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Health - (Old English) Hael- Heal, means whole - is holistic - (WHO) is a state of complete physical, mental, and social

well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. - (Modern definition-PH) OLOF- optimum Level of Functioning. Factors in the Eco-System that affect the OLOF 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Political factors Behavioural Hereditary Health care delivery system Environmental influences Socio-economic influence

HEALTH as a basic Human Right 1. Universal declaration of Human Rights (Art 25, Sec 1) 2. Philippine Constitution of 1987 Art 8, Sec 11 3. WHO(1995) HEALTH EDUCATION - is a process concerned with designing, implementing and evaluating educational Programs that enable families, groups, organizations and communities to play active role in achieving, protecting and sustaining health. Also defined as any combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptations of behaviour conducive to health(Green, 1980)

Main Purpose: To contribute to health and well-being by promoting lifestyles, community actions and conditions that make it possible to live healthful lives According to the code of ethics of SOPHE(Society Of Public Health Education,Inc.) Health Educators take on the profound responsibilities in using educational processes to promote health and influence well-being. Today it has been described as an emerging profession, a synthesis of discipline, and profession.

PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION (Hubley, 1983) health education is essential component of any program to improve health of a community and has a major role in promoting: 1. Good health practices 2. The use of preventive services 3. The correct use of medications and the pursuit of rehabilitation regimens (TB DOTS) 4. The recognition of early symptoms of disease and promoting early referral 5. Community support for primary health care and government control measures. CONSIDERATIONS IN HEALTH EDUCATION PLANNING: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the desired change Where should health education take place Who should carry it out How should it be done

What to change Steps: 1. Identify what the key problems are 2. What advice to be given

Guiding Principles: 1. Should be simple to put into practice with the existing knowledge and skills in the community 2. Should fit in with existing lifestyle and culture and not in conflict with beliefs 3. Should not require resources of money, materials and time that are not available locally 4. Should meet a felt need of the community( actual identification & participation) 5. Should be seen by the people to convey real benefits in the short term, not in the distant future Should be FLEXIBLE

Where to conduct health education Privacy of Patients room OPD, Clinics Health Centers & Other health care settings Community Barangay Hall Schools Any place where people get together Who should do Health education Primary Agents Nurses ( Largest professional organization) Health Workers

How should Health Education be conducted 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstration(Return Demo) Word of mouth puppets, dramatization, role playing, etc. Use of Audio-visual Aids Film Showing & modular Instruction

Characteristics of Effective Health Education (hubley,1983) 1. It is directed at people who have influence in the community who are also the opinion makers 2. The Lessons are repeated and reinforced over time using different methods 3. The lessons are adaptable and use existing channels of communication like songs, drama and story telling. 4. It is entertaining and attracts the communitys attention. 5. Uses clear, simple language with local expressions. 6. It emphasizes short term benefits of action 7. It provides opportunities for dialogue, discussion, and learner participation and feedback 8. It uses demonstrations to show the benefits of adopting the practices Health Education & Health Promotion The primary role of health educators is to develop appropriate health promotions programs for the people thru:

o Planning o Implementing o Evaluating Steps in Developing a Health Education/Promotion Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assessing the need of the target population Developing appropriate goals and objectives Creating an intervention that considers the peculiarities of the setting Implementing the interventions Evaluating the results

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