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Renacimiento School

School year 2022

Topics: “Animals Building Homes”.- (Text and Graphic Features)
Expectations of achievement: Students will be able to tell how words and photos help us understand
new information.
Teacher name: Mr. Asael Núñez/Mrs. Betza Sierra Subject: Reading
Week of: April 25th – 29th, 2022. Date:
Grade or course: 1st “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”
Monthly Value:
Weekly Value:
Teaching resources: audio book, CD player, illustrate board card, flash cards, worksheets
Vocabulary of the week: shaped, branches, pond, beaks, deepest, break, hang, winding


Day Activities

The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):

Introduce the vocabulary words.
Produce the sound of each word.
Tell every student to listen and repeat the word.
Write each word with their meaning.

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

Listen to teacher’s intonation of the word.
Produce the sound of each word.
Drill of repetition.
Write in their Reading notebook the meaning of each word.
Master the pronunciation.

students will write the following vocabulary in their notebooks.

Tuesday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):

 Introduce the lesson by asking students to think about what kinds of things animals
might need to survive.
 Write “What Animals Need” on the board. Encourage students to think about
similarities between people and animals. Prompt students as needed by asking: Where
do animals (e.g. dog/cat) like to rest? What do animals eat? Do animals need anything
to stay safe from predators?
 Instruct students to Think-Pair-Share. Have students sit knee to knee with a partner.
Allow a minute of silent think time to consider each prompt. At your signal, students
should take turns sharing a response to each prompt.

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

 Read aloud the story “Animals Building Homes”. Pause as you read to consider
unknown words found in the text. Ask students, "What do you think this word means?
Why do you think that?" Discuss strategies for figuring out the meaning of unknown
words (use the photographs or context clues from the sentence).
 Give you a thumbs up if the book gives new information about what animals need. Add
information to “What Animals Need” list.

Virtual Classwork # 1
Students will complete the following worksheet about My Animal Habitat.
Wednesday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):
 Call the class back together, and invite a few volunteers to share their thinking with the
whole group. Record student ideas under the heading "What Animals Need."
 Explain that animals all live in something called a habitat, which is what we call the
most ideal or natural home of that animal.
 Ask students to think about some of the different kinds of habitats in the world by
naming some of the most common (desert, forest, ocean, jungle).
 Write Desert, Forest, Ocean, and Jungle on the board and ask students to think about
each habitat and what animals and plants they might see in that habitat.

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

 Create small groups of no more than four students. Assign each group a habitat.
Review the rules for small group discussions by creating a poster titled "Group Work."
1. Take turns
2. Work together
3. Listen to others
4. Talk about the topic
 Ask students to give you a thumbs up if they can agree to follow the rules to work with
their group. Ask if anyone has any other rules to suggest.
 Capture student thinking about the topic of habitats by passing out sticky notes or
index cards and assigning each group a habitat. Groups will work together to draw
pictures of plants or animals that would live in each habitat. Then, have them place
their cards under the correct heading.

Students will complete the following worksheet in their notebooks about: “Animal Habitats”
Thursday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):
Read the top section of Student Book p. 188 with children.
Explain that text and graphic features often appear in informational texts.
What materials animals use to build their homes.
(What does a beaver use to build its home? What does the bird use?)
Where animals build their homes.
(I wonder why many birds build their nests up high instead of on the ground.)
How different homes meet the needs of different animals. (Why does a tunnel underground
make a good home for a worm? Why doesn’t an elephant build and live in a bird’s nest?)

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

Reread the top section of Student Book p. 188
comprehend what a text and graphic features does in a story.
Answer the comprehension questions.

Students will write a in their Reading notebook a brief summary about the story.
Friday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):
Have children draw a picture of their favorite animal in the selection. Have them repeat the
name of the animal and the name of the home it makes after you.

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

Draw their favorite animal and he/she will give information about it.

Students will complete the Independing Reading exercises on pages 83 and 84.

Authorized by: __Carolina Alfaro__ Teacher signature: _Asael Núñez__

Renacimiento School
School year 2022
Topics: Plural Nouns Rules
Expectations of achievement: Students will be able to know how to identify a singular noun from a
plural noun. They will know the rules about Plural Nouns
Teacher name: Mr. Asael Núñez/Mrs. Betzabet Sierra Subject: Language
Week of: April 25th to 29th, 2021. Dates:
Grade or course: 1st “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”
Monthly Value:
Weekly Value:
Teaching resources: videos, worksheets, virtual flashcards
Vocabulary of the week: Noun, Regular Nouns, Irregular Nouns


Day Activities
Monday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):
Introduce new vocabulary words by providing student friendly definitions using the
Vocabulary Cards and Glossary and using examples from the introductory section of this
Create a T-Chart on the whiteboard and write "Singular Noun" as a header on the top left
column and "Plural Noun" as a header on the top right column.
Model deciding if one of the objects or images from the introduction is singular or plural,
using the following sentence frames:
____ is singular because ____.
____ is plural because _____.
Record a few objects or images in the correct column on the T-Chart. Next, allow student
volunteers to come up to the board to record their ideas!
The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):
Write up or display additional visuals (models or images) for the class (one truck, two cats)
and have students give a thumbs up if it is plural or singular noun.
Write the same sentence frames you used to share out during the word level activity on the
Group students with a partner. Pass out the Plural or Singular Noun Sort worksheet to each
pair for students to sort into plural or singular nouns.
Encourage students to share their reasoning with their partner using the sentence frames to
deepen conversation.
Allow students to share a few of their answers at the end of the activity.

Write some sentences on the board and ask students to find the nouns. If the noun is written
in singular ask student to change it to the plural form.
Day Activities
Tuesday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):
Match It! Distribute a card to each student of either the image or word of singular and plural
nouns. First, students match the images and words. For example, the student with the word
card “man” finds the student with the image of a man. Then, this newly formed matched
team finds their matching plural pair. For example, the “man” team finds the “men” team.
Tell the teams to think of sentences with the words, and decide on two to share with the

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

1. Match images of singular and plural nouns.
2. Record examples of plural spelling rules on a chart.
3. Describe an image with examples of plural nouns.
4. Illustrate and explain plural spelling rules in a small group mini project.

Students will work in groups in order to complete the exercise about plural nouns.

Wednesday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):

Define and provide examples of nouns
Identify various objects (door, ceiling, desk)
Use correct pronunciation when defining nouns
Use listening skills and subtle clues to solve answers
Use nouns (words) in sentences while upholding grammatical integrity

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

Ask others who want to share about their drawing to raise their hand and tell about it to the
Tell them that their favorite things have names. These names are words we call “nouns.”
Tell them that some things are countable while other are not, we call them uncountable
Give examples of countable nouns and give examples of how to quantify uncountable
Group students into two teams then each one would have their chance to tell if the
flashcard showing things is countable or uncountable.

Virtual Classwork # 1
srudents will complete the folowing worksheet about plural nouns.

Thursday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):

Write the following nouns on the board: man-men, foot-feet, and tooth-teeth.
Explain to your students that some nouns change their spellings to mean plural, or more than
Inform them that these special forms for more than one do not end in the letter S like regular
plural nouns.
Add the following nouns to the chart: woman, child, and mouse.
Ask volunteers to give the plural form for each noun.

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

On the board, draw a picture of a foot on one side and two feet on the other side.
Ask students to tell how the pictures are alike and different.
Label the pictures with the words foot and feet.
Discuss the spelling of each noun. Potential questions include: What do you notice about the
spelling? How are the spellings different?
Tell your students that today they will learn about irregular plural nouns.

Students will complete the following worksheet about Irregular Plural Nouns.

Friday The teacher will (specify tasks and procedures):

Remind students that some nouns change their spellings for the plural form of the object. Ask
students to name other examples of irregular nouns. List students' answers on the chart.
Write the following sentences on the board: The (woman) went shopping. The (child) ran
down the hill. The (man) jumped over the fence. Did you see the (mouse)?

The student's will (specify tasks and classroom work):

Show your students the More Than One video. Provide students with a copy of the Irregular
Plural Noun worksheet. Read aloud the directions. Have students complete the worksheet on
their own.
Ask students to summarize what they learned about irregular plural nouns.

Observations: We are going to start evaluating this week.

Authorized by: ___Carolina Alfaro____ Teacher signature: __Asael Núñez_____

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