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Lesson Plan in Math 9A

July 4 - 8, 2022
First Grading
Week 1

Synchronous 1

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute period, the students are expected to:
A. Cognitive
- identify the following properties of square roots
- memorize the perfect square whole numbers
B. Affective
- appreciate the importance of quadratic equations
C. Psychomotor
- perform the indicated given square roots
A. Topic: Solving quadratic equation by extracting the square roots
B. Reference: Math 9 – e - math, pages 73-74, internet
C. Interdisciplinary: Values Education
D. Instructional Materials: Camera, Desktop, Headset, PowerPoint Presentation,
    Online Tools, White Board and Pen


A. Pre-activities:
 Prayer
 Checking Attendance
B. Review: (Tuna Square)
The teacher will give a short review about the square roots:
- Defining what is square roots
- Give examples
 √36
 √1
 √81
C. Motivation: (Find my Roots)
- This activity that students will perform is to find the square roots
of some numbers. This lesson had been taken up by the students in
their Grade 7/8 Mathematics.
1. √36 6.√64
2. √100 7.√256
3. √169 8.√121
4. √9 9.√81
5. √225 10.√49
Another example:

D. Presentation: (Spring Leaf)

- Discussion extracting the square roots
- Familiarize perfect square from 1 – 400
- Proceed solving examples of quadratic equation by extracting
square roots
- Find the value of x
- Drill
1. x^2 – 16 = 0
2. 2x^2 – 50 = 0
3. 4x^2 – 225 = 0
4. (w + 7)² = 196

What is the relationship between the square and the square root?
Tell the students that finding the answers is difficult to some of your students,
and, thus appreciate the importance of the subject and let them know that it is just an
imagination to hate the Mathematics.
E. Generalization:
Key takes away. Solve equations of the form ax2+c=0 by extracting the roots.
Extracting roots involves isolating the square and then applying the square root
property. After applying the square root property, you have two linear equations that
each can be solved.
F. Evaluation:
- Short quiz

Synchronous 2
I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute period, the students are expected to:
A. Cognitive
- solve quadratic equation by extracting the square roots;
B. Affective
- sustain interest in solving quadratic equation;
C. Psychomotor
- perform the given equation;


A. Topic: Solving quadratic equation by extracting the square roots
B. Reference: Math 9 e – math, pages 73 - 74
C. Interdisciplinary:
D. Instructional Materials: Camera, Desktop, Headset, Online Tools, White Board and


A. Pre-activities:
 Prayer
 Checking Attendance

B. Review: Looking Back

 The teacher will let the students review the process in solving the
quadratic equation by extracting the square roots.
C. Discussion:
 Quiz

Instructions: Advance read

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