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Artifact-Research Paper

Reflective Statement

Program Learning Outcome 2

Health 499 Sec 001 Senior Capstone

Meghan Ohanian

Professor Ashley Winans

Health Sciences Learning Outcome 2

"Analyze the nature, transmission, pathologic processes, prevention, and control of human

diseases from a public health perspective."

In identifying the Health Sciences Learning Outcome (PLO) Part Two, I have chosen to submit a

comparative paper. I was able to compare two different countries and their approach to the

healthcare system they provided for the country. My choice of countries was the American

Healthcare System in comparison to The Universal Healthcare System of Sweden. Researching

the two different countries and learning their individual approaches and differences in providing

a successful healthcare system option for their communities opened my analytical processes to

selecting and understanding the instructional methods. I can see how each country was able to

communicate with their population and educate, promote and implement the necessary tactics

required to provide adequate healthcare to their population while promoting healthier lifestyles,

behaviors and practices.

How has my knowledge changed since I started the Health Science major and learned

about the program learning outcome part two? I find that I can successfully analyze what is

necessary to promote prevention and how to control diseases that are at times unavoidable but

treatable in some form or another. There are public health perspectives that are implemented in

that successful treatment to the populations at risk and how can we group together as a

community to understand the decrease in transmission, occurrence of pathologic enterprises and

what can be done to prevent the spread of infectious disease. Understanding the knowledge

behind the healthcare option available in a country is key when you are faced with any of these

types of transmittable, unavoidable, chronic, or even hereditary diseases which many populations

face across the world. It is most important to understand healthcare systems, available options,
and resources for healthcare, and how to obtain necessary care when diseases are not chronic but

rather than acute. Also, there are different levels of healthcare policies which people should be

aware of such as coverage and prevention of pregnancy.

How has my academic ability developed over time in the program after learning about the

program learning outcome part two? An example of my personal growth after completing this

learning outcome is simply that diseases are inevitable. We at some point and time in life will

require access to a healthcare system especially, if we want to support the community as whole

and help prevent the need for unnecessary preventable hospital stays and to support personal

health which also will decrease the need for chronic disease treatments which are also at times

preventable. A good example of this is diabetes 2. This is a disease which is completely

unavoidable and does not have to become a chronic disease in the community population.

Promoting healthy eating, having adequate resources to food, education in nutrition, access to

promote healthy lifestyles such as community parks that provide exercise equipment and jogging

tracks, and even access to primary care physicians that are covered under your insurance policy

are great ways to avoid the chronic preventable disease, Diabetes 2. Learning about the

healthcare systems and where you can access primary care is extremely important. Also,

understanding your insurance policy is another great factor. An insurance policy will support the

need for preventable care, and most times it is a cutout of the policy to be covered at 100%.

What gaps in my knowledge would I like to pursue if I chose to further my education? In

learning the history of public health and the public health system, health sciences have taught me

that all can be done as a community whole. However, there is a gap to this knowledge in that the

development of interventions and organization of public authorities that would more likely

implement the authorities of knowledge revolving around the public healthcare systems and
preventable disease is limited. Epidemic diseases were once considered immoral and a sign of a

spiritual condition. I believe that the gap here in the present day is we have a gap in healthcare

coverage as a unit. If we had more availability to treatment, available healthcare options to cover

primary care and regular checkups, and adequate healthcare coverage many of the issues in

preventable transmissible diseases would therefore decrease. The public health agency should

have more responsibility in ensuring that our healthcare system is supporting the necessary

objectives to disease prevention, they should introduce more and implement more health goals

with a social structure.

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