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Health diagnostics of PV panels by means of single

cell analysis of thermographic images

Pierluigi Guerriero, Gerardo Cuozzo and Santolo Daliento

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
University of Naples Federico II
Naples, Italy

Abstract—This paper proposes an automated diagnostic solution would be single panel real time characterization as
procedure able to detect and classify malfunctioning leading to proposed in [13]-[18] where power production of solar panels
the overheating of cells embedded in solar panels. The analysis of is continuously acquired, thus allowing high selectivity
the temperature gradients over defective cells allows to identification of underperforming ones. The drawback of those
distinguish hot spots caused by shadowing from overheating kind of approaches, that can be generally referred as "high
caused by cell defects. Such nonintrusive approach provides an granularity monitoring approaches", is the need of equipping
accurate and inexpensive diagnostic tool, thus reducing operation each solar panel with a costly electronic board whose impact
and maintenance costs and enhancing the energy yield of PV on the global balance should be carefully evaluated. To the
opposite side "low granularity approaches" monitor electrical
Keywords—hot spot, thermography, solar cell, UAV performance at an higher level (string, array, global dc power,
ac power) the more is "high" the level the low is the cost and,
I. INTRODUCTION at the same time, the selectivity.
In recent years photovoltaic (PV) energy production A good compromise between cost and selectivity can be
experienced a really impressive growth, bringing this achieved by performing thermal analysis in place of electrical
technology to cover a not negligible part of the energy demand measurements [19]-[23]. Diagnostic capabilities of the thermal
in many industrialized countries. Such a pervasive diffusion analysis depend on the fact that many fault conditions give
has been facilitated by the strong reduction of the investment rise to uneven temperature distribution, both inside solar
costs, nevertheless, the return of the investment can be only panels and among panels. Thus, thermographic images (in the
achieved if solar panels don't degrade their performance over a IR range) of the entire PV system can give global information
long period of time. Nevertheless, many solar fields about the healthy state of the installation while identifying
experience lower energy yields than expected, often because eligible fault panels; high resolution images of solar panels
of low quality materials or because of poor assembling, in identified as probably faulted can brought to the identification
spite of the progresses made in both silicon solar cells of the physical defect.
technology and characterization techniques [1]-[7], along with
the efficiency of electronic converters [8]-[12].In order to not The recent diffusion of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is
discourage potential investors, solar panels producing making this technique widely accessible so that it is becoming
companies typically offer very long warranty coverage (up to the standard for PV fields diagnosis [20]-[23]. However, in
25 years), by assuring defective panels replacement. spite of the quite simple data acquisition procedure, data
Unfortunately, the identification of single malfunctioning solar interpretation is not as straightforward as one would wish. The
panels, when they are embedded in a solar field, is one of the first obstacle is the large number of pictures to analyze.
most challenging task that can be imaged. Nevertheless, as it Automatic data managing intelligent systems, exploiting
is well known, the effect on power production of even single advanced signal processing algorithms for computer vision,
underperforming solar panel can be dramatic. Difficulties arise able to both identify single panel frames and to give the
from the inherent structure of solar fields that are modularly temperature distribution across them are needed. The second
built by series connecting single solar panels to form "strings" obstacle is the relation between temperature distribution and
that are, in turn, parallel connected to form "arrays". The result faults. The simple assumption that "hot" means "defective"
of such architectures is that even medium size solar plants can can bring to overestimate the number of possible faulted
be likely formed by thousands of solar panels, individually panels with consequent wasted time for their individual
contributing to the overall electrical behavior of the PV analysis (which is always needed before asking for
system. replacement).

In the last few years, many efforts have been devoted to In this paper we propose an automatic procedure for
the development of effective monitoring/diagnostic systems thermographic images processing that, in addition to the
able to identify fault events and their impact on energy features already presented in other papers (single panel
production. It is unquestionable that the most performing localization, temperature mapping over the panel, localization
of hot spots) analyzes the temperature distribution across

978-1-5090-2320-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

single solar cells in order to distinguish overheating induced C. Prospective error compensation
by "normal" operating conditions (like hot spots induced by A regression procedure performed on each group of pixels
shadows) from that induced by inherent solar cells defects analytically identifies the four sides of the polygon (red line in
(like cracks, metal rupture and so on) thus leading to rules for Fig. 2a) enclosing the active area. The vertexes of such
solar panel classification and supporting maintenance polygon defines the best linear transformation to correct the
decisions. prospective error, thus gaining a normal view of the active
II. EFFECT OF CELL DEFECTS ON TEMPERATURE area in the monitored panel (Fig. 2b).
DISTRIBUTION. The sub-set of pixels corresponding to each individual cell
Overheating in a solar cell typically occurs when, for some is obtained by dividing the active area into rows and column
reason, it supplies less current than the others series connected as reported in the datasheet of the specific module.
cells, thus getting reverse biased (because of the intervention
of the bypass diode) and dissipating power. The most
frequently encountered overheating phenomenon, the "hot
spot", occurs when the solar cell is shadowed by an external
shield; it is worth noting that this phenomenon is independent
from the healthy state of the cell. The hot spot in healthy cells
give rise to uniform cell heating and should not be considered
as a defect (even if the shading cause should be, if possible,
removed). Conversely, an uneven temperature distribution
over a solar cell is a certain sign for cell defects.
The proposed diagnostic approach automatically processes
thermal images according to an innovative detection and
classification algorithm. In the following a description of the
algorithm steps is provided.
A. Temperature maps
The algorithm is performed on the discrete temperature
map T(i,j) carried out by processing thermal images provided
by the thermo-camera (HT THT70, 384x288 pixels ). The Fig. 1. Panel identification procedure.
generic pixel Pij in the thermal image is originally expressed
by the three-dimensional vector [rij, gij, bij] in the RGB space.
Then a suited transformation is exploited to obtain the one-
dimensional T(i,j) representing in a 64-level range the mean
temperature detected in the cell area covered by the pixel Pij.
B. Panel identification
The algorithm automatically selects in the temperature
maps T(i,j) the pixels corresponding to the specific PV panel
to be analyzed according to the following assumptions: (i) the
panels occupy the great part of the image (i.e., the mode T is
representative of the temperature reached by the great part of
the cells), (ii) the panel under analysis is at the center of the
thermal image, and (iii) the frame has a lower temperature
with respect to the cells (e.g., the panel has a metallic frame). Fig. 2. Prospective error compensation: a suited transformation corrects the
prospective error in (a), thus obtaining a normal view on the only active area
The typical behavior of the temperature along a row and a of the monitored panel (b).
column near the center of the image is reported in Fig. 1. The
pixel on the edge of the active area (array of cells, green area D. Thermal analysis
in the figure) are easily detected by assuming they achieve a The proposed approach rests on the assumption that in
temperature equal to T − σ , where ʍ is the standard deviation normal operation (i.e., evenly operating cells and uniform
of the temperature over the whole thermal image. The irradiation) a panel expresses an almost uniform temperature
procedure has to be repeated for several rows and columns all distribution resulting by the following equilibrium
around the center in order to obtain four group of points, one
for each side of the active area. Rth,i ⋅ (Tamb − Tcell ,i ) = Gin ⋅ A − Vi ⋅ I i = Gin ⋅ A ⋅ (1 − ηi ) (1)

where Gin is the solar radiation impacting the cell, A is the area
of the cell, Ș is the conversion efficiency, Rth is the cell
thermal resistance, Tamb is the ambient temperature, while Tcell The occurrence of an hot-spot is supposed to produce an
is the operating cell temperature. V and I are the operating overheating of the whole cell, with a reduced variation of the
voltage and current, respectively. It is worth noting the heat temperature over the cell with respect to the maximum
transfer among cells and between cell and metallic frame (i.e., temperature increase. Therefore an hot-spot event is detected
Rth,i=Rth) are neglected. Moreover, the border effects inside as the following inequality is satisfied
individual cells are also ignored, thus resulting in
Tcell , n  T (i, j ) ∀i, y ∈ nth cell (2) < ε hot − spot (5)
Tmax, n − T

According with the above considerations, it is evident that where Tmax,n is the maximum temperature reached on the cell
a local irradiation reduction and/or a variation in the operating and ın is the standard deviation of the temperature
point of the cell change its temperature distribution T(i,j). distribution. The threshold İhot-spot is set to about 0.1.
In order to highlight a temperature variation, the expected Conversely, the occurrence of cracks and/or soldering
operating temperature of the cell is estimated as the modal issues favors the overheating of just a portion of the cell with
value T (i.e., the value with higher occurrence ) in the map respect to the remaining part, thus resulting in an uneven
T(i,j). temperature distribution. Moreover the evaluation of the
temperature slope allows to distinguish the two kinds of fault.
The classification algorithm is performed only on the set of
cells in the panel satisfying the following inequality To this aim the gradient g(i,j) is evaluated according to the
following expression
max(T (i, j )) − T > ε1 (3)
g(i, j ) = g x (i, j ) ⋅ xˆ + g y (i, j ) ⋅ yˆ (6)
where İ1 depends on the maximum power dissipation accepted
on the cell where

η Gin A T (i + 1, j ) − T (i − 1, j )
ε1 = (4) g x (i, j ) =
Rth 2
T (i, j + 1) − T (i, j − 1)
g x (i, j ) =
The algorithm depicted in Fig. 3 is firstly performed on the 2
cell exhibiting the highest temperature increase (as defined in
(3)). In a cell crack, the temperature variation is confined in a
small area along the crack itself. If we assume this region so
σn tight as to be enclosed in a one-pixel-width curve, the
< ε hot − spot
Tmax,n − T maximum magnitude of the gradient has the following
Yes expression
max( g n (i, j ) ) ε crack Tmax, n − Tmin, n
> max( g n (i, j ) ) = (8)
Tmax,n − Tmin,n 2 2
Cell crack where

max( g n (i, j ) ) ε soldering

(g (i, j ) ) + ( g n , y (i, j ) )
2 2
Tmax, n − Tmin, n 2Nx g n (i, j ) = n, x (9)

§ gn, y ·
sin ¨
¨g ¸¸ < ε soldering and Tmax,n and Tmin,n the maximum and the minimum
© n, x ¹ temperature in the nth cell. Actually the algorithm classifies the
Soldering cell as cracked as the following inequality is satisfied
No Yes issue
max( g n (i, j ) ) ε crack
Other effects > (10)
Tmax, n − Tmin, n 2
Fig. 3. Algorithm flow chart.
where İcrack is set to 0.8.
The aim is classifying the faults into three classes: hot- On the contrary, the temperature variation in a cell
spots, cracks, and soldering issues. suffering of a soldering effect (e.g., a disconnected bus bar) is
supposed to be lower with respect to the case of crack and to
take place along the x direction (i.e., the bus bars direction). In investigation; nevertheless the eight solar cells surrounding
the worst case, the temperature changes linearly with a cell 5,3 are also selected due to their significant raise in
constant slope temperature.

Tmax, n − Tmin, n
g n, x = (11)
2N x

where Nx is the number of pixels in x direction in the cell.

According to the latter considerations, a fault is classified
as soldering issues if the magnitude of the gradient satisfies
the following inequality

max( g n (i, j ) ) ε soldering

> (12)
Tmax, n − Tmin, n 2Nx

while the mean gradient

Fig. 4. Thermal image of a solar string.
1 ª Nx Ny Nx Ny º
gn = « ¦¦ g n, x (i, j ) ⋅ xˆ + ¦¦ g n , y (i, j ) ⋅ yˆ » (13)
N x N y ¬ i =1 y =1 i =1 y =1 ¼

is oriented almost along the x direction

§ g n, y ·
sin ¨
¨g ¸¸ < ε soldering (14)
© n, x ¹

where İsoldering is 1 2.
The algorithm in Fig. 3 is to be repeated for all the selected
cells. Nevertheless each time a fault is detected in a cell, the
algorithm purges from the list of candidates the neighboring
cells resulting not heat sources, but just heated by the faulty Fig. 5. Active region detection: red polygon, obtained from the red circle by
cell. means of a regression approach, adequately encloses the active region.


Experiments shown hereafter were taken from various
solar fields selected because of their underperforming
Let us start from the thermal image shown in Fig. 4. As
requested by the automatic procedure depicted in Fig. 1, the
panel to be analyzed is located almost at the center of the
picture, while other panels occupy the remaining part. Fig. 5
shows the result of active region detection procedure.
The subsequent processing step performed on the thermal
image corrects the perspective error by means of a suited
linear transformation base on the knowledge of the vertexes of
the polygon enclosing the active region (red line in Fig. 5). As
shown in Fig. 6, this step allows to easily divide the solar
panel into cells by exploiting geometry information taken
from data sheets.
After that, the temperature map is processed to identify the Fig. 6. Solar panel with compensated perspective and solar cells frames.
solar cells exhibiting such an over-temperature that (3) is met.
Table I reports all the parameter evaluated to complete the
Cell 5,3 (line, column) exhibits the highest temperature in classification procedure for cell 5,3. From the table it can be
the panel, thus resulting the first candidate for further inferred that the cell is almost uniformly overheated (the
standard deviation is only 0.1 °C, while the peak value reaches
85 °C), thus leading to classify the fault as a probable "hot
spot" caused by partial shadowing.


Panel 1 Panel 2
Cell 5,3 Cell 4,3 Cell 3,5
Maximum temp. [°C] 84 78 73
Minimum temp. [°C] 83 45 45
Mean temp. [°C] 83 54 61
Modal Temperature [°C] 45 45 45
Temp. STD [°C] 0.1 7.3 6.5
Max. thermal gradient (magnitude) 4.8 33 38.5
Mean thermal gradient (magnitude) 5e-3 8 1.1
Mean thermal gradient (phase) - -95 6
[degrees] Fig. 8. Magnitude and direction of thermal gradients inside cell 4,3.
Final Response Hot spot Mutual Metal
heating Lift-off

In order to better clarify the proposed approach, the

gradient magnitude exiting cell 5,3 is shown Fig. 7. The
analysis of the figure reveals that active area of the cell has no
defects (i.e., the mean gradient reaches only 5·10-3 °C/cm),
thus proving cell 5,3 is healthy.
Even though the algorithm initially selects the neighboring
cells as probably faulty, the magnitude and the direction of the
thermal gradient reveal they are not heat sources, but just
heated by cell 5,3. As an example, the behavior of thermal
gradient in cell 4,3 is depicted in Fig. 8, while the maximum
magnitude (33 °C/cm), the mean (8 °C/cm), and the mean
phase (-95°) are reported in Table I.

Fig. 9. Thermal image of an overheated solar cell.

Fig. 7. Thermal gradient magnitudes for cell 5,3.

A defective cell is shown in Fig. 9 (cell 3,5 panel 2 in Fig. 10. Thermal gradient magnitude for the solar cell of Fig.5.
Table I). The algorithm classifies the cell as affected by a
metal lift-off by analyzing the magnitude (Fig.6) and the phase Fig.6 clearly evidences a line where a strong discontinuity
(Fig.7) of the gradient according to (12)-(14). in the temperature exists. The appearance of such a line is
prognostic for a defective cell. As reported in Table I, the
average direction of the line follows the direction of the bus
bar that collects the cell current.
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