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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the overall process applied during the project research and the

process of development. This project follows the implemented planning and research

methodology, required hardware and software, and block diagram.

A. Required Hardware and Software

1. Sensors

Temperature sensor (DS182B0) referred to in Figure 1. is used to measure the

water’s temperature. It works within the accuracy of ±0.5°C (between the range -10°C to

85°C) and optimum temperature range from -55°C to +125°C.

Figure 1. Temperature Sensor

The proposed system uses a pH sensor (SEN0161) as shown in Figure 2. To

attach the sensor to Arduino it needs a BNC connector. This PH sensor has a range of 0-

14. It is ±0.1 PH accurate at a standard temperature of 25- 30°C and running temperature

range from 0 to 60 °C. In order to ensure the accuracy of the pH probe, you need to use

the standard solution to calibrate it regularly. Generally, the period is about half a year.

If you measure the dirty aqueous solution, you need to increase the frequency of


Figure 2.pH Sensor

In order to measure the turbidity rate, the proposed system uses the Arduino

turbidity sensor to detects water quality by measuring the level of turbidity as displayed

in Figure 3. It is able to detect suspended particles in water by measuring the light

transmittance and scattering rate which changes with the amount of total suspended

solids (TSS) in water. As the TTS increases, the liquid turbidity level increases

This Arduino turbidity sensor has both analog and digital signal output modes. You can

select the mode according to the MCU as the threshold is adjustable in digital signal


Figure 3. Turbidity Sensor

The proposed system uses an ultrasonic sensor to determine the water level

Figure 4. this sensor works by sending out a sound wave at a frequency above the range

of human hearing.  The transducer of the sensor acts as a microphone to receive and

send the ultrasonic sound. It uses a single transducer to send a pulse and to receive the

echo.  The sensor determines the distance to a target by measuring time lapses between

the sending and receiving of the ultrasonic pulse. This guarantees high noncontact

detection of the range with great accuracy and accurate readings from 2 cm to 400 cm or

1 to 13 feet in an easy-to-use kit.

Figure 4. Water Level Sensor

 The water pump can transmit liquid or increase the pressure of the liquid as

shown in Figure 5., and a machine which can turn the mechanical energy of the original

electric motor into the liquid energy to be pumped out. The BLDC water pump adopts

the DC 24V to drive the brushless DC motor. The brushless DC motor drives the

impeller so that the liquid pressure can be increased to transmit the liquid. This pump

moves fluids (liquids or gases), through mechanical action, usually converted from

electrical energy to hydraulic energy. Its voltage range is DC 12v - 24v and current is

1000mA. Its water flow is 800 L/h.

Figure 5. Water Pump

2. Microcontroller

Arduino Uno Figure 6. used as Microcontroller. Arduino is a microcontroller kit

which is free software, focused on the Atmega328P Microcontroller board created by The board has combination of 14 digital and 6 analog input / output pins that

can communicate with different boards and other circuits, 16 MHz ceramic resonator and

also reset button and forwards the data to the system using serial port and save into

system database.

Figure 6. Arduino UNO/Microcontroller

3. Server

The server analyzes the data received and acts predefined conditions.

4. Applications

The Mobile App, desktop App, and web provides a means of viewing data on the

different applications Server and provides decision making and interface to the user.
5. Actuators

The actuators act upon the aquaculture environment based on instructions

received from the IoT system.

B. System Architecture

Figure 7. System Architecture of Proposed System

C. Block Diagram

Figure 1. Block Diagram of the Proposed System

D. Flowchart

Figure 9. Flowchart of the Proposed System

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