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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/ 1
Hari/Tanggal : Waktu
Kurikulum : 2013

1.Aniasks anditoliftherbag.Whatdoesshe say?
a.canyouleave yourbag,please? c.CanIliftyourbag,Ani?
b.Would youliftmybag,please ? d.Canyouliftyourbag,please ?

2.Jaka :Passthe saltfor me,please !

Budi :…………(acceptance)
a.thankyou b.hereyouare c.take byyourself d.sorry,Ican’t

3.Aries :Canyoubringyourpethere ?
Iqbal :…………The cage is veryheavyforme
a.I’msorryIcan’t b.sure c.ofcourse d.noproblem

4. Sony :Can I use your computer,please

Dina :………….I’m using it
a.Of course problem
c.I’m sorry

5.Tina :Here’sthe moneyforyou

Ida :Ican’t take this,sorry
Fromthe dialogabove,Whatdoesthe underline sentence mean…
a. TinaofferssomethingtoIda c.Idaacceptssomething fromTina b.
TinagivesahelptoIda d.IdarefuseshelpfromTina

6.Jhon :Did you use mybike thismorning?

Dhani :………….Harry did(refuse)
a.Certainly b.ofcoursec.Itwasme d.NoIdidn’t

7.Della :Did youmove thistable,tatang?

Tatang :………….(mengakui)
a.Yes,Idid b.No,Ididn’t c.sure d.Itwasn’tme

8.Bella :Whatdoyouthinkof Kuta Balibeach?

Yordan :……………………….(givingopinion)
a.Ihave noidea c.Ithinkitissobeautiful

9.“Whatdoyouthinkaboutit“Whatkind ofgambitisthat?
a.asking forhelp c.asking foropinion

b.offeringhelp d.offering something

10.Jonet :would youcome tomyparty?

Fikar :…………………..(acceptance )
a.Yes,I’d love to
b. Perhaps another time
b.Sorry,I’m busy
d.That’s not good idea

11.Andi :…………………
Taufik :I’mafraidI can’tI’mverybusy
Andi invitestaufiktogoout tonightwithhim.Whatdoeshe say?
a.Would youbringthisflower c.would yougo,please
b.would youlike togooutwithme tonight d.willyougooutalone tonight

12.Vivi :Imustsee the doctortoday.Idon’tfeelwell

Vita :…………………(agreement)
a. Yes,that’s right.I agree with you
b. Don’t go now
b. No,that’s not good idea
d.Another time,please

13.Nora :Would youlikehavingdinnerwithme ?

David :I’msorry. That’snotgood idea.MymotherisinhospitalsoIhave to accompanyher.
We conclude that:……
b.David invitesNora
c.David refusesNora’sinvitation

14.Yousee the beautifulsceneryinNgaraiSianok?

The suitable exclamationis….
a.whatapity! c.Whatanuglyface !
b.Whatatouristday! d.Whatabeautifulviewitis!

15.Wiwin :Congratulationforyou….Youhavewonthe basketballcompetitionin ourschool.

a.Thankyou very much c.I’msorry,I’mbusy
b.Noproblem d.Whose teamitis!
16.A :Would youmindhelpingme tomovethischair?
B :…………….(Refused)
a.Yes, Sure b. SorryI’mbusy c.OfCoursed.Ok.

17.A : Excuse me Sir,Can I come late to your class?

B :……………..(Acceptance )
a.Sorry you can’t b.Here you are c.Yes,sure d.Not at all

18.A :Whatdoyouknowabout this pet?

B :……………………(givingopinion)
a.Sure b.It’scute &funny c.Oh,Noproblem d.Notatall

19.A :WhatdoyouthinkaboutSenggigiIsland ?
B :…………….(givingopinion)
b. Sorry,Ican’t
d.Yes, Sure
20.A :Did You use mycellphone thismorning?
B :……………
a.No,Idon’t b.Yes,Idid c.No,Ihave not d.Yes,Ido

21.A :Canyouhelp me take aglassofwater,please ?

B :…………………..(Acceptance)
a.Sorry,Ican b.Idon’t thinkso c. SorryI’mbusy d.Yes,Ican

22.A :Did youbroke mybike ?

B :………….(denied )
a.No,Ididn’t b.No,Idon’t c.Yes,Idid d.Yes,Ido

23.A :Would youcome tomybirthdayparty?

B :……….............(Acceptance )
a.Sorry,Ican’t b.Idon’t thinkso c.Yes,I’d love to d.Notatall

24.A :Idon’tfeelwell,Imustsee the doctor.

B :…………………….(agreement)
a.Iagreewithyou b.Idon’tcare c.don’tmentionit d. SorryIdon’tknow

25.A :Youlookbeautifulwearbatik?
B :…………………….(grateful)
a.Sorry b.Yourwelcomec.Ihate it d.Thankyou

26.A :Congratulation,yougotagood mark.

B :…………………..(grateful)
a.Sorry b.Thank c.Please d.bye

27.A :Would youjoingotowindowsshoppingtonight?

B :………………Ihave somethingtodo
a.Sure b.Thanks c. Sorry,I’mbusy d.Don’tmentionit

28.A :Whatdoyouthinkifwe gotothe beach?

B :……………………..I hate it
a.Idisagree b. Sure c.Whynot d.Ofcourse

29.A :Would youcome for dinnertonight?

B :……………………Ihave meetingwithclient.
a.Sure b.Ok. C.Don’tmentionit d. Sorry

30.A :Yourbasketballwonthe finalcompetition!Congratulation.

B :……………………..
a.Yes,Ido b.Thankyousir c.Don’tmentionit d.OfCourse


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