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Heat Transfer Analysis to Optimize Detection of

Breast Cancer
Danielle Klunk and John Munoz
Biomedical Engineering Department
Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA

Abstract— Breast Cancer affects many women each year,

with common methods of screening including Mammograms, I. INTRODUCTION
MRI and Thermography. In this study, a new method of
thermography using thermodilution techniques was explored 1 in every 8 American women will develop breast cancer
with the purpose of overcoming some of the respective limitations within their lifetime (Centers for Disease Control and
of Mammograms, MRI’s and thermograms like that of Prevention). By the American Cancer Society’s estimates,
inaccessibility for pregnant and disabled women. Four specific
287,850 new cases will be diagnosed and 43,250 women will
aims were proposed, the first focused on modeling varying breast
densities for accurate heat transfer analysis, the second and third lose their life this year due to breast cancer. While the fatality
defined optimal parameters for varying tumor locations and rate has been steadily decreasing in women over 50, it has
sizes, and the fourth verified visibility of malignant tissue when remained steady in younger populations due to the majority of
using thermography. For the first aim, breast density was found women only being diagnosed after the age of 45 (American
to not affect the ability for the new thermographic method to Cancer Society). Some common methods of breast cancer
detect thermal changes regardless of the size or location of the screening include Mammograms, Thermography and MRI’s.
tumor. The second aim found that tumors located closer to the While mammograms have been the standard method of breast
breast surface showed better detection with this thermographic screening, this method has a history of causing discomfort
method. The third aim found that bigger sizes of tumors resulted
among patients, being inaccessible to pregnant and disabled
in higher and faster temperature changes resulting in better
detection of the tumor. The fourth aim looked at the practical women, and having variable accuracy depending on breast
visibility of the model with results showing that most of the density (Fenneld). A recent development of breast cancer
theoretically detectible temperature changes could be seen when screening is thermography, which uses thermal imaging to
looked upon. With these results discussion also included the determine the presence of abnormal masses by taking
ethics of this solution, and the importance of patient awareness to advantage of the fact that tumor tissues conduct heat differently
the limitations of this proposed method. Future steps would work from healthy tissue. However, this method is not yet FDA
towards FDA approval of the continually improving approved due to its low resolution and sensitivity, so it is not
thermographic methods focused on helping patients incapable of always able to show a malignant mass (Watson). The last
having traditional methods breast cancer screening.
method is a specific form of breast MRIs that use a radioactive
contrast to highlight masses in the breast tissue. However, the
contrasts used are of radioactive material, and are not safe for
certain populations of women (Mayo Clinic). Therefore, this
analysis aims to refine current methods to develop a minimally
invasive technique accessible to a broader range of patients
with little discomfort.
To prioritize accessibility and patient comfort, this article will
focus on enhancing the effectiveness of thermography
methods, because it utilizes the least amount of radiation of
current methods and requires less contact to tender areas. In
order to maximize resolution, this new technique must enhance
the temperature differences between the tumor and surrounding
healthy tissue. To explore this idea, this article uses a previous
method known as transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD).
This method uses ice-cold injections of saline as a way to use
temperature to estimate the quantity of blood flow within a set
amount of time (“Thermodilution”). While this application
involves an injection, it remains less invasive than current Additionally, breast tumor sizes have a wide range of values.
solutions because its injectate is simple saline rather than Stages of tumor growth are divided into three subgroups based
radioactive material. Further, this method is commonly used in on diameters. T1 tumors have diameters less than 2 cm, T2
pediatric spaces and thus has enough credibility to its safety tumors have diameters less than 5 cm, and T3 tumors have
and effectiveness. Because this is a well-studied practice, the diameters greater than 5 cm. Typically, mammograms are able
medical community knows that little heat (or in this case, to find tumors at around an average size of 1.2 cm, and
cooler temperatures) dissipates within larger vessels. However, advanced technologies have been developed to find tumors as
this can’t be said for smaller vessels such as those found in small as .7cm (Holland). To determine if our method of
capillary beds of tumors. So, by using TPTD’s method of ice- thermography can detect similar types of tumors, we use three
cold saline injection, the boundaries of tumors can be separate diameter values of 2.6cm, 1.3 cm, and .65cm.
highlighted due to their high concentration of capillaries
around their surface area. Thus, tumors will show up on Another important factor we wish to consider is the variability
thermograms as a cold spot due to their distinct differences in of breast densities among the average population. It is well
temperature caused by the clustering of capillaries and heat known that mammograms have more difficulty detecting
dissipation of the cold injections. tumors among women with dense breasts, so it is important to
distinguish whether this technique will be able to perform
In order to show an improvement upon current thermography
better among these individuals. Breast densities are divided
methods as well as relative similarity to current mammogram
into four levels based on the ratio of glands to fat tissue
technology, this solution has four specific aims. The first is to
present. Level one individuals have less than 25% glandular
model varying breast densities for accurate heat transfer
tissue, while level 2 varies from 25 to 50%. Similarly, level 3
analysis, the second and third to define optimal parameters for
varies from 50 to 75% glandular tissue and level 4 comprises
varying tumor locations and sizes, respectively, and the fourth
individuals with greater than 75% glandular tissue (Frost). The
to verify visibility of malignant tissue when using
presence of glands in this area affects not only average density,
but average heat capacity and thermal conductivity throughout
To achieve our specific aims, we must be able to model the breast as well (Lozano). To accommodate for these
precisely what a thermogram would be able to detect as well as differences, the following values are used for each group:
varying properties of tumors and breast types. The average Table 1: Breast Groups and Thermal Values
temperature monitor is able to measure heat at a depth of 2mm Group Density Thermal Conductivity Heat Capacity
beneath the skin and has a resolution of .2 degrees Celsius
1 1035.8 .324 3035
(Gurjarpadhye). This means that changes in temperature due to
2 1033.1 .3255 3023
the tumor must reach this area and be of at least .2 degrees less
3 1027.9 .3265 2993
than its initial value to be a valid reading. To ensure this,
results will contain a graph showing the temperature of this 4 1025.3 .328 2985
point over time and mark where results reach this minimum ** These values are calculated based on values obtained from
change in temperature. Scientific Reports

A. Modeling Varying Breast Types

To determine if this method is viable for different breast types,

a 2-Dimensional breast model displays the heat transfer from
the ice-cold boundary of the tumor for each group. To display
the variations between these groups, figures 1 and 2 display the
temperature variation over time at a point 2mm beneath the
skin and the temperature distribution after 180 seconds,

Figure 2: Temperature distribution after 180 seconds at identical

locations among all breast groups. A) Group 1 variation, depicting
the group with the lowest presence of glandular tissue. B) Group 2
variation, C) Group 3 Variation, D) Group 4 variation, depicting the
group with the highest presence of glandular tissue.

Figure 2 shows the cross sectional views of the tumor

surrounded by varying group values after 180 seconds. These
figures show that temperature distribution throughout the
tissue is identical for each group, with no group having a
limiting effect on the cooling boundary of the tumor. These
results were the same for all tumor sizes and locations, so we
may conclude that breast types do not impact temperature
distribution and thus the ability to detect tumors with this
B. Varying Tumor Locations

To determine the optimal depths of tumors with this method,

Figure 1: Temperature variation with respect to time of varying
breast groups with identical sizes and location of tumors. A) Group 1
we utilize similar methods to depict temperature variation and
variation, depicting the group with the lowest presence of glandular distribution among the same breast group and tumor size with
tissue. B) Group 2 variation, C) Group 3 Variation, D) Group 4 varying tumor locations. Figures 3 and 4 depict these results.
variation, depicting the group with the highest presence of glandular Figure 3 shows how temperature varies with respect to time as
tissue. well as location. Although all data sets depict the same size
tumor within the same group, the location greatly affects the
The data of figure 1 comes from tumors of identical location,
end temperature closer to the skin. Focusing on the medium-
with varying sizes and surrounding densities. The results show
sized tumor, we can see that its end temperature varies from
that across all groups, the temperature variation remains the
309.95 deepest into the skin to just below 307 when it’s closer
same over time for all sizes. No matter the breast group, the
to the skin. This variation of about 3.5 K can make the
tumors result in the same end temperatures, as well as
difference between a tumor showing up in a thermography
variation over time.
screening and not.
Figure 4 shows how the location of these tumors changes the
temperature of the surface. As expected, tumors deeper into
the breast aren’t able to affect surface temperature as much.
This will cause difficulty for thermography to be able to detect
tumors not as close to the surface.
D. Assessing Visibility through Thermography
To explore the visibility of this new method during the
thermograph a 3D model of the tumor-breast system was
created. This model follows all the same parameters as the 2-D
model and simulates the results that would be seen in practice.
These are displayed in figures 6 to 8.

Figure 3: Temperature variation with respect to time at varying

locations of A) 1 in from the chest, B) 1.25 in from the chest, and C)
1.5 in from the chest

Figure 6: 3D model with small tumor after 320 seconds of exposure

to ice cold saline. Tumor located at A) 1 inch from the chest, B) 1.25
inch from the chest, and C) 1.5 inch from the chest
Figure 6 shows how a thermograph would look for small tumor
sizes at the farthest, middle and closest locations. In this figure
the model C shows a slight temperature change in the
lowermost quadrant. The other two models (A and B) show no
change to the temperature which is consistent with the 2D
model described in Aims 2 and 3. A constant density is shown
Figure 4: Temperature distribution after 180 seconds at varying across the models.
locations of A) 1 in from the chest, B) 1.25 in from the chest, and C)
1.5 in from the chest
C. Varying Tumor Sizes
To determine how changing tumor size affects this method we
analyze which sizes reached the minimum detectable
temperature of 309.8 K. Figure 5 shows the cut off of 309.8 as
a dashed line for the locations of 1 in, 1.25 in and 1.5 in.
Figure 7: 3D model with medium tumor after 320 seconds of
exposure to ice cold saline. Tumor located at A) 1 inch from the
chest, B) 1.25 inch from the chest, and C) 1.5 inch from the chest
Figure 7 shows how a thermograph would look for medium
tumor sizes at the farthest, middle and closest locations. In this
figure, model C shows temperature changes in the lowermost
quadrant. Model B is supposed to show a temperature change
as predicted by the 2D model, however in practicality the
changes in temperature are difficult to see. The other model
(A) shows no change to the temperature which is consistent
with the 2D model described in Aims 2 and 3. A constant
Figure 5: Temperature distribution with respect to time at varying density is shown across the models as breast density.
locations of A) 1 in from the chest, B) 1.25 in from the chest, and C)
1.5 in from the chest. The dotted lines indicate the point at which
thermography can distinguish a change in temperature

As expected, an increase in tumor size or a closer position to

the surface increases the ability for this method to detect the
tumor. The smallest size tested was detected when the tumor
was located at 1.5 in. The medium size tumor was able to be
detected at both the 1.25 in and 1.5 in positions. Lastly, the Figure 8: 3D model with large tumor after 320 seconds of exposure
largest tumor was able to be detected at every position. Size to ice cold saline. Tumor located at A) 1 inch from the chest, B) 1.25
was not affected with changing density as discussed in the inch from the chest, and C) 1.5 inch from the chest
varying density section. Figure 8 shows how a thermograph would look for large tumor
sizes at the farthest, middle and closest locations. In this figure,
all the models show temperature changes in the lowermost
quadrant which is consistent with the 2D model described in
Aims 2 and 3. A constant density is shown across the models.
III. DISCUSSION for these groups. In regards to beneficence, this technology is
Our results show no variation in temperature between breast able to both prevent harm and promote good. By developing a
groups. This shows that presence of increased glandular tissue limitedly invasive solution, thermography is able to contribute
has no effect on temperature distribution, and therefore won’t to the reduction of radiation exposure to patients. Additionally,
affect how thermography is able to visualize the malignant thermography’s accessibility allows more individuals to
tissue. This is a considerable benefit to our method when receive breast screenings at less expense, which promotes
compared to mammograms, whose main limitation is its ability good.
to see through dense tissue. Additionally, this data is supported
by previous thermogram studies, which explains that IV. CONCLUSION
thermography is independent of breast dense tissue because it Overall, thermography in combination with thermodilution has
is a test of physiology rather than visibility. proven to be a viable alternative to mammography but not a
Results show a decreased ability to affect surface temperature sufficient overall replacement. This proposed method has
when tumors are deep into the breast tissue. This is expected, surpassed mammography in its accessibility to populations
since saline can only be cooled to 0 degrees celsius before who cannot face radiation exposure or have relatively dense
freezing, and this temperature is only able to dissipate so far breast tissue. However, its detection is limited by a tumor’s
into surrounding tissue at body temperature. However, this depth and size, as it has shown an inability to detect smaller
limits thermography to tumors within a certain depth of the sizes deeper within tissue. Because this method has increased
surface, whereas mammograms are able to image the entire resolution of previous thermography methods, and more
breast. closely rivals mammography techniques, the FDA has a higher
likelihood to approve this method as a valid form of breast
Changing tumor size found similar results to that of cancer screening. However, this approval must acknowledge
mammograms. Mammograms most commonly find T2 the technology’s shortcomings as well as its improvement in
(diameters less than 5 cm) and T3 (diameters greater than 5 accessibility. Because this method is not 100% effective but
cm) tumors which is consistent with the results seen in both the still is important for accessibility and costs, perhaps this
2D and 3D models. The models show that even the T1 method may be encouraged for introductory screenings for low
(diameters less than 2 cm) tumors were detected when located risk individuals. This way, we are able to encourage
optimally.T2 tumors were not seen at the farthest depth individuals to do more breast screenings regularly, but still
whereas T3 tumors were found most consistently even at the retain mammogram technology for individuals who seem to
farthest depth from the surface. Mammograms tend to be more have a positive result from thermography or those who are at
consistent than thermography at detecting the T1 and T2 high risk. To ensure patients fully understand the difference
tumors, however T3 tumors have resulted as being optimal for between these two technologies, they should be informed about
this thermographic method. the benefits and risks of each through a prior consultation so
Visibility in the thermographic simulations showed similar they may decide which method is best for them. This way, we
results to that of the theoretical 2D simulation. In the 3D model ensure both autonomy and beneficence so we may increase
the thermal solutions could be seen through the perspective of understanding of breast screenings as well as their prevalence
a thermal camera. Although the T3 tumor size could be easily and accessibility to women.
seen through the naked eye, the simulations showed that for T2
and T1 sizes these changes were harder to see. It is likely that V. REFERENCES
computer processing of the images would be needed to detect
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benefits of thermography in comparison to mammography. For
instance, patients should note that thermography is better able [4] Fenneld. “Thermography vs. Mammography.” Cleveland Clinic,
to detect malignant tissue within dense breasts, but has lesser Cleveland Clinic, 20 Aug. 2021,
accuracy for deep and small masses of malignant tissue.
Additionally, while mammography may cause discomfort and
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with higher resolution. However, mammography remains sense-of-breast-
inaccessible to certain populations, such as pregnant women density.htm#:~:text=Per%20the%20Breast%20Imaging%20Reporting,gl
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thermograph would display the temperature differences on the
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[9] Lozano, A., Hayes, J.C., Compton, L.M. et al. Determining the thermal distribution as a function of radius in time. These results were
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VI. METHODS Density of healthy breast 1020 (kg/m^3)

The simulations of this report utilize 2D and 3D models of
breast tissue. Both models have concentric sections of skin, fat, Density of glandular tissue 1041 (kg/m^3)
and breast tissue composed of a combination of healthy breast
fat and glands, which can be seen in figure 9.
The heat transfer equation of the 2D model is modified to fit
the cylindrical coordinate system and the assumption of
constant thermal conductivity. The height of the cylinder is
considered zero, the energy generated is zero and phi is limited
from 0 to 180 degrees accounting for the half circle simulation
of the breast and between 0 to 360 degrees for the tumor. This
results in the equation below.

Figure 9: Geometries of both the 2D (left) and 3D models where the

3D model has a cross section to show the inner dimensions of the Figure 10: simplified cylindrical heat transfer for 2D geometry
model. The heat transfer for the 3D solution includes a spherical
The overall breast radius is defined based on the global average solution (assuming constant thermal conductivity) for a
of breast sizes being around B to C, making the average breast hemisphere which applies to both the tumor and the rest of the
radius about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm). The skin tissue breast. This simplifies the equation by limiting theta from 0 to
segment has a width of .08 inches (.2 cm), and the fat tissue a 180 degrees. Furthermore, we can also neglect the energy
width of .2 inches (.5cm) based on typical measurements of being formed from this model resulting in the simplified
cross sectioned skin tissue. Our model also incorporates a point equation in figure 11.
negligible due to their density compared to the tumor's. We
also assume that this boundary temperature remains constant
because we can ensure this through adjusting the volume of
Figure 11: simplified spherical heat transfer for 3D geometry
ice-cold saline injectate. Further, we assume that the breast
For all simulations, all temperatures are set at a default body tissue beyond the skin and fat layers has a uniform heat
temperature of 310K. The boundary of the tumor is set to capacity, density, and conductivity constant since the ratios of
273.15K for the duration of the simulation. This is because glandular tissues to fat tissues were accounted for in
angiogenesis around tumors is heightened to a point where we calculations of these values for varying groups. Finally, we
assume that capillaries completely surround the malignant assume steady state is reached at 320 seconds, which is where
tissue of interest. For our studies, we assume the heat transfer we found changes in surface temperature to begin to diminish.
from the rest of the capillaries within the breast tissue is

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