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SMU Classification: Restricted

Challenge Yourself (Additional Practice & Answer Keys)

C01: For ( ) = , find ( ( )).
Ans: 81
C02: Solve = ( ) for .

Ans: ln(2) and ln(2)

C03: Solve = for .

Ans: ln 2

C04: Solve ( ( )) = for .

Ans: ln(2) , ln(2) and ln 2

C05: Reduce the following rational expression to lowest terms.

( )
( )

Ans: , ln(2)

C06: Find the domain of function ( ) = ( ( )) +

Ans: All real numbers

( )
C07: Find the domain of function ( ) = .
( )

Ans: ln(2)

C08: Find the domain of function ( ) = ( ) .

Ans: ln(2)
C09: Find the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line, = + , that passes through ( , ) and
( , ).

Ans: =

C10: Solve = for (exact answer).

Ans: =

C11: Solve ( )= ( ) for (exact answer).

Ans: = 0 or

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SMU Classification: Restricted

C12: Solve = for (exact answer).

Ans: = 2
C13: Solve = for (exact answer).

Ans: = ln

C14: Solve the following equation for (exact answer).

( ) = ( )
( )
Ans: = 1 + 10

C15: Find ( ).

Ans: 3 6

C16: Find .

Ans: 0

C17: Find .


C18: Find all horizontal and vertical asymptotes of the function

( )=

Ans: = 2 (VA); = 1 (HA)

C19: Find all horizontal and vertical asymptotes of the function

( )=

Ans: = 5 (VA); = 0 (HA)

C20: Find ( ) and simplify.
( )= ( )+ +( ) + , >

Ans: ( )= + (ln( ))( ) + ( + 1)

C21: Find ( ) and simplify.

( )= ( + )

Ans: ( )= +

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SMU Classification: Restricted

C22: Find ( ) and simplify.

( )=

Ans: ( )=

C23: Find ( ) and simplify.

( )= [ +( + ) ]
( )
Ans: ( )=
( )

C24: Find ( ) and simplify.

( )=( + ) , >
( )
Ans: ( ) = (3 + 1) 2 ln(3 + 1) +

C25: [textbook, p. 308, P. 45] Given ( ) =

a) Find the domain of ( ).
b) Find the intercept(s) of ( ), if applicable.
c) Find the intercept of ( ), if applicable.
d) Find all vertical asymptote(s) of ( ), if applicable.
e) Find all horizontal asymptote(s) of ( ), if applicable.
f) Find the first derivative function ’( ).
g) Draw a sign chart of ’( ). From it, deduce when ( ) is increasing and when ( ) is decreasing. Find all local extrema, if
h) Find the second derivative function ’’( ).
i) Draw a sign chart of ’’( ). From it, deduce when ( ) is concaving up and when ( ) is concaving down. Find all point(s) of
inflection, if applicable.
j) Use all the information above, sketch the graph of ( ).
a) 2 j)
b) (0,0)
c) (0,0)
d) =2
e) None
( )
f) ( )=
( )
g) Partition Numbers: 0, 2, 3

Local minimum: (3, 27)

h) ( )=
( )
i) Partition Numbers: 0, 2

Inflection point: (0, 0)

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SMU Classification: Restricted

C26: Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum of

( )=
on the interval [ , ]

Ans: Absolute minimum is (0) = 1, and absolute maximum is ( 5) = .

C27: [Textbook, p. 334, P. 47] Find the absolute maximum value on [ , ) for
( )=

Ans: (0.5) =

C28: [Textbook, p. 359, P.70] Find the indefinite integral

( )
Ans: ln(ln( )) +
C29: [Textbook, p. 358, P.35] Find the indefinite integral

Ans: ( + 4) ( + 4) +

C30: Find the indefinite integral

Ans: ln | 1 3| ln | 1 + 3| +

C31: Find the indefinite integral

( )

Ans: ( 2) sin( ) + 2 cos( ) +

C32: Find the indefinite integral

( )

[ ( ) ( )]
Ans: +

C33: [Textbook, p. 390, P.61] Evaluate the integral

( + )
Ans: 0

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SMU Classification: Restricted

C34: [Textbook, p. 408, P.67] Find the area bounded by the graphs of the indicated equation. Compute answer
to three decimal places, if applicable.
= ; =
Ans: 8
C35: [Textbook, p. 458, P.65] Find ( , ), ( , ), ( , ), and ( , ) for
( , )=
Ans: ( , )=( +2 ) , ( , ) = (2 + ) = ( , ), ( , )=
C36: [Textbook, p. 467, P.19] Find local extrema of
( , )= + + + + .
Ans: (3,2) = 33 is a local maximum.
C37: [Textbook, p. 476, P.13] Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum and minimum of
( , )= subject to + = .
Ans: Max: (3,3) = ( 3, 3) = 18; Min: (3, 3) = ( 3,3) = 18
C38: [Textbook, p. 486, P.19] Find the least squares line and use it to estimate when = . Round answers to
two decimal places.

0.5 25
2 22
3.5 21
5 21
6.5 18
9.5 12
11 11
12.5 8
14 5
15.5 1

Ans: = 1.533 + 26.667. = 14.40 when =8

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