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Nijimie and Zumami: Healthy Instant Noodles

for You
Instant noodles have become part of the lifestyle of the world community since they first
appeared in 1958 in Japan based on official information from the World Instant Noodles
Association (WINA).1 the community, especially for those who do not have much time to
process food ingredients. The delicious taste with various variants adds to the appeal of instant
noodles as a portion of comfort food that is very suitable to be eaten anytime and anywhere.
However, several scientific studies show that there are health problems due to consuming too
many conventional instant noodles on the market. These health problems include disorders of
defecation (defecation) in student research subjects as much as 26.7%. 2 Other studies have
shown that consumption of instant noodles can cause cardiometabolic syndrome disorders
including increased blood pressure and levels of bad fats in the body.3

However, don't worry! For those of you who still want to enjoy delicious instant noodles without
any doubt about the risk of health problems, we have the perfect solution. CV. Indigo Sejahtera
is engaged in the food sector, namely producing instant noodles with natural ingredients from
vegetables. The instant noodle products that we produce do not use synthetic additives or other
preservatives and are also low in fat so they are safe for consumption by all ages, including
children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. The following is a description of the healthy and
delicious instant noodles that we produce:
1. Nijimie: Chili Fried Noodle

For those of you who like spicy flavors, then Nijimie: Chili Fried Noodle is a very good choice.
This healthy fried instant noodle made from flour, water, salt, vegetables, and chilies offers a
savory and spicy taste that can pamper your tongue without worrying about the effects of health
problems. Nijimie: Chili Fried Noodle is very safe for consumption of all ages because it does
not contain preservatives or synthetic flavoring ingredients. The color of instant noodles is
produced from chili vegetables without the addition of artificial coloring. The production process
is also not fried so it is free from oil and saturated fat. The added chili vegetables are also fresh
and have several benefits for your health. Consumption of chili with the active substance
capsaicin can reduce the risk of cancer and prevent the onset of diabetes mellitus. 4 The content of
vitamin C in chili is also very high, reaching 50g/100g so it is suitable as an antioxidant for the

Serving Nijimie: Chili Fried Noodles is so easy. Boil the noodles in boiling water (about 400 ml)
for 3-4 minutes and drain the water. Mix the spices with the noodles and serve.
2. Zumami: Spirulina Spinach Fried Noodles

For those of you who want to taste a new and unique variant of fried instant noodles, we present
Zumami: Spirulina Spinach Fried Noodle. Spinach Spirulina is now available in the form of
instant noodle products which of course have various health benefits for your body.

The green and appetizing color of instant noodles is produced from spirulina vegetables without
the addition of artificial coloring or flavoring (MSG) and other synthetic preservatives. Zumami
production process: Spirulina Spinach Fried Noodles do not go through a frying process so it is
free from oil and saturated fat. The additional nutritional content in spirulina spinach vegetables,
namely phycocyanins and flavonoids, has several benefits for your health including antioxidants,
anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), and immunomodulators (immune system enhancers).
The nutritional content makes spinach spirulina very suitable as a basic ingredient for healthy
functional foods.6

How to serve Zumami: Spirulina Spinach Fried Noodles is to boil the noodles in 400 ccs or two
glasses of boiling water for 3-4 minutes. While the noodles are boiling, pour the available spices
onto the plate. Remove noodles and drain. Then pour the noodles into a plate filled with spices.
Zumami: Spirulina Spinach Noodles are ready to be enjoyed.

3. Zumami: Red Beet Fried Noodles

A unique and unprecedented flavor variant in other instant noodle products is Zumami: Mie
Goreng Bit Merah. Made from fresh red beets and a very tempting red color, Zumami: Mie
Goreng Bit Merah is a functional instant food that is right for your family.

In addition to its savory, delicious taste, and unique color, Zumami: Mie Goreng Bit Merah is
also natural in its production process because it does not use synthetic dyes and flavoring
ingredients (MSG). The purple color produced is sourced from selected fresh red beets. The
process of making Zumami: Red Bitter Fried Noodles are also not fried so they are free from oil
and saturated fat. The spices used also come from selected spices without the addition of
artificial preservatives.

The health benefits of red beetroot on Zumami: Red Beet Fried Noodles are mainly used to treat
anemia (blood deficiency disease) because red beetroot can help repair blood cells and become
material for making blood cells. Red beets contain vitamins A, B, and C with a high-water
content. In addition, red beets also contain carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that are beneficial for

How to serve Zumami: Red Bitter Fried Noodles is to boil the noodles in 400 ccs or two cups of
boiling water for 3-4 minutes. While the noodles are boiling, pour the available spices onto the
plate. Remove noodles and drain. Then pour the noodles into a plate filled with spices. Zumami:
Red Beet Fried Noodle is ready to be enjoyed

4. Zumami: Purple Sweet Potato Fried Noodles

Another variant of healthy instant noodles from CV. Indigo Sejahtera is Zumami: Purple Sweet
Potato Fried Noodle. This product variant is no less unique and delicious, made from fresh
purple sweet potato, which makes the taste of this instant noodle delicious and healthy in every
piece. This healthy fried instant noodle made from flour, water, salt, vegetables, and purple
sweet potato offers a savory and delicious taste that can pamper your tongue without worrying
about the effects of health problems.

Just like other healthy fried noodle products produced by CV. Indigo Sejahtera, Zumami: Purple
Sweet Potato Fried Noodles also do not use added flavoring (MSG), dyes, and synthetic
preservatives. The production process is also very healthy and without saturated oil and bad fats
because it does not go through the frying stage.
Zumami Basic Ingredients: Purple Sweet Potato Fried Noodle is a purple sweet potato of choice
that can be used as a source of starch and is high in anthocyanins that can be used as a healthy
functional food. The anthocyanin level in purple sweet potato is as much as 288.89 mg/100g
which can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels so it is very suitable for consumption by
people with diabetes mellitus.8

How to serve Zumami: Purple Sweet Potato Fried Noodles is to boil the noodles in 400 ccs or
two cups of boiling water for 3-4 minutes. While the noodles are boiling, pour the available
spices onto the plate. Remove noodles and drain. Then pour the noodles into a plate filled with
spices. Zumami: Purple Sweet Potato Fried Noodle is ready to be enjoyed.

1. WINA. 2020. History of Instant Noodles. tersedia online di
https://instantnoodles.org/en/noodles/index.html [diakses 08 September 2020].
2. Qodariyah, N. Sulistiyani. Darundiati, Y.H. 2017. Identifikasi Faktor Risiko Gangguan
Kesehatan Akibat Konsumsi Mi Instan pada Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro. Jurnal
Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 5 No.2. Semarang: FKM UNDIP.
3. Huh, I.S et al. 2017. Instant noodle consumption is associated with cardiometabolic risk
factors among college students in Seoul. Nutr Res Pract. 2017 Jun; 11(3): 232–239.
4. Wong, K.F. 2017. The Health Benefits of Hot, Spicy Foods, with the Use of Chili
Peppers. EC Nutrition 9.2 (2017): 116-120.
5. Rosmaniar, L., Ningsih, W., Ayu, N.P., Nanda, H. PENENTUAN KADAR VITAMIN C
VIS. Jurnal Kimia Riset, Volume 3 No. 1, Juni 2018.
6. Finamore A., et al. 2017. Antioxidant, Immunomodulating, and Microbial-Modulating
Activities of the Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Spirulina. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;
2017: 3247528.
7. Putri, M.C., Tjiptaningrum A. 2016. EFEK ANTI ANEMIA BUAH BIT (BETA
8. Ticoalu, dkk, 2016, Pemanfaatan Ubi ungu sebagai minuman berantosianin, Jurnal
pangan dan Agroindustri Universitas Brawijaya.
Benefits of Vegetables for Health
Vegetables are an essential source of nutrition for the human body, especially the need for fiber
and vitamins. The nutritional needs of each phase and age category differ, especially in children
and the elderly. The physiological condition of the body that is not yet fully developed makes the
fulfillment of nutrition in children have a smaller proportion and must be considered very much
compared to adults. Likewise, with people who are elderly, the physiological condition of the
body begins to decline so that it is susceptible to the emergence of a disease, and the intake of
every nutrient must be very carefully considered. The fulfillment of these important nutrients is
now available in the form of food that is practical, delicious, and also has various health benefits.
Here is information on the benefits of each vegetable contained in healthy instant noodle
products from CV. Indigo Sejahtera:

The Benefits of Chili for Children's and Parents' Health

The spicy taste of chili (Capsicum annuum) is indeed a favorite for some people, especially to
increase appetite. However, the fact is that besides being able to add taste and sensation to food,
chili also has many benefits for the health of the body, including for children and the elderly.
Chili is rich in vitamins and minerals. Chili also has antimicrobial and anticancer properties.
Chili has preventive and therapeutic properties for various diseases such as various types of
cancer, rheumatism, stiff joints, bronchitis and colds with coughs and headaches, arthritis,
cardiac arrhythmias, and many other ailments.1
Source: quality food. ae

Research conducted by Tomi Olatunji, a researcher from the University of Fort Hare shows that
the presence of micronutrient deficiencies in humans is a huge global problem and may lead to
many health conditions and chronic diseases. More than two billion people are currently
estimated to be deficient in key minerals and vitamins, especially zinc, iodine, vitamin A, and
iron caused to inadequate dietary intake. Consumption of chili peppers, which are known for
their high nutritional content (which includes a good variety of vitamins, minerals,
phytochemicals, and dietary fiber), can play a role in reducing these human micronutrient

A 100-gram serving of chili peppers contains 5,000 IU of vitamin A, 60 mg of vitamin C, and

50% of the 400 g of folic acid set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a 2,000-calorie
diet in adults and children over 4 years of age. 3 Consume approx. 4.4 mg of chili per day in
moderation has beneficial health effects, such as lowering glucose levels, LDL cholesterol, and
C-reactive protein in children and the elderly.4

Spinach Spirulina Benefits for Children's and Parents' Health

Spinach spirulina which has many benefits for our health is now available in various forms of
food that can be consumed and can meet the needs of daily nutritional intake. Spirulina
(Arthrospira) is a blue-green alga that became very popular after being successfully used by
NASA as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. Spirulina can modulate immune
function and exhibit anti-inflammatory properties by inhibiting the release of histamine by mast
cells. Several studies investigating the efficacy and potential clinical applications of Spirulina in
treating several diseases have been conducted and several randomized controlled trials and
systematic reviews have shown that this alga can improve some symptoms and may even have
anticancer, antiviral, and antiallergic effects.5

Spirulina is one of the important nutritional intakes for humans and has been used as a source of
protein and vitamin supplements in humans without significant side effects. In addition to its
high protein content (up to 70%), it turns out that spirulina also contains vitamins, especially B12
and provitamin A (β-carotene), as well as minerals, especially iron. These vegetables are also
rich in phenolic acids, tocopherols, and -linolenic acid. Spirulina does not have a cellulose cell
wall so it can be easily digested.6 This is the reason why spirulina is very suitable for
consumption by children and the elderly.

Source: healthygoods.com

The standard daily recommended amount of spirulina is around 1-3 grams, but it can be
increased to 10 grams per day and shows effective results. This alga is rich in nutrients. One
tablespoon (7 grams) of dry spirulina powder contains: Protein: 4 grams, Vitamin B1 (thiamine):
11%, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15%, Vitamin B3 (niacin): 4%, Copper: 21%, and Iron: 11%.
Spirulina also contains the amount of magnesium, potassium, and manganese as well as other
nutrients you need.7

Benefits of Red Beets for Children's and Parents' Health

In recent years, red beetroot (Beta vulgaris rubra) has been widely used in various foodstuffs
because of its potential as an enhancer of health conditions and disease prevention contained in
several functional foods. In addition to having various health benefits, red beetroot can also give
a natural red color to food and drinks so that it can increase the taste of eating them.

The nutritional value contained in red beet is as follows: vitamin A 20 IU, thiamine 0.02 mg,
riboflavin 0.05 mg, niacin 0.4 mg, vitamin C 10 mg, calcium 27 mg, iron 1.0 mg, phosphorus 43
mg, total fiber 87.4 g, fat 1 g, carbohydrates 9.6 g, protein 1.6 g, calories 42 kcal per 100 grams
for red beets.8 Every 100 grams of red beet contains: alkaloids (128 ,8 mg), steroids (16.4 mg),
glycosides (0.652 mg), flavonoids (6.15 mg), terpenoids (115.5 mg), saponins (3.789 mg), beta-
carotene (11.64 mg), vitamins A (2.6 mcg), K (3.2 mcg), C (4.36 mg), E (0.18 mg), B3 (0.03
mg), B6 (90 mg), B2 (0.034 mg), pantothenic acid (0.151 mg), potassium (20 mg), iron (0.76
Source: rasa. my

The recommended daily amount for consumption of red beet is about 70-140 mL or in mg daily
and consumed a few hours before exercising. Red beetroot can also be consumed as much as 50
mg twice a day for about 6 days to maintain a healthy body, especially for muscle health, and
prevent pain.10 The rich content of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals makes red
beets highly recommended for children to support growth and development and also for the
elderly as a nutritional intake that will maintain a healthy body.

Benefits of Purple Sweet Potatoes for Children's and Parents'

Sweet potato has become one of the main commodities in fulfilling carbohydrate intake in
Indonesia. The utilization of sweet potatoes has been made into various forms of processed food.
Sweet potato also has several varieties including purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L). The
purple color of this type of sweet potato is caused by the presence of natural color compounds,
namely anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is a pigment compound that causes a reddish-purple color
located in the cell fluid which is soluble in water.11

The recommended daily intake of purple sweet potato is 25 mg to 125 mg per person depending
on gender and age. Anthocyanins contained in purple sweet potato have bactericidal, antiviral,
and fungistatic activity. Purple sweet potato exhibits strong antioxidant activity to prevent
ascorbic acid oxidation, provides protection against free radicals, exhibits inhibitory activity
against oxidative enzymes, and has been considered an important agent in reducing the risk of
cancer and heart disease.12
Source: sehatq.com

Every 100 grams of purple sweet potato contains 360 kJ (86 kcal) of energy, 20.1 g
carbohydrates, 12.7 g starch, 4.2 g sugar, 3.0 g dietary fiber, 0.1 g fat, 1.6 g protein. , vitamin A
709 lg (89%) - beta-carotene 8509 lg (79%) - lutein and zeaxanthin 0 lg, thiamine (vitamin B1)
0.1 mg (9%), riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.1 mg ( 8%), Niacin (vitamin B3) 0.61 mg (4%),
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 0.8 mg (16%), Vitamin B6 0.2 mg (15%), Folate (vitamin B9) 11
lg (3%), Vitamin C 2.4 mg (3%), Vitamin E 0.26 mg (2%), Calcium 30.0 mg (3%), Iron 0.6 mg
(5%), Magnesium 25.0 mg (7 %), Phosphorus 47.0 mg (7%), Potassium 337 mg (7%), Sodium
55 mg (4%), and Zinc 0.3 mg (3%).13 Purple sweet potato reviewed From the nutritional content
and aspects of its health benefits, it can be concluded that it is very safe for children and the
elderly to consume it in the form of processed food that is produced through a good process.

1. Saleh, BK., Omer, A., Teweldemedhin, B. (2018). Medicinal uses and health benefits of
chili pepper (Capsicum spp.): a review. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2018;6(4):325‒328.
2. Olatunji, T. L., & Afolayan, A. J. (2018). The suitability of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum
L.) for alleviating human micronutrient dietary deficiencies: A review. Food Science &
3. FDA (2016). Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition: Labeling & Nutrition—
Guidance for industry: A food labeling guide (14. Appendix F).
4. Kenig, S., Baruca-Arbeiter, A., Mohorko, N., Stubelj, M., Černelič-Bizjak, M., Bandelj, D.
Petelin, A. (2018). Moderate but not high daily intake of chili pepper sauce improves serum
glucose and cholesterol levels. Journal of Functional Foods, 44, 209–217.
5. Karkos, P. D., Leong, S. C., Karkos, C. D., Sivaji, N., & Assimakopoulos, D. A. (2011).
Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications. Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011, 1–4.
6. Dillon JC, Phuc AP, Dubacq JP. Nutritional value of the alga Spirulina. World Review of
Nutrition and Dietetics. 1995;77:32–46.
7. Leech, J. (2018). 10 Health Benefits of Spirulina. Tersedia online di
8. Costa, D.A., Stahl Hermes, V., de Oliveira Rios, A., and Hickmann Flores, S. (2017)
Minimally Processed Beetroot Waste as an Alternative Source to Obtain Functional
Ingredients. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54, 2050-2058.
9. Odoh, U.E., and Okoro, E.C. (2013) Quantitative Phytochemical, Proximate/Nutritive
Composition Analysis of Beta vulgaris Linnaeus (Chenopodiaceae). International Journal of
Current Research, 5, 3723-3728.
10. WebMD. (2020). BEET. Tersedia online di
%20 doses%20have%20been,exercise%20has%20 also%20been%20used.
11. Nollet, L.M.L. (1996). Handbook of Food Analysis: Physical Characterization and Nutrient
Analysis. Marcell Dekker Inc, New York.
12. Delgado-Vargas, F., Jiménez, A. R., & Paredes-López, O. (2000). Natural Pigments:
Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, and Betalains — Characteristics, Biosynthesis, Processing, and
Stability. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 40(3), 173–289.
13. Mohanraj, R., & Sivasankar, S. (2014). Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) - A
Valuable Medicinal Food: A Review. Journal of Medicinal Food, 17(7), 733–741.
Nutritional Health of Parents (Seniors) and How to Fulfill It
Age is one of the main factors in the aspect of fulfilling one's nutrition. Human physiological
conditions at each phase of life have significant differences. When you enter old age, your
nutritional needs will be different than when you were young. The World Health Organization
(WHO) classifies age based on gender (gender). A man will be categorized as elderly when he
reaches the age of 55-75 years, while for a woman when he reaches the age of 45-55 years, he is
included in the elderly category.

Source: cumberlandhealthcare.com

Having a body that remains healthy and fit in old age is everyone's dream. Health in the elderly
must be very concerned because of a significant decrease in the immune system and body cell
regeneration. The quality of nutritional intake is very important to maintain health conditions in
old age. Some essential nutrients are not only for the elderly but at the age level including
protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals as well as adequate water intake. The
difference in all these nutritional intakes is only in the proportion or quantity and also in how the
nutrients are processed.
Increasing age is certain but you can reduce the risk of disease and malnutrition through certain
health intervention measures. The easiest intervention or effort is to maintain quality and
balanced nutritional intake through the consumption of foods and beverages that have good
nutritional value.
Based on research conducted by Sian M. Robinson, an epidemiologist from the University of
Southampton stated that the development of community-based interventions is an important
factor to ensure nutritional needs are met in the manual and there is a need for a clear
understanding of the influences that influence dietary choices and habits in old age, the factors
that determine the quality of the diet as well as the amount and type of food consumed.1
The essential nutrients needed for seniors include carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and protein. Here are
some guidelines for how much of these essential nutrients seniors need:2
Carbohydrates: carbohydrates provide energy for the body, so cutting out carbohydrates
completely is not a good idea. Even for older adults, 45-65 percent of the daily diet should be
carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, such as those found in fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains, are better than simple carbohydrates found in sugar.
Fat: Fat is needed by the body to absorb certain vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat
also helps maintain a stable body temperature and protects the body's organs. Try to consume
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats about 10 percent of the portion of food consumed.
Protein: Protein usually comes from meat, and often seniors don't get enough protein because
their appetite has decreased. Protein can help muscles stay healthy and strong, even as you age.
Provide 25 to 30 grams of protein in each serving of food consumed.
Fiber: Dietary fiber helps keep the intestines regular and increases hydration in the digestive
tract. In addition, fiber also helps the body absorb nutrients from food. Fiber comes from whole
grains, fibrous fruits, and vegetables. Women over the age of 50 need about 14 grams of fiber a
day, while men over the age of 50 need about 18 grams.
In the elderly, there are several declines in the body's physiological functions such as decreased
ability to metabolize food and nutrient absorption, decreased sense of smell, and chewing ability
which has an impact on decreased appetite. So that the right solution is needed, namely food that
is practical but still has good and balanced nutritional value and has a delicious taste.
CV. Indigo Sejahtera offers the right solution to meet the nutritional needs of every age group,
including the elderly, namely with several healthy instant noodle products made from natural
ingredients without synthetic additives, practical in presentation, attractive product appearance,
and also has a delicious taste. Healthy instant noodle products produced include Nijimie: Chili
Fried Noodle, Zumami: Spirulina Spinach Fried Noodle, Zumami: Red Beet Fried Noodle, and
Zumami: Purple Sweet Potato Fried Noodle. Nutritional information can be seen in the
description of each product.
1. Robinson, SM. 2018. Improving nutrition to support healthy aging: what are the
opportunities for intervention? Proc Nutr Soc. 2018 Aug; 77(3): 257–264.
2. Leslie, W., & Hankey, C. 2015. Aging, Nutritional Status, and Health. Healthcare, 3(3),

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