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1. A 40 year old woman presented with painful MTP joint. She had history of swollen knee in the
past. On examination she is afebrile but has restricted joint movements. What is the definitive
A) Joint aspirate and microscopy
B) X-ray

2. A 30 year old man had injury to his knee after playing football. He was bought in to the Emergency
department in the ambulance. On examination it was noted that he had injury in the inguinal region
and his extensor knee muscles are weak. Further examination showed loss of sensation in the inner
and anterior aspect of thigh. Which nerve is most probably injured?
A) Femoral
B) Obturator
C) Popliteal
D) Inguinal
E) Sural

3. A 54 year old lady came into the emergency department complaining of sudden loss of Sensation
along the Medial aspect and anterior aspect of ankle. She doesn’t remember any serious history of
injuries or falls but also said that she did have a bit of memory issues. Which could be the most
probable nerve that is injured ?
A) Saphenous nerve
B) Sural
C) Deep peroneal nerve
D) Common peroneal nerve
E) Femoral
4. A 45 year old man came into the emergency department with sudden onset of right sided ptosis. He
also said that he is unable to look down and has restricted eye movement. What is the most possible
nerve affected ?
A) Oculomotor
B) Optic
C) Abducent
D) Trochlear
E) Facial

5. A 52 year old patient diagnosed with lung cancer comes with hoarseness of voice and chronic dry
cough. He also noted to have lost 5 kgs in couple of weeks. Which could be the most likely nerve
affected ?
A) Recurrent laryngeal nerve
B) Phrenic nerve
C) External laryngeal nerve
D) Thoracic Nerve
E) Musculocutaneous Nerve
6. A 29 year old girl patient came to the emergency department complaining that she cannot abduct
and adduct her fingers on the left hand. She also complained loss of sensation on the middle finger.
What is the nerve affected?
A) ulnar nerve
B) Median Nerve
C) Radial Nerve
D) Musculocutaneous Nerve
E) Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve

7. A 45 year old patient with Type 2 DM presented with diplopia on looking to right side which
disappears after closing one eye. He has been noticing this symptom for the past 3 weeks. The
optometrist referred him to the clinic for further investigation. What is the most probable nerve
A) right abducent
B) Left abducent
C) left occulomotor
D) proptosis on the right eye
E) Right occulomotor

8.A 60 year old patient underwent exploratory laparotomy. Morphine given to the patient as
analgesic. Post surgery the respirtory rate was noted to be 9. He was noted to have constricted pupil.
He was unconscious but responsive to painful stimuli. BP 100/60. HR 60. What is the next course of
A) Naloxane
B) Intubation and ventilation
c) adrenalin
D) atropine

9. A 32 years old man presented with slow progressive onset of dysphagia, there is a past history of
retro-sternal discomfort and he has been treated with prokinetics and H2 blockers. What is the most
probable diagnosis? D 20TH JUNE 2017
A. Foreign Body
B. Plummer Vinson Syndrome
C. Pharyngeal pouch
D. Peptic Stricture
E. Esophageal Carcinoma

10. A young college student is found in his dorm unconscious. He has a tachy-arrhythmia and is
having high fever. He also seems to be bleeding from his nose, which on examination shows a
perforated nasal septum. What is the most likely diagnosis? B 22ND JUNE 2017
A. Marijuana Overdose
B. Cocaine Overdose
C. Heroin Overdose
D. Alcohol Overdose
E. Carbon Monoxide poisoning
11. A 29 year old man is found to have proteins and blood cells in urine. There is no history of any
renal disease and no other significant medical history, other than fever 4 weeks ago. What is the most
likely explanation for proteinuria and haematuria seen in this man? C 20TH JUNE 2017

A. Thrombotic Thrombocytopoenic Purpura

B. Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome
C. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
D. IgA Nephropathy
E. Minimal Change disease

12. Young boy with one sided facial swelling associated with pain tenderness and swelling around
eye. There is no proptosis and ophthalmoplegia. What is the most probable diagnosis? A 20TH JUNE

A. Peri orbital cellulitis

B. Orbital cellulitis
C. Sinusitis
D. Conjunctivitis
E. Erysipelas

13. A 60 years old female presents with acute onset of bone and back pain following a rough journey
in car. On examination she has tenderness at mid-thoracic vertebrae with spasm, she feels better once
she bend forward. What is the SINGLE most probable diagnosis? B 22ND JUNE 2017
A. Osteoporotic fracture vertebrae
B. Myofacial pain.
C. Whiplash injury
D. Myocardial Infarction
E. Pancreatitis

14. A 25 year old girl saw a tragic road traffic accident in which a young boy was killed. The night of
the event she could not sleep and the day after suddenly she lost her vision. She was previously fine
and there was no history of medical or psychological problems. What is the diagnosis? A 20TH JUNE
A. Conversion
B. Somatisation
C. Post traumatic stress disorder
D. Dissociation
E. General anxiety disorder

15. A girl with history of allergies visited a friend’s farm. She got stridor, wheeze and erythematous
rash. What is the most appropriate treatment? A 22ND JUNE 2017
A. 0.25ml IM adrenaline
B. 0.25ml PO adrenaline
C. 0.25ml IV adrenaline
D. IV chlorpheniramine

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