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Lesson Plan in Math 9A

July 11 - 15, 2022

First Grading
Week 2

Synchronous 1

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute period, the students are expected to:
A. Cognitive
- identify quadratic equations by factoring;
- solve quadratic equations by factoring;
B. Affective
- show patience in solving quadratic equation;
C. Psychomotor
- factor quadratic expressions;


A. Topic: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
B. Reference: Math 9 – e- math, pages 74 - 79, internet
C. Interdisciplinary: Values education
D. Instructional Materials: Camera, Desktop, Headset, PowerPoint Presentation,
    Online Tools, White Board and Pen


 Prayer
 Checking Attendance

A. Review: (The review)

 The students will review the strategies in solving quadratic equation by
extracting square roots.
 The Difference of two squares
B. Motivation: (Factor me)
 The students will factor the given numbers to them:
1. 62 2. 100
3. 39 4.205
5. 200
C. Presentation:
(John’s Presentation)
- Discussion on how to find the factor of a polynomial
- Define Quadratic Equation
- Solve quadratic equations by factoring; find the value of x
1. x² - 4x = 0
2. 4x² - 6x = 0
3. 4x² - 25 = 0
4. x² + 3x – 28 = 0
5. 8x² + 2x – 15 = 0
How would you describe the problem in your own words?
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring takes time to answer, thus, tell your student
about solving this kind of equation should be patience and pay attention. Why is patience
important when solving a problem?
D. Generalization:
 Communicate what you learned, Offer one sentence that sums up what
the lesson was about, what are some points you find difficult?
E. Evaluation:
Synchronous 2

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute period, the students are expected to:
A. Cognitive
- recall quadratic equation by factoring
- solving quadratic equation involving problem solving;
B. Affective
- Present real-life problem involving quadratic equation;
C. Psychomotor
- perform the indicate problem


A. Topic: Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
B. Reference: Math 9 – e- math, pages 84 – 91, internet
C. Interdisciplinary: Business, Values education
D. Instructional Materials: Camera, Desktop, Headset, PowerPoint Presentation,
    Online Tools, White Board and Pen
 Prayer
 Checking Attendance

A. Review: (Things to remember)

 The teacher will choose a volunteer for the class to give an overview about
the previous lesson.
B. Motivation: (Factor me)
 The students will factor a given polynomial:
C. Presentation: (Let’s go solve problems)
- Discussion on the process of solving quadratic equations by factoring
- Practice drill on problem solving

What ideas that we have learned before were useful in solving this problem?
Valuing: (The relation to life)
How does this relate to your daily life?
D. Generalization:
Write down what you have learned in this lesson for the day?
E. Evaluation:
Instructions: (Example: Advance Reading, study period, etc.)

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