1

The type of library that this library instruction session will be implemented for is a elementary

school library. The audience will be students from grade 6 to grade 8. Since that is a lot of grades

the sessions will be implemented multiple times for each individual grade. Instead of having all

the grades at the same session, it will be split up by grade because than it is harder to have more

one on one assistance. The topic that will be covered during this session is how to make

meatballs. The learning objectives for this session will be learning how to follow instructions and

implementing those instructions by actually making the meatballs.

Part 2

There is an extra empty staff room in the school that never gets used, with a functioning

stove that is where the sessions will be held. The sessions will be split up into 3 days,

Wednesday for the grade six’s, Thursday for the grade sevens, and Friday for the grade eights.

There will be approximately two rows of long tables set up horizontally. Each student will have a

bowl to mix the ingredients in, a plate to put the meatballs on once they are mixed and rolled into

a circle and the ingredients will be in front of their bowls. I will write out a set of instructions

and make copies for each student of each grade that will be participating in the meatball session.

The instructions will be as followed, is first in a large bowl combine ground meat, egg,

breadcrumbs, cheese, garlic seasoning, and salt. Once you have done that mix them very well all

together. Once the ingredients are thoroughly mixed with your hands, start forming the mixture

into balls and put them on a clean plate which will be provided. Of course, every students hands

will be washed before the start of this session. Since the next instruction might be too dangerous
for the students they can assist. I will have two fry pans on the stove where the meatballs will go

in and fry. I chose to have two fry pans going on at a time because depending how many students

are in a class, I can help fry meatballs two students at a time. Once everything is mixed into a

ball shape, the meatballs will be cooked in a medium heat in the frying pan with hot cooking oil.

Flip each side over once they are completely brown and cooked on every side.

Everything mentioned above will be everything the students will need to successfully

complete this session. No additional handouts or materials will be required. The total duration of

each session will take approximately fifty minutes to complete. The first five minutes will be me

explaining what materials they have in front of them and what to do. It will take probably 20

minutes to mix all of the ingredients and form the balls. Since there is only one stove and a large

group of students the final part of the session will take up to about twenty five minutes to fry

everyone’s meatballs. That is why two frying pans will be on at the same time to conserve time.

The session and or activity will meet the learning objectives because if the instructions by me

and the ones written down are carefully read and listened to it should be easy to follow through

with them, and the students will one hundred percent create delicious meatballs.

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