Hierophants: by Brendan Mcleod

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by Brendan McLeod
A game about religion, legacy, and leadership for 3-6 people

version o.2

A game by Brendan McLeod

Based on the Firebrand Framework

by D. Vincent Baker & Meguey Baker

Layout done in Affinity Publisher

Fonts used: Poor Richard, Focus, Corbel
Cover art Siege of La Rochelle by Henri Motte, 1881.

Hierophant (higher-uh-fant)
noun 1. A religious leader; 2. One with knowledge of rites or sacred mysteries

You are HIEROPHANTS.You are members of an old faith - a religion whose legacy is long and storied.

Your leader, however, has gone. It is up to you to decide who will lead the way going forward.

Will you choose someone who will stay on the beaten path? Or someone new and radical?
Someone devout, or someone indifferent? Will you take this as an opportunity to advance your
own position, or does the faith come first? Will you step into the limelight, or work in the shadows?
Are you the chosen one, or the puppet-master who makes things happen?

Play to find out.

What this is
This is a roleplaying game where you and your friends will take on individual roles as members of an
invented faith trying to determine who should be in charge going forward.You will have your own agendas,
preferences, and desires, but you will also have a shared responsibility as storytellers to build the world,
collaborate on interesting twists and ideas, and generally work together to bring the story to life.
This is not a game where any individual player “wins,” even if one person gets chosen as leader:
it’s a game where everyone pitches in to make the storytelling experience a good one.

Some notes on safety

This is a game about a religious institution. It can be played straight, or satirical, or anywhere in between,
depending on the tenor of your group and the circumstances in which you’re playing.

Your players are people, and people have real faith of their own about things in the world, and belong to
real religious institutions. No one is obliged to put up with jabs or cuts that affect something that they hold
dear, nor is anyone obliged to disclose the details of their faith or their practice with anyone else, especially
as part of a game.

Take care with your fellow players, be open about what you’re okay with and not okay with, and be willing
to adjust on the fly if someone decides partway through that they’re actually not okay with something.
More than that - be willing to read the signals that other people are giving off even if they’re not explicitly
saying anything. Lots of people will keep quiet while they’re uncomfortable with something.

If you’re in doubt, get people involved and find out what ideas they’re excited about.

If things look shaky, then play something else. It’s just a game.

Suggested tools for play:

▪ Come up with a shared set of boundaries that everyone agrees to ahead of time
▪ Have a shared, easy signal that lets the group know if someone is feeling uncomfortable.

How to Play How to Play
If you’re setting up with your group, take turns reading each section aloud.

You’ll need To conclude the game

A copy of these rules, 3-6 players, a deck of Tarot cards (just the Major Arcana), several six-sided dice (D6) A game of Hierophants can end when a new leader is selected using the Rite of “Summon the Conclave.”
per player, some paper and writing instruments, 2-4 hours, and a few scraps of faith. This is where characters will spend their Influence to try and select a new leader. Everyone at the table gets
to have at least one regular turn before you call this game.
The object of the game
To control the leadership of the religion.You might do this by becoming the leader yourself, manipulating But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It’s entirely possible to continue playing past this point,
someone else into becoming leader, or simply by making sure that someone else doesn’t become leader. or for the game to end before a Conclave is successfully held. Talk with your fellow players and be respectful
of everyone’s time, energy, and inclinations.
To do this, you will need Influence, represented by the dice in front of you. In each game, you’ll have an
opportunity to either gain Influence or impact the Influence totals of other players at the table.

Just because you have the most Influence doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to win, but it gives you a The Games
better chance at winning.
▪ Recite the Creed
To setup the game Play this at the beginning to establish your faith’s principles.
Give each player one D6 die apiece. Pool the rest of the dice in the middle of the group where everyone can ▪ Honor the Faithful
reach them. Each D6 is an Influence. When the game instructs you to take an Influence, take a D6 from the Play this at the beginning to create your characters.
pile in the center and add it to your collection.
▪ Observe the Signs
Give each player some paper and a writing instrument. Play this when you want to instigate some drama.
▪ Meet an Old Colleague
As a group, decide on the broad details of the setting for the game.You don’t want to go into too much Play this when you’re not sure where you stand with someone.
detail about what the faith believes and who your characters are -- you’ll do that as you play! But you
should have an idea of what kind of group it is, how secret or public it is, and where and when the game is ▪ Undertake a Pilgrimage
set. Play this to try and see how someone else handles under pressure.
▪ Examine a Sacred Relic
It could be… Play this when you want to see two rivals bicker.

▪ A clandestine cult in a Northeast American town

▪ Whisper During a Sacrament
Play this when you need to have a private discussion.
▪ A renowned institution in a medieval kingdom
▪ An order of star-touched knights in a space-faring society
▪ Argue the Doctrine
Play this when you’re ready to have an argument with someone.
▪ A sect of monks surviving in an apocalyptic wasteland
▪ … or anything else you might imagine
▪ Convert the Masses
Play this to consolidate your power.

To start the game ▪ Witness a Vision of the Divine

Begin the game by playing “Recite the Creed” to establish details about your dogma and its history. Play this to have a truly religious experience.
Then play “Honor the Faithful” to create your player characters. ▪ Lead a Prayer
Play this immediately after a game you’re in for bonus points.
To play the game ▪ Summon the Conclave
The player who most recently witnesses a miracle goes first. Play this when you’re ready to end the game by choosing a new leader.

On each player’s turn, they choose one of the games in the rulebook to play over a few minutes.
That player is the lead player for that turn. Other players - sometimes all of them! - might wind up playing
the game with that player. When a player’s turn is done, the turn proceeds clockwise to the next player.

6 7
Recite the Creed The Revelation
How was the truth of the Divine made evident to your organization?

When to play this: At the very beginning of a session of Hierophants.

What this looks like ▪ The bones of the first man, etched with directions back to Eden.
The faithful are gathered, and begin by affirming their faith as a group by reciting the creed that binds ▪ The pronouncement of a season-speaker, a person taken by the season but who returned to
them all together. All here know it, and observe it, or they would not be here. civilization.
▪ A vision of the locked vault of heaven, which only God can open.

The Path
How does your organization seek to correct the state of the world in the short term?


▪ Absolve the penitent and punish the sinful.

▪ Train and deploy more season-speakers into the world.
▪ Capture and study ghosts to learn how they work.
Everyone plays. Pick a random player to go first.
The Temptation
Play What must your faith be on the lookout for, so that they do not stray from the path?
Take turns answering each of the following questions, filling in the blanks to form the shape and history of
your religion. Choose from the selected examples, or use your own ideas. Examples:

This is where you draw a line in the sand about what makes your doctrine special. Don’t be afraid to make ▪ Be neither too gracious a confessor nor too fervent a judge.
big decisions, and be willing to say “yes, and” to the ideas put forward by your fellow practitioners. ▪ Remember that season-speakers are tools, not friends.
▪ Use ghost-lore for the good of the order, not for your own gain.
The Mundane
What’s something about the world which is widely held to be true (inside and outside the faith)?
The End
What is the ultimate aim of your faith’s practice?
▪ Mankind is inherently sinful.
▪ The changing seasons take many human lives. ▪ To purify mankind for God’s return.
▪ When you die, your ghost haunts the living. ▪ To command the seasons themselves and bring the world to order.
▪ To find a way to find and open the vault of heaven.
The Divine
What’s a divine cause that explains the Mundane fact?

When all of the questions have been answered, choose a name for your faith. Don’t worry about being too
▪ Mankind broke God’s law and was cast out of paradise. elaborate or too clever with the name - just find something that sounds good and is easy to remember.
▪ The seasons were forsaken by God, and so thrash against the world.
Once you’ve agreed upon a name, move on to “Honor the Faithful” to find out more about the leaders of
▪ God is dead, and no one exists to shepherd the dead to the afterlife. this faith you’ve invented.

8 9
Honor the Faithful Arcana Role

A neophyte. The newest member of the inner

Relationship Questions

We knew each other as children, didn’t we?

circle. Enthusiastic, naive, and optimistic.
The Fool OR
When to play this: At the beginning of a game of Hierophants after you’ve played “Recite the Creed.” How do others react to your boundless
I’m your biggest fan, right?

What this looks like A scholar. Well-versed in the history of the

I was your teacher once, weren’t you?
The hierophants proceed to take their seats as part of the elect who decide the future of the faith. The faith. Curious, storied, and bright. How do
The Magician OR
you use your knowledge for the good of
procession may be short, going from one room to the next, or may be a pilgrimage from one holy site to We were rivals in the classroom, weren’t we?
A true believer. In touch with the emotional
Setup The High Priestess
core of the faith. Serene, measured, and
I was your adviser once before, right?
Everyone plays. Leading player: Describe the circumstances in which you observe the ritual. What time of welcoming. How do others regard your
I’m deeply mysterious to you, aren’t I?
unshakable faith?
Everyone plays. Shuffle the deck of the Major Arcana and deal three face-up cards to each player.
A commander. Whether by rank or by sheer
I took you under my wing, didn’t I?
Each player will need to consult the Arcana chart to make their characters; you might find it useful to have force of will, you speak and are listened to.
The Empress OR
multiple copies at the table, so everyone can read it at the same time. Fierce, certain, unwavering. How did you
You see me as an obstacle to over come, right?
come to your position?

Play A parasite.You’ve put in your time, and now

you are justified in living in the lap of luxury, I’m your superior, aren’t I?
Each player reveals the card, selecting that card’s role for this game. They should then describe their The Emperor whether you’re the supreme leader or not. OR
character, giving their name, pronouns, appearance, and some details about who they are in the faith and The faith rewards the faithful, after all. How You resent my throne of lies, don’t you?
how they came to be there. do others regard your personal enrichment?
An elder.You have circled the throne for
We’re both heirs to the same legacy, right?
Once everyone has revealed their character, each player takes another turn, revealing a new card and The Hierophant
longer than anyone, but never sat upon it.
asking one of that card’s questions of the player on your left. This question, and their answer, will help Wise, wizened, and knowledgeable. How do
We share a secret, right?
others regard your lengthy tenure?
form the basis of your relationship with that player’s character. The other player should feel free to answer
either yes or no, but you should both use that answer to help inform your shared relationship going A sinner.You fell from grace, and did your
We used to be lovers, didn’t we?
penance, and have once again made your way
forward. The Lovers
into the echelons of power. How do others
We’re lovers NOW, right?
continue to remind you of your past crimes?
Any other player can ask follow-up questions that help embellish that relationship. For example, if you
An evangelist. Someone who’s always
were formerly lovers, how long ago did the affair end? Was it a long-term relationship, or a casual summer capable of bringing in new blood and getting A delivered a sermon you’ll never forget, remember?
fling? Was it a public affair, or a private one? The Chariot them invested in the faith. How do others OR
value your ability to connect with people and You were a member of my flock, once, weren’t you?
Ending make them believe?

Once everyone has created their characters and established their relationships, draw one more card from An emissary. The public face of the faith, or
the deck. This card represents the fallen leader whose absence instigates the events of the game. as public as it gets. A bold, powerful speaker You saw me give the performance of a lifetime, right?
Strength who encapsulates the faith’s priorities OR
without giving away secrets. How do others You’re my muse, aren’t you?
Use the chart to determine what sort of person this leader was. Each player might then consider how they react to your frequent time in the limelight?
related to this leader (or not), but you don’t need to go into great detail on that right now.
A recluse. An often-absent member of the We were old friends, but are now strangers, right?
Now begin playing the game by taking turns and picking from the other Hierophants games to gain The Hermit inner circle. Mysterious, private, and wise. OR
Influence. What rumors do others whisper about you? You thought I was long gone, didn’t you?

A convert.Once a champion for a rival faith,

I’m your new best friend, right?
enlightenment has brought you into the fold.
Wheel of Fortune OR
What do others think of your change of
You think I’ve got an ulterior motive for being here, right?

A fanatic. Faith is everything, and the fact

We’re both privy to a sacred ceremony, right?
that other people prioritize anything above
Justice OR
faith is shameful and sinful. How do others
We’re rivals within the same faith, right?
react to your extreme view?

10 11
Arcana Role

A heretic.You believe the polar opposite of

Relationship Questions
Observe the Signs
one of the core tenets of the faith.Your When to play this: When you’re not sure what to do next. When you’re looking for a hook for your character.
personal power is such that you have not
been ousted, but your beliefs are not
We have a private alliance above all else, right? When you want to shake things up.
The Hanged Man OR
What this looks like
harmonious with the group, and sooner or
You’ve committed some unavenged wrong against me, haven’t you?
later, it’s going to cause trouble. How does
your difference of opinion express itself in Your character leads a ritual intended to read the will of the fates that govern the world. This might be a
practice? triangulation of secret stars, a record of the flights of birds, a study of a splash of blood, or something else
entirely that’s suitable to your order.
A saint.You are the living embodiment of the
faith - literally.Your faith is not in question - I nursed you back to health once, didn’t I?
Temperance your existence and your presence are entirely OR Setup
in service to the faith. How do others You denied the power of my faith once, didn’t you? Everyone plays. Leading player: Describe the circumstances in which you observe the ritual. What time of
acknowledge your esteemed status?
day is it? How are you dressed? Have you done this before?
A schemer.Your time has come. Faith is fine,
but power is real, and real power is nearly in We were partners in crime once, right? Other players: How are you arranged for this event? Do you participate, or simply observe?
The Devil your grasp. Do others see you what for you OR
are, or have you masked your intentions
You have an nagging suspicion about me, don’t you?
Gather the Arcana cards for all players (yourself included!) Shuffle them together and then draw one
A reformer. This faith isn’t what it used to be. randomly. The character associated with this Arcana is the chosen.
Things need to be brought back into line, no We’re both on the same side, right?
The Tower matter what the cost -- and you’re the person OR If you’re playing online (or if it’s simply easier) you could also just assign a number to each
to do it. How many others share your We’re doomed to butt heads, aren’t we?
character, and then roll a die to determine the chosen instead. Both methods are valid in the eyes
of the divine.

A lapsed believer.You used to be believe. Take two dice from the Influence pool and roll them. Use the chart below to determine the result. (Put
Now you’re not so sure.You haven’t made I can always count on you for a helping hand, can’t I? these dice back when you’re done.)
The Star your getaway yet, but maybe you’re looking OR
for an exit. Do others know about your crisis You see me as a liability, don’t you?
of faith?. Result Description
A cataclysm is near at hand. There is no escape. The chosen will be at the heart of the chaos. Take 2
A mystic. The divine has given you power Influence if you rally the order to make themselves ready.
beyond what mortals are capable of, whether
You’re intimidated by my power, aren’t you? Disaster looms, and the chosen will usher it in. The order must change its course before it is too late.
for your faith or because you were chosen. 3-5
The Moon OR Take 1 Influence if you call upon the order to change its ways.
Your power is a miracle unto itself - one that
You’re jealous of my power, aren’t you?
others seek to use for their own ends. How do The readings are empty, the heavens are silent. The role of the chosen is uncertain at best.You
you use your gift? 6-8 must work to gain the attention of the divine. Take 1 Influence if you lead the order in a prayer asking
for guidance.
A celebrant. A master of ceremony.You know This is a time of blessings. The chosen is virtuous, and they can do no wrong so long as they remain
We’re in perfect alignment, right? 9-11
every rite, every sacrament, every gesture faithful. Take 1 Influence if you lead the gathered in a reverie of gratitude.
The Sun OR
and ever intonation. How do others honor
We’re completely at-odds, right?
your place of prominence? A miracle is coming. The time that your order has prepared for is here., And the chosen will usher
the way forward.Take 2 Influence if you invoke the holy word and praise the heavens.
An inquisitor. The faith is not what it once
We have opposing ideas of what’s right, right?
was - you will root out those who do not
Judgment OR
belong. Subtle, suspicious, and smooth. Do
We’re doomed to play cat-and-mouse forever, aren’t we?
others know your intention, or is it secret? Leading player: describe what this sign looks like. Do the droplets fall in a particular way? Is the holy star
especially bright this evening? Do the animals shriek as if with one voice. How do you pronounce the results
of this reading?
A missionary.Your travels have led you far
beyond the home of the faith. Rugged, We often correspond, don’t we?
The World capable, and self-sufficient. What have you OR Chosen: Do you believe this prophecy? Embrace it? Reject it?
seen on your travels that challenge the status You’re scared of what I represent, aren’t you?
quo? Other players: How do you react to the reading? Are you reassured? Concerned?

12 13
Meet an Old Colleague Undertake a Pilgrimage
When to play this: When you want to get your character tangled up with another character. When to play this: When you want to strengthen your bond with an ally, or expose the weaknesses of a rival

What this looks like What this looks like

Your characters have not seen one another in some time, but have bumped into one another in unplanned You will undertake a journey to a holy site of some kind.
Setup Ask at least one other player to join you. Decide as a group where you are going, what you expect to see
Ask one other player to join you. Agree between the two of you what the scenario looks like. when you get there, and about how long you expect it to take.

Play Each of you should describe what it is you hope to get out of the pilgrimage. These aren’t necessarily
The leading player asks the opening question. Then, the other player chooses one of the other questions to mutually exclusive goals.
ask the leading player. Play then continues back and forth between the two as they choose and answer
questions. Play
Starting with the leading player, each player on the pilgrimage chooses another player on the journey and
Opening Question asks them one of the questions below. After they’ve answered, anyone else can ask follow-up questions.

• When did we last see each other? Questions

Questions ▪ I’ve seen something I’ve never seen before. I cannot look away from it. What is it?
▪ I’ve seen something familiar, but wretched and misshapen. What is it?
▪ We were so close before. Do you greet me warmly, or coolly? ▪ The path here is treacherous. What happened here?
▪ We parted on bad terms and I’m nervous to see you now. Do you smile? ▪ Hidden dangers lurk in the shadows. What are they?
▪ I used to look up to you. Are we now equals? ▪ We see evidence of other pilgrims that came before. What have they left behind?
▪ Our journey reminds me of a past event. What was it?
▪ You were always planning to _____. Did you make good on that dream?
▪ We see a sign of good fortune. What is it?
▪ I used to be _____ but now I am _____. Do you remark upon the difference?
▪ We rest for a moment. What do we say to one another to comfort each other?
▪ In those days, we always shared _____. Do we still share it, even now?
▪ I am set upon by predators. How do you help me escape?
▪ There is an ancient monument here. What did it represent?
▪ We both believed in _____ so much. Do you still believe, now?
▪ The weather turns ugly. How do we seek shelter?
▪ We respected one another but could never agree about _____. Has the gulf between us widened?
▪ I’ve stumble into a truth about you that I did not know before. What is it?
▪ You swore you would always _____. Have you kept that promise?
▪ This reminds me of an old tale or parable from our faith. What happened in that story?
▪ Our supplies are lost or damaged. How do we manage without them?
Ending ▪ It is all too tempting to turn back. What makes us press forward?
When each player has asked at least two questions, either player may end the reunion by asking one of the
closing questions.
After the question has been asked, either player may give the other 1 Influence from their own total, if they When everyone on the pilgrimage has asked at least one question, any pilgrim may ask a Closing question
so choose. on their turn to bring the Journey to an end. Each pilgrim gains 1 Influence.

Closing Questions Closing Questions

▪ I plan to _____. Will you support me? ▪ We have reached our destination, but all is not as it should be. What is out of place?
▪ I can’t be stopped from _____. Will you oppose me anyway? ▪ We have reached our destination, but someone unexpected is here. Who?
▪ It has been wonderful to see you. Will join me when I _____ later on? ▪ We have been stopped from reaching our destination. What has happened?
▪ We have found what we were looking for. Is it what we hoped for?

14 15
Examine a Sacred Relic Whisper During a Sacrament
When to play this: When you want to look at a cool object that expands the lore of the religion in a new way. When to play this: When you want to have a discussion in private with someone else. When you want to explore
When you want to play two other players’ characters off of one another and see who comes out on top. what ceremonies look like in this faith..

What this looks like What this looks like

You have come into possession of a holy relic that was previously unknown to the faith.You have You and your chosen partner conduct a ceremony that’s routinely performed as part of the faith - perhaps a
summoned your colleagues to consider its importance, and what impact its discovery may have on the blessing, a consecration, a dissolution, or something else.
Setup Choose one other player. Decide between the two of you what the ceremony looks like.
Choose two other players to join you. These are your assistants. Before you begin, decide as a group what
the general shape of the relic is (a crown, a weapon, a garment, etc), but don’t fill in too many of the details Ask one another: How do you appear to me? Are you engaged with the sacrament?
yet. Simply decide what it is generally, for now.
The leading player decides where this relic has come from. How did it come into the faith’s possession? Each player takes turns. On your turn, you may:
Where was it before now?
▪ Ask a topical question.
Play ▪ Share a quiet observation.
The leading player requests one assistant to describe a detail about the relic. This might be a particular ▪ Pass by describing how you engage with the ritual.
decoration, a strange odor, a strange inscription, or something else.
▪ Address the congregation. Another player not already in the game should describe how the
congregation responds, or how the ritual changes in some way
After hearing about the detail, the leading player can choose to ask either assistant for an
interpretation of that detail. The assistant then offers their view of the significance of that detail

This is an opportunity for the assistant to reinforce their own agenda by establishing connections with Topical Questions
their own values and those supported by the relic.
▪ I am out of step with you. Do you hurry ahead, or let me catch up?
▪ Perhaps a saint who wielded the relic did so in defense of an agenda shared by that assistant. ▪ I hope you don’t bring ___ up. Do you?
▪ Perhaps a garment is inscribed with a prayer that reinforces the assistant’s view of the faith. Use ▪ I make an error during the ceremony. Do you let me recover gracefully, or take control?
this as a chance to invent history and precedent for the things your character cares about.
▪ I’m feeling generous. What do you ask me to pray for?
Once one assistant has shared an interpretation, the other has a chance to rebuff them with their own ▪ Something about you reveals your true intentions to me. What is it?
competing interpretation, if they desire. The assistant should feel free to offer different versions of the ▪ I’m trying to keep you occupied while I ____. Can I?
same people or events mentioned by the first assistant, but should try not to be directly contrary.
▪ I hope to convince you of ____. Can I?
▪ If a saint wielded a relic in war, point out the hypocrisy of the saint’s motivations.
▪ I remind you of the promise you made to _____. Do you abide by it?
▪ If a garment is inscribed with a prayer, point out how the lettering used suggests it was stenciled
▪ I hope you don’t blame me for ____. Do you?
by heretics.

▪ I accidentally reveal that I know about ____. Do you pick up on it?

It’s up to the leading player to decide which interpretation is valid.
▪ I accidentally reveal that I believe _____. Do you pick up on it?

Ending ▪ I accidentally reveal that I’m planning to _____. Do you pick up on it?
Once at least two details have been interpreted, the leading player may end the game by siding with one
(but not both) of the other players and awarding them 1 Influence. The leading player takes 1 Influence if
they act on the winning assistant’s advice. Ending
If both players pass, the game comes to an end as the players finish their whispered conversation and focus
on finishing the sacrament.

16 17
Argue the Doctrine Convert the Masses
When to play this: When you want to go head-to-head with another player. When you want to make a power When to play this: When you feel a rush of religious fervor. When you want to cement your position of power.
grab. When you’re right, and you know it. When you’re feeling lucky.

What this looks like What this looks like

You and your chosen partner conduct a ceremony that’s routinely performed as part of the faith - perhaps a You and any other participating characters undergo a mission of evangelism, wherein you try and add new
blessing, a consecration, a dissolution, or something else. members to your faith. This might be a gathering in a public square, a pop-up revival, or a mission of service
for those in need.
Everyone plays. Choose another player to be your opponent in the argument. The remaining players Setup
play the audience. Anyone may play, but they should play with the understanding that they’re risking part of their existing
Influence.You’re risking this Influence as you put yourself in front of the unconverted.
Decide with your opponent on a point of doctrine that you disagree on. Reflect on the core tenets of the
Creed for ideas. Decide how your positions are different from one another, where you are arguing, and who Decide together what this looks like. Is it done in public, or in private? Is it administered to a group, or one-
else is present. on-one? Is there resistance to your message? Are there competitors? How do you dress for the occasion?

Play Play
The audience will take turns asking a question to both players arguing, both of whom must answer. Each player sets aside 1 Influence that they already possess.

Once you ask a question choose which player answers first. After both players have answered, the audience Starting with the leading player, each player then takes turns describing how they spread their message
member who asked the question awards 1 point to the character who you think gave the best answer. among the people. What is it about their pitch that is distinct? Why is it a message that will connect with
people here and now?
Decide how many questions will be asked. 3 is a good minimum, but sometimes it’s nice to let every
audience member ask a question. Other players: how do you regard this message? Do you build on it? Take a different approach?

If either player interrupts the other during an answer, immediately cut them off and award a point to their Once you’ve delivered your message, roll each of your Influence dice. Consult the chart below for the result.
opponent. The leading player may roll twice and take the higher result.

Questions Result Description

▪ Describe how your position is the most sensible interpretation for the modern era.
6 Your message is eagerly received. The faith is strong and so are you. Gain 2 Influence.
▪ Describe how your position aligns with the traditions of the post.
▪ Describe how your position best serves the will of the Divine.
▪ Describe how your position is the good and righteous choice. 4-5 Your efforts are rewarded. The numbers of the faithful grow. Gain 1 Influence.
▪ Describe how your position is the most urgent and expedient.
▪ Describe how your past conduct makes you the ideal person to clarify this position.
2-3 Your words fall on deaf ears.You are neither victorious nor defeated. Gain no Influence.
▪ Describe how your opponent’s position conflicts with existing precedent.
▪ Describe your commitment to your position, even in the face of your opponent’s resistance.
Your efforts are in vain and your standing in the faith is weakened. Lose 1 Influence.
▪ Make a personal attack against the personal character of your opponent. 1
Put it back in the central pool.
▪ Threaten to excommunicate your opponent. If they back down, yours is the better answer. If they
are resilient against your threats, theirs is the better answer. When you discover your result, describe what it looks like. Other players: are you witness to this player’s
triumph or failure? How do you react? Do you envy their success? Do you relish their failure?

Ending Ending
When the questions are done, count the points for each player. Whoever wins gets 2 Influence. When each player has risked their Influence by attempting to convert people to the faith and described the
On a tie, both players lose the game and gain no influence. result, the game ends.

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Witness a Vision of the Divine Lead a Prayer
When to play this: When your character has reached either the height of their faith or the pits of their doubt, or; When to play this: Optionally, after any other group game. When you’re not happy with how things went. When
when your character seems stuck in place by mortal circumstances and needs an immortal nudge. you’re REALLY happy with how things went. When you’re feeling snarky. When you’re feeling reverent.

What this looks like What this looks like

You are struck by a vision of the divine. It may come in the process of prayer, of a ceremony, at a time of You gather your fellows in an impromptu moment of reverie.
physical exhaustion, or simply as you’re going about their business. Regardless of the vision’s content, it’s a
good idea to leave it ambiguous whether it was “real” or not - visions are rarely ever so clear-cut. Setup
At the end of any other game where more than player participated, any single player can immediately start
Setup this game, even if it’s not their turn, leading the group in a prayer that they recite aloud.
Everyone plays. The leading player character describes what they do and say as they experience the vision.
The rest of the players describe the vision itself, coloring in the vision with short answers that deepen and If you wanted to Lead a Prayer and someone else has already started one, don’t worry - you can lead one
widen the experience of the divine. next time. Additionally, if you’ve already Led a Prayer before, give someone else a chance to do so, too.

The leading player should ask what they see and decide what they do. The other players’ answers should Play
be short, succinct, weird, and powerful as they invent imagery and fantastic events that transpire within the A prayer can be anything, but here is a basic framework you can use to construct one. In the places where it
vision. says [DIVINE], substitute the object of your faith’s worship. In the spaces that are blank, fill them in with
what you hope to receive, or protect, or forbid, etc.
To begin, the leading player makes both of the following statements, filling in the blanks as they see fit: Prayer Openings Pleas for Mercy

▪ I find myself in a strange place, filled with _____.

▪ Oh [DIVINE], hear us! ▪ Protect us from _____.
(Examples: strange people, enormous creatures, flying shapes, towering structures, etc) ▪ Blessed be thou, [DIVINE] ▪ Deliver us from _____.
▪ I am not quite myself – I am _____. ▪ In the name of [DIVINE], we gather here. ▪ Forbid _____ from these lands.
(Examples: dressed oddly, wounded, tired, bound in chains, glowing brightly, etc) ▪ [DIVINE], your people call upon you. ▪ Judge us not for _____.
▪ [DIVINE], most high, we beseech thee. ▪ Know that we do _____ in your name.
The leading player then asks questions of the group, taking the first answer and reacting appropriately.
You can ask anything, but the questions below might help get you started.
Calls for Blessing Vows and Curses
Questions ▪ Grant us _____. ▪ Let all who _____ be cursed in your eyes.
• I see something enormous. What is it? • I see an ornate building. What is inside? ▪ Bring _____ to your people. ▪ Let none among us ever _____.
• I see something familiar. What is it? • I see a gaping pit. What is below? ▪ Let us never want for _____. ▪ Let _____ be without peace.
• I see something impossible. What is it? • I see an infinite stairway. What is above? ▪ Let _____ be ever prosperous. ▪ Cast out all who _____.
▪ Look always with favor on _____. ▪ Never forgive _____ their sins.
• I am taken to a mysterious place. What do I see? • I have to get away. Where can I go?
• I am taken to an infernal place. What do I see? • I have to shield myself. What is at hand?
• I am taken to a paradise. What do I see? • I have to grab hold of something. What do I find?
The game ends when the leading player ends the prayer. If you don’t have a good ending in mind, “Amen”
often works. The leading player takes 1 Influence if this is the first Utter a Prayer they’ve led.
The game ends either when you ask one of the final questions, or if your character would meet an untimely The turn order resumes from where it was interrupted.
end within the vision itself.You awaken as you were, without any time having passed. Take 1 Influence if
you act on the vision you just received.

Final Questions
▪ A sign is revealed to me. What is it?
▪ A doom is revealed to me. What is it?
▪ A miracle is revealed to me. What is it?
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Summon the Conclave Hierophants is a hack of The King is Dead by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker, and is based on the Firebrands
Framework. I am deeply indebted to them for their terrific game.
When to play this: When you think you’re ready to end the game
This game is deeply inspired by other Firebrands-inspired titles, most notably OceanTides by S.Gates
What this looks like and For the Honor by Quinn Vega.
The leaders of the faith are gathered together in a single place, ready to speak in favor of candidates and
then cast their votes for leader. “Witness a Vision of the Divine” is deeply inspired by The Sundered Land by Meguey and Vincent Baker.
“Examine a Sacred Relic” inspired by Dear Leader by Tim Hutchings.
Everyone plays. Created for the Rhymerbrands game jam on itch.io, hosted by CureWiki and Riley Hopkins.

Each player will allocate their Influence to a candidate, and then roll those dice to determine the strength of Big thank you to my playtesters: Carter, Elliot, Guz, and Wyatt, who all picked up the game and ran with it.
their vote. A player may split their Influence between different candidates, if they so desire. Special thanks to Carter Richmond for helping me sort out how the heck to do a Tarot deck in Roll20.

If you want, you can take turns making final arguments for your candidates to the group. It’s entirely Finally, thank you to my home group of players: Bill, Brandon, Jeff, Herbie, Lobos, and Rachel, for always being
possible everyone is already ready to make their decisions, however. game for whatever I throw their way.

Play Version History

Secretly write the name of the candidate on a piece of paper and turn it face down, and then stack the
Influence that you intend to spend on that candidate on top of it. 0.2 - 03/21/20
Affinity Publisher first draft. Reworked names of key games. Reworked amount of Influence you can gamble (and
Once everyone has allocated their Influence, each player then rolls those dice and adds the total. Then, bonus for leading player) in Convert the Masses.
reveal the candidate written on that Influence’s piece of paper. The dice represents the number of votes
cast for this candidate. (Keep your dice in front of you.) 0.175 - 03/20/20
Categorized games. Tweaked influence gain across the board. Changed Observe the Signs to Include everyone.
The candidate with the highest total result is the new leader of the faith. The candidate’s player describes, Changed relationship generation. Reformatted Examine a Relic; removed Relic Influence gain.
in broad strokes, how they are ordained as the new leader, and what steps they take to begin leading the
faith towards the future. 0.15 - 03/18/20
Reworked some names, added table of contents, added appendix category. Reworked who asks and answers in
If the results are tied, then all players lose one Influence down to a minimum of 1, and then vote Pilgrimage. Clarified results of losing a Doctrine Argument.
again. Players may opt to discuss and reallocate votes as appropriate.
0.1 - 03/14/20
Optional Results First draft.
Once a leader has been determined, any player who meets one of the following conditions can choose to
invoke one of these additional, optional results.

▪ If the player who rolled the most total dice did not vote for the new leader,
they may describe a schism within the faith.
▪ If the player who rolled the highest individual result did not vote for the new leader,
they may describe a horrific betrayal.
▪ If the player with the fewest total dice (including zero!) did not vote for the new leader,
they may describe a new threat from outside the faith.
▪ If the player with the lowest dice total (excluding zero) did not vote for the new leader,
they may describe a terrifying omen.

Once all of the results have been determined, each player takes a turn describing briefly what the future
holds for their character.

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