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Many people have different opinions on what bullying is. Some say it is kicking
or hitting someone, others say it’s when you call someone names or tease, threaten
or pass rumors. Everyone has a different opinion, but the definition we follow is:
Anything that a person does on purpose to upset or hurt another person’s feelings –
(the victim). Bullying has been existing for ages. In most situations, it involves the
school, bus park, school hallways, and bathrooms sometimes during recess. We
need to comprehend them and understand their impact too before looking for its

First, is psychological bullying- When a group of people gossip about another

person and exclude them out of the group, that is when loneliness strikes you and
you tend to become desperate for friends and inability to achieve it develops poor
social skills, making it a painful childhood or a teenage. No matter what- Bullying is
wrong, bullying is torturous, bullying is painful, bullying impacts the self esteem of a
person. Bullying leads to failure in the life of a victim.

Second- physical and verbal bullying- In this case which is a worst case
scenario, where bullies try to physically hurt or try to tease and taunt verbally. This
can be with trivial statements too like by calling our friends ‘fat’, ‘short heighted’ or
even ‘monsters’ due to skin color, all these aspects affect the psychology of a
normally growing individual, shaking mental stability of the sufferer and producing a
mindset which is ashamed of one’s own body or personality. Never define people by
their skin, body shaming,nationality, race and economic status. “No means no”, do
not even allow anyone to do so in your surroundings. Create a culture of belonging
where everyone feels comfortable, welcomed, accepted and happy. Stop judging
and stereotyping, and start helping!

Last but not the least is Cyberbullying- This has become the most popular in
the digital era, especially in pandemic, where bullies make use of social media to
insult or hurt someone. They embarrass others through text messages or by posting
personal information. Many teenagers have even commited suicide, not being to
accept their demeaning publically.

There is an urge from our heart as this should be stopped, this mental torture
needs to be buried soon. Do you wish to contribute? So, follow these measures. Be
strong and complain about it as soon as possible to your parents or teachers or
anyone who you think can support you. Become a good listener, when someone
has been bullied or is experiencing a difficult time in their life LISTEN LISTEN
LISTEN!— even at the expense of having to put duct tape to your mouth.Listen
empathetically, acknowledge someone’s feelings. Instead of focusing on their
actions, focus on their feelings. “They always say time changes things, but you
actually have to change them yourself.” So, the best time to be the changing force,
the best time to make a difference is RIGHT NOW!

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