Training Load and Recovery in Volleyball

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Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil; and 2Department of Physical
Education, Santa Catarina State University, Florianopolis, Brazil

ABSTRACT In elite team sports, the season is often long, and this
makes it necessary to plan distinct phases of training with
Andrade, DM, Fernandes, G, Miranda, R, Reis Coimbra, D,
specific objectives and demands. To achieve optimal perfor-
and Bara Filho, MG. Training load and recovery in volleyball
mance, it is crucial to monitor the adaptive responses of the
during a competitive season. J Strength Cond Res XX(X):
athletes during each of these phases (11,12,21).
000–000, 2018—The objective of this study was to analyze Therefore, some methods of training load (TL) control
the training load (TL) and recovery status (RS) of a volleyball have been proposed to monitor and improve athletic
team in different periods of the season. Fifteen male athletes performance (5) and avoid stagnation or even performance
participated in the study. Training load was quantified through decline (6). The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method
the rate of perceived exertion of session. The total weekly TL for a session developed by Foster et al. (8) has proved to be
of the preparatory period (PP), competitive period I (CPI), and an important tool in monitoring the TLs in individual and
competitive period II (CPII) was calculated. Total quality team sports; it is a precise and simple method (9,19). In
recovery was used to evaluate the initial and final RS. Training addition, it is also used to monitor the magnitude of the
load was higher (p , 0.05) in PP than in CPI and CPII. The TL in volleyball (3,9).
However, the effectiveness of training depends on the
final RS was lower (p , 0.05) in PP than in CPI and CPII.
balance between the magnitude of TL applied and the
There was a difference (p , 0.05) between the initial and final
athlete’s recovery state (4,21). It is known that an athlete’s
RS in the analyzed periods. An inverse correlation (r: 20.62)
recovery during a one-season training process is essential to
was observed between the TL and the initial and final differ- prevent and minimize the incidence of syndromes that
ence RS in PP. In conclusion, PP in volleyball presented the impair athlete’s performance and general health, such as
highest TL, related to a greater difference between the initial nonfunctional overreaching and overtraining (11,13,21).
and final RS. In team sports, such as volleyball, there is no consensus in
the literature about periodization, better training-load distri-
KEY WORDS team sports, RPE session, athletes,
bution, and appropriate athletic recovery (22). In addition, to
periodization, TQR date, we have found no evidence of the relationship between
TL applied during a season in volleyball and the effect on
the athlete’s recovery state. These issues are still challenges
INTRODUCTION for coaches and technical staff (22).

sports training process consists of planned, sys- Thus, the objectives of this study were (a) to describe the
tematized, and oriented activities for subsequent distribution of TL and recovery status (RS); (b) to compare
gain in athletic performance. During this process, the TL and RS between the different periods of the season;
throughout the season, physiological and meta- and (c) to determine the relationship between TL and RS of
bolic adaptations in the athlete’s body occur (10–12,15). a professional volleyball team.
Thus, coaches and sports researchers are constantly search-
ing for reliable methods and strategies to identify and mon- METHODS
itor these adaptive responses to training (16,18). Experimental Approach to the Problem
This was a longitudinal descriptive study. The data were
Address correspondence to Danilo Reis Coimbra, daniloreiscoimbra@ collected over the course of a regular season for the team, which participated in 2 major championships, the State
00(00)/1–7 Championship and the Major Volleyball League (Superliga).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research At the start of the season, athletes had returned from
 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association vacation, during which exercise was not controlled. The

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Training Load and Recovery in Volleyball

season was composed of a preparatory period (PP) of (4 outside hitters, 2 opposites, 2 setters, 2 liberos, and 5
8-week duration (week 1 through week 8); a competitive middle blockers), physical characteristics (mean 6 SD) (age:
period of 14 weeks, divided into competitive period I (CPI), 24 6 4 years, body mass: 96.67 6 11.33 kg, height: 194.30 6
composed of 8 weeks (week 9 through week 16), during 6.65 cm, body fat: 13.78 6 5.43%) were analyzed. No sub-
which the team competed at the State Championship and jects were ,18 years of age. The study was approved by the
“Superliga,” and competitive period II (CPII), of 6-week Federal University of Juiz de Fora University Research Ethics
duration (week 17 through week 22), in which the team Committee (protocol no 278/2010), and all subjects signed
played only in the “Superliga.” During the competitive a form giving informed consent of their voluntary participa-
period, games were usually held at the end of the training tion in the study.
week. Monitoring of TL occurred daily 30 minutes after
training sessions. Recovery status was assessed before the
sessions. All training was planned by strength and condition- Training Description. Training schedule was planned by the
ing staff and was not influenced by the researchers. strength and conditioning coach staff and was not influ-
enced by the researchers. The training sessions were
Subjects performed in the morning and the afternoon. The sessions
Participants were players in a professional volleyball team were structured and supervised by the strength and
that played for the National League, the main volleyball conditioning coach staff and team’s athletic trainer. The
competition in Brazil. The team participated in a state routine consisted of (a) physical training: (i) resistance train-
competition and a national competition. One athlete was ing 4–5 times a week, 50 minutes (hypertrophy, strength, or
excluded from the study as he participated in less than 75% power, according the periodization); (ii) two sessions per
of training sessions during the season, because of injury. This week of circuit training, 20 minutes (velocity and agility);
cutoff point was defined by the researchers because the team (iii) two sessions were designated for functional training
had a reduced squad, and some athletes had less serious specific to volleyball, 30 minutes, coordination, core, and
injuries, only missing a few sessions. In total, 15 male athletes balance exercises; (b) technical training, 5–6 times a week,

Figure 1. Training program overview during 22 weeks of a season in volleyball.

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60 minutes in the morning period, designated for develop- weekly TL on the recovery state, the delta percentage
ment of technical skills (defense, reception, and service); (c) (D%) was calculated between the final TQR and the initial
technical-tactical training, 4–5 times to week, nearly 120 mi- TQR. Between the weeks, as planned by the technical com-
nutes, in the afternoon period. All session training consisted mittee, days of rest varied from 1 to 3 days.
of a period to warm-up, training, and cool down (Figure 1).
Statistical Analyses
Training Load. The TL was measured daily, by the session- Descriptive data were calculated (mean and SD). The
RPE method (8) that had been used with a similar sample of Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify the normality of the
volleyball players (1,2). Approximately 30 minutes after the data. Sphericity was tested by the Mauchly test. Based on
end of each training session, athletes answered the question the assumptions, the TL and state of recovery between the
“How was your training?” The intensity was measured using periods of the season (PP, PCI, and PCII) were analyzed
a Borg’s category ratio 10 RPE scale (8), which ranges from using the 1-way analysis of variance test of repeated meas-
0 (rest) to 10 (maximum). The athletes were familiar with ures, with Bonferroni post hoc analysis when necessary. The
the scale, and the responses were individually collected. The F statistic was calculated from the Pillai’s trace. When the
session TL was calculated by the product of the intensity data distribution was not normal, the Friedman test with
(perceived, based on the scale) and volume (total net session Wilcoxon post hoc and Bonferroni correction was used.
time in minutes), generating a value in arbitrary units (A.U.). The difference between the initial RS and the final RS for
For each week, the total weekly training load (TWTL), the periods was measured using the Wilcoxon test. The
which is the sum of the loads of all the training sessions of Spearman correlation test was used to verify the relationship
the week, was calculated. The TWTL was classified accord- between the TL and the recovery state. Data were analyzed
ing to the interquartile ranges presented over the 22 weeks, using SPSS software (v.20; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
and categorized as follows: ,25% = low; 25–50% = low- The level of significance was less than 5% (p # 0.05).
moderate; 50–75% = high-moderate and .75% = high (22).
Recovery Status. Before the start of the first training session of Figure 1 shows the weekly distribution of the TL during the
the day, athletes answered the question: “How do you feel 22 weeks of the analyzed volleyball season. During the PP,
about your recovery?” Measurement was based on the Total the players presented high TLs for 4 weeks (weeks 3, 4, 5,
Quality Recovery (TQR) Scale (14,17), which ranges from 6 and 6), with a high-moderate TL in Week 2, whereas in the
(no recovery at all) to 20 (maximal recovery) points. The competitive period (CPI and CPII), players presented with
initial TQR corresponds to the RS at the beginning of the a low TL for 5 weeks (10, 13, 15, 20, and 22) and low-
training week and the final TQR corresponds to the RS at moderate for 3 weeks (weeks 9, 14, and 17). The week that
the end of the training week. To verify the effect of the presented the highest TL was week 5 (4,412.00 6 1,344.00

Figure 2. Description of total weekly training load (TWTL) during 22 weeks of a season in volleyball. A.U. = arbitrary units. Values presented in mean 6 SD.

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Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Training Load and Recovery in Volleyball

Figure 3. Description of volume (min) and intensity (PSE session) weekly during 22 weeks of a season in volleyball. PSE session = subjective perception of
session effort; min = minutes. Values presented on mean. RPE, rate of perceived exertion.

A.U) in the PP, and the week with the lowest value for TL an oscillation in both the volume and the intensity of the
was the last (week 22 = 1,078.46 6 378.66 A.U) in CPII. training.
Weekly volume (minutes) and intensity (RPE session) Figure 3 illustrates RS at the beginning of the week (initial
during the 22 weeks of the analyzed volleyball season TQR) and at the end of the week (final TQR) during the 22
are presented in Figure 2. The highest weekly training weeks of the analyzed volleyball season. It was observed that
volumes during the PP were from week 2 to week 6. the final TQR of week 11 in CPI had the lowest value
During the competitive period, week 9 forth, there was (TQR = 13.08 6 1.78 points). Furthermore, the average

Figure 4. Description of initial recovery status (initial TQR) and final recovery status (final TQR) during the 22 weeks of the competitive season. Values in mean
6 SD. TQR = total quality recovery.

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TABLE 1. Training load and recovery status between the periods of the season.*

Preparatory period Competitive period I Competitive period II

TWTL (A.U.)║ 3,512.84 6 876.48†z 2,843.93 6 1,026.14† 2,696.40 6 933.51z

Initial TQR (points) 17.40 6 1.20§ 17.45 6 1.09§ 16.94 6 1.55§
Final TQR (points)¶ 14.27 6 1.50†z§ 15.26 6 1.43†§ 15.06 6 1.47z§
Δ Final TQR 2 Initial TQR (%)¶ 218.0 6 5.91†z 212.63 6 4.21† 210.87 6 6.38z

*TWTL = total weekly training load; A.U. = arbitrary units; D = delta; TQR = total quality recovery (state of recovery)
†Significant difference (p , 0.05) compared with competitive period I.
zSignificant difference (p , 0.02) compared with competitive period II.
§Significant difference (p , 0.05) comparing final TQR (Wilcoxon Test).
║Analysis of variance repeated measures.
¶Friedman test with Wilcoxon post hoc and Bonferroni correction.

initial TQR for the 22 weeks was above 15 points, indicating results are similar to those of other studies that analyze
good recovery according to the scale (Figure 4). a competitive season in younger volleyball players (2).
Table 1 presents the TL and RS between the periods of Usually, team sports apply the higher external TL during
the season. Total weekly training load was significantly high- the PP, as well as the CP; there is a need to reduce these
er (F2,11 = 9.566; p = 0.004; h2 = 0.635) in PP than in CPI loads because of the various trips made and games played
(p = 0.003) and CPII (p = 0.005). In addition, a significant against teams of different levels, factors that directly influ-
difference was found in the final TQR (Friedman test: X2 = ence the reduction of the number of training sessions (22).
14.00; df = 2; p , 0.001). The post hoc Wilcoxon test indi- However, to avoid a possible “break” in performance
cated that the final TQR in PP was significantly lower than because of these situations, weeks with higher TLs could
that in CPI (Z = 22.983; p , 0.005) and CPII (Z = 22.826; be included during the competitive period, to avoid perfor-
p , 0.005). However, there was no difference in the initial mance decrement, such as during a week in which the team
TQR between the periods of the season. A significant differ- has a low possibility of winning or losing the game due to
ence was found between the initial TQR and the final TQR the opponent team (9,10,22).
in PP (Z = 23.409; p , 0.05), CPI (Z = 23.066; p , 0.05), The results presented showed that initial recovery did
and CPII (Z = 23.238; p , 0.05). In the D% analyses, a sig- not differ between the periods of the season. However, the
nificant difference was observed (X2 = 8.00; df = 2; p , 0.05). final recovery state was lower in PP, and a larger difference
The D% was higher in PP than in CPI (Z = 22.667; p , between the initial and final RS was observed in this period.
0.02) and CPII (Z = 22.417; p , 0.02). To avoid undesirable effects such as excess accumulated
In the correlation between the TL and the recovery state, fatigue and a consequent risk of nonfunctional overreach-
a significant, inverse correlation (Spearman’s r: 20.62; p , ing (6,7), it is essential to balance training with recovery
0.05) was observed between the TWTL and the delta per- periods, so that athletes can restore their physical condition
centage (D%) of the TQR in the PP, with a coefficient of (20,25,26) and to reach the optimal adaptation specific to
determination (R2) of 39%. Thus, the higher the TWTL, the a volleyball game day (24,27), according to their impor-
greater the difference between the final TQR and the initial tance (23).
TQR. No significant correlations were observed between the A relationship between TL and RS (delta percentage)
TL and the recovery period in the competitive period (PCI was verified only in the PP of the professional volleyball
and PCII). team. To monitor the RS, TQR has been considered as
a practical applied tool in determining appropriate TL
DISCUSSION (9,17). A value of 13 (reasonably recovered) is the minimum
The objectives of this study were to describe the distribution suggested by Kenttä and Hassmén (14,17) that athletes
of TL and RS and to compare them between different should achieve. Thus, in this study, athletes’ RS remained
periods, verifying the relationship between the 2 at-different within adequate levels. However, the significant difference
times during the season. between the initial recovery state and the final recovery
The results showed that the TL was higher in PP than in state during the competitive period was not ideal because
the competitive periods (CPI and CPII). Analyzing the load the final RS represents the level at which the athlete is at by
distribution of the season, we can observe a wave distribu- the end of the training week, when most of the team’s
tion of the TWTL. This training characteristic is based on games took place. Thus, it is recommended that this varia-
the attempt to adapt the training stimuli to short periods of tion be the smallest possible in weeks with games and even
preparation and long periods of competition (12). These better if the RS presents better at the end of the week, to

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