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Capsule Programme - 2022 MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG

NEET-UG 2022 6Z
Capsule Course Day 6 Micro Test
Time : 30 mins Full Marks : 200
Student’s Name ....................................................................................................................... Obtained

Centre ........................................................ Course ................................ Date ........................

TOPIC : Strategies in Enhancement in Food Production (Animal Husbandry); Microbes in Human Welfare;
Biotechnology : Principle & Process; Biotechnology : Application

Important Instructions

[Each question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect
response, 1 mark will be deducted.]

 Each of the following questions has Only One Option Correct. Tick ( ) the appropriate answer.

1. Who is referred to as father of pearl industry ?

(1) Inovsky (2) Louis pasteur

(3) Kokichi Mikimoto (4) Harvey

2. Which one of the following is a fresh water fish?

(1) Hilsa (2) Catla (3) Mackerel (4) Pomfret

3. In India, which of the following species of honey bee is reared in artificial hives ?

(1) Apis indica (2) Apis dorsata

(3) Apis florae (4) None of these

4. The most important livestocks of India are

(1) Cattle and cat (2) Cattle and elephant

(3) Cattle and dog (4) Cattle and buffalo

5. Statement - I : Although apiculture and sericulture belongs to animal husbandry, but they are not calculated under
live stock.
Statement - II : Live stock are those animals which are reared in farm.

(1) Both Statement - I and Statement - II is true

(2) Statement - I is true and Statement - II is false

(3) Statement - I is false, but Statement - II is true

(4) Both Statement - I and Statement - II are false

PATHFINDER : 96K, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Hazra More, Kolkata-700026, Ph. 24551840 / 24544817 1
MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG Capsule Programme - 2022

6. Which of the following is a commercial blood cholesterol lowering agent ?

(1) Streptokinase (2) Lipases

(3) Cyclosporin A (4) Statin

7. Match the following column and select the correct option

Column - I Column - II
(a) Clostridium butylicum (i) Cyclosporin-A
(b) Trichoderma polysporum (ii) Butyric Acid
(c) Monascus purpureus (iii) Citric Acid
(d) Aspergillus niger (iv) Blood cholesterol lowering agent

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(2) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

8. In gobar gas, the maximum amount is that of

(1) Butane (2) CO2

(3) Propane (4) Methane

9. A good producer of citric acid is

(1) Aspergillus (2) Pseudomonas

(3) Saccharomyces (4) Clostridium

10. The fungal genus that form mycorrhiza is

(1) Albugo (2) Trichoderma (3) Glomus (4) Streptomyces

11. Statement - I : Discovery of the first antibiotic was a chance discovery.

Statement - II : Penicillin was the first antibiotic.

(1) Both Statement - I and Statement - II is true

(2) Statement - I is true and Statement - II is false

(3) Statement - I is false, but Statement - II is true

(4) Both Statement - I and Statement - II are false

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Capsule Programme - 2022 MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG

12. In gel electrophoresis, separated DNA fragments can be visualized with the help of :

(1) Acetocarmine in bright blue light (2) Ethidium bromide in UV radiation

(3) Acetocarmine in UV radiation (4) Ethidium bromide in infrared radiation

13. Match the column

Substrate Enzyme
(A) Ribonucleotide (i) Chitinase
(B) Chitin (ii) Cellulase
(C) Cellulose (iii) Ribonuclease

(1) A – i, B – ii, C – iii (2) A – iii, B – i, C – ii

(3) A – iii, B – ii, C – i (4) A – ii, B –i, C – iii

14. In Ti-plasmid, which of the following is removed:

(1) Auxin gene (2) Virulent gene

(3) Cytokinin gene (4) Auxin & cytokinin gene

15. Insertional inactivation is related to :

(1) Microinjection (2) Gene gun

(3) Gel electrophoresis (4) Selection of recombinants

16. Find out the incorrect statement with respect to PCR.

(1) Polymerase chain reaction was developed by Kary Mullis

(2) The DNA polymerase used in PCR is thermostable

(3) The denaturation of DNA is carried out at 94ºC

(4) The primers used in PCR are oligonucleotides and primer annealing occurs at 90ºC

17. Which of the following is not naturally occurring gene?

(1) Cry-gene (2) Bt-gene

(3) RNAi gene (4) Cellular defense gene

18. Statement - I : Cattle breeds can be improved by super ovulation and embryo transplantation.
Statement - II : Super ovulation in high milk-yielding cows is induced by hormonal injection.

(1) Both Statement - I and Statement - II is true

(2) Statement - I is true and Statement - II is false

(3) Statement - I is false, but Statement - II is true

(4) Both Statement - I and Statement - II are false

PATHFINDER : 96K, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Hazra More, Kolkata-700026, Ph. 24551840 / 24544817 3
MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG Capsule Programme - 2022

19. Statement - I : In recombinant DNA technology, human genes are often transferred into bacteria (prokaryotcs)
or yeast (eukaryote)
Statement - II : Both bacteria and yeast multiply very fast to form huge populations which express the desired

(1) Both Statement - I and Statement - II is true

(2) Statement - I is true and Statement - II is false

(3) Statement - I is false, but Statement - II is true

(4) Both Statement - I and Statement - II are false

20. Hisardale is obtained by crossing

(1) Horse with donkey (2) Marino ewes with Bikaneri rams

(3) Superior bull with superior cow (4) Bikaneri ewes with Merino Rams
21. Obtaining fishes from random waterbodies is

(1) Culture fishery (2) Capture fishery

(3) Pisciculture (4) Ichthyology

22. More than 70% of livestock population is in

(1) Denmark (2) India

(3) China (4) Both (2) and (3)

23. The aquaculture involves the production of useful

(1) Aquatic plants (2) Shrimps and prawns

(3) Fishes and oysters (4) All of these

24. MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer) is a method of

(1) Fish cultivation (2) Hybridisation of cattle

(3) Birth control (4) Cloning of sheep

25. Cryopreservation technique is the preservation

(1) Of living beings in chemicals (2) At very low temperature

(3) Through exposure to irradiation (4) Through use of gases

26. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(1) Apis dorsata is most commonly used for honey production

(2) Karl von Fritsch discoverd bee dance

(3) Honey is rich in glucose and maltose sugars

(4) All of the above

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Capsule Programme - 2022 MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG

27. Match the following Columns

Column - I Column - II
(Utility) (Livestock)
(A) Milk, butter and driving carts (1) Goat
(B) Milk and Flesh (2) Horse
(C) Transport and recreation (3) Sheep
(D) Wool and mutton (4) Buffalo
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 4 1 2 3

(2) 1 3 2 4

(3) 1 2 4 3

(4) 3 2 1 4
28. Rhizobium, Clostridium and Azotobacter are

(1) Bacilli (2) Cocci (3) Vibrio (4) Spirillum

29. Which one of the following alcoholic drinks is produced without distillation ?

(1) Wine (2) Whisky (3) Rum (4) Brandy

30. The technology of biogas production from cowdung was developed in India largely due to the efforts of

(1) Gas Authority of India (2) Oil and Natural Gas Commission

(3) Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Khadi and Village Industries Commission

(4) Indian oil corporation

31. What would happen if oxygen availability to activated sludge flocs is reduced ?

(1) It will slow down the rate of degradation of organic matter

(2) The centre of flocs will become anoxic, which would cause death of bacteria and eventually breakage of

(3) Flocs would increase in size as anaerobic bacterial would grow around flocs

(4) Protozoa would grow in large numbers

32. Big holes in Swiss cheese are made by a

(1) Machine

(2) Bacterium that produces methane gas

(3) Bacterium producing a large amount of carbon dioxide

(4) Fungus that releases lot of gases during its metabolic activities

PATHFINDER : 96K, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Hazra More, Kolkata-700026, Ph. 24551840 / 24544817 5
MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG Capsule Programme - 2022

33. Match the Column - I with Column - II

Column - I Column - II
(A) Statins (1) Remove the clots in blood vessels
(B) Cyclosporin - A (2) Competitive inhibitor of cholesterol synthesising enzyme
(C) streptokinase (3) Immunosuppresant
(D) Lipase (4) Soap industry to remove oil strain
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) 2 3 1 4

(2) 4 2 3 1

(3) 3 2 4 1

(4) 4 1 3 2

34. Consider the following bioactive molecules. Which of these is an immunosuppressive agent used in organ transplant
(I) Streptokinase (II) Statins (III) Cyclosporin-A (IV) Lipases

(1) (I) and (IV) (2) (III) and (IV) (3) Only (III) (4) Only (II)

35. Consider the following microorganisms and choose which one is used for the production of acetic acid ?
(I) Acetobacter aceti (II) Caryota urens (III) Aspergillus niger (IV) Clostridium butylicum

(1) (I) and (II) (2) (III) and (IV) (3) Only (I) (4) Only (II)

36. Match the following Columns

Column - I Column - II
(A) Lady bird (i) Methanobacterium
(B) Mycorrhiza (ii) Trichoderma
(C) Biological control (iii) Aphids
(D) Biogas (iv) Glomus
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) ii iv iii i

(2) iii iv ii i

(3) iv i ii iii

(4) iii ii i iv

37. Which one of the following is not a biofertiliser ?

(1) Rhizobium (2) Nostoc

(3) Mycorrhiza (4) Agrobacterium

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Capsule Programme - 2022 MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG

38. Which of the following one is/are properly matched?

(1) Streptomyces : Antibiotics (2) Methanogens : Gobar gas

(3) Yeast : Ethanol (4) All of these

39. Which of the following is a restriction endonuclease ?

(1) Protease (2) DNase I

(3) RNase (4) Hind II

40. DNA polymerase is isolated from bacteria

(1) E.coli (2) B.thuringiensis

(3) Thermus aquaticus (4) Agrobacterium

41. In insertional inactivation of -galactosidase gene, the bacteria in white colonies have

(1) non-recombinant plasmid (2) recombinant plasmid

(3) no plasmid (4) linear foreign DNA

42. Identify the steps that are involved in PCR
(I) Denaturation (II) Annealing (III) Extension (IV) Downstream processing

(1) II, IV and IIII (2) I, IV and II (3) I, II and III (4) I, III and IV
43. Which of the following enzymes is used to join DNA fragments

(1) DNA polymerase (2) Ligase

(3) Primase (4) Endounclese

44. The vector for T-DNA is

(1) Thermus aquaticus (2) Salmonella typhimurium

(3) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (4) Escherichia coli

45. Which of the following is considered as molecular glue?

(1) Alkaline phosphatase (2) Restriction endonuclease

(3) DNA ligase (4) DNA polymerase

46. Bacillus thuringiensis forms the protein crystals, which contains a toxic insecticidal protein. This protein
(I) Is activatd by alkaline pH of the gut of the insect pest
(II) Binds with the epithelial cells of the midgut of the insect pest ultimately killing it
(III) Does not kill the carrier bacterium which is itself resistance to this toxin
Which of the statement given above are correct ?

(1) I and II (2) I and III (3) II and III (4) I, II and III

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MICRO TEST-6Z-Class-6-NEET-UG Capsule Programme - 2022

47. Match the following Columns

Column - I Column - II
(A) Golden rice (i) Armyworm
(B) Bt toxin (ii) Rich in vitamin - A
(C) RNAi (iii) Cry protein
(D) Lepidopterans (iv) Gene silencing
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(1) ii iii iv i

(2) iii iv i ii

(3) iv i ii iii

(4) ii i iii iv

48.  - 1 antitrypsin (AAT) protein is used to treat which disease ?

(1) Dwarfism (2) CJD

(3) Both (1) and (2) (4) Emphysema

49. Consider the following statements.

(I) Specific Bt toxin genes have been isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis
(II) Bt toxin in coded by a gene named cry.
(III) Bt toxin protien exists as inactive protoxins.
Which of the following statements given above are correct ?

(1) I, II and III (2) I and II

(3) I and III (4) II and III

50. The first human hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology is

(1) insulin (2) oestrogen

(3) thyroxine (4) progesterone

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