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Nama obat Batch Number Kadaluarsa

1 Loratadine 21050133 May-23
2 Alleron 105137 May-26
3 Metformin 500 mg HTMFNA05629 Oct-22
4 Histigo 02030 Oct-22
5 Amlodipine 10 mg HTALNF11226 Jan-23
6 Cetirizine EDK044 Nov-22
7 Methylprednisolone 4 mg BN B10047005 Feb-22
8 Licodexon 0.5 mg LEA022111 Dec-21
9 Dexteem Plus T0620572 Oct-24
10 Vitamin C 50 mg H00016BI Jul-23
11 Neurodex 51D4101 Mar-22
12 Etabion HL1110 Aug-23
13 Holizinc 1102100 Feb-23
14 Metronidazole 500 mg 0817117 Aug-22
15 Zidalev 500 mg 00527 May-24
16 Azithromycin dihydrate AP083 Jan-23
17 Cefadroxil monohydrate 6910005 Oct-21
18 Bisoprolol fumarate 5284202 Jan-23
19 Amoxicillin trihydrate 200437115 Apr-22
20 Aspilet 20085401 Oct-22
21 Neurodex 51D4101 Mar-22
22 Glimepiride 51G0340 Jul-23
23 Folamef 7602001 Feb-25
24 Ambroxol 09619L0020 Dec-22
25 Hydrochlorothiazide 25 F91584B May-24
26 Fasidol 05531 Nov-24
27 Meloxicam 15 mg 51D0211 Feb-24
28 Dolo-licobion FRB059050 Jun-22
29 Molexflu M28CU041 Jun-22
30 Glibenclamide 5 mg 20GD1143 Aug-22
31 Lopamid 9145001 Sep-22
32 Gastrucid 1029008 Jan-23
33 Ketoconazole 200 mg 2881485 Jun-21
34 Lexapram L20CY006 May-22
35 Diatabs 19126601 Jun-22
36 Tidifar 200 mg 00831 Nov-22
37 Diclofenac Sodium 36365057 Sep-22
38 Neuralgin RX HTNLGD01768 Jan-22
39 Asam mefenamat CL1073 Mar-24
40 Fasidol Forte 11024 Apr-25
41 Omeprazole 20 mg LL1024 Dec-22
42 Alpara A06CL086 Jul-23
43 Salbutamol I92348B Aug-23
44 Ambroxol HCl 09619E0050 May-22
45 Dextral D03CS209 Sep-22
46 Allopurinol 100 mg M9033 Oct-23
47 OBH Nusantara syr. 125E1 May-25
48 OBH Surya syr. 004214 Apr-24
49 Hufanoxil syr. BB05420 Nov-23
50 Samcovit syr. 901LB Feb-23
51 Novagesic syr. 21012184 Jan-23
52 Coparcetin syr. IK0531 May-24
53 Unicetamol syr. K01004 Feb-23
54 Unibebi cough syrup A01293 Nov-23
55 Yusimox syr. 18224 May-23
56 Trifamycetin salep 200232 Feb-23
57 Chloramfecort cream I02305J Sep-22
58 Erphamazol cream O.0420002 Mar-22
59 Hydrocortisone cream 2 J82197 Oct-22
60 Erlamycetin salep mata O.0455034 Apr-24
61 Erlamycetin tetes mata D.1155047 Apr-22
62 Epinephrine inj. 36344004-2 Sep-23

63 Hy-care Gel Hand Saniti 12992020 10/26/2022
64 Kasa steril Onemed 1071988 Jun-24
65 H2O2 3% C9109203 Dec-22
66 IV catheter 20G 190830 Jul-24
67 IV catheter 24G 210320 Feb-26
68 Easy touch strip choleste CHS21218A35 Jan-23
69 Easy touch strip uric aci UAS21408A4J Mar-23
70 Easy touch strip choleste GOS21113B21 Dec-22
71 Rivanol E17111601 Dec-23
72 Povidone Iodine Oneme 27032188 Feb-24
73 Kapsul kosong 2020621CB Jun-26
74 Folley Catheter 19BE07 Jan-24


75 Pehacain 36052027 10/1/2024
76 Edta 59035 12/1/2023
77 Calcium Hydoxide 59036 11/1/2022
78 Desensibillize 110121 1/11/2023
79 dentin conditioner 2001101 1/9/2023
80 GC9 2101271 1/26/2024
81 ceivitron 210401 4/1/2024
82 Zitemp 1542103 2/12/2024
83 Plup Devitalising paste DP290 1/1/2024
84 pulpevit 9411 3/1/2024
85 cresodent 9413 3/1/2024
86 Retracktion chord 612586 3/19/2028
87 hexa bond IJ000175 4/14/2023
88 zinc phosphote ZPH104 3/1/2024
89 tricresol formalin 60220 9/1/2023
90 precaine 30124 3/1/2024
91 komposit solare A3 2006192 6/18/2023
92 komposit solare A2 2101131 1/12/2024
93 komposit any-com A3.5 AC03T245 6/16/2023
94 komposit any-com A1 AC02T986 12/8/2023
95 any-etch AE13T462 4/4/2024
96 povidone iodine 17052188 4/1/2024
97 alcohol 70% C9109202 5/1/2023
No. Alat Jumlah Keterangan
1 Spuit 3 cc Onemed 3 box Alat baru
2 Spuit 5 cc Onemed 3 box Alat baru
3 Spuit 10 cc Onemed 2 box Alat baru
4 Spuit 50 cc catheter Onemed 1 box Alat baru
5 Needle 26G Onemed 1 box Alat baru
6 Wing needle 27G Onemed 1 box Alat baru
7 Easy Touch GCU 1 unit Alat baru
8 Strip Easy Touch Glucose 4 box Alat baru
9 Strip Easy Touch Cholesterol 5 box Alat baru
10 Strip Easy Touch Uric acid 4 box Alat baru
11 Infus set Terumo 1 box Alat baru
12 Tourniquet Onemed 2 pieces Alat baru
13 Abbocath no. 20 1 box (50 pieces) Alat baru
14 Abbocath no. 24 15 pieces Alat baru
15 Pen light ABN Deluxe 4 pieces Alat baru
16 Hammer reflex 2 pieces Alat baru
17 Spatel tongue kayu 8 box (@50 pieces) Alat baru
18 Foley catheter ukuran 16 1 box (10 pieces) Alat baru
19 Urine bag 10 pieces Alat baru
20 Handscoon ukuran M 5 box (@50 pairs) Alat baru
21 Handscoon steril ukuran M 1 box (50 pairs) Alat baru
22 Tiang infus 1 piece Alat baru
23 Timbangan dewasa dgn alat ukur tinggi 1 piece Alat baru
24 Buku Ischihara 1 piece Alat baru
25 Alat sunat kauter 1 piece Alat baru
26 Safety box 5 liter 50 pieces Alat baru
27 Chromic gut suture with needle 1 box (12 pieces) Alat baru
28 Silk suture with needle 2 box (36 pieces) Alat baru
29 Pisau bedah ukuran 10 1 Box (isi 50) Alat baru
30 Pisau bedah ukuran 11 1 Box (isi 50) Alat baru
31 Kertas puyer biasa 3 ikat Alat baru
Kertas puyer press berlogo 1 pak (1200 kantong)
32 Alat baru
Plastik klip obat sablon ukuran 7x10 5 pak (@100 lembar)
33 Alat baru
Plastik klip obat sablon ukuran 8.7x13 5 pak (@100 lembar)
34 Alat baru
Plastik klip obat sablon ukuran 10x15 5 pak (@100 lembar)
35 Alat baru
36 Kapsul kosong ukuran 0 1 pak (1000 kapsul) Alat baru
37 Kapsul kosong ukuran 00 1 pak (1000 kapsul) Alat baru
38 Rivanol 1 liter 3 botol Alat baru
39 Alcohol 1 liter 5 botol Alat baru
40 Povidone Iodine 1 liter 2 botol Alat baru
41 Kapas 1 kg 2 kg Alat baru
42 Kasa steril box 5 box Alat baru
Kasa steril 16x16 individual packing 50 box (@10 pcs)
43 Onemed Alat baru
44 H2O2 800 ml Onemed 2 botol Alat baru
45 Micropore 1 inch 5 pieces Alat baru
46 Sofra tulle 10x10 3 box (@10 pcs) Alat baru
47 Hypafix 15 cmx5m 2 box Alat baru
48 Xylocain gel 2% 10 ml 5 pieces Alat baru
49 APD Kain 20 pieces Alat baru
50 Face shield 50 pieces Alat baru
51 Nebulizer Omron 1 buah Alat baru
52 Tabung oksigen 1 m3 1 buah Alat baru
53 Minor set bedah 3 set Alat baru
Yayasan Cipta Karya Medika
Graha Akbar Tanjung, Jl. Anggrek Neli Murni No. XI A
Slipi Jakarta Barat 11480, No Telp / WA : 0812 9535 0510


No. Alat Jumlah Keterangan

Konservasi dan Endodonti
1 Alat Standar (Kaca mulut, sonde halfmoon, pinset, ekskavator, tray) Alat baru
2 Diamond bur (Round, Slinindris, Fissure, Tappered round, Tappered fissure, Flame, pointed) Alat baru
3 High speed bur 4 set Alat baru
4 Low speed bur Alat baru
5 Endo access bur 2 pcs Alat baru
6 K-File (21 mm,25 mm) (nomor terkecil sampai terbesar) 4 set Alat baru
7 Jarum Ekstirpasi 2 set Alat baru
8 Endo Gauge 1 pcs Alat baru
9 Microbrush 1 box Alat baru
10 Sectional contoured matrix 1 set Alat baru
11 Gates glidden drill 1 set Alat baru
12 Jarum Lentulo 1 set Alat baru
13 Articulating paper 1 pack Alat baru
14 filling instrument osung 1 set Alat baru
15 Glass plete 1 pcs Alat baru
16 Cotton pellete 1 pack Alat baru
17 Selluloid strip 1 box Alat baru
18 EVE Polishing bur 2 pcs Alat baru
19 Ilume Enhance Bur Komposit 2 set Alat baru
20 Acrylic Polishing Bur 2 set Alat baru
21 Retraction cord 1 pcs Alat baru
22 Brush 5 pcs Alat baru
23 Gutapercha, gutap accessories 4 set Alat baru
24 Paper point 4 set Alat baru
25 Reamer 1 set Alat baru
26 Polibib 2 pack Alat baru
27 Rantai Polibib 2 pcs Alat baru
28 Protapper 2 set Alat baru
29 Jarum irigasi endo 5 pcs Alat baru
30 3M Soflex disc 2 Set Alat baru
31 Dental mixing pad 1 box Alat baru
32 Teeth wedges 1 box Alat baru
33 Tempat Bur 2 pcs Alat baru
34 Bite Block 1 set Alat baru
35 Dental kuas silicone 1 set Alat baru
36 Dycal alpicator 1 pcs Alat baru
37 Endo Sponge 1 pcs Alat baru

Bedah Mulut
38 Tampon 3 pack Alat baru
39 Cotton Roll 5 pack Alat baru
40 Forceps Alat baru
41 Bein Alat baru
42 Kuret Alat baru
43 Syringe 3cc 1 box Alat baru
44 Cryer Alat baru
45 Bone file Alat baru
46 Pinset chirugis 2 pcs Alat baru
47 Needle holder 2 pcs Alat baru
48 Bur Tulang (Round , Fissure) 4 pcs Alat baru
Yayasan Cipta Karya Medika
Graha Akbar Tanjung, Jl. Anggrek Neli Murni No. XI A
Slipi Jakarta Barat 11480, No Telp / WA : 0812 9535 0510


No. Alat Jumlah Keterangan

Konservasi dan Endodonti
49 Needle cytoject 1 box Alat baru
50 Scalpel 2 pcs Alat baru
51 Cytoject 1 pcs Alat baru
52 Blade no 15 2 pcs Alat baru
53 Suction darah 10 pcs Alat baru

Prosto, Orto
54 Sendok Cetak (S, M,L) Alat baru
55 Cheeck Retractor 2 Set Alat baru
56 Bracket Gauge 1 pcs Alat baru
57 Nylon Brush 2 Set Alat baru
58 Dental bracket remover 1 pcs Alat baru
59 Occlusal bite 1 pcs Alat baru

60 Kaca Intraoral 1 Set Alat baru

61 Tray topical flouride 1 set Alat baru

Alat sterilisasi
62 Dental Aerosol Alat baru
63 Bleaching Lamp Alat baru
64 Pajangan dinding gigi Alat baru
65 APD 2 pcs Alat baru
66 Google 2 pcs Alat baru
67 Sarung Tangan Nitrile 3 box Alat baru
68 Masker medis 3 box Alat baru
69 Masker N95 3 box Alat baru
70 Hat cap 3 box Alat baru

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